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'(Sigh) let's hope I survive this' I absentmindedly mused to myself as I tapped on Emma's name on my phone.


Emma: Hi how's the cam going, mum said there are a lot of talented kids there.

Emma: How was your first night there, just had another dance training session for the competition next week, are you still coming?

Emma: Why aren't you answering me, I'm not talking to you anymore.

ραпdα Йᴏνêl(сòm) Emma: So are you really not texting me back, fine don't even bother any more.

Emma: Please text me back mom is driving me crazy.

Emma: Don't even bother texting me back at this point, I won't talk to you for at least a week or maybe just two days


'Oh boy she defiantly mad'

[yeah, she's angry at you for sure, you should hurry up and apologise]

'Yeah, I'll go ahead and start off with an apology,'

Rakim: I'm sorry Ems I've been busy for most of the day.

Emma: ...

Rakim: I am really sorry I'll make it up to you.

Rakim: Talk to me or I'll find a new sister.

Emma: Wait don't get a new sister or ill really not talk to you.

Emma: I'm still angry at you though.

Rakim: I'm really sorry I'll make it up to you.

Emma: You better make it up to me.

Rakim: I promise I will, anyways how's your training going?

Emma: Training was fine I am totally going to win it all this year.

Rakim: you know it's a team sport right, but I'm sure you will outshine them all.

Emma: Yeah, I've been training really hard, so I'll defiantly outshine everyone.

Rakim: Of course, you will you are my sister after all.

Emma: yeah, I'm the best in the world, I'll talk to you later I'm going to the movies with my friends.

Rakim: Ok I'll see you later have fun at the movies.


'That went better than I thought it would go' I muttered to myself as I tucked my phone away.

[yeah, I was expecting her to be a lot angrier at you, too bad I was expecting to watch a drama] Eva commented sounding slightly sad that she wasn't as entertained as she hoped it would be.

'Well, I'm not going to complain about that, what do you think I should get her as a present?' I asked her to change the conversation.

[I don't know get her a bracelet or something] She said seemingly uninterested in the conversation.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Be quiet brats we'll be starting the lesson now." I heard coach James's shout from the front garnering all our attention. Turning my attention towards the front I watched the projector spring to life as the lights in the room turned off.

"We will first analyse the game you had on the first day here," He continued his words as the game from Monday started to play on the screen. I watched how in the first moments of the game I won the ball from Weah before the screen paused.

"Who can tell me what number thirty-six did wrong" coach James asked the class as the lights in the room turned back on.

There was a moment of silence in the room where no one spoke and just contemplated the right answer to the question. A second later various hands went up in the air wanting to answer the man's questions. Coach James scanned the room before pointing to a lanky kid sitting in the front row.

"He had not lost his cool and rushed his next pass unnecessarily," The kid said in a matter-of-fact tone as if he was solving some hard math equation or something. You could tell he was one of those kids in class that would probably annoy you because they would rub in every little question they got right.

"I can see that but why did he have to rush his pass," Coach James asked again seemingly not impressed by the boy's answer. All the hands that were up in the air instantly dropped after his words fell. Looking at everyone in the room I saw quite a few of the guys trying to avoid eye contact with the coach.

"He didn't have a plan in mind when he received the ball," I heard Giovannie next to me speak up. He seemed so sure of himself almost as if he was expecting this question and was just waiting to read out the answer.

"Correct he made a fatal mistake as a midfielder, he had no plan for how he wanted to control the game and he made a rookie mistake by panicking," he said as he started explaining all the mistakes that number thirty-six did. He went on to list all the ins and outs of what the player and his teammates around him did wrong.

"The reason why the black team lost the ball in the next second is due to no one being in a position to ask for the ball from number thirty-six," He stated as he started drawing lines on the board explaining where his teammates should have moved too. Just from the first pass of the game he already had eight different passing lanes that could have been exploited by the black team if they had reacted fast enough.


The lesson went on like that as coach James slowly helped us dissect the game. He went over every possible play teaching us what we could have done differently. It was honestly insightful to learn all the things I could have done better. What wasn't fun though was when he called me out a few times for being out of position. It didn't help when Yunus started chuckling every time, I got berated by coach James.

What was fun though was watching him get into trouble for his mistakes, and for bursting out laughing in the middle of an explanation. I felt like I was learning a lot from this and that my playstyle could evolve due to this. we spent about an hour going through the ins and outs of the game.

"Alright, now that we are done, I'll be explaining the itinerary for the last two days," coach James said as a timetable for the next two days appeared on the screen. There were loads of different activities on the plan with time stamps on them that structured the entire day.

"Tomorrow morning you will be having a cooldown drill from today's intensive exercises and work with the ball a little bit. In the afternoon you will be taking part in a photoshoot for the Nike event where you will get some free stuff I think," he said as he started explaining all the ins and outs of the photoshoot. Apparently, Nike wants to use us to market some of their products to kids. He seemed quite disgruntled by the fact he has to babysit us through it though.

"On the last day, you will have another game in the morning to finish off the camp where your parents will be in attendance, and after that, you will promptly get out of my hair but there might be a few scouts wanting to talk to Yous but that's your problem then." He continued to explain the last day's plan whilst still sounding bored about the whole situation. I find this man's attitude weird; he obviously cares whether we succeed or not but just doesn't want to be too emotionally invested with us.

"The camps went by quite fast, feels like we just got here," I told the rest of the guys as we exited the hall. The lecture had just finished, and everyone was getting ready to go to bed in order to be well-rested for tomorrow's game. After tonight's lecture, no one wants to do any more mistakes in the game.

"Yeah, times went by quite fast, but I've learned a lot from this camp so I'm glad I came," Dest answered sounding a little down trout that it was ending so quickly.

"Yeah, I'm going to miss you guys but defiantly won't mind sleeping in, in the mornings," Giovanni said as he lightly jabbed my shoulder. Looking at his relieved face he actually seemed happy about the fact he gets to be lazy again.

"(sigh) It's sad to see a student go down the wrong path, (sigh) I'll just have to run rings around you if we ever meet in a game," I told him trying to sound as heartbroken as possible making sure to wipe my imaginary tears.

"Your right our friend's fire of youth is quite weak, don't worry I'll work hard enough for the two of us," he said to me in a serious voice as if he was a doctor diagnosing a patient's disease. If I didn't know he was joking I would have totally believed what he was saying to be the truth.

"My friend your will of fire is quite strong I'm proud to call you a comrade," I told him as I patted his shoulder in to show him how proud I was.

"I'm starting to like the two of you less and less ever since you started being nice to one another." Is all Giovanni said as he walked into our room seemingly in an attempt to get away from the two of us. We on the other hand burst out laughing as soon as he slammed the door in our faces.

"You two might want to see a doctor, maybe you can get a refund on your brains or something," Dest said as he followed him into the room.

"You two are just jealous that we have the will of fire," I said as I made my way to my bed to start getting ready for bed.

"Yeah, plus you miss us nagging you when you go back home" Yunus also said throwing his two cents in.

"Whatever just go to bed we have a big day tomorrow," Giovanni said as he also started getting ready for bed. It didn't take long till we all followed suit and finished in record time, in order to get as much sleep as possible.

"Good night," I said to them as I tucked myself in bed wanting to get into dreamland as fast as possible.

[You know I could scan your brain for any abnormalities just in case you wanted to check if something is really wrong with you] I heard Eva say sounding quite amused over the prospect of proving my insanity.

'Just shut up and let me sleep, you can annoy me in the morning,' I said as I proceed to count footballs in my head in an attempt to fall asleep faster.





To Be Continued...

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