First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 407 How Strong Am I Really?

Chapter 407 How Strong Am I Really?

Abaddon pushed open the door to the outside and he found two very muscular and aggressive looking men floating above the swamp water. 

One was easily recognizable by the dark greek armor he wore, paired with a spiked helmet with large horns that curled out from both sides. 

The blood red cape that fluttered behind his back that almost made Abaddon think of a famous superhero, but he could not get past the fact that this man was everything but a beacon of hope. 

As the most famous of the war gods on earth, he was scarily powerful, and the embodiment of all strife that stirred within the hearts of men. 

When he saw that Abaddon had come outside, he took off his helmet and revealed a very masculine and handsome face paired with long black hair and vengeful red eyes. 

Even though this was their first meeting, Abaddon did not find it very difficult to recognize Ares. 

"You! Do you dare to recite your earlier drivel now that I stand before you?!"

"Which part?" Abaddon asked between bites. 


Out of nowhere, a large black greatsword was created out of thin air and Ares angrily pointed it at Abaddon. 

However, that was when the second descended god decided to step in. 

Unlike Ares, he had dark skin and wore little clothing to protect himself other than a fur skirt that crested below his feet. 

The rest of his body was covered in old rusty chains that honestly seemed like they were going to give way at any moment. 

Despite being a human based entity, he had three horns that were jutting out from his forehead; each carrying a different meaning. 

One was for strength. 

The other was for wildness. 

The final one was for violence. 

As expected the most brutal and violent loa to have ever existed; Bosou Koblamin was a frightening specimen of a man.

"I arrived to challenge the dragon first! None shall have the honor of having his head but me!"

"Lies! It will be my victory, and mine alone! I will prove to those in Olympus that this threat is no-"

"I am surprised that both of you can be like this in front of me. It is so mortifyingly disappointing." 

Abaddon let his body float onto the turbulent swamp waters and started walking atop it while coming ever closer to the two men who were even brawnier than him. 

"I have faced a lot of enemies in a year's time. Killed them too. And some were powerful, sure, but I can only say that one was a true warrior in every sense of the word. Insane though he may have been. 

I have so desperately longed for the moment where I might run into someone of his calibre again. For he is the first enemy to have ever beaten me soundly, and I want to defeat someone like him with just as little effort to see just how far I have come. 

I had thought... that I might eventually find the confrontation I had wanted in a being of war similar to my wife....but it seems as though that wish cannot be fulfilled through butting heads with morons like you."

""What did you say?!"

"A warrior is someone who knows the enemy just as well as they know themselves. You two... you are jokes. Because even though I stand right here in front of your fucking eyes, you cannot see just how far above you I am."

Abaddon held out his plate in front of the two men, and pointed towards the bolognese that he had only just started to dig into. 

"My conversation with Papa Legba was rather pleasant, so I'm in a fairly good mood. Because of that, I will make you a one time deal. I'll give you.. until I finish this pasta to get out of my sight before I kill you both. Do you understand?"

The men stared at the plate, then at each other, before turning back to Abaddon. 



Rudely, Ares snatched the pasta from his plate and shoveled it into his own mouth, while Bosou knocked it into the swamp water. 

Abaddon watched the dishes that he hadn't even touched fall into the mucky water and become ruined beyond description; and something within him snapped. 

Ares attempted to cut his midsection with his sword, while the loa through an overgrown fist at his Abaddon's unnecessarily handsome face. 

The dragon caught both without suffering a lick of damage from either god, and held the both of them in place. 

"You know... Perhaps this will work out better. I haven't gotten to do anything fun with my godhood since I'e gotten it. All I have done is practice, practice, practice, and listen to my daughter's lectures. I think... I'm overdue for finding out just what the fuck I can do...!"


For those in any sort of longterm relationship, they acquire certain senses when their significant other is about to do something bad. 

Now, bad does not always mean infidelity or even any sort of offshoot of it. 

For modern couples; it can be as simple as 'He left the toilet seat up again, didn't he?'

'She spent over 200 dollars at the store again, didn't she?'

Things like that. 

Coincidentally, Lisa had only just drifted off back to sleep with the other wives when they all got that same familiar feeling and summarily sat up. 


"Where is he...?" 

"Why is he so far away..?"

Lisa begrudgingly opened her eyes as she started to explain what'd happened when she and their husband stepped out for their trip down memory lane. 

Admittedly she glossed over the details of how they visited a drug den, as she thought it best that they here that part from their husband himself.

Though she did share with them the story of his reunion with his mother, as well as his quest to kill the man responsible for imprisoning her. 

You know, the usual. 

But she had absolutely no idea why he was so upset when he should have been able to kill a few humans and an old witch without even lifting a finger. 

"Alright then.. Let's go see him." Lailah said as she started to climb out of bed. 

"Someone dress me, I'm too lazy...!" Bekka complained.

Valerie snapped her fingers and a set of clothes appeared across the charming body of the tiangou. 

"Thank you..." She started to doze off once again, and her head hit the pillow a moment later.

Evidently, clothing did nothing for her hypersomnia. 

"I'm not carrying her." Valerie denied. 

Sighing, the rest of the girls got in a circle, and prepared to preform an elimination game of rock, paper, scissors. 


Using the power of the gods in the group to teleport to Abaddon's location, the girls arrived over the Louisiana bayou and realized just how mad their husband really was. 

"Oh... he's pissed."

Before coming here, Abaddon had complained about how he wouldn't be able to fight seriously in this world if the situation ever required it, since Asherah had made him promise to be as chill as possible. 

But of course, his cute little encyclopedic daughter had a solution for that, just as she always did. 

He could create a terrain of his own that could handle his full scale assault. 

Using his spacial divinity, Gabbrielle taught her father how to create a perfect cube of space around himself and his adversary for as long as he wants. 

Though the space looked no larger than a small building on the outside, on the inside it could keep going on and on for all of eternity. 

Though that wasn't the most impressive thing about it. 

To absolutely erase the chances of collateral damage on this world, the space was unbreakable from the inside and out. 

And by unbreakable, I truly mean unbreakable. 

Even with his divinity of destruction, whose sole purpose exists to break things down at the magical or cellular level, would do nothing to chip or damage the walls of this place. 

Unless Abaddon ordered the space to be dispelled, he and whoever were stuck inside it would remain there until the world stopped spinning. 

But the bad news was, since this place was cut off from the rest of the world that meant that the elements could not offer him their protection. 

Although if Abaddon was in the kind of headspace to use something like this... he was not the one who needed protection. 

Smiling, the dragon cracked his neck as he felt the energy surging within the box. 

Both Ares and Bosou had already noticed that they could no longer teleport out and they were effectively stranded here with no way to escape. 

While the greek god drew a spear and pointed it at the dragon menacingly, the loa did nothing of the sort and instead coated his body in a densely packed grey and white aura that gave off a ferocious feeling of oppression. 

"Hahaha! Come, dragon! You will regret trapping us in here when-"


Ares felt his mind do a hard reset as he watched Bosou receive a hard flying knee from Abaddon directly into the jaw. 

The way he'd moved just now most certainly was not normal. 

Because it almost seemed as though he didn't.

He simply appeared in front of Bosou with so little time difference that it seemed almost instantaneous. 

No actually, there was no difference at all. 

Abaddon had propelled himself through space instantaneously with only a single thought, and struck first blood in this confrontation without any energy expenditure!

How was that possible?!

Before Bosou's teeth were even completely removed from his mouth, Abaddon grabbed him by two of his horns and drove his knee into his face thrice more in rapid succession. 

In the end, the curled appendages snapped off like pieces of plywood and the loa was sent flying back through the air. 

Ares was so mesmerized by the brutality that he completely missed the moment where Abaddon used his instant movement once again and reappeared above his head. 

A hard kick to the jaw nearly knocked the greek god's head clear off of his body. 

However, as a god who was more powerful than Bosou, he recovered faster than him, and as a result he was able to block the overhead kick that was aimed at his temple. 

At that point, he saw a strange light flash within Abaddon's eye, and for the first time he felt a small sense of danger shoot down his spine. 

However, he quickly stuffed down those feelings as he thrust his spear right towards Abaddon's face. "I hope you did not expect me to beg for mercy!!"


In a rare moment of absurdity, Abaddon caught the blade between his pointed white teeth, smiling devilishly. 

Ares did not hear him speak, but he did hear his opponent's dark and monstrous voice in his head. 

'What is mercy?'


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