First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 500 The True Uma-Sarru Pt. 6

Abaddon's attack ended up doing an incredible amount of damage.

So much so that he carved a trench in this domain that spanned hundreds of miles in length.

But as if that weren't enough, the shockwave caused by his blow traveled for even further distances.

And the other inhabitants of Tehom took the brunt of such outwardly destructive energy.

Asmodeus was hovering over a burning sea of abyss walkers when he suddenly turned his head in a particular direction.

At his side, Kanami and Adeline paused in the air just as he did, and turned their gaze towards the distant horizon.

Adeline had only had her body and soul transformed by Abaddon.

Therefore, while she could tell that he was enraged, she could not tell the extent.

But Asmodeus and Kanami were his very blood. His family.

They knew exactly how agitated he had become, and they knew that anger like this only came about on very specific occasions.

'The children aren't here, so that man either tried to harass my sisters in law, or…'

'So he has one of those foul things, huh..? Things are about to get messy.'

No sooner had Kanami and Asmodeus had this realization were they given a firsthand account of their prediction.

A dark, ominous wave of pure malevolent power rippled outward from the sight of the initial blast and nearly knocked every airborne dragon in Tehom out of the sky.

Ever the effective general, Asmodeus quickly righted himself and relayed a message to every dragon under his command.

'All of you, recover as soon as you are able and get back to your normal positions. Stay as far away from our leader's battle as you can or I will not be able to guarantee your continued safety!'

Asmodeus listened as the chorus of acceptances started to roll in one by one and he felt those under him began to recover while simultaneously making more of an effort to put space between themselves and Abaddon.

The burst of energy he released was so foul and negative that even his daughter wasn't handling it well.

Even though he knew he didn't need to, he supported Kanami with his left wings and helped her to remain airborne.

"Father, this is unnecessary…" Despite the fact that Kanami was a dragon, it was easy to see her scales beginning to form a blush. "I am far from helpless."

"You're my daughter, of course you are. But that does not mean I will not offer you my support in any instance that I feel like you need it."

Somehow, the scales on Kanami's face were becoming as red as her famous hair.

She still wasn't fully accustomed to having family after being raised as an orphan for so long, and sometimes she found it to be so wonderful that she didn't know how she survived before.

'I wonder if.. we can do that ritual when we get home too..?'

In the middle of their father-daughter scene, a three headed dragon was floating right beside them; watching all of this dryly.

"What blatant favoritism." Adeline grumbled. "I should have also liked to have been supported by the general."

"Yea, yea, give me a status report triply." Asmodeus said dismissively.

Adeline gnashed her teeth at her hated nickname.

Only Asmodeus could make having three heads in their society seem like a cumbersome thing instead of an honor.

"…Our numbers are fairing extremely well. As of yet, we haven't seemed to have lost anyone. The enemy isn't responding well at all to our fire, and since we can burn it as long as we like, they are unable to regenerate from the damage.

No matter how you shake it, this looks like a landslide victory for us."

In theory, Adeline was right.

And yet, Asmodeus had grown up on the deepest, darkest level of hell itself and cut his teeth in battle against all sorts of demons.

His instincts were almost never wrong.

"…Report to our forces, tell them to switch it up and not rely fully on their fire. I want them to incorporate more magic and weaponry into this battle, hell they can use martial arts if they have to."

Kanami and Adeline tilted all four of their heads.

"I do not mean to question the general disrespectfully, but… may I ask why?"

Asmodeus couldn't exactly explain.

But just like him, his son had wonderful instincts.

If he was wary of this place from the beginning, then it had to be because he sensed some greater danger that the rest of them had been unable to witness so far.

He opened his mouth to tell Adeline some lie about complacency, when suddenly his theory was finally proven right.



Looking down, all three high ranking dragons were utterly alarmed by the sight they found burning underneath them.

Amidst a sea of bright orange flames, a creature was getting back onto its feet.

It was a large abyss hound, over ten meters in height and nearly dead due to its hellish and unlivable surroundings.

It's skin was bubbling like melted cheese in a pot, to reveal the flesh underneath that was being cooked just as aggressively.

However, the problem lie in the fact that the creature was getting better.

Finally, Asmodeus recognized the reason for his earlier unease.

A creature that cannot be killed is certainly a rarity; which makes dealing with them a lot more complicated than normal.

Since they don't die even when subjected to horrendously gruesome conditions, their bodies gradually go through evolution that would have normally taken thousands of years to acquire.

Which means that without a constantly worsening stimuli like the venom Abaddon and Lillian produce in their bodies, unkillable races can start to adapt to trauma.

Such a thing was happening now.

The abyss hound that was being eaten alive by the flames before was now starting to grow accustomed to them, and rising back to its paws to while snarling hatefully.

The creature forced its body to leap into the air at the three dragons above it, with seemingly no fear of numbers, death, or appearances.

"Yea…. That's why." Asmodeus finally said.

A devastating chill started to leave his scaled body in waves.

He flapped his nine angelic wings as hard as he could and froze the entirety of his surroundings for 100 miles.

Encasing flame, abyss walkers, and stone in a thick, impenetrable wall of ice.

Once again, he turned to Adeline and gave her the same order as before.

"Hurry, before it's too late. Order our forces to switch up their tactics, now!"


Abaddon breathed heavily as he felt his wrath burning up inside of him with every second that ticked by.

He flew over to the trench he created and stopped just shy of jumping in.

Landing on the ground, he picked up both halves of the broken dragons slayer weapon and held it in one hand.

He removed the ornamental gem at the bottom of the obsidian blade and crushed it between his fingers.

Almost immediately, there was an outpour of dragon souls of every variety.

Eastern, western,young, old, weak, powerful, you name it.

If Abaddon were a betting man, he would have placed their numbers at about 10,000 or so.

Abaddon held out his hand and a wispy green energy shone out from his palm.

"Come to me now. Let me grant you true eternal rest."

Without understanding why, all of the dragon souls in the sky flew towards Abaddon's hand like they were homing missiles.

Upon getting close enough, their ethereal bodies simply faded from vision as they were sent to the third level of Sheol; the deadlands.

One of the final souls to fly towards Abaddon was a young woman no older than Thea.

She was an eastern style dragon with blue hair and bright yellow eyes that were filled with mischief, cunning, and gratitude.

She lowered her head respectfully in front of Abaddon and offered him a very tearful smile.

"Thank you… my savior."

Even though his blood was literally boiling; Abaddon did not neglect to smile back at the young woman whose name he finally seemed to know.

"Rest with your kin now, Xiao Lei… I will come to visit you soon."

Surprise showed up on her face before she giggled and bowed her head.

Finally, she was sent to Sheol alongside the rest of the dragon spirits who were trapped with her, and Abaddon closed his palm.

And once he did so, his anger practically tripled.

That girl was still a child.

And yet she had her spine ripped out and was used as a weapon for so many years.

He be absolutely would not stand for it.

He couldn't.

Every single cell, every drop of magic in his body was screaming out to him that he had to get revenge by any means necessary.

At that moment, the ground rumbled and a large, scaled hand came out of the darkness.

It was attached to an even larger creature that was well over 300 meters in height.

Deep black scales, the build of an eastern dragon with a lion's head instead of a reptilian one.

It had one horn missing, and it's black and gold eyes were filled with no small amount of contempt.

"I seem to have underestimated you for a bit. This is my mistake. But I can promise you now that you will have no more-"


In an instant, Abaddon propelled himself through space until he reappeared directly on Jaldabaoth's snout.

His sanity was no longer completely in tact, and the sclera in his eyes were being swallowed up by an ominous black color.

With a flick of his hand, he made his blade regain its rigidity before he held it high over his head.

Letting out a horrifyingly hateful roar, he stabbed his greet enemy directly in his left eye; and sent a pulse of energy through his weapon so that the entire oculus would explode.


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