First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 494 Finally... The World In Between

Abaddon and Ayaana carried on for another hour at least before they could no longer justify their continued indulgence in each other.

Breathing heavily, Abaddon slowly pulled out of Ayanna's ass and held them up in order to ensure that they didn't fall over.

He lifted their body so that he could face them properly, and got a nice look at his favorite post orgasm expression.

He brought their lips to his own and they kissed lovingly and without reservation or decency.

Abaddon carried the two of them into the expansive body of water in the cavern and washed away the dried love on their body from last night.

The entire time, the two of them never pulled away from one another and never stopped their kiss for even a moment as they cleaned each other.

But when they finally had to pull away, they paused and gave each other a look that promised they would continue this later.

"Why do my loves look so sad?" Abaddon asked with a weary smile. "Have I not loved you enough?"

Instead of engaging in their husband's obvious flirtation, the girls instead rested their head against his chest and gave him a hug that would have crushed the ribs of a normal man.

"Honey... remember how you said that you would trust us with your life..?"

"Of course I do. You have something you need from me?"

The girls nodded slowly; embarrassed to even have to ask.

"When you go against Yaldabaoth... we ask that you find other ways to defeat him permanently. You absolutely cannot eat his heart."

Understandable confusion showed up on Abaddon's face.

His wives knew that they could ask him for anything they wanted, but he absolutely wasn't expecting them to ask for mercy for one of his greatest enemies.

"W-We are not asking for you to spare his life, just saying that you must find another way to kill him." The girls clarified.

Abaddon's brow softened, but he still stared hard into the girls' eyes without looking away.

"Is this another one of those moments where I am not allowed to ask you all any follow up questions or reasons for your request?"

The girls nodded slowly and Abaddon let out a half hearted sigh.

"Alright then.. I will do as you ask."

The girls looked up at Abaddon with eyes full of hope.

"Thank you..!"

Abaddon didn't say anything at first and allowed the girls to kiss him on his cheek with gratitude.

He trusted his wives with everything he had, that much was true.

However, he was beginning to wonder exactly what the girls knew that he didn't.

And why it seemed to be causing them such a visible level of stress.

Silently he hoped that the end of this battle ahead of them would mark an end to the secrecy, and he could have the answers to the questions that were beginning to pile up.


In their bedroom, the couple got dressed in silence.

Abaddon donned the outfit he usually wore before a great battle; a black skirt with demonic patterns running down the side of one leg, and a matching fur collar that hung around his broad shoulders.

He finished tying his hair back and cracked his neck once before turning around and getting a good look at the most beautiful women to ever draw breath.

Perhaps due to Seras and Bekka's suggestions, the girls had altered their body condition to a form that was less suited for cuddles and more for bloodshed.

Gone were their love handles and soft stomach that Abaddon could rest his head on for weeks at a time, and in their place formed the most perfect abs ever to grace a female form.

Their breasts and butt had shrunk a few sizes, and their legs became much more slender and toned.

They had covered their delicate caramel skin in a pair of sleek white leggings pulled just above their navel, and a black sports bra-like top.

Their feet were not only bare, but had been transformed into the scaly, talon-like feet of a dragon, with four toes situated in the front and a fifth coming out of the heel.

Their arms were uncovered by sleeves, and allowed them to show off their bold black tattoos and have their movement as uninhibited as possible.

They looked every bit as charming as they did deadly.

The two of them closed their wardrobes at the same time before turning back to face each other.

They showed the same small, appreciative smiles before silently taking each other's hands and exiting their bedroom together.

First, they stepped into their youngest son's room.

At the early hour of six in the morning, Straga was still sleeping off the sugar jitters he had from eating six slices of wedding cake last night.

They kissed the young boy on both his cheeks before exiting the room without making a single sound.

They did the same to their next five children, but when it came to the eldest two, they found that they were already awake.

Thea and Apophis were standing side by side each other in the hallway, and it seemed like both of them had been up for a while.

Jasmine was also leaning on the wall between them, and once she saw Abaddon and Ayaana coming she straightened up into a formal military stance.

Abaddon and Ayaana found her to be cute, and could barely suppress the smile that formed.

"Emperor, Empress... As your general, I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision not to-"

Abaddon threw his arm around Jasmine's shoulder and brought her face into his chest.

"Hm? Who is our general? I thought you were my little Jazzie-Pie?"

"I-I am too old for a nickname like that, and this is certainly not the time for joking!"

Abaddon ruffled the hair of his daughter-in-law and wiped away her grouchy expression.

"You might think we're slighting you by only taking the Euphrates and the Black Legion, but this is for your safety.

You all simply aren't ready yet... I won't endanger the lot of you by dragging you into a battle like this."

Those words seemed to sting Jasmine's heart terribly, and it took everything she had inside for her eyes not to water.

Ayanna took her by the hands before pulling her in for a hug of her own.

Erica: "Please do not be upset with us for our decision.

You will be a phenomenal general, and you will lead the Scarlet Legion to greater heights than I ever could.... but not today, my darling.

For today, you still need to learn all you can, and take advantage of opportunities to do so."

This caused Jasmine to tilt her head in confusion rather than cry.

"I don't understand... What do you mean?"

At this, Abaddon smiled as he took both his son and daughter under his arms.

"I think we kept you both waiting long enough. You're still waiting for our decision, right?"

Abaddon heard the sound of his children's hearts speed up like miniature engines and he chuckled softly.

"Thea, my precious daughter, and Apophis, my righteous son. Take your siblings and lead the Scarlet Legion to the Duat to recover your sister. Have Camazotz lead your way."

Disbelief showed in the eyes of both children as they blinked continuously.

"A-Are you serious..?"

"D-Don't joke, old man.."

This only made Abaddon smile wider as he shook his head.

"Well... not like this. I have a little gift for you, but I don't know if you can handle it. If you are able... you will indeed be able to undergo your mission."

The dragon held up his hand and two swirling energies wrapped around his palms.

One was heavenly, almost angelic, and orderly.

The other was slightly chaotic, necrotic, and ominous.

"Breathe in deeply, my precious heirs. Hold firmly to your convictions."

Abaddon placed his hands over the mouths of both children, and their eyes practically bulged out of their skulls.


The Black Legion's main base was eerily quiet.

In this isolated location, there were 100,050 dragons sitting on their knees with their eyes closed; each of them locked in a meditative position.

None of them even so much as twitched as they waited for the moment where they were instructed to do otherwise.

At the head of the armed forces, Asmodeus, Adeline, and even Kanami could be seen waiting patiently, their mouths never daring to utter a single complaint.

Suddenly, the air developed a familiar sharpness and the eyes of every dragon in attendance opened up miraculously.

At the head, Abaddon and Ayaana were standing together hand in hand, the both of them looking majestic, authoritative, and regal.

"Have we kept you waiting too long?"

"Of course not, god." Adeline said sincerely. "We march at your behest, and yours alone."

"Everyone is already here and accounted for." Asmodeus added. "None would dare to shy away."

Abaddon took one last look at his soldiers who were staring at him with burning looks of determination.

None of them would have requested to go home even if he offered, so he rightly decided to skip the speeches for today.

"I see.."


In an instant, Abaddon and all 100,050 dragons were transported outside of Sheol, to the cold infinite reaches of space itself.

Now that they had more room, the soldiers in the army dropped their human disguises and let their majesty be openly appreciated.

Abaddon gathered an abhorantly large amount of power in his fist and punched the emptiness in front of him like it was nothing.

A cracking sound was heard and reality itself literally trembled before an enormous crack opened up in the infinite darkness.

Abaddon looked back over his shoulder one final time to give a single piece of advice to all of the monstrous black dragons who were ready to die for him.

"You have but two orders from me. Do not die, and do not lose heart. Let's go."

Finally, Abaddon and Ayaana flew into the massive crack in space, with the sea of monstrous dragons following closely behind them.

What they saw when inside was something that they never expected.

Realities true and different, all thriving behind different shards of what resembled glass.

It seemed to go on forever, and indeed it did.

But Abaddon was not coming here to sightsee.

Turning his gaze towards the bottom of this endless ocean, he finally placed his eyes on the domain that'd caused him so much trouble for the past year and a half.

Tehom, The Black Abyss.

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