Sure enough, not long after, this detective sent a photo. Su Jinyi took a look and saw that the person in the photo was a stranger.

She did not know him.

But obviously, this person was just as she had thought, not Mike, but Mike's man.

Because when this person was speaking with Duan Yiyi, he had been looking left and right;

If she was Duan Yiyi's friend, then this kind of action naturally wasn't necessary.

Su Jinyi passed over the photo of this person to Duan Yunxuan and He Ruiting, telling them to go investigate this as well.

Three thousand more for the detective.

Su Jinyi had the nagging feeling that Mike was just like an immortal leech that would appear again in front of everyone any time now. And before he died, his actions were also omnipresent.

A person like Mike was really a


Hate him, but there was no way to solve his problem. This was the thing that Su Jinyi felt the most powerless about.

She sorted through the information the detective had gathered and tried to think of a solution.

But before they could move, a person came knocking on their door.

"I am Mike's older brother."

She had a face that was eighty percent similar to Mike's, but when she looked at others, she always gave off an uncomfortable feeling.

Maybe it was because this person looked too much like Mike that Su Jinyi reacted like this.

Su Jinyi didn't have any good feelings towards Mike and his family. Adding to the things that Mike had done, if it wasn't for his family's support, he wouldn't have had that much of an opportunity to do all of this!

Now that Mike's family was here, was he trying to find them to settle the score, or was he trying to make them submit to him?

No matter what kind, it was impossible for Su Jinyi to have any kind of favorable impression toward this man.

"I am very sad for what Mike has done to all of you. At the same time, I apologize for it. This is a contract with your company. I hope Boss He can accept it." The man called John handed the contract over to He Ruiting.

He Ruiting glanced at Su Jinyi, and Su Jinyi immediately reached out and took the contract.

It looked like there was nothing wrong with the contract, but it was too abnormal, like fat meat that was delivered to their doorsteps. Who knew if the fat meat was mixed with poison or something else?

Su Jinyi put the contract back.

Mr. John, although I do not know what kind of lawsuit you and your little brother Mike have against each other, but according to the words of the people of the Divine Region, if you do not accomplish anything, you will not receive anything, and similarly, there is another phrase, "evil will be rewarded"! If Mr. John is truly acting for your brother's good, I suggest that Mr. John should still let your brother show his sincerity and pay the price for his actions. " Su Jinyi looked at John, and spoke using his fluent English.

Her words made John look at her with eyes full of appreciation.

But very quickly, John curled his lips.

My poor brother has already been punished. He has already been stripped of the succession to the throne, and there is even a problem here. Madam, we should be more tolerant of the disabled. John said as he looked at Su Jinyi.

"Oh!" So as long as Mike was a disabled person, the mistakes he made before could be erased? So, the laws of your country are decorative too, right? " Su Jinyi would not easily let John go, and her words were extremely rude as well.

Her words made John narrowed his eyes dangerously.

He Ruiting immediately stood up and blocked Su Jinyi behind him.

"Let me talk to him about this." He Ruiting said as he gently looked at Su Jinyi.

Su Jinyi shrugged indifferently and sat obediently by the side.

Seeing Su Jinyi's actions, John laughed.

"How great would that be? There are some things that are more suitable for a man to talk to. Women ??" John had not finished speaking, but the meaning behind his words was clear, he looked down on women!

In other words, whether it was Mike or John, in their eyes, women were tools, and other than the one they loved, other women were not worthy of their respect.

"As a woman, you really shouldn't talk to men who aren't gentlemen. That would lower their level." He Ruiting said indifferently. His face darkened with just a few words.

But he quickly recovered his composure and smiled at He Ruiting.

"Mr. Hoh, speaking of which, we are still related. My pitiful little brother Mike, is he still your brother-in-law? After all, my pitiful little brother Mike might have lost his wife, but their marriage still exists, so ?? "

John was a very a

oying person to talk to, so he would leave half of it for He Ruiting and Su Jinyi to talk to.

Duan Yunxuan was also present, but he was not. For an occasion like this, Duan Yunxuan would definitely not let Xiao Qiu come.

Duan Yunxuan's personality was anxious, upon hearing John's strange words, he immediately stood up.

"So what?" Are you still a man? Do you not have any manliness? Are you here to cause trouble or are you here to apologize?! No matter which one it is, get the hell out of my way! Do you hear me! " The people Duan Yunxuan hated the most would also not be able to tolerate them.

His words made John look at him, but when John looked at Duan Yunxuan, his eyes actually carried admiration.

His gaze made Duan Yunxuan immediately feel like all his hair was standing on end.

The feeling of being stared at by a single person was not good at all.

"F * ck!"

Duan Yunxuan let out a strange cry as he shrunk behind He Ruiting while hugging his arm. John's expression made Duan Yunxuan feel like he was being targeted by a disgusting thing.

"Mr. Duan doesn't need to be so impatient, even if there are some things that Mr. Duan is unwilling to agree to, it doesn't matter. The purpose of my visit today is to send you all this contract, if you are unwilling to accept it, then I can only apologize." John said as he stood up.

His words only had one meaning, and that was to accept an apology!

Otherwise, if they had apologized, this matter would have been flipped to the next page.

"Mr. John, please bring this contract back, we will not accept an unsincere apology, or should we accept a threat." He Ruiting said as John stood up.

His words made John stop in his tracks, and turn to look at him.

John's eyes were a little smaller than Mike's, so when he squinted his eyes to look at a person, he always gave off a sinister feeling.

"Fine." John only said these two words, then turned and left.

Only after John left did the atmosphere in the room come back to life.

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