First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 483 Funny Seeing You Here...

For Transcendent Dragon festivals, family friendly sections take up around 40% of the festivities.

These stalls tend to mostly be run by the elderly, school teachers, and other families.

These events are situated in the innermost part of whatever city is hosting the event.

But on the 60% outskirts.. all that remains is true debauchery.

Abaddon had never visited these places before, as he was always busy making sure that his children got a chance to see and do everything they set their mind to.

But for the first time, his babies were off doing other things with each of their mothers or romantic partners.

Leaving him by himself and with no one else to hang out with.

Until his lovely Erica came along.

Mischievously, she whisked him along to the red-light district of the festival and both of them had their horizons broadened exponentially.

Even though it was Erica's idea to come here, she admittedly had to do a double take once they stepped deep enough into the festivities.

"Cooter cookies! Got some with and without cream here!"

"Penis pops here! They come in human, werewolf, dragon, and emperor!"

"Hot chocolate here!"

'Oof, at least that one's normal.'

"Made with my very own breastmilk!"


Abaddon nearly chuckled when he watched Erica's cheeks get progressively redder and redder.

"Having second guesses about coming here, love?"

"N-No? Why would you think that?"

"You're crushing my hand."

Erica looked down and found that she had been squeezing so tightly that all of Abaddon's fingers were crushed and bent out of shape.

"A-Ah... Sorry, honey."

Erica release Abaddon's hand, and it healed instantly like it was never broken.

"You were quite bold and charming when inviting me to this place, but now it seems as if that has all faded away. Is this the limit of your bravado?"

"S-Shut up... I just wasn't expecting us to be the only ones who were fully... covered.." Erica's words trailed off as she looked at her husband's bare tattooed chest that was almost fully visible underneath his white fur vest.

"…I'm going to get you a t-shirt for your next birthday."


As Erica ran her hands across her husband possessively, the two of them were suddenly approached by some acquaintances that they knew all too well.

Persephone and her mother Demeter were being accompanied by the loa, Papa Legba.

All three of them looked to have been doing a bit of early sightseeing, and it was clear that the festival had a profound effect on them.

Demeter: "H-Hello, you two…"

Persephone: "Hope we aren't interrupting your time as a couple…"

Papa Legba: "It is nice to see bodies that are fully dressed… except for you, Abaddon."

Abaddon smiled when he saw the three gods shuffling about awkwardly, almost like they had seen far too much that they shouldn't have.

"What's wrong, friends? You look a little taken aback."

The three gods didn't know what to say.

They had all been around sex before, especially the two Greeks in attendance.

But somehow an Apollonir festival made Aphrodite's orgies seem like cute little play dates for toddlers.

Papa Legba: "We've just… seen a bit too much today."

Demeter: "I watched an ice spirit freeze the genitals of a dragon man, and then a fire spirit thawed it with her mouth…"

Persephone: "I will never be able to scrub such filthy debauchery from my memory for as long as I live."

This time, Abaddon really couldn't hold it and laughed heartily without restraint.

"I told you all that my people were a passionate bunch. Do you agree now?"

"Ah.. I don't know if I can describe this as passion, friend. These dragons of yours are more like hyper sexual masses of scales and semen." Papa Legba admitted.

"They're so… crude." Demeter shivered.

"Oh, is that what you think?"

Abaddon suddenly pulled Erica close to him so that her body was pressed directly against his own.

A deluge of natural seductiveness exploded out from him, and he captivated every person on the street instantly and without even meaning to.

He gently dragged his claws along her face and wiped away the drool that started to run down her chin.

"Sex is a lot more meaningful and nuanced than you are giving it credit for. The act of giving yourself over to another with the sole goal of sharing in ecstasy is inviting and transformative."

Erica was literal putty in her husband's hands and he seemed to be the only thing holding her upright.

Abaddon kissed her lightly on the cheek and reigned himself back in, though not before giving Erica a light orgasm that she suppressed forcefully.

He turned his attention back to the three deities who were watching with wide eyes and red faces.

All except for Papa Legba, whose skin was hidden behind white paint.

"My people are just more open and honest about their antics, and like to celebrate their love for anatomy right out in the open for all to see.lightsnovel

I suppose on the surface it may seem like we are crude and obsessed with sex, but I think that does us a large disservice.

After all, I am living proof that something as minute as lust can grow into much... much more impactful and long lasting, don't you think?"

Papa Legba was stunned into silence, and Demeter and her daughter looked like they were about to risk it all for a happy ending.

Abaddon smiled in a friendly manner as he walked away from the three gods with Erica's hand in his.

"Enjoy the festival, friends! There's still three whole days for you to come around." he laughed.

As the three of them watched his back disappear, Papa Legba noticed that the women accompanying him had stopped breathing.

He gave them both a small nudge and they took a moment to refocus their vision and lose the glossy looks in their eyes.

"Easy now, ladies. He's getting married in two days."

"We know, but..."

"It's... nice to think about what could have been sometimes. If we'd just met him a little bit earlier that is."

Papa Legba wanted to keep the girls moving along, but he sensed that they might have needed a moment.

Unrequited love was already hard, but falling in love with the physical embodiment of desire itself was even harder.


Abaddon and Erica went to the couples district and browsed aroundthe different shops and stalls, looking for new things to do.

Eventually, the two settled on a couple's body painting session and prepared to step inside.

However, Erica suddenly saw something across the street that made all of her plans go on hold.

lightsnοvεl "EEP!"

"Eh? What's wrong with you?"

Erica teleported from beside Abaddon and reappeared in front of a sign outside of a naughty bookstore.

Her violet eyes flickered with visible excitement as she read the chalk board aloud.

"Jane Sparks, author of The Allure of Flame is doing a public book signing..! Today!! Please pinch me, I feel like I am going to die..!"

Abaddon perfectly mimicked Mira and tilted his head all the way to the side in great confusion.


"Jane Sparks! Don't you know her?!"

"I am aware of absolutely every dragon in Sheol without exception, and there are none among them with that name."

"W- Well she must be using a pseudonym then! Look!" Erica held out her hands and a dark red book appeared in her hands.

Abaddon inspected it curiously and was a bit bewildered by its synopsis.

Loosely, the book was based on the young maiden Lorraine, who is a run of the mill darkness spirit and relatively plane and unassuming.

The male lead is Ignacio, a fire dragon from a noble family who is more handsome than anyone else in the entire kingdom.

Through a chance meeting, he falls in love with her at first sight and the two of them quickly become obsessed with each other.

But he is flame, and by extension, light.

His very touch heats her body up, and prolonged exposure burns her delicate skin.

She knows this, but does not tell him because she cannot resist the delicious ecstasy that comes from having him take her roughly from behind.

Abaddon flipped through a couple of pages and even he had to admit, it was pretty spicy stuff.

There was a scene where Lorraine starts getting attention from Ignacio's brother as well, and as a show of ownership they break into his castle and fornicate all over his good bedsheets.

The list of kinks included on the back was not small.

Anal, Futa, Bondage, Lactation, Impregnation, Dilf, Double Penatration, the list just went on!

"I had no idea that you read any of this stuff." Abaddon admitted.

Erica suddenly folded her arms across her chest and turned away from Abaddon in frustration.

"Well, you were rejecting me so fiercely before that I had to find some way to comfort myself. You shouldn't have taken so damned long."

Abaddon smiled as he wrapped his arms around her apologetically.

"Well… I was worth the wait, wasn't I?"

Erica's ears turned bright red in response.

"More than you can ever know… b-but enough about that for now..!"

Escaping from his grasp so as not to take him in the middle of the street, she suddenly grabbed him by the hand and started pulling him into the store.

"Come on! I absolutely have to get this book signed and keep it as a special memento!"

Abaddon smiled at this rare, childish side from Erica and followed her along without much complaint.

Upon stepping into the bookstore, he could see that this author was indeed very popular, as the place was jammed packed.

Barely anyone even noticed that he came in, and those that did only blushed and bowed respectfully before turning back to the front of the line.

Abaddon's eyes were drawn to the table where the book signing was taking place, hoping to lay his eyes on the real identity of the author.

But the moment he did, he immediately wished he hadn't.

Sitting at the table, polymorphed into a form he didn't recognize was his very own daughter, Gabbrielle.

The one who he knew for sure didn't have an ounce of sexual interest or desire within her.

"What… the… fuck…?"

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