Chapter 1

My father passed away.

I hurried back after hearing about him being in a critical condition, but the night before I even arrived at the castle, my father died. I later saw him when I entered the army, he was already wrapped in an amapo.

[T/N: Amapo is a type of linen, more specifically called cambric, which means fine thin white linen fabric]

“Hick, what are you even doing—!”

When I began to rip the amapo, people were in great disarray and tried to stop me, but I shook them off and checked my father’s face till the end. It is necessary to make sure. Since my father is capable of faking his death and disappearing, I had to see whether my father was truly dead with my own eyes.

So when I saw him face to face, I noticed a knife that was tearing the amapo. He doesn’t look anything like the father I know. The bluish and dark circles on his face indicate that he was poisoned.

“Was he poisoned?”

Lucien, the Imperial Doctor, managed to come back to his senses when I asked. His thoughts wander about the reason why he is damaging the body. While leaning against the wall, he shook his head and could barely stand up.

“We examined, but couldn’t find any sign of it.”

“Then it must be a curse, isn’t that right?”

Lucien turned his eyes to Rostov, the priest of the castle, who coughed in vain.

“There is a possibility.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

The castle’s chandeliers light up only half of Rostov’s face. I stared at him. No one would have told me about the poison and the curse if I didn’t happen to see the torn amapo, and checked his face myself. The sudden wrapping of the body of the deceased last night with amapo made it seem intentional. Why is everyone here trying to hide that my father’s death is not due to natural circumstances?

“It’s just a possibility. I’m not sure about that predicament.”

“You wouldn’t say something this important if it’s just a possibility, right?”

Even after hearing it, my voice remained cold and aggressive. Rostov lowered his eyes.

“I’m sorry.”

Rostov bowed his head and turned his attention to Lucien. When I looked, Lucien glanced at Rostov and shook his head. That action stabbed right me right in the heart. I glanced at the castle’s prominent figures, along with my father’s body that is right in front of me. The doctor, the priest, and others, along with the butler or the officials, hurriedly bowed down when my eyes were on them. Everyone probably noticed that my father’s death is questionable.

I turned my eyes back to my father.

My father, Irridugi Sarian, was cold-blooded and had an eccentric personality. He always did what he wanted, and didn’t bat an eye for such things as common sense. The way he raised me and the way he lived was the same. At times, I was a little annoyed and dissatisfied with my father’s presence, regardless I am still proud of him.

Did he come to understand the reason for his death?

This death is neither a curse nor a natural circumstance.

“We’ll have the funeral by midnight. Rostov, let me know if you need any help finding out who the hell cursed him.”

With my order, Rostov replied, “Yes, Your Highness.” and bowed his head.

I started to look around at the people who are present. Most of them are expressionless, some were staring down to hide their unexplained feelings. Everyone seemed reluctant to look at me.

“Gianton, prepare the funeral.”

The butler bowed deeply after my instruction. Although I have been in the castle since I was born, he still looks at me as if I am some kind of plague.

“Just look at this atmosphere. Some people might think the Lord killed him.”

Chris, the top knight, was leaning against the wall beside the stairs. Coming up from the basement was Sophia, my assistant, who has the same rank of knighthood as me, growled at him with a low fierce voice.

“Shut up, Chris. Don’t bother the Lord with your nonsense.”

“But you saw the atmosphere earlier, Sophie. Nobody made eye contact with her. Wow, her father died, but they are looking at the poor child like that.”

Chris raised his voice, as he didn’t like how wallowed the atmosphere was a while ago. When I saw Sophia pulling out the dagger right to his face, I laughed a little. She put the dagger back in and asked curtly, “What’s funny?”

“It’s just laughable how you all are still the same. You are all being too wary.”

Sophia followed closely behind me when I began to climb the stairs, passing Chris.

“Why are you looking around? Do you think the Lord will overthrow all of the officials from the castle?”

He giggled.

Sophia is a commoner. However, she was able to receive the knighthood due to her skills and is now a decent Lord. Though she sometimes says such immature things, I don’t hate her for it. Because her naivety often comes off refreshing. Just like this kind of situation.

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