First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 496 The True Uma-Sarru Pt. 2

The generals of the Uma-Sarru are referred to as the Nyasir.

All seven of them have certain specialities that make them the single most feared warriors in all of creation.

When they are unified, there exists not a force, god, or monster who is capable of subjugating them.

Your only option to preserve your sanity is to pray for a quick and merciful death at their hands.

From least to most powerful, they are the Blood Nyasir.

The Beast Nyasir.

The Flame Nyasir.

The Discord Nyasir.

The Death Nyasir.

The Ruin Nyasir.

And the Battle Nyasir; Karliah.

There is no enemy they have not felled, and no battle they have not emerged from without harm.

For Abaddon to so callously disregard them by telling them to move was not only insulting, but it was practically comical.

"We think not, challenger."

An abyss walker with a giant hulking body and a single glowing eye in it's head pointed it's finger at Abaddon.

"There exists but one man capable of making demands of us. You have none of the qualifications necessary to-"

Within the span of a millisecond, Abaddon grabbed the creature by its foul smelling finger and bent it back at an impossible angle.

Before the creature could let out a scream, Abaddon made a swatting motion with his hand and turned the upper half of the creature's body into a unrecognizable black mist.

The creature's legs fell over haphazardly mere seconds afterwards; and Abaddon continued his walk unimpeded.

"The nerve of you to question my qualifications...If I should ask you to move then you need only hold the door open like good little dogs and stay out of my way."

His path now free, Abaddon left his wives behind to deal with the rabble; though not before leaving them with necessary encouragement.

'I wish my loves only the best of luck.. Though I am sure you will not need it.' Abaddon said telepathically.

Despite the current circumstances, Ayaana still smiled at their husband's back lovingly as he walked away.

'We wish you the same, darling. We wait to hear of your victory.'

Though the girls couldn't see it, they knew that their husband was smiling as he walked away from them.

Karliah was also watching Abaddon's back as he walked away, and she couldn't help but let out her own immature wolf whistle as she lusted after him openly.

"Well now... what a man..! He smells like he's hardly been used too! ...Is my daughter perhaps interested in a one-night-"


Ayaana's roar was followed by a burst of power that further brightened up the dark domain.

A column of teal blue light surrounded the shared body of all ten women.

The light gradually transformed to take on the appearance of a raging white dragon larger than most towers.

Feeling proud and slightly provoked, Karliah cracked her knuckles underneath her gauntlets as she stepped forward.

"Oh? If you wanted to play with your mother again, then all that you have to do is say so. I will absolutely relish in seeing how you have grown in our time apar-"

"The six of you should all come together if you have any hope of fighting a meaningful battle. Otherwise, this will all be over before it has begun."

The Nyasir looked confused for a moment before turning towards Karliah, who laughed madly into the air like a famous clown prince.

Tears had begun to run from her eyes due to her laughter, and it took all of the strength in her body for her to wipe them away.

"Oh, oh that''s a good one, honey! You get that enthusiasm from me, you know? But I fear you may be overlooking something crucially important here..."

Suddenly, there was a wet, lurching sound as the legs of the fallen cyclops from before began to stir.

The mist that represented it's obliterated upper half started to come back to it's origin point; and completely reformed the Cyclops' lifeless body.

"Urgh.." Groaning and irritated, the Ruin Nyasir picked himself up from the ground and let out an incredibly annoyed growl.

"We are not exactly enemies who you can afford to be impudent with, my darling girl. Hubris will only result in you dying by our hands... I do not wish to see that."

The girls were slightly surprised to see the Nyasir Abaddon killed get up after facing certain death, but it didn't change anything for them.

No matter what the rhyme or reason was, they would not back down after they had already leveled such a heavy threat as the one before.

"We have already given you invitation, yet you refuse to accept it. I suppose we must come to you then."

At that moment, Ayaana disappeared in an unprecedented burst of speed that broke the sound barrier and crushed the ground underneath her.

The girls kicked Karliah with the force of a seismic event, and managed to send her skidding back several feet.

But they weren't nearly satisfied with one attack after their earlier bravado.

Tightning their grip on their spear, they unleashed a series of rapid thrusts at the Nyasir who was closest to them in proximity.

A series of holes were punched into the Flame Nasir before he could do anything about it, and once he dropped Ayaana got to quick work on the next.

The cyclops from earlier had more rage to burn off, so he lumbered over towards the girls and released a great, throaty roar before raising his fist to strike her.

But with Bekka and Seras' combined instincts coming into play, they easily were able to react by lifting their shield up to protect themselves.

However, they weren't expecting the blow to have quite the amount of power behind it as it did.

Against their body's own volition, they were flung back right to the space where the entire conflict started; with nothing to really show for their effort but a ringing arm.

The attacks they had doled out to the Nyasir were already beginning to heal.

This made the girls grit their teeth in annoyance as Karliah returned back to the fray, a proud, yet sad smile on her face.

"I've never had the luxury of being this proud of something. Having a progeny was truly the mostexhilarating thing I ever could have done with my life..!"

Karliah dropped down onto a strange martial arts stance that required her to be on all fours like a beast.

Now more than ever, she seemed like a real threat that the majority of forces couldn't be compared to in the slightest.

She parted her full, plump lips to reveal a gleaming pair of white fangs.

"If you want to play with mommy and her friends, then that is certainly fine by me. But I feel as though you should know that we are certainly known to play a little bit.. rougher than most. Can you handle it?"

Whether they could or not, Karliah had already decided that she was coming.

She dug her claws into the black soil underneath her, and a tremendous outburst of energy left her hands to infect the land.

She said some words in an ancient language that the girls shouldn't have been able to comprehend , but because Bekka was apart of them, they understood it all.

'Existential Nemesis Magic : As Above, So Below.'

The very atmosphere in these underground lands seemed to vibrate terribly before a completely unthinkably change occurred.

The entire immovable domain of Tehom was flipped completely upside down, and Ayaana started to fall into an endless black abyss.

They were able to quickly right themselves by unfurling their wings and staying airborne, but it was then that they learned of different problems.

Everywhere they looked, debris and huge chunks of black rock were obscuring their vision and threatening to crush them overhead.

'Clear our line of sight, now!' Bekka warned the rest.

The girls released a destructive pulse of energy from their bodies and crushed all of the nearby boulders into tiny pebbles.

But against their knowledge, Karliah had been hiding behind one of the boulders before they pulverized it.

With her hiding place compromised, the Nyasir of Battle lunged at the unified empresses with her clawed gauntlets outstretched and her horrific fangs wide open.


Abaddon finally reached the cathedral he'd been heading toward and pushed open the double doors to step inside.

As soon as he heard the doors shut, he felt like a strange change had taken place within the atmosphere, but didn't think much about it.

The entrance to the cathedral was nothing but an empty room that consisted of a single spiral staircase that seemed to travel upwards for forever and a day.

With no other choice, Abaddon set about climbing it.

And as soon as he placed his foot on the first step, he heard an absolutely abhorrent voice echoing from all around him.

"So you actually came before the day of your judgment... I will give you points for originality, but in terms of actual shrewdness, I fear that you are still as inferior as the day you and your blubber bumped into my companion on the street..!"

Abaddon paused after only taking one step on the staircase.

'Do I have to listen to this the whole way..?'

A light bulb went off in his mind and he held out his hand.

His wireless earbuds and phone appeared magically in his palm, and he got to work inserting them into his ears and picking a song.

*Kody Blu 31, by J.I.D* starts playing.

'That's better.'

With no more annoying voices in his ear, Abaddon continued his trek up the staircase in total peace.

And completely oblivious to everything that Jaldabaoth was saying about him…

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