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[Mc Pov]

The Dean's office has quite the vintage aesthetic to it reminding me of one of those old studies I saw in movies. In the room, an elderly man is sitting behind a huge mahogany desk ruffling through documents that looked important. The man gave off major grandfatherly vibes, and the streaks of white in his hair reaffirmed the idea.

"Morning young man I've been expecting you," He spoke up adjusting his glasses as he made eye contact with me. By the tired look on his face, I could tell that he must have been up for a while.

"Yeah sorry, I got a little lost on the way," I answered him with a sheepish smile on my face as I took a seat in front of him. We proceeded to just go through pleasantries as he handed me my class schedule among other things.

"I don't usually go out of my way to meet new students but you are a special case," he told me with a slight smirk on his face confusing me slightly as to me this was just a normal assurance. Then again meeting the head honcho of a place as prestigious as this might not be that normal. Oh well, I get to go to school and maybe learn something so it doesn't really matter.

"Come for a walk your first class happens to be in the direction am headed," Seemingly noticing my confusion about his earlier words he spoke up again as he got up from his chair and headed to the door.

"Alright sir, sorry to bother you," I answered him as I quickly put the things he gave me into my bag and stumbled after him. I Almost ended up running into him but lucky for me I managed to quickly regained my balance before I could embarrass myself.

"This school has a lot of history from even before its establishment, so in whatever endeavour you pursue in the future know that you represent the school," He told me with an expression full of nostalgia as we started walking down the hall. Looking at his expression as he spoke about the school made a sense of pride rise within me.

"Don't worry sir I'll make you proud," I answered him with a confident smile truly believing in my words. Upon hearing my words he just started chuckling lightly as he patted my shoulder.

"I know you will after all it's not every day that a student skips two grades," He said with a sly smile on his face reminding me of my entrance exam.

They had me do their elementary test in order to make sure I could keep up with their teaching curriculum. However, when I took the test I managed to ace the tests for grades one and two so I was put into grade three. It was only later that I found out that Mum had been teaching me ahead of schedule due to how fast I was picking things up.

"Looks like we are here I wish you all the best young man," He told me as we stopped before a door with a small sign for 3b. Nodding at his words I took a deep breath before promptly knocking on the door.


[Mrs.Parker Pov]

"Kids since it's still the first period of a new semester well just be going over what you can expect for the rest of the day," I told my students who were still brimming with excitement from their holiday. Looking at them I almost feel sorry for them since all that excitement will vanish once classes properly start.

(Knock knock knock) Just as I was about to continue with my explanation I heard a knock on the door. Looking at who it was I was quite surprised that I didn't seem to recognise the student but what surprised me was that the principal was with him.

Others might think of him as just a regular old man but in reality, his family is one of the founders of this school. The Oak family has faced their fair share of difficulties but they have managed to bounce back to become leaders of our community. Not only have their businesses thrived for the past years they have invested a lot into the community as a whole one example is this school. So it's quite surprising to see the head of the family who likes to play principal when he is bored walking with a student.

"Hi Mrs.Parker this young man is a new student of yours," He said to me with a smile as he opened the door gesturing for the boy to walk in. At his gesture, the boy quickly walked in after thanking the principal for showing him the way. This confused me slightly since the Deans office is just around the corner from the corridor so how could he get lost?

"It's quite alright, I was wondering where he had run off to," I replied to him with a small smile gesturing for the boy to stand next to me so he could introduce himself. Understanding my intentions the boy stood next to me as he turned to face the class with a warm smile.

"Hi everyone, sorry for being late but I got lost showing a student the way to his class, Oh you can call me Rakim, I like playing soccer and I'm quite average at it, so if anyone wants a game invite me I promise not to hold you back," the boy calmly introduced himself to the class without breaking a sweat. His introduction was a little odd but it seemed to do the trick as some of the boys looked excited at his words. However, when he mentioned his soccer skill level I couldn't help but notice that the principal almost tripped as he was leaving.

"Alright go and take one of the empty seats," I instructed him with a warm smile as he quickly scurried away making his way to the empty seat next to Liam. Watching them perform a small handshake I finally realised why the seat had been empty. Liam being one of the more rowdy kids in the class usually has one of his friends sitting next to him ready to cause trouble. (Sigh) Looks like I've got another troublemaker in the class.


[Mc Pov]

Taking a seat next to my new best friend Idint realise that because of him I gained a bad reputation from the teacher. Looking around the classroom I received curious glances from a few kids, some were friendly and some were questionable. Choosing not to engage with them I focused on Mrs.Parker as she continued explaining what we could expect for the rest of the day.

(Riiing) Just like the first period of homeroom ended a lot quicker than I had expected. Then again I did arrive late for class so I can't really complain. As soon as the bell rang all the kids started packing up their stuff ready to go to their next class. Some of the kids started crowding me as they started asking me questions in an attempt to get to know me but if you ask me they were evaluating whether I was good enough for an invite into their friend group.

"Oy stop bothering him, I need to show him the way to the next class," Liam spoke up saving me from the small encirclement. Quickly grabbing my bag I followed after him not wanting to risk another round of questioning.

"Thanks for the save felt like they wanted to know all my deep dark secrets," I told him as we walked along the hall that was now filled with kids going to their next class.

"Oh trust me they defiantly wanted to know your secrets and not for the right reasons either," he told me with a slight frown on his face that told me that he was speaking from experience. It didn't take long for us to reach our next class which was maths and if I was being honest I'm looking forward to it. There is just something about numbers that is weirdly refreshing.

My math teacher is an elderly man in his late fifties who is the definition of a bookworm. Although he was teaching math to elementary school kids it didn't diminish his enthusiasm one bit it actually made him get more creative in the way he taught. Maybe it was due to this being a private school but he seemed to really take his job seriously and was nothing like those bad teachers I was expecting in movies.


"How is your first day treating you?" May asked me as we took a seat at a picnic bench for our morning break. I had another class after maths which went pretty well. I wouldn't say that I learned much as the teacher just covered the introduction of their first course. Which wasn't all that exciting but

"It's okay but I'm more excited about my school team tryout if I'm being honest," I answered her lamenting over the fact that I have been looking forward to this almost all summer.

"Oh yeah, Emma told us about that good luck," Jenna commented as she chimed into the conversation. I've gotten to know her better over the summer since I hang out with Liam a lot.

"Thank you," I answered her with a smile as I started digging into the snacks that Mum had packed for me. We continued to talk for a while until another girl joined our little circle. She seemed to be that mysterious fourth member of the group that I haven't been able to meet all summer.

"Hi my name is Olivia, you can just call me Liv nice to finally meet you," She said as she took a seat at the table. She is a petite brunette with shoulder-length hair that has a lot of curls highlighting her light brown complexion.

"Same here heard a lot of stories," I answered her as I stretched out my hand for a handshake. It was quite nice to meet someone that looks like me, it makes me feel like less of an outsider.

"I hope they are all good things," She answered me with a smile as she gave Emma a side eye to which she guiltily looked away.

"It's mostly good don't worry," I told her as I set Emma up for trouble to which I was met with a light kick to my shin. I was surprised at her action but the glare on her face told me not to challenge her.

"Who is the new guy?" I heard a boy's voice speak up from behind me as a hand squeezed my shoulder bringing a frown to my face. I'm not a germaphobe but I do enjoy my personal space and especially don't appreciate people I don't know touching me.

"Let Go" Is all I said to whoever it was that was touching me.





To Be continued...

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