First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 498 The True Uma-Sarru Pt. 4

"You're mine!"

As Karliah lunged at the wives like a ravenous beast, they quickly mustered up a counter-offensive.

The brightly glowing gem in the center of their forehead became a sparkling blue color.

A neat beam of destructive silver energy came flying right out of the girls' forehead and made a beeline right for Karliah.

Unexpectedly, the pressurized energy cut through Karliah from her shoulder blade to her hip; bisecting her cleanly.

However, that did almost nothing to actually slow her down.

The Battle Nyasir came flying at Ayaana with both of her halves separated, and displayed a frightening level of ingenuity.

While her upper half slashed at the girls' chest to leave a long lasting cut, her legs worked in tandem with the rest of her to launch a series of devastating kicks to her stomach.

Ayaana thew up her shield at the last moment to protect herself while trying not to show her mysticism.

Tatiana: 'I-I know she's the enemy right now, but your mom is pretty cool, Bekka!'

Bekka : 'Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, does it?'

Valerie : 'Stop admiring her and fuck her the the fuck up!'

Tati / Bekka : 'Sorry!

To force a separation between the two of them, Ayaana generated a whirlpool of swirling white and blue flames around herself.

Karliah had no choice but to retreat while her body finally started putting itself back together from the damage inflicted earlier.

She landed on her feet; upside down on top of a mound of falling debris.

Once she put her legs back onto her body, she looked down at her left arm and realized that it was on fire and spreading.

'Ah.. that's new..?'

Noticing that her arm wasn't healing properly, Karliah simply cut it off at the shoulder blade to prevent the fire from spreading even further and causing more harm.

The girls noticed every detail of what happened, and it was almost as if a lightbulb went off in their heads.

It was true that the residents of the abyss regenerate indefinitely, and can only be killed by the Uma-Sarru's permission.

However, it seemed like if one introduced a strong enough component into their body, their regeneration could be inhibited to the point where they may as well not have it at all.

And if you could break down their bodies simultaneously, then the effect would be even better.

They wouldn't die, but they could at least be incapacitated and reduced to helpless little piles of sludge.

Seras: 'Everyone understand the plan?'

All: 'Yep!'

Finally, the girls abandoned the spear and shield they'd been using for a different par of weapons all together.

A charming pair of black scimitars; made from the scales of their very own precious husband.

Opening their mouth to an impossibly large angle; the girls stuck out their long pink tongue that was covered in venom.

As they ave the weapons a very provocative lick, their body began to change.

Their skin became entirely white in color, they grew to an impressive 6'8, and the scales and tattoos along their body arranged themselves symmetrically along their beautiful face.

'Okay... no more excuses!'

In a flash, the girls disappeared; leaving behind only a gust of wind in their wake.

Their first target was the one-eyed Ruin Nyasir.

Once the cyclops saw the girls flying towards him; he lifted up both of his arms and smashed them into the ground.

There was a huge earthquake before a literal mountain range jutted up from the ground with the intent to pierce the girls and destabilize their movement.

However, he had underestimated the ability of the girls to adapt.

Even though their entire world was still upside down, it still took them only a few minutes to get used to it completely.

The girls rushed across the mountain range at light speed to arrive directly in front of the abyssal cyclops.

Leaping off of a small mountainpeak, Ayaana channelled enough energy into her body to power a large continent.

She barreled into the cyclops's body like a comet and knocked him onto his back to emerge sanding on his chest.

Raising her weapons high, she stabbed him in the side of his neck and buried the other blade within his bulbous black eye.


A howl of pain shook the entire realm as the Ruin Nyasir was subjected to the worst injury of it's entire life.

But the girls weren't given any time to revel in their successful attack, because nano seconds afterward they were struck in the back by a wall of black flame.

They grimaced as their body hit the dirt and their skin began to sizzle.

Normally, the girls have an immunity to any and all flame on account of their heritage and identities.

But this power was drastically different from normal fire; it was tainted and corroded by the abyss.

The only thing that put it out were the waters created by Tatiana, which were imbued with primordial chaos and thus a natural salve for a wound like this.


At the last moment, Ayaana rolled their head to the side to avoid a giant sickle giving them an impromptu haircut.

Standing above them was a grim looking abyss walker with a rotting black skull and a dirty robe with several holes punched into it.

"Get away from us!"

Ayaana opened their mouth as wide as possible and released a blast of destructive energy that blew right through the Death Nyasir.

In the midst of the girls picking themselves up from the ground, Karliah reappeared.

She forced her knee into the small of the girls' back and forced their head to the ground with one hand.

Now that she was touching her, she could feel something incredibly odd going on in her mind.

"Oh… there are quite a few of you in here? I thought my baby girl just trying out a new look, but it seems that's not the case… I guess I know what all that 'we' stuff was about now."

While Karliah was finally putting some very obvious clues together, the girls were growing frustrated with their performance.

Lailah: 'This isn't working, loves! We need a new approach, now!'

Lisa: 'S-Should we separate..?'

Erica: 'Absolutely not, sister. We aren't powerful enough to defeat them all individually, we have to work in tandem to protect each other.'

Audrina: 'Well we have to do a better job of it! We're going to let our family down at this rate!'

Briefly, the girls let their minds picture the cherished faces of their loved ones.

Their cute children, and their loving and devoted husband.

Their pride wouldn't allow them to let any of them down in any way.

Something had to give.

The part of their spirit that represented Lailah's mind began to run several magical calculations.

When it was finished, she let out her own internal sigh.

'Listen, darlings.., We all know each other perfectly, inside and out. That means that we are fully capable of not only maximizing each other's strengths, but eliminating our weaknesses as welll.

It is time for us to close the doors on our restraint. From the moment we began we've been letting our enemies fight on their terms.

But if we're going to call ourselves our husband's consorts, then every battle has to be on our terms. There can be no force in creation to proclaim themselves as above us.'

Focus returned to the girls' unified eyes.

While Karliah focused on keeping their head down and buried, they cut open their own palm to reveal their own special violet colored blood.

Raising their hand, they slapped the ground with their bloody palm and sent blood rushing across the land.

In an instant, an ocean of blood covered a distance of 300 kilometers.

The blood rose up on its own to create a dome of hardened purple blood that trapped all of the Nyasir inside.

"Hm..?" Karliah tilted her head to the side in confusion.

The inside of the dome was dark.

Like really dark.

So dark that even her own night vision wasn't quite cutting it.

She couldn't see Jack shit.

And she was willing to bet the other Nyasir were having the same problem.

"Hey daughter and friends, what did you- …hm?"

Suddenly, Karliah noticed that she couldn't feel her arm again.

She'd been dismembered enough times to know what it felt like to not have an arm.

But that didn't make any sense.

She hadn't felt Ayaana move, much less cut her arm off.

But one thing she knew for certain was that she didn't have her daughter pinned underneath her anymore.


Thunder rumbled in the sky; followed by a bolt of lightning that appeared and disappeared within a nano second.

But in that short time, Karliah was able to observe her surroundings a bit.

For one, there was an ominous black storm brewing in the sky underneath the dome.

It's lightning was a dark blue in color, and judging by the burning feeling on her skin the 'rain' she was feeling was some sort of acid or a horribly strong poison.

Another interesting fact was, she was no longer standing on Tehom soil as she had been before.

Her feet were now literally resting on the turbulent, shifting waters of a dark ocean that spanned as far as the eye could see.

Karliah had only taken a single step to go investigate this strange power when the surface of the water underneath her suddenly broke.

From out of nowhere, a giant sea monster launched its head out from underneath Karliah and bit off her entire body from the neck down.

'Whoa… what was that…?'

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