Chapter 276 Friendship goals

"Yan Mei!" Su Bei said excitedly as she pulled her friend into a hug.

"I miss you too." Yan Mei chuckled as she hugged her good friend back. She knew these past few days have been crazy but with her friend and family by her side. She was happy.

Su Bei pulled away and held Yan Mei's hands. She looked at Yan Mei for a few seconds and smiled.

"Is it me or you have grown more beautiful over these past few days!"

Yan Mei giggled at her friend's words, "Do you think so?"

Su Bei nodded, "Yes you have to tell me your secret."

Yan Mei smiled and moved closer to her friend.

"Love is the secret." She whispered softly in Su Bei's ears.

"You.." Su Bei pushed her away as she scrunched her face.

"No need to show off in front me."

Yan Mei giggled and went to sit down at her desk.

Today was her first appearance in the company since the leakage of her video. Lei Zhao didn't want her to come to work until they had solved the threats hiding in the shadows but she was a business woman and being a few days away from work was riling her up.

They had argue over her coming to work again but of course she won. That man loves her and will anything for her to be happy. Yan Mei thought with a smile on her face.

At first Yan Mei thought she would see disgust in her employees eyes or suffer from their judging gazes but surprisingly they all seemed happy to see her.

They even threw a welcome party for her which was led by her friend, Su Bei.

To say she was touched was an understatement. Yan Mei didn't even know when she had formed such a bond with her employees. She thought she was the big bad wolf in their eyes. They really surprised her today.

Five years ago she had nobody to defend her or believe in her but now she doesn't only have a loving husband, a great family, or a crazy best friend. She also had family at her work place too and their words of encouragement and telling her they believed in her really brought tears in her eyes.

"So should I be expecting a mini you or Mr. Lei in a few weeks?"

Su Bei sat in front of Yan Mei as she asked breaking her out of her thoughts. Yan Mei mind wandered to all the unprotected sex she had with Lei Zhao on the island and a faint blush tainted her cheeks.

"Oh my...are you blushing? MeiMei what perverted scenes are playing in your mind right now?"

A grin erupted on Su Bei's face as she teased her friend. She enjoyed spending time with her friend just goofing around. Su Bei couldn't believe she nearly lost her friend because of her emotions.

Suddenly her grin morphed into a sad frown.

"Yan Mei.."

"Hmm?" Yan Mei answered absentmindedly as she sent a text to Lei Zhao reminding him to eat and not to overwork.


Yan Mei stopped typing and looked up at Su Bei when she heard her.

"What are you apologizing for?" Her brows knitted in confusion as she questioned Su Bei.

"Because I'm a bad friend? When I saw the video I have to admit that I was hurt and jealous. You know how much I like Leng Shao and I -"

Yan Mei sighed and grabbed Su Bei's hand on the table.

"Hey, it's okay. Really. I understand how you feel. If I was your shoe I might have done the same thing or something worse. The most important thing is that we are together now. So tell me how are things with Leng Shao?"

Silence ensued between them until Su Bei mumbled.

"I like him. Really like him."

Yan Mei arched her brows, "Do you?"

"Yes." She replied confidently.

"He is so handsome with his killer dimples. He is funny and such a gentleman.You know we just clicked."

Yan Mei nodded and just as she was about to say something she heard Su Bei said something.

"I think he is the one I have been waiting for all my life."

"Are you sure?"

Yan Mei asked after some time. Both of them were her friend and she really hoped they would end up together but she was also afraid of seeing one of them hurt.

"I know we have only gone out once but...the moment he kissed me I saw a future with him. Is that crazy? If I have thousand thoughts a day nine hundred and ninety-nine is about him. I don't know… I just-"

She sighed as she covered her face with her palms. All of these feelings were new to her. It was scary at the same time so comforting.

"Leng Shao is such an amazing guy," Yan Mei said.

"And if you like him, I think you should go for it. For him to kiss you? I think he likes you too so don't hesitate. Go for it."

Su Bei blushed, "Do you think so? I'm not crazy?"

Yan Mei chuckled and nodded.

"Yes I'm sure. Look at you. You're beautiful, smart and the Vice President of the biggest jewelry company in the country. He will be crazy not to. Also you can always ask him if he likes you."

Su Bei widened her eyes when she heard Yan Mei.

"No! I can't. That's embarrassing in the highest degree! What do you me to say? Yo Leng Shao I'm crazy about you that I can't sleep so you like me too? If yes let's get married. That's totally weird."

Yan Mei bursted out into laughter at the horrifying look on her friend's face.

"Well you will never know unless you ask."

Su Bei blushed and nodded.

"Yeah but can you ask for me?" She blinked innocently at Yan Mei as she made a cute face at her friend.

"I'm a business woman Miss Su. What will I get in return?"

"I will bake you your favorite cookies!"

Yan Mei smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay deal."

Su Bei stood up excitedly and pressed a kiss on Yan Mei's cheeks.

"Eww….go away"

Su Bei and Yan Mei broke out into a pearl of laughed,

"I love you too." Su Bei said.

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