Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 317 Ohio Man Raises Giant Geckos to Surprise His Brother. The Geckos Are Florida Men in Gecko Clothing.

Chapter 317 Ohio Man Raises Giant Geckos to Surprise His Brother. The Geckos Are Florida Men in Gecko Clothing.

Chapter 317 – Ohio Man Raises Giant Geckos to Surprise His Brother. The Geckos Are Florida Men in Gecko Cosplay.

In the dragon dreadnaught mothership's captain cabin, a half-naked man had been meditating after the night activity while his wife, Ester, fell asleep in bed.

Simba's body glittered in gold. His side muscles and back were covered in gold dragon scales while white glowing lines formed a tribal insignia on his chest.

The symbol resembled the head of a dragon in Western legends. Although it was just a white outline, the tattoo looked alive. Moreover, it emitted the unique aura of gold Qi, which was a variant of the virgin yang Qi.

The gold Qi was not as pure as Leo's virgin yang, and it was incompatible with virgin yin. In exchange for the disadvantage, gold Qi's nature became oppressive and domineering instead of the usual characteristics – Soft, holy, yet powerful.

Simba slowly opened his eyes and gazed at his palms. He clenched them, creating a disturbance in the air. Golden light radiated from his skin and palms.


<Congratulations! You safely advanced to the transcendent realm!>

<You are currently a level-one transcendent being. To grow stronger, you must cultivate luck and gather life force from materials, minerals, and living beings. Every time you obtain or digest a droplet of luck essence, your level will increase by one.>

<It is recommended that you accumulate life force until your lifespan reaches the system ceiling. Then, spend all of them to automatically acquire the luck essence. If you manage to spend at least two billion years of lifespan, you can easily reach the pinnacle of the transcendent realm, which is level 10.>

<To advance to the higher realm, you must acquire a karmic fate crystal to unseal the limiter, posed by the creator of this universe. You can also substitute a karmic fate crystal with the essence of the void tree.>

<Currently, only one Void Tree exists in the universe, and it is protected by another VERIFIED PLAYER.>

Simba thoroughly read the messages twice. Five minutes later, he closed the message screen and glanced at his aura.

"So, this is the power of a transcendent…"

By just looking around, Simba could see countless karma threads in this universe. He could also see through walls and the dreadnaught battleship.

Simba's pupils flickered like a camera lens. He could see everything in the current galaxy as if he observed it from above. Moreover, he could see and hear everybody from the Yan Empire Planet.

It was a weird feeling. He felt like he was a god who observed every living being at once. His brain was overloaded with information, causing a slight discomfort.

Then, he witnessed a scene in a hotel building in Leo's domain. There was a teenage boy and a naked pretty lady on a bed, touching each other.

"S-Sister Ivy! I-I'm feeling weird down there."

"Don't worry, Marc. It's a natural reaction. Just lie down."

Instantly, Simba looked away as if he had accidentally witnessed a scene on the planet. As he was not into peeping, he was disgusted by the scene.

As Simba looked away, his focus shifted to the outer space. He sensed the presence of a million stars.

Every place contained different substances and minerals. However, most of them had the same foundation as the stars in his dantian universe. Even the cores of every star were identical.

Witnessing the truth of the universe, Simba was certain. He finally figured out the secret of this void.

"Heh. I guess we're living in the Matrix after all. This ain't new."

Simba let out a long sigh, spreading gold Qi into the ventilation system. His strands of gold Qi spread everywhere and caught microorganisms on the way. Dormant bacteria, dead cells, and space bugs were entangled by the golden strings and glowed in golden light.

10 seconds passed. The mutated microorganism creatures evolved and grew larger. The tiniest beings transformed into gold geckos, which started crawling toward Simba by instinct.

Simba also sensed them. He whispered.

"Gather in the cafeteria."

The geckos paused and turned around in unison. Although they didn't know where or what the destination was, they followed the golden light without hesitation. Without a minute, a thousand geckos swarmed the empty cafeteria hall.

The thread of gold Qi then entered their bodies. Transparent souls from Simba's dantian universe exited from his body and entered the creatures, possessing them.

The small animals evolved once again. A thousand souls regenerated their fleshly bodies and emerged.

The new creatures were humanoid dragonewts. Their dragon faces and skin still retained their ancestor's nature, but their two legs were strong enough to support their vertical physique. After standing on their three-joint legs, they moved their arms and warmed up their elbows.

One of the gold dragonewt opened and closed its four-fingered claws. He inspected the thick fingers and hardened scales for a moment.

Next to the gold dragonewt, a black dragonewt waved its dragon tail up and down. The sharp spikes on its back extended and shortened as his spinal cord was capable of hiding and extending a hundred pieces of bones at once.


All dragonewts gradually warmed up their bodies and flapped their wings. Because of their large movements, chairs and tables tumbled and were pushed to the walls.

This group of dragonewts wasn't the only one on the ship. Another batch of geckos swarmed another large area and evolved into dragonewts as well. More souls from Simba's dantian universe came out and populated the dreadnaught battleship.

After getting the senses of their bodies back, the dragonewts exited the cafeterias and the spawning zone. Gold dragons rushed to the bridge, the engine rooms, and the weaponry operating rooms. Black dragons gathered at the hangar area and equipped themselves with the guns and arms in the armory.

The gold and the black dragons weren't the only population there. Every 100 new dragonewts was one white dragonewt. The white dragon-men also entered the hangar, but they boarded battleships and vessels on the mothership. They entered the bridge area and immediately sat on the captain's seat, assuming the leader role of each warship.

Red dragonewts also appeared after the first spawning batch. They followed the white dragonewts to their new ships and served as crewmates. Several pink ones also emerged, but they remained in the cafeterias, infirmaries, and residential areas as support units.

Although everybody seemed to be systematic, a few defects appeared as well. One of them was a rainbow dragonewt, who ignored everybody and strolled into the dreadnaught mothership's main deck. He calmly fetched a red coat and put it on. He smacked his left chest with his right fist as if he was saluting something. But the next words out of his mouth disappointed Simba.


That guy actually sang a popular song in the past.

Simba saw everything. He was speechless.

'How did that idiot come to life? And why the hell is he the strongest man inside my universe!?'

The rainbow dragonewt's name was Cheese. Ironically, his behavior resembled Leo as if they shared the same brain. He was also a karmic sovereign, whose strength almost caught up to Simba.

That was not all. Simba didn't know how but this guy inherited a fragment of his entity fate crystal, which contributed to his abnormal growth and defective intelligence.

Curious about the guy, Simba exited his chamber and visited the rainbow dragonewt on the deck.

The rainbow dragonewt noticed his master's presence. He turned around and saluted.


Simba nodded at Cheese. He gazed at the void.

"How is the air in the higher dimension?"

"Terrible, creator! I can only sense death here. I don't think this place's creator is as good as you."

"Right." Simba agreed. He didn't sense any presence of the universe's owner. On the contrary, it seemed abandoned. "The total karma rivers around here is only… three at most? I can't sense other rivers."

"In short, the owner of this universe is a major realm weaker than you, right?"


"Then, you can become the strongest creator in this realm, right?"


"Huh? Why?" Cheese was surprised.

"My elder brother is a lot stronger than me. There are also others that are stronger than him. We're not the top dogs here."


Instead of being disappointed, Cheese was excited. He turned around and gazed into the distance, where he had sensed a weird Qi fluctuation earlier.

"So, how can we get stronger here, creator?"

Simba detected something from a distance. He followed Cheese's gaze and found an incoming space creature.

It was a massive whale, whose size was bigger than the Earth's entire Solar System. Moreover, it was swimming toward their dreadnaught mothership at full speed.

Not allowing the whale to get closer, Simba transformed into a gold dragonewt. However, his face didn't transform into a dragon head. His scales grew and molded into a horned helmet.

Cheese was astonished by the transformation. As his idol showed him something good, he followed Simba and rushed toward the whale as well.




After meditating for a few minutes, Leo raised his eyebrows and looked at the sky. His skin itched for an unknown reason.

While Leo was absentminded, Hua Jiashan returned from the Soul Stone mountain range, which already vanished from the area.

"Lord Florida Man! Please check the gains and allocate my earnings. I've collected a lot!"

Leo didn't pay attention to Hua Jiashan. He muttered and glanced at Kishin Douji.

"Do you feel it?"

Kishin Douji was puzzled for a moment. He looked up and scanned through the void to make sure. Instantly, he picked up the obnoxious aura of his nemesis.

"Planet Eater! Planet Eater is really coming here! This is your fault, Florida Man!" Kishin panicked.

"Yeah, nah. It's just a fish!"

"That fish alone is no longer the Planet Eater that I fought in the past! I can tell that it's stronger than your run-of-the-mill karmic sovereign! Do you sense it? It should have over 20 karma rivers inside its dantian. This doesn't include the void tree's leaves that boost its durability and destructive force! If it gets serious, this entire solar system will be erased instantly!"

Leo rolled his eyes. He tilted his neck from side to side and stretched his arms.

"I'll show you something nice."


Leo vanished. He teleported toward the incoming foe.







Coincidentally, Simba and Leo teleported and appeared next to each other. They were 100,000km away from the whale.

"What are you doing here, bro?" Asked Leo.

Simba smirked, "Probably the same reason as you."

"Oh, whale hunting?"

"Yeah, whale hunting."

"It's illegal, though. Do you have a certification?"

"Pfft. At this day and age?"

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