First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 485 The Goddess Of War For Superiority!

Seras Bloodflame Tathamet is the oldest daughter of The Great Earthshaker Hajun, and the Maid of Death, Kirina.

515 Years ago, Seras was nothing more than a cute little girl without any violent impulses or tendencies whatsoever.

As her father's first child, there was no limit to the amount of spoiling she received.

The only sort of weapons she picked up were forks at the dinner table at home.

This life of hers continued on for quite a long time, until Seras' first brother was born.

If she thought that she loved life before, she loved it significantly more once she finally became a big sister.

Her brother Julian was the sweetest boy in the world, and she took him just about everywhere with him.

Kirina and Hajun were quite a loving couple, so they popped out three more children in quick succession, and had their own merry little band walking around their home.

Things were perfect and without incident for the longest time, until the kids reached their teenage years and things started to change.

For all intents and purposes, Seras was a miracle baby.

Before Abaddon came to power, creating perfect hybrids was based solely on luck and prayer.

Seras was exactly half vampire, and half dragon.

She could walk around in the sun without her skin becoming irritated, and even as a dragon she could regenerate wounds in seconds.

She was perfection.

The rest of her siblings were either born as dragons or vampires, with none of the additional benefits that she received.

In time, this bred jealousy rather than love.

Kirina and Hajun had many children, but the only one the public seemed to clamor to get their eyes on was the hybrid first daughter.

Considering who her parents were, everyone expected her to become the next great warrior of the world, and potentially even a rival for Helios and Lucifer themselves.

The gag was, at the age of fourteen Seras hadn't even swore, much less picked up a weapon.

And yet the world's faith in her was almost unshakable.

Looking to prove a point, her siblings went to her mother secretly and started asking them to train them.

Kirina didn't know why her children were being so hush-hush about the matter, but she didn't think much of it and eventually complied without telling Seras or Hajun.

Months later, Seras' siblings asked her to meet her alone so that they could play a game like old times.

Seras was rather depressed since her siblings seemed to be uninterested in playing with her for a long time now, so when they called her she didn't hesitate to run to them.

And she walked headfirst into the worst day of her life.

She was beaten unmercifully without understanding why or for what purpose.

But because of her genetic makeup, she healed from all damage without so much as a single scar to show for it.

This familial abuse continued for far too long , with Seras having her bones broken or skin ripped off at least three times a day.

The entire time Hajun or Kirina never knew what was going on, because Seras never told them.

Maybe it was because she didn't want her siblings to face any punishments, or perhaps it had something to do with the fact that she believed everything that had happened was her fault.

But she kept quiet for three entire years before there was a change.

One day, her brother held Seras down while her sister bludgeoned her over the head with their father's mace.

Seras' head was cracked open so wide that her brain was a few inches removed from her skull.

It took longer than normal for her to heal that time; over two minutes in fact.

When vision finally returned to her eyes, she saw things from a different perspective.

Or, at least she thinks that she did.

In reality, she didn't remember much.

This was the first time that her split personality manifested itself, and the result was... catastrophic.

Seras didn't really know what she did.

She just came to in the rubble of her own home, surrounded by the broken bodies of all of her 'siblings'.

By the time her mother and father arrived, they found her giggling like mad as she used their blood as her lotion.

Naturally, as good parents they were horrified at what they perceived to be a one-sided assault on Seras' behalf, and attempted to restrain her.

Laughing maniacally at the absurdity of the situation, Seras finally asked her parents loudly why they never cared when anything was happening to her.

In gruesome, maniacal detail, Seras explained everything that had happened to her for the past three years of her life.

The fact that she recalled it all like it was a nice little fun day at the beach only made it more disturbing.

Both parents were understandably horrified, but Hajun was even more enraged because he had no knowledge of the fact that his children had even learned martial arts.

He and his wife had the discussion long ago that it would be best to leave their children out of such things, until they decided that they wanted to be taught on their own.

Hajun was so enraged that the two of them split immediately, and he announced his plan to take Seras back to Antares.

He started training her himself, and like the natural prodigy she was she quickly distinguished herself as a viable candidate for Helios' army.

The better that Seras got, the more intensely that Hajun began to coddle and baby her.

Single handedly, he was trying to replace the family that she became estranged from due to his own negligence.

Two hundred years went by before Hajun's other children reached out to speak to him again.

They were significantly less violent this time around, and they never picked up a weapon again after Seras nearly killed them.

Hajun eventually patched things up with his children, but Seras never did.

She never spoke to her siblings or Kirina again after the incident, and eventually she grew tired of her father's coddling, and cut contact with him too.

For ten years, Seras' focus was only on improving and enunciating the superiority that had made her so hated, even by her own family.

It was the sole reason she fought, ate, slept, and breathed.

That is... until she met her future husband at a dinner party, and she found new things to focus on.


Seras awoke to her body glowing slightly, and a warm feeling spreading from her chest.

She had a sense of purpose in her mind that wasn't quite there before, and felt as if he had practically been born anew.

She sat up in her bed and before she knew what was happening, her mother had reappeared at her side.

"Are you... alright?"

Seras did not comment immediately, and instead stretched her body a few times to shake away the stiffness.

"...I'd say I'm a bit better than alright. Remembering where it all began is a remarkably cathartic experience I'd say."

Kirina bit her red lips uncomfortably as she looked down at her own hands.

"I understand... if you still resent me. I should have been the one to see what was happening to you when you started to become more reclusive in our home, but I.."

"It's over and done now, mother. I am far from the helpless daughter who needs protecting."

Seras moved to get out of bed and started walking towards her window.

She only made it about halfway to her destination before she was yanked backward by her tail and pulled into her mother's arms.

At 6'3, Seras dwarfed her 5'8 mother, but that did not stop Kirina from holding on to her like she was still eight.

"Far from it in age, yes, but you will always be my daughter.. and that means that it will always be my job to protect you, no matter what.

I failed at that... and I have spent the last 500 years cursing myself for my blindness.

Your father has forgiven me and we are doing our best to mend things, but if you have any more objections to voice then I will atone for 500 more."

"G-Get off of me..! You're an adult, you can do what you want!"

"But I do not wish to do anything if it will make my child uncomfortable!"

"You have other children, go and harass them!"

"To hell with them!!"

Kirina screamed so loudly that she caused the walls and ceiling to shake.

In the aftermath there was silence, save for the sound of occasional droplets of water hitting the ground.

Seras didn't know what to say.

She wasn't good at mushy things.

If her family didn't drag it out of her, she would never express herself in any other way aside from sexual activity.

She couldn't say what she felt without swinging a spear or pulling somebody's head off.

How was she supposed to express how she did or didn't feel to her mother?

Seras had children of her own now.

She knew exactly what it was like to love them unconditionally, and she monitored them all closely for any signs of depression or isolation.

She couldn't begin to imagine overlooking their suffering for three whole years.

"I needed you..." she finally said. "The first time it happened, I cried out for you and father to come and save me until my windpipe was smashed."

"S-Seras, I-"

"I'm not still blaming you, and I am certainly no longer agonizing over my fate back then, but you have to understand. It makes it difficult for me to feel some sort of lasting familial bond with you after you have already let me down once before.

You're a wonderful grandmother to my children, and I sincerely hope that you and father are always happy together. But if you are expecting me to just waltz right back into your family fold.. I am afraid I am going to have to disappoint you."

Seras finally yanked her tail out of her mother's grasp and she headed towards the balcony once again.

Kirina reached out for her daughter, but fell just shy of reaching her.

Seras flipped off the balcony and plummeted through the sky back down to the festival, leaving her mother in the dark bedroom, alone and broken.

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