First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 479 The Seventh Overlord Of The Abyss

Abaddon had watched Ayanna's whole routine without blinking, breathing, or ceasing to bleed from the nostrils.

How could a scene be so captivating!?

He was pretty sure he had never been more aroused in his life!

He was pretty sure that it wasn't healthy for him to be this hard!

And last but not least, he was pretty sure that there was no way he was going to make it back in time for the rest of the game!

"So..? Did you like it?" They asked in unison.

Like a vixen, the girls floated towards their husband and wrapped their arms around his neck.

When they felt the searing heat of the throbbing member in his pants, they knew that they had their answer.

"Oh? Well that's no good... it seems really uncomfortable for you to stay like this..."

Ayanna placed her hand over Abaddon's member as they licked the golden blood running down his lips.

"We can help you with that... after all, we are your biggest fans~"

The barbed scales on Abaddon's member finally pierced through his shorts and tights, and now he had no choice but to take them off.

I mean, he couldn't walk around with holes in his shorts, right??

His team should understand!

Besides, by his count he should still have a whole sixteen minutes left!

He could use the first fifteen minutes to get a shot off, then change his pants, take a couple of pictures of his wives in this naughty cheerleader outfit, and then pop back into the lockeroom before the whistle was blown!

It was a perfect plan that could know no possible failure!

Breathing heavily, Abaddon grabbed his wives somewhat roughly by the back of the neck and brought their head eye level with his crotch.

The girls let out a helpless yelp at the rough treatment before they smiled gleefully at the bulge demanding attention.

They pulled down his shorts like they were pulling back the curtain on some prized exhibit.

They let the full weight of his member rest across their face before starting their service with a long lick underneath the shaft.

Just as Abaddon watched her widen her mouth to actually fit the whole thing inside, he heard something in his head that a man never wants to hear when his dick is hard.

His father's voice.

'Hey, brat! Put your willie away, we've got a little-'


'Quit your whining! You know how many times I have to stop because your sister comes to visit?!'

'Old man, I am going to kill you!'

'Bring it then, bitch!'

"Mmh?!" Ayanna's eyes nearly bulged out of their collective skull as they felt Abaddon go totally flaccid within their mouth for the first time in their entire marriage.

They removed it from between their lips and their multicolored eyes filled with tears practically immediately.

"H-Honey..? Are you not aroused by us...?"

"Eh? N-No, it's not you-"

"It's because we look fat, isn't it!?"

"What?! No!"

"It's finally happened! We're past our prime!"

"Girls, please!"

Abaddon picked up Ayaana into his arms and pressed their foreheads together.

Finally, they could hear Asmodeus talking in their husband's mind, and their cheeks went red from the misunderstanding.

'- I don't have time to fuck around with you right now! You need to get back here, this woman Discordia is not looking too good. Can't tell what's wrong with her.'

This admittedly caused Abaddon to pause and he let out an exhausted sigh.

'Alright... I'm coming now.'

'Well hurry up and wipe her chin, then-'

'Shut up, you decrepit old bastard!'


A few moments later, Abaddon crawled out of the shadows within his team's locker room with a visible scowl on his face.

The trauma he had just suffered through... he would never forget it as long as he lived.

He also felt like he owed his oldest children a sincere apology.

Finally, he could relate to their pain.

"Hm? Why are there holes in your shorts?" Asmodeus asked.

"Because I'm happily married." was Abaddon's only answer as he bumped past his father.

Discordia was lying on a couch with a sweat covering her body and a faint look of exhaustion that she was trying to hide.

"Back so soon, loverboy..? Women don't like a quick shot, you know...?"

"Don't be annoying, or I will let you die." Abaddon said as he kneeled beside her.

"Who said I was going to die, horn head...?"

"I was just thinking wishfully."

"You're so unlikeable.."

"Yea, yea..."

Abaddon studied Discordia carefully without really understanding what he was looking for.

His eyes flickered a bit momentarily and he could suddenly see the four aspects of her body separately.

Her flesh, bones, and nervous system were all fine.

The problem however lie within her soul.

Something dark and foreign had been planted within her and seemed to have been growing slowly over her time here.

It seemed less outwardly destructive and more parasitic.

There was no way that she could have known that she was carrying this.

Someone as loud and prideful as her would never voluntarily let their mind be taken over.

And honestly, he didn't want to tell her.

All of her ranting and raving would just give him a headache.

"Ah, you're fine. Just seem to have gotten a little bug is all." he said dismissively.

"The hell kind of bugs do you have in-"

"Shut up and go to sleep." Abaddon's tattoos glowed green and suddenly Discordia began to have a hard time staying awake.

A full two seconds were all that was needed before she was out like a light, dreaming of causing havoc and mischief in churches and nursing homes all around.

Once she was out, Abaddon buried his claw a millimeter into her forehead, and touched her soul directly.

Almost immediately, his brow shot up and he felt an old since of irritation well up in his brain.

'This presence...'

It was so old that he had almost forgotten it.

And it brought back memories that felt like they were from a lifetime ago.

Just when he thought he may have been hallucinating, he heard another voice in his mind that confirmed all of his suspicions.

'How powerful you've become in the time since I have spoken to you last.. you think you are above me now.

But I am still too big, and you are still small and insignificant. A medley of broken parts smushed together...'

A wide, manic smile spread across Abaddon's face.

The suppression on his powers was temporarily lifted, and he released enough pressure to knock everyone around him to their butts.

'You don't sound half asleep this time, and your words are much more ballsy than before. Still not quite sure it's you though...'

Abaddon heard a growl come from the other side and suddenly his vision went dark.

The next thing he knew, he was staring at a man sitting on throne.

However, he was different from how he'd last seen him.

He had the appearance of a young man in his mid twenties with an unlikeable yet handsome face and black hair.

His eyes that were brown before were now glowing violet with gold symbols tumbling and falling within the irises.

He wore an entirely dark suit that was made from materials of worlds long destroyed.

There was one horn sitting atop his head, and the other looked like it had been lost in a great battle against an even greater enemy.

This man didn't seem to be a dragon though.. or at least not a real one.

He used to have pale olive colored skin back on earth, but now it was entirely black, almost as if he was surrounded by the darkness so long that he had become a part of it.

Abaddon's smile became wider and sharper and his claws popped out of his fingertips.

"I always thought that day was crazy... who kills someone just for scuffing their ninety dollar shoes and bumping into them?"

"I gave you wishes in return. Are we not even?"

Abaddon was smiling, but he was not at all amused.

The same person who 'killed' him on the street that day was also the being responsible for granting his wishes and transporting him all the way to Dola to wake up in his real body.

And coincidentally, he also seemed to be the current ruler of Tehom and the one who had stuck him on some needless timeline.

Life was funny like that, huh?

"You are a hard man to get ahold of, aren't you? I figured that the strife goddess would find her way into your little hiding place, since you can always find flies buzzing around shit..."

Abaddon exhaled a tornado of flames for such a provocation, but Yaldabaoth held up a single hand and opened up a portal to some unknown ruined world.

The entire planet went up in smoke and ash, but he remained scratch free and without a single burn on his suit.

"I see that you aren't taking the trial timeline serious..." Yaldabaoth continued. "Look at all of this needless... play." he spat.

"You are a waste in every sense of the word... a disgrace with no concept of the severe situation he has found himself in. You take Tehom too lightly, dragon."

Finally, Abaddon's smile disappeared and all that was left behind was a small smirk.

"Do I...? I suppose I could see how you'd reach a conclusion like that. Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't, but I won't be yanked around. Who the fuck do you think you are...?"

To order me..?

To impose some sanctimonious limitations on the time I get to spend with MY family...?

To hang threats over my head of an eternal agony, if I didn't play along in your little games...?

I will burn every soul in the below lands to sate my anger. And I will build my unified empire on top of your ashes."

Yaldabaoth narrowed his eyes as he leaned forward, finding Abaddon's word's foolish.

"How you havelived this long when you overestimate yourself at every turn is something that I will never understand.

I believe that the humans have an expression for this phenomena… the big fish in the little pond."

Suddenly, Yaldabaoth stood up and approached Abaddon recklessly.

His eyes were full of hate and his nostrils flared as the two of them came face to face for the second time in almost two years.

"When you arrive in my domain… there will be no one to save you. All of your power, your treasures, and abilities will become mine just like they were supposed to be..! And I will prove myself to be the one, true, shadow of god!!"

Abaddon felt his golden blood begin to boil, and all of his muscles tensed in anticipation.

But for now… he was going to be patient.

"Ah well, your motivations are noted, and I'll be certain to repeat them back to you when I am standing over your corpse. In the meantime… keep my seat warm for me…!

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