After thirty seconds, a large swirling portal appeared in the training grounds and a large creature stepped outside.

When Bagheera noticed the scores of dragons both in and out of their true appearances who were bowing in front of him, he gained a somewhat arrogant demeanor as he raised his head up a little higher.

This is the treatment he deserved!




All should bow at his feet and bestow upon him offerings of meat and wine-


Bagheera made an unfriendly noise and Lailah discreetly pointed at the beast she and her husband were sitting on.


The locust wagged his scorpion tail proudly, causing Lailah to giggle as she slid down from his back.

Abaddon stepped down a few short moments later, and he nodded in greeting at the few assembled dragons before something else demanded his attention.

A red haired comet made a beeline directly for him and practically glued herself to his chest.

Smiling, she wrapped her arms around him lovingly and inhaled his scent like an addict going through withdrawals.

"It's only been a few short hours, love. Are you missing me so much already?"

Erica trembled at the mere sound of his voice and Abaddon knew that he had his answer.

'Well... it's not as if I don't understand it.'

Let's just say that the feeling of Erica's breasts pressed against his body had done absolute wonders to put his own personal soldier at attention.

If she moved from in front of him too quickly, everyone in attendance was going to be able to see the large bulge running down his thigh.

Erica finally got enough of sniffing at Abaddon like a wild dog and she grabbed his face to pull him in for a provocative kiss.

As a sign of respect, the members of the Scarlet Legion looked away out of instinct and started whistling to themselves inconspicuously.

'The general is really...'

'This is different.'

'I never dreamed I'd see the day where she would act like a maiden in love... I should hurry up and get married.'

When Abaddon's lips finally pulled away from Ericas he pressed their foreheads together as the two of the continued to breathe heavily.

"Yes... I missed you very much." she said in a raspy voice.

"...How sturdy is the desk in your office?" he whispered.

"Certainly not sturdy enough for you... I guess you'll just have to hold me up instead~"

Abaddon lifted Erica into a princess carry and prepared to take them both right to her office when a cooler head decided to snatch back their attention.

"Can the two of you hamper your desire for just a bit? Otherwise I don't believe this one is going to make it. I would heal him, but husband's way would erase all scarring."


Looking back, the two of them found Lailah squatting down beside the charred body of Ogun; poking him with a stick.

Abaddon looked down at Erica with a raised brow.

"...You weren't just trying to get me to take my clothes off? You actually burned something and wanted help?"

"...Technically, I didn't do it. Private Nahmir did… and I am always trying to get your clothes off."

"Oh?" Abaddon turned his head to the small-ish green dragon standing in line several feet away.

"Front and center."

In an instant, the green dragon appeared directly in front of Abaddon with his head touching the sand.


"You're growing quite well, aren't you? The late nights spent honing your flame control do not appear to be wasted. Well done."

"Y-You honor me with your words, emperor. I will hold them in my heart until the day I die."

It took everything inside of the green dragon for him not to jump up and down in his massive form.

The fact that his efforts had been acknowledged by the man he idolized was more than enough reward for his hard work.

He could die happy at right this moment!

Briefly, Abaddon separated from Erica and went to kneel beside Lailah and the mound of flesh she was poking.

He finally noticed the two Yoruba goddesses standing back warily with their eyes practically glued to his every movement.

He knew both of their identities with a glance, and was honored to meet one and relatively indifferent about the other.

Ignoring their stares, he breathed in deeply then exhaled a golden wind from his lips onto the body of Ogun.

Almost immediately, the two Yoruba deities tensed up.

They stared at Abaddon like he was some sort of anomalous creature that should not have existed.

To exhale such pure, welcoming aether from ones own body was practically unthinkable.

No body should be able to contain the true essence of life itself in full; whether it was mortal or divine.

The fact that Abaddon could do so was already a testament to the power that was lurking underneath the surface.

Ogun's charred body started to heal at a surprisingly alarming rate.

The skin returned to an unblemished state and regained it's rich brown color while his black hair grew out of his head once again.

His white eyes flashed open momentarily before closing once again out of sheer exhaustion; as the price of having your body burned, then regenerated all over again would have been too much for anyone.

"Which one is this?" Abaddon asked in a bored tone.

"He said his name was Ogun." Erica answered.

"Ah, I see. How'd he end up like this?"

"He came here demanding to feel a dragon's might with his own body."

Abaddon released a low growl as he ran his hands through his hair. "So... he did it to himself then."

"Pretty much." Erica shrugged.

Rolling his eyes, Abaddon finally turned his attention to the two goddesses who had been staring at him this whole time.

"Orisha Yemoja, and Orisha Oshun. When he wakes up I would recommend both of you stressing to your ally here the importance of remaining on one's best behavior in a foreign land."

Both women looked like they were relatively surprised that Abaddon recognized them without an introduction.

"...This is our first meeting, is it not?"The water goddess questioned.

"It is indeed."

"Then... how do you know of us?"

Abaddon shrugged helplessly and did not offer any words alluding to how he had learned their identities.

"Ah, so you are the water goddess I have heard so much about." Lailah suddenly became a much warmer and friendlier person as she took Yemoja's hands in hers.

"Y-You have heard about me?"

"I should hope so, our twins are named after you." Erica added with a smile.

"I-Is that so... I am honored." The goddess lowered her head in a graceful and polite bow as she tried to hide her darkening cheeks.

Lailah turned her attention from the river goddess to the one she was less familiar with beside her.

"I'm sorry, my husband says your name is Oshun? It is very nice to meet you as well."

The goddess normally would have responded right away, but she was more concentrated on the distinct aura she could feel emanating from Abaddon and his wives.

Such a transcendent love!

"Oshun? Are you alright?" Lailah asked with concern.

The goddess hadn't realized it, but what she was witnessing was so powerful that it inadvertently brought a tear to her eyes on accident.

"Please, forgive me, Empress. In all of my time as a goddess of love I do believe I have never witnessed such a pure and mesmerizing union. It has made me somewhat emotional."

Almost immediately, Lailah and Erica felt their ears twitch as if a bolt of lightning had shot through their brains.

"Did you say..."

"You are a goddess of..."


Not understanding why this was significant, Oshun tilted her head in confusion. "Ye-"

The Orisha couldn't even get her full confirmation past her lips before Erica and Lailah grabbed each of her hands and stared up at her with sparkling eyes.

""Can we borrow you for a moment?!""


In an instant, Lailah and Erica disappeared with a bewildered Oshun in tow.

Silence persisted between Abaddon and Yemoja for a few more moments before she finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"I… don't understand. Where did they take her?"

"To my home."

"For what purpose?"

"They want her to plan our wedding."

"Oh… What?"

Abaddon wanted to explain better, but he was having more pressing issues at the moment.

Now that Erica and Lailah were gone, who was he supposed to have sex with?!

Inadvertently, the dragon looked down at his hands and the ten rings adorning each of his fingers.

He called out for one randomly, and it didn't take long to receive a response.

'Lisa my love, are you busy?'

'Not at all. Audrina was helping me train and now we are about to jump in the bath together.'

At that moment, no sweeter words had ever played in Abaddon's ears.

'I'll be right there… don't get in the water just yet.'

'Oh? Alright then~'

With a visible pep in his step, Abaddon bid Yemoja a brief farewell and headed home in an instant.

A fun part of marriage that no one ever talks about are the rushed and animalistic quickies that couples have in the moments between their appointments.

…This just so happens to be one of Abaddon's favorites too.

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