First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 445 A New Pet & A Dinner Date

Camazotz knew that he had made a mistake when he saw Abaddon's eyes start flashing between colors without even blinking.

It was only after taking a moment to think about who he was talking to did he realize where he might have went wrong.

In the manner that he had presented his gifts, he had accidentally made it seem like they were for Abaddon himself instead of him.

And since the idea of becoming a 'pet' does not sit well with any dragon with even an ounce of pride, Camazotz had to quickly clarify the situation or risk losing his neck.

"T-These gifts are not for Mr. Abaddon, they are for Camazotz! M-My only wish is to offer myself to you as a pet!"

Abaddon's irritation disappeared nearly as quickly as it came, becoming replaced with only confusion.

"You want to be… my pet..?"


Abaddon looked over his shoulder at his two young daughters whom he would have given the world to.

"Do either of you desire another pet? I know that you are quite fond of the ones we already have."

Always the mature one, Gabbrielle folded her arms as she gave her old man a displeased look.

"You spoil us too much, father. Has it escaped you that you are offering us a literal bat god as a pet?"

"Do you want another kind of beast god? Sekhmet perhaps?"

"How you were able to reach that conclusion from what I said is something that I will never know."

Thea carefully encircled the unnaturally large bat creature with eyes that were eternally curious.

She had a few main points of concern.

It's fur was nice and fluffy. Positive.

Camazotz had a wide back that she could ride on comfortably for forever soar throughout the sky. Positive.

It seemed like the only negative was..

"I'm sorry.. I don't mean to be rude but can you make yourself cuter?"

Persephone and Demeter snickered while Camazotz wracked his brain to process what she could have meant.

Was he not already cute?

What part of him was not cute exactly?

What was the value in being cute anyway?

He wasn't all that sure of the answer, but he knew that he had to put his best foot forward.

In the end, he shrank down into a small bat no different from normal.

"Erm, no thanks. I think I'll stick with little black for now."

"Sorry Camazotz."

"No!" He cried.

At that moment, the doors to the throne room were pushed open, and Mira hesitantly poked her head inside.

"Sorry to intrude.."

"Don't be silly, my darling. Come in."

Mira excitedly hopped inside with zero reservations after her father said that it was okay.

She exchanged short but polite pleasantries with the two goddesses in the room.

They found her cute, but they were a bit concerned by the fact that this young girl had blood all over her hands and no one was saying anything about it.

Demeter: 'They're treating this like it's normal, is this normal??'

Persephone: 'Just ignore it, pretend like you don't see anything wrong with this..'

Just before Mira could leap onto her father's back, she nearly tripped over a small, furry bat that was lying on the floor filled with sorrow.

She picked it up by the wings and her eyes began to sparkle like two freshly shined diamonds in the sky.

"He's so ugly! I love him!!"

Camazotz was feeling a lot of mixed emotions at the moment and he could no longer tell what was at the forefront.

"Oh? Do you want him then?" Abaddon asked as he ruffled her hair. "He's a god so he can't stay here all of the time yet, but when he can then he will be yours."


"W-Why can Camazotz not stay all of the time??" The bat squeaked.

Abaddon was starting to think that this new pet might not have been very bright.

"You are messenger to the death gods. You cannot just go missing at the drop of a hat when you are sitting in a uniquely valuable position."

Camazotz and Mira lowered their heads at the same time, both of them equally dejected by this reality.

"It is funny that you should mention that…" Persephone began.


"I'm afraid… we haven't just come here for a social visit and so that you could meet my mother. The truth is that there is something going on in the heavens that you may not be aware of."

Curious and intrigued, Abaddon sat back onto his throne with the sleeping Straga resting in his lap.

"We've known each other for such a short time and you are already about to ask me for favors. I wonder if I'm being used?"

The small smirk that formed on Abaddon's face confirmed that he was joking, as well as involuntarily caused their hearts to skip a beat.

The embodiment of desire truly was a beautiful man.

Demeter was just glad that he did not know how to or did not care to use his powers to charm everyone around him and make obedient slaves out of them all.

'I wonder… if he's met his 'siblings'.' She thought to herself.

She immediately dismissed the idea soon after, as Abaddon didn't yet meet the criteria for that sort of thing.

But for some reason she figured that… it was only a matter of time.

"Tell me… what troubles the children of heaven so terribly that you would come to me seeking their salvation?"

Persephone sighed as she ran her hands through her hair exhaustedly.

"Your… talk with Papa Legba has ended up being quite the hot topic I am afraid.

Those who have been swayed your side are engaging in struggles against Zeus and Thor's forces. The Ogun are one such faction."

"Are you about to ask me to provide safe haven?"

"Just for a few, and only for a short time. Until the endwar has actually begun and we are free to stand on your side without worry of persecution."

"…Alright." Abaddon could make a new body of land in Sheol wherever and whenever he wanted, so it wouldn't he particularly difficult to create lodgings for a couple of gods.

Especially since they had been bold enough to voice their support of him openly, despite the danger.

He wasn't a disloyal man who would leave such people out to die.

And if he was honest, he was more than a little eager to get the chance to converse with Papa Legba once again.

"You can bring them here if you like. I actually have three goddesses that I'll need you to get in contact with on my behalf. But there is something I require from you first."

"A-And that is..?"

Abaddon leaned forward, an intense and serious air about him that was entirely unfriendly.

"It's come to my attention that you all know where the rest of my children are. I hope you can see that family is everything to me so I would like them returned to my side as soon as possible."

Demeter nodded slightly as she stared at the sleeping child in Abaddon's lap.

"Your… children, as you say. By our account the remaining ones should be Ammit, The Devourerer of The Evil Dead.

Trihexa, the Emperor Beast of the Apocalypse. And… Tartarus. He who holds all underworlds in the pit of his stomach… except for one that is."

A frown immediately formed on Abaddon's brow.

All of his children were so close, yet so very far.

Trihexa slumbered underneath Lucifer's palace in the deepest layer of hell.

Ammit rests beside the throne of the Egyptian death god Anubis; within the Duat. And those lands just so happened to fall under the jurisdiction of Osiris.

Tartarus rested in the deepest, darkest reaches of the Greek Underworld and was guarded by not only Campe, but the primordial goddess Nyx was also known to slumber in that domain as well.

To get his remaining children back, Abaddon would have to go through not just one, but three beings at the primordial level.

He was not foolish enough to believe that he could go against them just because they were not in possession of the full blade that could kill him.

Osiris' crook and flail were one of the fragments, and even without them he was sure that there were worse things than death that could befall him if he went against them haphazardly, one after the other.

It was all so aggravating.

'I'm so sorry, children… Please wait for your father just a little bit longer.'


Within Sheol, capitalism no longer exists.

There is simply no need for it.

With Valerie's power to create matter out of thin air, things like wealth and material treasures become… somewhat obsolete.

If you want something, you may have it.

If you do not want to work, you do not have to. (Though it is seen as a true taboo.)

Instead of working to grow one's own wealth, the dragons of Sheol work to better and advance what they already have for the good of all.

The new wealth has become notoriety, reputation, and fame.

Within the land of dragons, there is a particular restaurant that caters only to the affluent.

Brilliant scholars both magical and practical, high ranking military personnel, and of course the esteemed royal family themselves.

Within this restaurant, two women were seated within a private room.

Both were impeccably gorgeous with curvaceous bodies bound in tight clothing and mesmerizing eyes that could captivate any lost soul.

One was Erica Vermilion, a highly esteemed general and a goddess renowned by the entire world.

The other was the ninth goddess herself, the ever bewitching Tatiana Tathamet.

"Alright… shall we begin our discussion then?"


Suddenly, a waiter came in carrying a steaming hot tray with two dishes on top and a bottle of wine made in-house.

"Here you are, madams. One Beef Wellington and one Salmon Coulibiac!"

The two dishes were placed down in front of their respective diners and their stomachs grumbled in unison.

"…L-Let's eat first then."


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