Chapter 247 Bad friend

Jun Cha took Su Bei's hands and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Hm, that's why you're sad? Because the guy my little girl likes loves another person and that person is your best friend."

Su Bei looked away and nodded.

"Does Yan Mei knows that the guy loves her? Does she also love him? Does she know that you love the guy?"

Jun Cha asked calmly, as she waited for Su Bei's reply.

Su Bei turned around to face her mother and furrowed her brows.

"No..I don't think so. She is happily married and seems to love her husband. And from how she talks I don't think she knows Leng Shao is in love with her. For her, he is her best friend and brother…"

Su Bei trailed off when she realized that she had been overreacting and shouldn't feel angry at her friend. A whole day has gone by since the incident and she hasn't even called her friend to ask how she was.

Even though she didn't know if the video was fake or true as a friend she should be there for her friend.


Jun Cha sighed and petted Su Bei's hair.

"Don't tell me you were feeling hurt because you thought your best friend has betrayed you?"

Su Bei bowed her head in shame as she nodded.

"I was hurt. I thought she was just playing with me. She knew I clearly like Leng Shao so why would she play with my feelings like this. You should have seen the video mum. The people in the video look exactly like Yan Mei and Leng Shao. It's difficult not to believe the video!"

Su Bei retorted. All of this was difficult to take in.

Jun Cha raised her brows when she heard her daughter.

"Video? What video?" She asked clearly confused about what her daughter was talking about. She rarely listen to the news or look at the newspapers so she wasn't aware of the trending news in the country now.

"The video...I'm sure it's all over the news. You haven't seen it yet mum?"

Jun Cha shook her head. Su Bei quickly took her phone and switched it on. She froze when she saw the several missed calls from Leng Shao and Yan Mei.

She blinked and stared at her phone in her daze.

"Su Bei." Her mother's soft voice snapped her out of her daze.

She looked up at her mother and looked down at her phone again. She turned on her data connection and searched Yan Mei's scandal. But nothing came up. It's like the news had disappeared out of thin air.

Su Bei looked at her mother. "The news they have deleted it."

Jun Cha nodded in understanding. "So tell me, what happened?"

"While Yan Mei was gaving a speech a video started playing behind her. The video it was a sex tape."

Su Bei took a deep breath as she continued talking.

"It was a sex tape between Yan Mei and a man. Leng Shao—the man that I like."

Jun Cha frowned as she listened to her daughter. She had worked in the upper society as a maid for years so she knew not to be deceived by everything she sees or hears. People can do anything to destroy other people's life.

Also, something like this was quite common in the upper society.

"Are you sure the person in the video was your friend? She looked exactly like her?"

Su Bei nodded.

"Yes Mom. She looked exactly like Yan Mei. Even though Yan Mei's voice is more mature now you can clearly hear that the voice is hers. And the man looks exactly like Leng Shao."

Jun Cha knitted her brows. She has met her daughter's friend on numerous occasions and Yan Mei sometimes secretly gives her money and let her promise her not to tell Su Bei. For this kind hearted woman, Jun Cha was fond of her.

She doesn't think that Yan Mei will be able to do something like this. The woman was too cold and proud to do such a lowly thing.

Also a smart woman who has been able to build a business from scratch wouldn't risk such a stain on her reputation. Unless….she has offended someone.

Jun Cha's years and experience in life made her more clear minded to think things through instead of believing the general public.

"Have you spoken to your friend? What did she say?"

Su Bei shook her head. "No...I haven't."

Jun Cha sighed and knocked her daughter's forehead.

"Silly. Something big like this happened and you haven't called your friend? You should at least listen to her explanation before you jump into conclusions."

Jun Cha stood up and stared at her daughter.

"Go and freshen up. You stink. Breakfast is on the table. After you finish eating, call your friend. Listen to her explanation and decide for yourself if you're going to believe her or not. Remember….friends are meant to be there for each other no matter how hard the road gets."

Without waiting for her response, Jun Cha left Su Bei's room.

Su Bei stared at her mother's retreating back and screamed. Everything was driving her insane.

She stood up and walked to the bathroom. After standing in the shower and organizing her thoughts for half an hour she came out.

She put on baggy cloths and walked to the kitchen. As promised, her mother had prepared breakfast for her. Su Bei sat down and played with her food as her thoughts went haywire.

Heaving a sigh, she stood up and walked back to her room. She picked up her phone and took a deep breath as she dialed Yan Mei's number.

On the third rang the call was connected.

"Su Bei….Thank God. I was worried about you. I thought something bad had happened to you."

Yan Mei's worried voice sounded the moment the call was connected.

Su Bei blinked away the tears that was threatening to fall. She wasn't expecting Yan Mei to be still worried about her.

She was expecting Yan Mei to shout at her and call her names for abandoning her. God, she was such a bad friend.

Yan Mei frowned when she didn't hear Su Bei talking.

"Su Bei, are you okay?" Yan Mei asked.

"Yan—Mei." Su Bei sniffled as she called out her friend's name."

Yan Mei frowned at the other side when she heard Su Bei's breaking voice.

"Hey….why are you crying? Is it because of me? Believe me Su Bei. The woman in the video is it me! I will never sleep with Leng Shao. He is like my brother. I will never. I-I don't know who did this or what their intentions are but once I find them. I'm going to skin them alive. You have to believe me Su Bei. It's really not me. I will never do anything to hurt you!"

Yan Mei explained in one breath since she was afraid that Su Bei will misunderstand. Yan Mei had seen how happy her friend was these past few days because of Leng Shao. She thought she had finally found her prince charming but now all these drama is destroying her newfound happiness.

"You sure it's not you and Leng Shao?" Su Bei asked Yan Mei anxiously.

"Yes..yes it's not us. We have never even kissed how can I sleep him! Don't tell me you don't believe me?"

Yan Mei asked disappointment evident in her tone.

"I do now. Sorry Yan Mei for doubting you."

Yan Mei heaved a sigh,"As long as you believe me now it's okay. I understand. It's hard not to, what that video. I'm sure anybody will have doubts too."

"How are you?" Su Bei asked her friend. Now that Yan Mei had confirmed that the video is fake, she felt like a huge burden has been removed from her shoulders.

"I'm fine. What about you? Have you heard from Leng Shao? I know this is difficult Su Bei but Leng Shao will never lead you on if he doesn't see himself with you. You are the first girl he has gone with in years that he had kept in contact with. Please don't let this video separate you two."

Su Bei chuckled inwardly when she heard Yan Mei. She wonders if Yan Mei would say the same thing if she knew that the person that Leng Shao likes is her and not her Su Bei.

Ignorance is truly a bliss. Yan Mei doesn't have to live with the burden of having the guy she considers as a brother to love her.

"How are things with Lei Zhao and his family? Is everything okay? I saw that the news had disappeared from the internet.

"Yes. He is very supportive. He says he believes me and his family also believes me. I'm really lucky to have meet Lei Zhao. I even suggested a divorce but he refused."

Yan Mei chuckled as she said. Her heart couldn't help but swell with happiness as she talks about Lei Zhao.

That man was truly an angel from above. Maybe God specially crafted him just for her.

Su Bei's lips curved into a smile as she heard the joy in her friends voice. As long as Lei Zhao believes her and support her than she is happy for her friend.

"That's good. You deserve to be happy. I'm sure we will find the person soon!" Su Bei said as she tried to cheer her friend up.

"Yes, his mother suggested we leave the country for a while. I will call you when I get back. Take care. I love you."

"Love you too."

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