"Why did you suddenly send me flowers? And you still say you're sorry? " Su Jinyi asked the question that she had been struggling with for the past few hours.

"I've heard that we're in the cold war, so I wanted to give you some flowers to ease up on." He Ruiting slightly raised his brows. Actually, when he heard this gossip, his first reaction was due to an accident.

Su Jinyi's eyelids jumped, she did not know how to explain it, could she say that she did not do that on purpose? Could she say it was an accident? Could she say that she was also helpless?

"That ??" Su Jinyi hesitated for a moment, and decided to explain anyway. Otherwise, He Ruiting thought that she was purposely spreading rumors in the company.

"You don't need to explain. I know it." Before Su Jinyi could speak, she was interrupted by He Ruiting.

You know? You don't know! Su Jinyi silently cursed in her heart.

"Where are we going now?" Su Jinyi looked out of the window, and asked curiously.

"Let's go eat." He Ruiting turned the steering wheel and said.

In the afternoon, He Ruiting booked a very romantic restaurant. Of course, this was also because he had heard of Zhou Xin's suggestion, so he was pleasantly surprised.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the two of them sat down at their seats. Su Jinyi looked around, it was indeed very romantic, but there was no one around, so she whispered to He Ruiting: "This restaurant looks pretty good, but why aren't there any customers? Is the food not tasty? "

"Idiot!" He Ruiting didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I've reserved the place."

"Enclosure? Why did you take over the venue? " Su Jinyi asked curiously, it was just a meal, why would she waste so much space?

"This way, no one will bother us anymore." He Ruiting said with a smile.

Just as He Ruiting had said, after the waiter finished serving, only the two of them were left. They were by each other's side, without anyone disturbing them. Although Su Jinyi felt that this method was a bit wasteful, she still felt that this method was actually pretty good. The two of them had enjoyed this meal.

However, there was nothing in this world that was happy. When you were happy, he would always give you a heavy blow.

Just as they were finishing their meal, He Ruiting's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and his expression changed. Looking at He Ruiting's expression, Su Jinyi knew in her heart that he was going to leave again. However, she was really curious, just whose phone call would make him so nervous.

"If you have something urgent, let's go." Su Jinyi saw his frown, and did not want him to make things difficult for her.

"I'll take you home first." He Ruiting put away the phone, and then stood up from his seat.

Not allowing Su Jinyi to refuse, the last kidnapping incident had only passed for a few days. He Ruiting would not let this kind of thing happen a second time, so she insisted on sending her home.

The car drove all the way to the He family's gate. He Ruiting did not even get off the car, and after seeing that Su Jinyi had safely entered the house, he turned around and left in a hurry.

As Su Jinyi watched him leave, she felt a little sad. In the past two days, she had been thinking about a question. She clearly didn't have anything, but if she had any intentions, then the person with that intention must be her.

Sometimes, He Ruiting would clearly stand in front of him, but he would always feel that he was very far away from his. She would always feel that in He Ruiting's heart, there was a place that she was unable to approach.

This time, He Ruiting hurriedly left, and came back the next day as well. Su Jinyi didn't sleep well the whole night, and had something on her mind, so no matter what, she couldn't fall asleep. When she woke up, she just happened to see He Ruiting changing clothes and walking out of the room.

Su Jinyi looked at him but did not say a word, and went straight down the stairs. He Ruiting followed behind her with a dark expression, but also did not say a word.

"I'm going on a business trip today for two days." At the dining table, He Ruiting said to Su Jinyi.

"Oh." Su Jinyi took a bite of the sandwich, and lightly replied her without saying anything else.

Then, the dining table sank into an endless silence. He Ruiting opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but only saw Su Jinyi get up, get up from the chair, and then, without saying a word, he walked up the stairs.

Today was Saturday, so she didn't need to go to work. Su Jinyi locked herself in her room the moment she went upstairs.

Seeing that she had left, He Ruiting put down the breakfast in his hands and went upstairs. He paced around Su Jinyi's room for a while, and in the end, he turned and entered the study.

He Ruiting left before lunch, his luggage was also packed by his family's servants. Before he left, he did not greet Su Jinyi, but only sent her a message: Call me if anything happens.

Su Jinyi looked at the message, and casually threw her phone on the bed. Hmph, calling. Su Jinyi did not reply to his message.

Thus, she made an appointment with Wang Qi, and wanted to chat with her. Coincidentally, Wang Qi was going to the hospital to do the maternity exam, so the two of them were directly arranged to meet at the hospital.

Su Jinyi and Guo Wei were even seen to the hospital by the driver, but Su Jinyi and her wife were not there yet. Su Jinyi sat in the hall of the hospital and waited.

After about ten minutes, Wang Qi and Guo Wei finally arrived.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Wang Qi looked at her and said apologetically.

"It's fine." Su Jinyi laughed and asked: "Which floor are you on?"

"On the sixth floor. Let's go." Wang Qi released Guo Wei's arm, walked to Su Jinyi's side, and held her hand.

As the two women walked in front, talking and laughing, Guo Wei quietly followed behind them.

Because it was just a very ordinary pregnancy test, Wang Qi did it very quickly and the result was very good. The baby was very healthy.

For the sake of making it easier for the two of them to chat, Guo Wei sent them to a milk tea shop and left them there.

"Guo Wei treats you so well." Su Jinyi sighed as she looked at Guo Wei's leaving figure.

"Did you quarrel with the Brother Ting again?" Seeing her preoccupied look, Wang Qi asked with concern.

"If only it was a simple quarrel." Su Jinyi looked dejected, she looked at the milk tea in front of her and said, "I was hoping to have a fight with him."

"What's wrong?" Wang Qi asked worriedly.

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