First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 487 A Convincing Plea…

Outside of the Euphrates themselves, the Black Legion was the most elite military body in all of Sheol.

Qualifications to be admitted are incredibly stringent, and it is rumored that even the emperor himself has no sway at all over the selection process.

Lieutenants, Captains, Colonels, any and all selections for higher rank are handled by the general himself and no one else.

They are the most respected, powerful, and famed citizens in society.

Asmodeus personally has taken the time to beat- I mean, instill loyalty and obedience into every single one of them.

So when Asmodeus called for his men a few seconds ago, none of them even thought to hesitate; despite the fact that they were in the middle of a festival.

Now, the sky above the colosseum was filled with some of the most powerful dragons in creation.

In their natural bodies, they are no smaller than 70 meters tall, and imposing enough to be the main character of any sort of world eating legends.

Some have one head, but others have anywhere from 2-4.

A fact that they take great pride in, as they feel it brings them ever closer to their almighty leader.

And now, Abaddon was staring at the legion of his most devoted as they landed in and around the colosseum, one-by-one.

As he got up from the ground, a particularly large black dragon with three heads landed right in front of him.

The fangs of the creature were slightly enlarged, indicating that she was part vampire.

She lowered all three heads until they touched the sand, and Abaddon gave her center muzzle a nice petting.

"Lieutenant General Adeline... You're growing quite well I see. I hope my old man isn't driving you mad while you're picking up his slack."

If one looked close enough, they could swear that they saw Adeline's dark scales form a blush.

"N-No, My God. Serving General Asmodeus is the most honorable calling of my life. I would never dare to complain."

Asmodeus folded his arms across his broad chest and nodded satisfactorily.

Naturally, Abaddon couldn't stand to let his father feel overly superior.

"Oh really? So if I said that I needed a secretary to help me manage a few of my affairs, then you wouldn't be interested?"

"I-I would. I exist solely to help with whatever plights or challenges might trouble your divine hands!"

"Y-You bitch!" Asmodeus yelled.

"I told you if you talked to me like that again, I would be going to DR."

"My legion doesn't have a Dragon Resources department!"

"Yes we do. You're married to them."

"You bit-"

Imani / Yara : "What were you going to call her…?"

"…Bestie?" Asmodeus lied.

While his father was trying to dig himself out of an early grave, Abaddon had a sad smile on his face as he thought about his subordinate's last words.

Adeline Agrona is the Lieutenant General of the Black Legion, hand picked by Asmodeus himself.

She had once tried out for the Euphrates alongside Kanami, but ultimately did not meet the criteria for acceptance.

Instead of becoming bitter, she dedicated all of her time to training herself as hard as she could so that she could retake the admission test a year later.

But so many things happened between then and now.

The destruction of Luxuria, the ascension of Abaddon as dragon king, and the birth of an entirely new race of dragons, followed by their subsequent migration to a spiritual domain.

When Abaddon started rebuilding the army in Sheol, the first thing that Adeline did was try out for an officer's position in the Black Legion.

She felt that if she got a chance to serve underneath the one who trained the Euphrates themselves, she would surely be better than everyone else by the time re-testing came around.

Asmodeus took a special liking to her due to her resilience, determination, and crass attitude.

She is incredibly selfless and loyal to the army as a whole, but most notably Abaddon himself.

Suddenly, the three-headed western dragon was engulfed in a mass of silvery white flame.

Now, kneeling in front of Abaddon was a charming-yet serious looking woman.

She wore an outfit that consisted of a black suit, with a simple white dress shirt.

A gold colored tie hung loosely around her neck, and a long military coat was draped over her shoulders.

She stood at around 5'7, and her body was neither too lean, nor overly curvaceous.

Though she did have a very nice behind that Abaddon always pretended he didn't notice.

She had short, pale violet hair with eyes to match, and a pair of full, pink lips that were currently pressed down on a cigarette.

There were two bold tattoos on her body.

One was a small marking in the middle of her forehead, the other was a demonic looking pattern along the entirety of her throat.

Adeline had quite a fearsome reputation due to her masculine mannerisms and shitty people skills, so she didn't have a whole lot of suitors despite her position.

Not that she minded anyway, since there was only one man who had her full attention.

And she was now worried that she might have upset him.

"Have I said something to trouble you, your highness?"

"…In fact you have." Abaddon said.

Abaddon suddenly grabbed the mature dragon by the horn and gave her a playful and hard shake like he was trying to listen for something rattling around in there.


"Why don't any of you value yourselves like you're supposed to? Should I have made you lot smarter?"


"I'm touched by your loyalty, but I am the one who has the responsibility of making your lives easier, not the other way around.

You exist to follow your own dreams and desires. I am here to take you on the easiest path to them."

Adeline couldn't muster up any defense to Abaddon's words, as he was currently still shaking her.

Instead, another member of The Black Legion took the liberty of responding.

"E-Emperor, please… forgive me for my impetuousness but I request the right to speak!"

"…You think I don't know what you want to say to me, Captain Ramura?"

"I am sure that you do, your majesty, but I sincerely hope that you will allow me to say it anyway."

Abaddon thought about it for a couple of moments before agreeing against his better judgment. "…You're free to speak."

The captain rose back to his feet and stared into Abaddon's eyes unflinchingly.

"I had nothing before you and your family came to Samael. I was a petty thief, snatching purses to feed my son and wrongly teaching him to do the same.

The day you showed up in Luxuria to make it your own, I thought for sure you would be dead in a month.

A first staged evolved professing himself to be a demon lord and promising to turn our run down place into a force that rivaled Antares? It was laughable.

But then… I watched you do it. I read about your battles in the paper, saw you fight against the humans who came to try to exterminate us…"

Abaddon was wishing that he had denied the captain's permission to speak, because listening to all of this was starting to make him feel just a little bit embarrassed.

He was never the kind of person who was good at accepting sincere praise like this.

But unfortunately for him, Captain Ramura was far from done.

"But you weren't just our war god. You introduced a myriad of foreign policies and programs that none of us had ever even heard of to better our lives.

I still remember the day that you and Empress Lisa sat with me personally to conduct a job placement interview… I've never sweated so much in my god damn life."

'We thought you had a disability… I cooled the room with my powers, but you just kept sweating.' Abaddon remembered.

"You got me back on my feet, and showed me a life where me and my boy didn't have to be crooks. You cared enough to not turn your back on trash like u-"

"You are not now, nor have you ever been.. trash." Abaddon said seriously.

Even though his demeanor was a frightening one, he only made Captain Ramura smile even harder.

"See that? Even though you know every foul thing I've ever done, your belief in me is still unchanging. You still see me as worthwhile.

That is why I would follow you even if you had nothing, and fight for you with this body even if you did not give it to me.

And yes, I would certainly die for you without any complaints. Such is the depth of my gratitude."

With perfect posture, Captain Ramura got down onto one knee and bowed directly in front of Abaddon.

"Right here today, I am submitting a formal request. I would like to ask that the full might of Apollonir's army to neutralize the threat against our monarch."

Abaddon looked around the arena, and he could see that every member of the Black Legion had dropped to their knees at some point.

Their feelings on the subject were much the same as Ramura's.

And if they saw an opportunity, they would immediately jump in and submerge Abaddon in their own personal tales of how he inspired their loyalty.

The entire arena was dead silent as they waited for him to make a decision.

He looked at his father, his mothers, and even Adeline; whom he finally realized that he had yet to stop shaking.


Once he realized his mistake, he stopped shaking her immediately.

But because her brain had been rattled around quite a bit, she was unsteady and ended up falling against him.

Abaddon felt partially responsible for this, so he made no moves to push her away and just held her up instead.

'Audrina is going to be so pissed when she smells this…' he realized.

'…Audrina is going to be so pissed when she smells this!' He thought deliciously.

With intense jealousy sex secured for the night, Adeline finally started to come to and realized what she was doing.

"E-Emperor, I-"

"Lieutenant General Adeline. I want you to ensure that your entire corps is in perfect shape for our next campaign.

I won't tolerate even a single loss of life on our side, do you understand me? We hold festivals in Sheol, not funerals."


Even with her brain rattled, Adeline understood the orders that were being relayed to her perfectly.

She displayed a wide, pointed smile that was a mirror version of the one Abaddon and his family always wore.

"Understood, your majesty. Not a single soldier will fall under our enemy's blades. And all who stand against your eminence shall meet the same, fiery end. There will be no mercy."

Feeling a bit relieved by her determination, Abaddon met Adeline's smile with one of his own.

"What is mercy?"

At that moment, all 100,000 dragons erupted into a frantic celebration.

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