448 Six Steps

Abaddon's first three children were the only ones who were vaguely old enough to remember this appearance of his.

But even then, it looked a little different from how they remembered it.

His body grew to an unfair height of 7'2 and his perfect bronze skin became incomparably dark.

The long, red hair that he was famous for lost all of its color and turned a silvery white.

His famous hypnotic black tattoos lost their pigmentation within seconds, and they congealed onto the center of his chest before forming a glowing red symbol.

Instead of the usual four arms that he had before, he was now in possession of six altogether.

His horns became more demonic looking, and curled behind his head like a baphomet's.

A beautiful red colored gem appeared in his forehead, similar to Eris'.

But where hers gave off a calm and soothing nature feel, his was significantly more ominous and difficult to look at.

His kids unanimously had the same thought that the only thing keeping them sane and on their feet was the fact that they had Abaddon's blood coursing to their veins.

To the closest possible measure, their father was the most unsettling decay.

He was anti-life.

The source of all of the realm's evils, and the one first touched by the abyss.

And yet... it was east to tell that he was so richly loved by reality itself.

lightsΝοvel The spiritual pressure pouring off of him was more dense than a blackhole.

'Ah... this is why everyone is scared of him.' Belloc realized.

"What will my children do now?"

Abaddon flexed his hands and six different magical weapons appeared in his hands.

A sword, a spear, a kanabo, a halberd, an axe, and a one handed sickle.

"When you are up against an insurmountable foe and your backs are against the wall, how will you respond to adversity? Will you fall apart and let your wonderful teamwork this far crumble? If you have no answers to my questions, you may want to quit now. I will not shame you."

Whether they were afraid or not, the young children did not show any signs of showing it.

Their eyes were brimming with fighting spirit and they were gripping their weapons so tightly that their knuckles had turned white.

"It seems like you are determined to give this everything you have. Then I will provide the stage."

Abaddon slammed the butt end of one of his weapons on the ground and caused he and his children to vanish from the space instantly.

On the sidelines, Gabbrielle sat with a cute Straga in her lap watching the exercise in it's entirety.

Once they were gone, she held her brother up so that she could look him directly in the eye.

"This is the madness you have been born into. Are you worried about your development yet?"

Straga made a straining noise and Gabbrielle noticed that he became just the faintest bit heavier.

"...You will be just as problematic as the rest of them, I'm sure of it."


Above the Tathamet castle, Abaddon appeared with his children in midair in a perfect spacial cube with an internal space equivalent to twenty football stadiums.

"This should be enough wiggle room, right?" he asked with a smile.

"Just don't use it to run when we gain the upper hand, father!"

With her pride as the eldest on the line, Thea was the first to display her fighting spirit.

A column of great and terrible energy left her body and shot up into the sky like rocket, nearly piercing the dome above.

Like her father, she grew to a solid six feet in hight; a stark difference from her usual 5'7.

Her hair grew longer and became an illustrious purple even brighter than her younger brother's.

The usual amethyst light in her eyes dyed down and became a striking red, no different from Abaddon's.

As the familiar black, lingerie-like armor covered the important bits of her body, new additions arose.

Sharp, pointed teeth sprang free from her gums, and two obsidian horns curled out of her hair.

Foot long claws resembling bowie knives formed on all other fingertips, giving her an abysmally dangerous appearance.

She looked just a bit older, more capable, and as Mira would have no trouble pointing out...

"Sister's boobs are bigger!"

"T-That is not important right now!"




'My heart cannot handle this...' Didn't matter how frightening Abaddon looked on the outside, on the inside he was still crumbling from the knowledge that he could not physically stop his kids from growing up.

What the hell was the point of all of this power if you couldn't use it for what mattered?!

Following Thea's example, the rest of her siblings also began to change.

While Belloc and Mira grew to resemble normal eastern and western dragons, Apophis and the twins were a bit different.

The first prince himself resembled a large cobra with bright purple scales and unnatural horns sprouting out of it's head.

The young princesses on the other hand were closer to resembling sea serpents than actual dragons, with bright teal scales and visible gills.lightsnovel

"Seems like you're all ready now. I hope you don't mind if I make the first move."

"He's coming!"

"Get ready!"

"Divine Art of The True Demon : Six Steps to Subdue Creation."

The most dangerous art in Abaddon's entire arsenal was the divine art of the true demon.

It was one of the techniques that had nearly brought low Satan, and since that time he had put more effort in to expand on this repertoire.

His children should really be honored, since they were the first ones other than their mothers to see this.

"The first step."

Taking one foot forward, A pulse of dense, malicious energy traveled in a shockwave and passed over the children.

Immediately, they were all nearly knocked onto their faces.

It was as if a man from 'My 600 Pound Life' had sat on top of their heads with reckless impunity.

They were dizzy, on the verge of vomiting, and having a hard time remaining upright.

"The second step."

Abaddon moved another foot forward, and there was another burst of energy.

The symptoms the children were experiencing became worse, and by now they had no choice but to fall onto their knees or flat on their snouts.

Thea was having a real hard time drawing proper breath into her lungs, but there was one thing she knew for certain.

Her father was not the kind of person who would ever risk hurting them seriously, even in a spar.

By her estimate, his next step would be the last before he stopped of his own volition.

Meaning if she didn't want her and her siblings to fail here by default, she had to prevent her father from moving his feet another inch.

"The third-"


As if responding to her will, the gem sitting between Thea's breasts that symbolized her power started to glow intensely.

In a split second, a puddle of liquid metal spilled out of her gem.

Instead of taking the form of weapons or body armor, they became small silver foot soldiers no taller than three feet.

With over thirty summoned in total, she directed all of them to rush at her father.

'...Would it be wrong of me to say that these are cute?' he wondered.

Despite their cuteness, the metallic imps were surprisingly hard to stop.

The protection from the elements didn't seem to work on them quite as well as it should have, and Abaddon remembered that just like him, his daughter had access to spiritual energy.

'Not bad, Thea.. not bad at all.'

Sighing, Abaddon had no choice but to break his art to deal with the constructs that were coming dangerously close to touching him.

With a single swipe of his left arms, he split all on the three foot soldiers into pieces.

But there was a problem.

Because the constructs were made from liquid metal, they reformed almost immediately after being split.

Leading to the current situation, where Abaddon's body was being engulfed by a mass of toddler-like soldiers.

A gust of cool air left his body seconds later, and all of the soldiers froze within a single moment.

Flexing his muscles a single time was all it took for the bodies of the frozen soldiers to fall to pieces like shards of scrap metal.

"That was interesting.. now where can we-"


Out of nowhere, a thick purple tail landed right on top of Abaddon with enough force to split apart a building in one fell swoop.

But with only two weapons raised above his head, Abaddon blocked his first son's attack without even a modicum of discomfort.

"Remember, Apophis, size isn't everythi-"

"You aren't supposed to give us hints!"

"Shit, right."

Out of nowhere, a black flash blurred into the dragon's peripheral vision and nearly bisected him before he raised his spear to defend.


"My, that was quick. if I didn't know any better I would think you were actually trying to cut me in half."

"If you couldn't stop that then you would have deserved it!" Thea said firmly.

"Indeed, I guess you're right." Abaddon said with a fanged smile. "What other fun things will you show me I wonder?"

"T-This isn't a game, father! Remember your promise!"

"Yes, yes."

If Abaddon's children managed to wound, or even beat him, he would have to listen to one of their requests seriously.

He wasn't sure exactly what it was that required this level of effort, but he was having fun so he would not look too deep into it for the time being.

"Come along then, children! Burn me with the fire of your conviction!"

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