First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 475 The Dragon Bowl!

Magical fireworks shot off into the sky as the crowed roared to signal the start of their game.

Coming out of one tunnel at the ten yard line was a group that looked like it placed a real priority on skill players and efficiency.

They mostly had more slender builds, with only a couple of them possessing some kind of bold musculature stature.

Since these were supernatural beings playing, the standard outfit of pads, cleats, and helmets weren't really necessary.

Instead, the men wore a much simpler outfit of bright red dri-fit shirts with matching shorts and black tights underneath.

The women wore the same thing, except they had on crop tops instead of a full t-shirt.

They looked so good that this was the best advertisement that Aike ever had... (Abaddon Nike, a fashion line curated by an earth spirit and dwarven dragon in Sheol.)

In terms of protection, they had one of two choices.

Dragons adorned their scales around their face, arms, upper chest, and feet.

Gods had encompassed their bodies in a dull golden outer shell that would protect them from injury, but would not inhibit them from being tackled or knocked down.


- In the Tathamet family suite.

Thea: "KYAAA!! Let's go babe!!"

Sabine: "You can do this Jasmine!"

Nita: "We'll reward you good when you get home!"

Apophis, Belloc, Mira, Gabrielle, and the twins all grimaced.

Straga looked up at the young woman holding his hand with a confused look on his face.

"What is the reward, Mon-mon?"


"Will you reward Straga?"



Jasmine and her team came out to the song "Fire" by Beartooth.

For the dragons who had actually been living here, they were visibly amped up and excited to interact with the crowd.

On the other hand, the gods themselves were visibly stiff and could only pull off simple waves and forced smiles.

How were they supposed to know dragons cared so much about football??

They thought Abaddon and his daughter-in-law were just weird!

There were over 200,000 dragons here!

"Don't start worrying about the crowd... the biggest problem has yet to come." Jasmine warned.

Before the gods could ask what she meant, all of the lights in the stadium suddenly went out.

A low thudding sound similar to a heartbeat started to play over the speakers, and the announcer's voice gave off a much more anticipant and reverent feeling than before.

"Ladies and gentlemen... in all my time as an announcer, never did I ever think I would get to announce the arrival of a team led by the Exalted One himself...."

Dim, red lights started to bathe the stadium in their glow, creating a scene that very closely resembled the aftermath of a bloodbath.

An ode of what was to come.

*Runnin' by 21 Savage and Metro Boomin starts playing*

"This team needs no introduction, but I would be doing a disservice if I did not give him one anyway out of a sign of respect..."

From deep within the tunnel, one could see a pair of glowing red eyes that seemed to belong to some immeasurably powerful beast.

Small whisps of black and red flame would appear right beneath the eyes before inevitably disappearing; only to show up once again with a new exhale.

"He is our divine protector, our horrifying avenger, and the unanimous hall pass of every sentient being.

Like a cosmic storm, he is a force of nature that cannot be stopped outside of his own inclinations.

lightsΝοvel I gotta be honest with you, folks, I almost pity the other team today this truly does not seem like a wise decision..."

More and more of the opposing team started to be revealed from the shadows, and by now it was easier to make out their dark grey outfits and dominant, muscular physiques.

At the lead, the bursts of flame continued to get larger and larger, revealing more of the team captain's indomitable stature and the number 0 written across his chest.

" Leading his team into what will surely be a one-sided massacre, He is The Black Dragon. Get on your feet and let out a roar, for our Divine Emperor, and the Obsidian Sentinels!"

Once his face was finally in full view of the public, Abaddon blew a massive tornado of flame up into the air above the stadium; sending the spectators into a frenzy.





- In the Tathamet family suite

Lailah: "That's our husband, that's our husband!!"

Bekka: "I want to be his protective cup..."

Lisa: "I can't wait for halftime, I'm going to fuck him until he can't walk!"

Audrina: "D-Don't, you'll ruin the second half of the game! Wait till after!"

Valerie: "I-I'm not going to make it until then, I need him so badly that I'm going to have to put in six tampons to control this kind of flood..."

Lillian : "I haven't been this wet since the night he proposed!"

Again, Straga turned his head to his betrothed with clear confusion on his cute face.

"Tampon? Wet? Fuc-"

"W-Would you like a cookie, little man?"lightsnovel



Back on the field, Jasmine felt her eyes narrow as she stared at her father-in-law's back.

Whether it was war, scaring off the would-be suitors of his daughters, or a simple football game, Abaddon fully understood the necessity and art of intimidation.

Glancing behind her back, she could see that the opposing team's entrance had a profound effect on her players.

Whether or not his powers were suppressed didn't matter, Abaddon was still Abaddon.

His presence alone was more overwhelming than most could bear, divine or otherwise.

Though.. the effect it had on Seras was admittedly a little different.

"Ah... mother-in-law? Can I count on you not to have certain.. reactions, during the game?"

Seras' cheeks were bright red, her eyes were hazy, and the crest given to her by her husband was glowing just beneath her clothes.

"I-I-I don't know... if he tackles me I can't promise I won't pin him down and fuck him like the IRS..."

The other women on Jasmine's team understood exactly where she was coming from, and they were more than hoping to get a peek.

However, the men on the team heard something entirely different.

"You said tackle..." Hachiman muttered with pale face.

"Then does that mean that..." Ogun began.

"Yea... my husband is playing linebacker."

The dragon in question turned to meet the gazes of the opposing team and smiled with a mouthful of pointed teeth like a shark; simultaneously showing them a sight that was both erotic and terrifying.



The coin toss didn't even occur.

Abaddon's team strictly requested that Jasmine and her team get the ball first.

Kickoff was not anything particularly special, and it went by with a relative quickness.

Alethia ended up catching the ball and making it all the way to the forty yard line before being brought down by her mother, signaling the start of the game.

True to Jasmine's word, Abaddon had lined up right behind his defensive line like a looming reaper.

She could feel very clearly that he was trying to get into her head, as his eyes never left her for even a second, almost making her shiver.

Trying not to focus much on this, Jasmine let her eyes glance over to her center and sent her a small mental message.

'Don't worry, Stheno. He'll likely run right past you.'

'Yes well, in the event that he runs through me instead, tell my boyfriend that I love him and give him the scrapbook of photos I've been making for him.'

'Are they dirty? Can I take a peek?'

'I'm going to hike the ball now.'

'I'm taking that as a yes.'

True to her word, Stheno ignored the voice of her fellow in-law and dropped her center of gravity.

Once the ball was hiked, chaos unfolded onto the line of scrimmage.

Some used heir bodies and normal techniques to block, but the use of powers was not strictly permitted either.

The orisha Ogun let out a noble roar, and a small battalion of clones that all closely resembled him all took the field to hold back the line.

And true to their function, they did.

It was difficult to suddenly get past a wall of thirty bodybuilder sized gods, but for some reason Ogun noticed something strange about it all.

It damn near seemed like... they weren't trying very hard.

Nano seconds after they processed the thought, something horrifying happened.

Focusing on a small gap within the line, Abaddon rushed at it like a runaway train to reach two of Ogun's clones.

The two were grabbed roughly by the face and slammed down onto the ground with enough force to reduce a mountain into rocky chunks.

Even though his barrier was still up and working,he could have sworn for a moment that it had been broken.

His head was ringing like a church bell with a stripper pole attached to it.

This was the father of dragons with his strength supressed?? He couldn't believe it!

As quickly as Abaddon showed up, he blew through the widened gap and made his way in to the backfield.

All that Jasmine felt was a gust of wind followed by a familiar cologne-like body odor entering her nostrils.

Before she knew it, she was off her feet and dangling within the arms of Abaddon; the ball still in her hands.

Of course he would never tackle his precious daughter-in-law and risk hurting her, but he had established his dominance all the same.

From beginning to end, the first play of the game had lasted a resounding one second.

The crowd was roaring loudly with excitement and singing the praises of the emperor loudly for all of Sheol to hear.

However, Jasmine wasn't quite as discouraged by this as one would have expected.

Because she knew that her situation was significantly better than when she played in the garden with him at home.

"You're looking real slow today." She said with a cocky smile. "I think you're going to make this too easy on us."

Abaddon smiled, and gave Jazzie an endearing squeeze.

"Guess I better step my game up then. You've got a long day ahead of you, kid."

"Ha! I don't doubt it."

The game had only just begun, but the spirit of the two captains was already burning so bright it was practically inextinguishable.

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