I just realised Webnovel messed up my uploading order so that's why it seems a bit muddled. Good news for you I've uploaded three chapters because of this.

This is the order you should read it in: Father (2), A Family, Rex, and then Court,

Sorry for the inconvenience but at least you get an early three chapters.

[This Story will be ready to read on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to interact with the story more or simply just support me the link is p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/TrikoRex. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there enjoying this novel.

With a daily upload schedule, you can read up to 10 chapters ahead of the Webnovel posts.

Voting is now officially open hope to see a lot of you voting and interacting with the novel as that will show me that you are enjoying it.

For every fifty Reviews, I will upload an extra chapter so please one after you are done reading.]

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After Mr Williams left us there was a comfortable silence at our table. We continued eating some of the pastries which now seemed too much since Williams did not touch any of them. Although I wouldn't say I have a sweet tooth but the cinnamon rolls from this place are to die for. Especially since they are still warm, must have been from a fresh batch because I don't think they could make them fresh for each customer.

"So is Williams's, Lisa's uncle?" I asked ben wanting to understand what relationship he had with the family. Ben seemed caught off guard by my sudden question as he was just about to eat another strawberry tart.

"Erm, yeah he's her uncle, he's actually the reason we met" He answered me with a nostalgic look in his eyes. It must be a fond memory judging by how his eyes sparkled and the wide smile he has now.

"Oh ok, he reminds me a little of Sherlock from the detective books" I honestly told him my opinion wanting to see his reaction. Ben seemed amused by my comment causing him to chuckle slightly.

"You are not the first one to make that analogy, and not that far off since he was born in England" He stated still chuckling from my comment. I guess it is not the worst thing to have sherlock as a lawyer.

"Anyways I met Lisa when she came to live with him here so she could go to school in the states," Ben explained the relationship between the two giving me a bit of context into their relationship. He went on to explain that he met her when he was trying to hire Mr William's legal services. Apparently, the gentleman is a shark when it comes to lawyers, managing to get results like no other.

"Let's pack up the rest and we can take it home," Ben said as he stood up to get pastry bags from the cafe. He soon came back, and we promptly packed up the baked goods that no one had even touched. (sigh) Another car journey I really need to hurry up on that motion sickness thing.


"What was your childhood like?" I carefully asked him, wanting to understand more about him. He seems like a happy man that is always smiling but he has a serious side to him carrying the problems of his family on his shoulders.

"Hmm, I would say it was a mixed bag of things," he said as his eyes never left the road. The serious look he had made me feel like maybe I shouldn't have asked about it. We sat in awkward silence for a while as neither of us spoke.

"My parents are what you would call control freaks" He spoke up after a while breaking the silence between the both of us. He went on to tell me how his parents had his entire life plan out, from where he would go to school and clubs, which he had to join to make the right friends. According to them, there is no point in wasting your time by making friends with someone that will only hold you back.

In one of their plans for him, he was supposed to reach a deal with Williams to represent their family company. However, the man didn't seem to like his parents much saying that the way they treat people simply disgusts him. So, in one of the meetings to try and convince him to take them on as clients he met Lisa. It's been a roller-coaster ever since then with Lisa getting him into a lot of trouble with his parents.

What broke their fragile family relationship is when his parents tried to force Lisa to get an abortion. Ben had lost his temper with his parents for the first time in his life when he found out about it. So, when they decided to threaten to disown him, he readily jumped at the chance to break things off with them. It helped that they had the support and blessing for their union from Lisa's Parents.

"That is my story I guess, the only person from my family I still talk to is my big sister," Ben said as he finished his story with a slightly melancholy tone to his voice. Looking at the proud man that I have gotten to know it's hard to imagine what he has been through. What is even more impressive is the fact he is able to keep smiling and become a rock for the family he built for himself.

"I think you are strong for choosing to stand by Lisa, not many would have chosen them same with the pressure you received from your family," I told him with a smile on my face as my respect for the man in front of me rose a couple of notches. My statement seemed to have stunned him a little before a smile appeared on his face as well.


We arrived back at the house shortly with a comfortable atmosphere in the car. I felt that this impromptu trip helped me get closer to ben and trust him more. I can't wait to try out the football boots as well I've been itching to play football ever since I got the system.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Lost in my thought about the future I didn't even notice when we reached the front house door with the shopping bags in our hands. I should have known something was off when Ben let me go ahead of him when opening the front house door. When I realised the oddity of the situation it was too late as a popping sound went off next to my ear catching me by surprise.

Jumping back in surprise I looked to my right where the noise came from, only to see confetti flying towards me. The owner of the deadly surprise was Lisa who was grinning from ear to ear visibly happy about my surprised reaction. Next to her was Emma who was still holding her confetti blaster without having pulled the trigger. Looking at her facial expression she seemed to be indecisive about whether to pull the trigger or not.

"What's all this for," I asked Lisa as I slowly made my way into the house still wary of another attack, especially with Emma still holding her confetti weapon. It seems I was right to be worried as Lisa grabbed the blaster from her hand and fired it off in my direction again.

"It's your welcome celebration, we are happy you're joining our family" she answered with enthusiasm pulling me into a quick hug. Before I could even respond she pulled me up the stairs with the other two hot on our trails. I could hear ben chuckling in the background, I guess he is used to his wife's enthusiasm.

"This is your new bedroom it is still bare, but we figured we will let you decorate it to your liking," Ben said from behind me stealing the thunder from Lisa who did not seem happy about it. Ignoring the glare, she was sending Ben I walked into the room trying to get a better look at it.

The room had a double bed against the wall that looked out onto the backyard giving me a pleasant view of the lake. I noticed that there was a balcony outside too which was nice I guess not as I've ever been on one. The room seemed to have a walk-in closet similar to the one on the ship. The walls were coloured mint green and were relatively clean and empty, it must have been a guest room before or something.

"This is nice, the nicest I've ever had, thank you," I said absentmindedly as still mesmerised by the room. This will be the nicest room I've ever had, considering one was a dark room and the other was a camp full of kids. Comparing the two of them with this one is like comparing a dump to a five-star hotel, it's the difference between heaven and earth.

[An: finally used the heaven and earth line, feels like I've reached a milestone as a Webnovel author.]

"This is not even the best part," Emma said as she opened a side door to a room that seemed to be a small bathroom. The room was small only containing a sink and cupboards for toiletries and the sorts. This was convenient and all but why would a small bathroom be the best part of the room? Emma seemed to see my puzzled expression and when she looked into the bathroom, she seemed to realise why I was confused.

"That's not what I meant, look here our rooms are connected" Looking through the bathroom I could see directly into her room. Her walls were a light shade of blue resembling clouds from what I could see from here.

"That's cool we can hang out all the time then," I told her with a smile as she can be quite fun to be around. My words seemed to make her happy as a wide smile appeared on her face at the prospect of hanging out all the time.

"Alright we will let you settle in Emma will give you a tour of the rest of the house," Lisa said to me as she took my bags that were in bens hands and put them in the room. Her smile disappeared as fast as it came, as she dragged Ben away probably still mad at what happened earlier.

"Want to have a look at our balcony before we start," Emma asked as she went to the big glass door and opened it. The warm afternoon breeze blew in as soon as she opened the door giving me a calming feeling. Following behind her I stepped out onto the balcony which seemed to also connect to Emma's room.

From the balcony, we could overlook the Infinity pool on the back garden Poarch which led to the perfectly cut grass in the garden. Looking past the garden we could see the reflection of the sun making flowers glisten like stars on the water. This scene alone is probably the reason why most people choose to live here.

"This is beautiful" Is all that came out of my mouth as I gazed at the lake. Well, I better start unpacking and get ready for my future now that I can focus on football more seriously.



[Mass Release Goals]

[ A Magic Castle = One extra Chapter]

[ Two Magic Castle = Two extra Chapter]



To Be Continued...

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