First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 392 Might of Ephraim

Chapter 392 Might of Ephraim

Abaddon wore a relatively unassuming look as he dealt with the scrutiny he was currently being subjected to by his entire family.

"He asked me to make him a monster so vile and terrible that enemies would cower in fear from his mere arrival.

It was my first time turning someone into a monster when they already had an existing body, but I think it worked out well."

His eyes suddenly drifted towards Jasmine and Claire and he offered them a small smile.

"I gave your mother the same offer, but she refused me of course."

"Did she say something like, 'I only want you to look at me when I'm at my best and most beautiful' ?" Claire guessed.

"No comment." Abaddon chuckled.

'She totally did.' Both girls thought at once.

Samyaza gritted his teeth imperceptibly as he let the humiliation of what just happened set in.

His son had actually been struck first!

Ephraim was the most powerful and domineering out of all of his precious nephilim, yet he had actually been subjected to this form of mortifying humiliation!

It was unthinkable!

At his side, his wife Charlene sensed her husband's irritation and she started to touch his hand. "I-It's alright darl-"

"Do not touch me."

Samyaza's voice was quiet, but it was deadly serious and caused her to pull away rather quickly.

Embarrassed, she quickly lowered her head as she pulled away from him and tried to appear as small as possible.

"You should treat your wife better, pigeon. Especially since she seems to be the last of her kind." Abaddon suddenly said.

Samyaza's brow's furrowed in an unfriendly look that conveyed all of his irritation. "You know nothing, beast. I suggest you not stick your snout where it doesn't belong."

Just before Abaddon could say something, his oldest daughter chirped up instead.

"You... did you really let those creatures eat every human in Dola?"

Charlene realized that the first princess was talking to her at some point, and she tilted her head to answer as if it were obvious.

"Of course I did. Is there anything wrong with a mother trying to feed her children?"

Thea couldn't properly respond to that, as she was also completely aware that all nine of her mothers would have done the exact same thing if it were for her.

But for some reason, the knowledge that every human had just been offered up on a plate with no remorse did slightly rub her the wrong way.

She who spent everyday surrounded by dragons and mothers was still rather attached to her human side, as her parents had done just about whatever they could to make her feel like her humanity wasn't something she needed to fear persecution for.

But on her former home world, an entire civilization of humans had just gone extinct because they were not offered the same protection as her.

It imbued her with a small sense of survivor's guilt that she didn't understand.

'My Thea... are you alright?' Abaddon suddenly asked.

'I'm fine, father. I suppose I was just thinking about unnecessary things is all.'

'Are you sure that is all? If that woman said something to annoy you, I will kill her.'

'N-No! It isn't necessarily that, but I was wondering about something... I am well aware it is a big ask, though...'

'No ask is too big for you and your siblings. Just tell me what you want, and I will make it happen.'

Thea bit her lip uncomfortably as she squirmed a bit between her wives.

'If... we are to participate in the end war... Do you think it might be possible for us to save-'


A shockwave of power rippled throughout the entire viewing room and caused the furniture inside to vibrate as a flash of blinding light washed over all inside.

As the light died down and the scene on the battlefield was revealed in full, those inside grimaced as Yara covered her mouth from shock.

On the other hand, Samyaza smiled proudly as he clapped his hands together.

'Good... I'm glad to see you've finally woken up, son.'


On the battlefield below, the monstrous Asmodeus looked down at the gaping hole in his body that had claimed a large part of his chest and almost caused his entire left arm to fall off.

"Well met..."

Looking down towards the ground, he could see the same nephilim that he had kicked before with a serious expression on his face.

One of his large white hands was outstretched and there was a glowing power emanating from it; the source of the new orifice within Asmodeus' body.

'Divine magic... Aren't you a lucky one.' Asmodeus thought disgustingly.

All demonic dragon hybrids created by Abaddon had a resistance to the cursed element of the gods and higher beings, but for some reason this one was particularly potent.

Though he wanted to continue to go on a rampage and kill this man without worrying about the danger, he was not a man who was unable to think about the bigger picture.

'Erica, we're trading dance partners!' He declared.

'I was hoping you would say something like that soon. Sending mine your way right now.'

Asmodeus only had to wait for a span of no more than five seconds before a flaming seraphim came flying at him with it's body completely off balance.

Taking his massive hand that remained undamaged, he slapped the angel out of the air with minimal effort an planted him firmly in the ground as he staring down at him with unfettered loathing.

"We have a score to settle, don't we, pigeon?"

The cherubim let out an annoyed grunt as it picked itself up from the ground and let out an unamused chuckle.

"Enjoy that free shot, Prince of Hell. For it will be the only one that you get."

Asmodeus watched the high class angel glow with a radiant light before it moved it's body at an unfathomable speed.

Suddenly, copies started to form one after the other from out of nowhere.

Each copy circled the hulking monstrosity until he resembled a beekeeper being plagued by hornets.

When a certain number of copies were created, the angel finally began it's attack.

From every angle, it began to fire beams of concentrated light at the hulking monstrosity before it.

The beams struck the creature's heads, chest, legs, an anywhere else; causing dark bubbles to form on his skin and dark holes to open up in various places.

Asmodeus let out terrible roars of pain as the attacks set in; every bit as annoyingly painful as he remembered them to be.

But now, he was not quite as ignorant as before and knew precisely how to deal with this problem that was only a precursor to a larger attack.

'I hope you're watching, my boy. See how your father uses the might that you have bestowed him with!'


When the Nephilim Ephraim saw his opponent suddenly turn his back on him and start paying attention to his father's aid instead, he was filled with an unfettered rage.

"No! Your flesh will be mine to chew up and shit out! Only mine!!" He roared.

The nephilim lumbered forward before be broke out into a brisk run.

Focusing power into his muscular legs, he leapt up into the air like a famous comic book character and raised his kanabo high above his head as he soared through the air.

The blunt weapon became charged with a massive influx of divine energy and started to vibrate like a woman's night time toy.

This would assuredly fell this creature in only a single blow, and tonight he would dine on it's flesh along with the rest of it's kin!

Before the nephilim could even come within striking distance of the three headed monster, a figure suddenly flashed by its vision.

Looking up, it saw a beautiful yet small woman in a tight red bodysuit weilding a spear like weapon that seemed like a fancy toothpick to him.

The eyes of the tiny woman flashed violet before a myriad of colorful flames sparked to life along the pointed end of her weapon.

She let out a powerful war cry as she tightened her grip on her weapon shaft before hurling it with the accuracy of an Olympic athlete.

The spear sailed directly between the eyes of Ephraim and his body was knocked out of the air by it's sudden power and momentum.

The giant came crashing back into the battlefield with a loud thud before its entire body was engulfed in rainbow flames.

Erica nodded in satisfaction as her body descended towards the burning body of the nephilim.

Landing right on top of his forehead, she grabbed her weapon from between his eyes with a satisfied expression.

'I hope you're watching me, Abaddon… I will make you see me as someone worthy of your affec- Agh!!"

Before Erica knew what was happening, a giant white hand wrapped around her body and held her firmly in place without allowing her any room for the slightest bit of movement.

With his body still alight in colorful flames, Ephraim rose up from the ground and brought Erica close to his face as he inspected her.

" What a pretty thing you are… and a powerful one to boot. Eating you would be a waste of your usefulness."

Ephraim 'lightly' squeezed Erica's body until he could feel her bones creaking.

"I'll make you another of my concubines, and we will bear many strong children! Our union will mark the end for all other races!"

Erica gave the Nephilim holding her hostage a hated glare as she engulfed her body in flames to burn him and free herself.

"That will never happen you bastard..! I'm already spoken for in this life and the next!!"


Apparently, the nephilim didn't like what he heard as he let out an aggressive growl and increased the power of his grip on Erica's body.

In a moment that would be burned in her mind forever, the charming phoenix hybrid had her flames blown out like she was a candle and Ephraim brought her closer to his nose and sniffed her.

"Liar.. I smell no man on you..! As punishment for lying to your new husband, I will thoroughly break your body until you dream of no other man than I!!"

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