The moment the barrier vanished, everyone present beheld the unsightly Demon.

Panicked screams, cries of despair, and wails of hopelessness instantly swept across the academy.

Several fearless reporters, for the sake of their own performance, continued to document everything around them using the each stones.

Duke Rivierre received a message from his Mage Knight. With a wave of his hand, a Mage Knight stepped forward and handed him an each stone.

The transparent each stone was still twinkling, unable to suppress the energy contained in the images within.

It seemed as if it would burst open any second.

He took it, smiling as he placed it on the table, and said to Lady Cassana:

“Lady, there’s no need for superfluous words.”

“You can see for yourself.”

As his voice fell, the each stone emitted a faint light, and an image was projected from it.

The most striking was the towering Demon, under which was the imprisoned Professor Devon.

The fact that he could still survive so close to the Demon made it hard not to suspect that Professor Devon was colluding with the Demon.

He looked as if he was seeking some final refuge beneath the Demon, while around the Demon were fully armed knights and mages.

Including that figure wearing a cloak.

Victor Clayvin.

Lady Cassana opened her mouth as if to say something, but Duke Rivierre beat her to it:

“Lady Cassana, this is live.”

“If you’re interested, you can enter the city at any time and go to any news agency. I estimate this image has already spread throughout the Royal Capital.”

Lady Cassana bit her lip hard, saying to Rivierre:

“What do you mean? Are you willing to let me into the city now?”

“Of course.”

Rivierre stood up, bowing to her.

“The Royal Capital is in trouble, as a Duke, it’s my duty to go and assist.”

With that, he nodded to Lady Cassana, preparing to turn and leave, but was stopped by her.

In her eyes flashed several shades of hesitation,

“Can… can Devon really not be saved?”

Duke Rivierre smiled on the surface, but sighed inwardly.

She hesitated.

When Lady Cassana began to hesitate, it meant she had already started considering whether the Raser family needed to pay too high a price for Devon.

Sacrifice the pawn to save the king, cut off the tail to survive.

Moreover, Devon Raser wasn’t an important figure in the Raser family.

Rather, he was a useless parasite.

Otherwise, Lady Cassana wouldn’t have sent him to the academy in the Royal Capital to gild his reputation.

So, Rivierre explained the pros and cons to Cassana.

“Lady Cassana, please think about it carefully. Your son colluding with a Demon is no small matter.”

“I think, Your Majesty’s close relationship with the Raser Family may not be enough to erase the crime of colluding with a Demon to rebel.”

“Lady, think thrice.”

With that, he turned and waved to Cassana.

The Mage Knight at his side waved his magic sphere, and a flurry of stars rose into the sky, a blue light gradually enveloping the group of Mage Knights and Duke Rivierre.

In the blink of an eye, they vanished without a trace.

The knights put away their weapons, donned their helmets, mounted their horses, and gradually left amidst the noise of hoofbeats.

Cassana slumped onto the sofa, her hand on her forehead, tears streaming down her face, as if making some decision.

The Demon slowly opened one eye.

Its eye was located on its forehead, which was its only way of observing its surroundings.

A large, glowing blue magic array gradually rose from under its feet, the annoying sensation making it extremely uncomfortable.

A streak of yellow lightning suddenly bolted out, striking the demon with a loud bang, yet the impact was minimal.

A mage’s attempt had failed, and it had only served to anger the demon.

Enraged, the demon stuck out its tongue and swallowed the mage whole.

“Crunch, crunch…”

The sounds of chewing and bones breaking mixed together for a while before the demon gulped it down.

Never had the mages witnessed such a brutal scene. Many were scared into screaming.

Even the self-proclaimed righteous knights nearly lost their grip on their weapons and shields.

Many people yelled out in fright, asking questions nonstop –

“What… what is this thing!?”

No one could answer them.

Those present knew it was a demon, but when a real demon appeared before them, they couldn’t even admit it.

Because it didn’t match their imaginings of a demon at all. It seemed more like a world-ending demon god.

A third-tier mage stepped forward, shouting:

“Everyone, don’t panic! Stand on the magic circle! Our power is gradually recovering!”

“With so many people here, we can surely defeat this evil demon!”

The voice subsided, but the mages made no response. Their momentum and actions showed no change from just now.

The demon watched the mages, laughing uproariously:

“Weak humans!”

“Do you think you’re worthy to defeat me!?”

Suddenly, a figure shot into the sky like a shooting star.

Everyone noticed that figure.

Compared to the demon, she seemed incredibly small, yet she lifted the spirits of many.

“Is that… Knight Commander Gwen!?”

Some people recognized her, voicing their surprise.

The silver sword in Gwen’s hand seemed to trigger some power, bursting with white light, dazzling like a mountain-splitting blade.

She swung her sword down, leaving a shocking white scar on the demon.

The demon was in great pain, its body trembling. It turned its gaze towards Gwen.

“Good, you’re good!”

It seemed to recognize something, and said menacingly.

“Just now, I dealt with someone very similar to you.”

“It seems, you and she are both equally annoying!”

Gwen, who had just landed back on the ground, had her expression change dramatically. She subconsciously believed the demon was talking about Caifla, and anger overtook her.

However, the next second, the demon’s astonishing palm was already striking towards her.

Gwen didn’t dodge, as if she had lost reason. The long sword in her hand once again turned into a tens of meters long white light holy blade, slashing towards the demon.


The demon swung its giant hand, swatting Gwen down like a mosquito.

Gwen was slapped into the ground, falling unconscious without any chance to resist.

“Knight Commander Gwen!”

Many knights started to worry, even Victor who was maintaining the magic formation furrowed his brows.

The demon’s laughter echoed again:

“It seems, you’re much weaker than her.”

“You’re even less than a fly.”

But Gwen’s actions bought the mages some time.

Not everyone was stunned by the demon’s one-man show.

Hum, hum, hum, hum—

Numerous magic circles gradually rose from the ground. Different colored circles were constantly forming. A commanding voice rose.

“Just like what we learned at the academy!”

“Everyone, fire!”

At the command, various elemental magic arrows rained down on the demon.

Like fireworks exploding.

But the demon merely extended its tentacles, blocking all of the magic.

Not even a scratch appeared on its tentacles.

Seeing the demon unharmed, the mages couldn’t help but marvel:

The thick skin of the Demon was incredibly resistant!

The lack of effect from the first round of attacks left many of the Mages disheartened. Yet, the next second, a more authoritative voice resounded from the sky.

“All units, commence the first round of fire!”

Everyone turned to look. It was Duke Rivierre, leading his Mage Corps to provide support.

The Mage Knights were scattered all around, completely encircling the Demon. The crystal spheres in their hands were emitting an astonishing glow of Mana.

Boom, boom, boom!!!

Even stronger magic was transformed into elemental cannonballs, erupting from the crystals. The Demon was clearly struggling to defend against this onslaught.

“Quickly shift formations, commence the second round of fire!”

Nearly without pause, the second group of Mage Knights replaced the first, and the prepared magic was launched in unison.

It left the Demon with no chance of retaliating.

“It’s Duke Rivierre! Duke Rivierre has brought his Mage Corps!”

In the crowd, someone shouted loudly.

In an instant, everyone’s morale surged!

Soon, more and more Mages, rushing to support from various parts of the Royal Capital, arrived.

Countless formations were being constructed in the air, increasing in both quantity and power.

The continuous magical bombardment didn’t even allow the Demon time to escape. For a moment, everyone felt victory was within reach!

But this only seemed to exhaust the Demon’s patience.

The Demon began to grow restless.

Thump, thump—

Like a powerful heartbeat, the sound echoed, as if a massive drum was being struck.

The Demon opened its enormous mouth, as if intending to swallow everyone at the scene.

An amazing suction force, similar to a storm, swallowed the knights and mages who were close to the Demon.

Their terrified screams echoed, but they had no ability to resist, not even to run.

The Demon’s mouth was like a meat grinder, cruelly dropping chunks of bloody flesh onto the ground, like a gluttonous ghost wasting food.

Fear once again spread among everyone.

“We’re done for! Our attacks have no effect!”

“It’s too terrifying, is this a Demon?!”

“Help! Where’s the headmaster, save us!”

“Who else can deal with it?!”

Many mages and students gradually fell into a powerless vortex, some with poor mental states even curled up on the ground and started crying.

Suddenly, several Third Order Mages paused, looked at each other, and began to shout in confusion:

“Where’s Victor?! Where did Professor Victor go?”

The Third Order Mages clearly understood what Victor represented. A Fourth Order Mage entering the fray could potentially turn the tide!

But Victor seemed to have disappeared, pushing many into despair.

However, just at this moment.

“What’s that?!”

“Is that… Professor Victor?!”

Following the exclamations of several students pointing towards the sky, everyone looked up.

Unknown to them, Victor had already appeared in the sky above.

His cloak was fluttering behind him, flickering with an astonishing red light.

Firelight, igniting half of the sky.

Burning the filthy ink in the sky, a dazzling light burst forth.

It was as if Victor had lit the sky and draped it over his shoulders.

The temperature within the entire city began to rise sharply, unbearably hot.

The people watching suddenly froze, their eyes wide in shock as they exclaimed;

“Holy crap! What is that?!”

This time, everyone saw clearly. A massive, glowing red meteorite was falling from the sky.

Its target was the Demon’s gaping mouth.

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