First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 389 Last Preparations

Chapter 389 Last Preparations

After Abaddon finished showing his father who was boss a few times, things quickly got in motion.

Preparations for the upcoming wager began with a unanimous announcement to every soldier in all of the military bases across all of Sheol.

If he was honest, Abaddon was expecting just a little bit of apprehensiveness or tension on the minds of his men.

However, there was none of that.

In it's place, he was met with only resounding excitement and blood thirst from every conceivable member of the army.

The mood was so excitable that it was practically festive.

The way that they sharpened their weapons was jovial in nature while still being able to retain an air of seriousness.

Though Abaddon was not allowed to physically participate in the battle, that did not prevent him from being involved in the preparations.

Over the past few days, he had traveled to all of the bases on his own to oversee the training of the men and women fighting under him.

His soldiers were divided into two groups.

Those that liked to fight in their natural bodies and utilizing their new strength and magical abilities, and those that preferred to use weapons of war in their human appearances.

Currently, Abaddon was overseeing the efforts of the second group, the ones who specialized in weaponry.

In the largest military base in Sheol, he stood at the head of a stadium sized training ground and watched the thousands of soldiers under his command engage in heated sparring.

Well, with one minor difference.

He was passively multiplying the gravity of this area one hundred fold.

At first, his men struggled to even pick themselves up off the ground underneath this overwhelming pressure.

It took hours before the first ones were even able to crawl to their feet, and even longer before they could properly lift their weapons.

Even now, there were still a few who were having some difficulties and in need of correcting.

Two men were sparring towards the back of the training grounds.

One was a man with tanned skin and silver hair wielding a large axe that was nearly as tall as him.

The other had an olive complexion and wielded a pair of short swords.

Both men were huffing and puffing as they sweated profusely from practically every pore that they possessed.

Their bodies were also hunched over as they struggled to right themselves underneath this gravity that would have normally been enough to reduce any human to paste.

But despite their weariness, the two of them continued to train tirelessly as they clashed their weapons against each other constantly.

But still, it was easy to see that they were having the most trouble.

"Is it difficult?"

Before the weapons of the two could strike against each other again, they froze in midair when they heard a voice that they would recognize even in their dreams.

Turning around, they found a man of physical perfection with blood red hair and eyes of a searing amethyst.

He wore dark black pants and a belt with a white fur vest across his bare tattooed chest.

The small smile that he showed them was somehow intimidating and holy in nature, almost like a holy grail that encompassed all that was divine and beautiful.

With his hands clasped behind his back, he looked as easy going and relaxed as some of the stories around him seemed to say.


Almost immediately, the two men started to drop to their knees and bow when the dragon held up a hand to stop them.

"Please, I did not come over to cause such a stir."

"Y-You came because of our poor showing, correct...?"

"W-We did not mean to disgrace you with our performance...!"

Abaddon shook his head as he moved towards the axe wielder with tanned skin.

"You're both wrong in fact, your performance bears no disgrace to me. But training with this poor posture in mind is a gateway to hurting yourself and forming bad habits. And I know you both to be better than that."

Abaddon corrected the forms of both men, named Isaiah and Lorenzo.

He guided them into holding their weapons in an upright position with text book stances.

But before they could resume their spar, Abaddon stopped them once again.

"I asked you if you found this task difficult, and neither of you gave me an answer." he reminded.

"F-Forgive us!"

"N-No, it is not difficult at all! We were simply being sloppy before!"

Abaddon's red eyes glowed with a strange crimson light.

"Do not lie to me. Don't you know that I can see within your hearts?"

Both men pinched as they dropped their gazes to the ground; fearful of the punishment that they believed would follow.

"F-Forgive us... it is indeed a difficult task."

"Our progress is still lacking a bit..."

Abaddon showed a small smile that was almost imperceptible and patted both men on the shoulder.

"There. Acknowledge that, and do not tell yourself that it doesn't exist. There is power in knowing that you face a great ordeal, but not letting it best you.

Defy the tests, sharpen yourself like a blade against stone, and carry the memory of overcoming this ordeal with you in the future, so that others may seem less daunting."

Isaiah and Lorenzo tightened their grips on the weapons in their hands.

From the beginning, their god had not only been trying to motivate them to get through training, but to get through every roadblock or trial they might face in the future.

It was touching to know that the man whom one saw as a god and the literal maker of one's entire race cared enough about you to give you little advice like that.

It reaffirmed their belief in him, as well as the banner that they were fighting under.

As they opened their mouths to voice their thanks, their god disappeared right before their very eyes.

The two of them couldn't help but stare at the space where his feet marked the sand as if it were hallowed ground.

With his last words etched into their minds, the two began to train with even more fervor than before.

Once Abaddon left the sandy grounds of the battlefield, he reappeared atop a tower that loomed over the entire base with a watchful eye.

There, two women that were beautiful beyond compare were waiting and enjoying a small picnic.

Abaddon hovered upside down above the girls and smiled as he watched them stuff their cheeks.

"What are you girls eating?"

Tatiana smiled cutely and held up the pastry wrapped in a napkin in her hand. "Fruit tart! Would you like some, darling?"


Instead of going for the actual treat being offered to him, Abaddon placed a kiss on the tender yet plump lips of his newest wife.

Her eyes initially widened in surprise before she relished in the kiss and let herself lean into it.

When Abaddon finally pulled away from her, her eyes were visibly hazy and her cheeks were slightly pink.

"It's very sweet. Delicious as always."

"You're forgetting someone!"

"How could I ever forget my lovely Lisa?"

Abaddon floated towards his third wife and gave her his own version of the famous Spider-man kiss, and he relished in the soft feeling her lips just as much as Tatiana's.

Floating down between them, he also began to indulge in the small picnic while the girls snuggled up underneath him.

"Everyone looks to be faring quite well." Lisa said fondly. "I think this may be the best group of soldiers we've ever had."

"They are indeed... Seras' blessing of war has given them mastery, but their drive and instincts are truly something else... They're walking talking catastrophes."

"Are you really one to talk?" Lisa asked she fed her husband lovingly.

"...Perhaps not." he said wryly.

Tatiana rested her head against Abaddon's shoulder as she held up her hand to feel the weight in the air.

"I was wondering... Why don't Lisa or I feel anything? You said you were going to enhance the gravity for the entire area while they trained."

Abaddon licked a bit of apple jelly off the side of his mouth as he placed his hand over the mark on Tatiana's private area.

"You have this... So our powers no longer work against each other, my love. I can no longer harm you, and you can no longer harm me."

"O-Oh... Not that I'm complaining, but why is that?"

Abaddon and Lisa looked at each other before shrugging.

""We don't know.""


"I guess it's something that we've never really tried to investigate?" Lisa said with a shrug.

"I think we've all sort of taken it to be something poetic in meaning. Like until the end of time, we are never supposed to be in opposition no matter what. We are apart of each other."

"I believe that is also the reason why Asherah told me that I wasn't allowed to select any of you as my representatives either. You all carry too much of my power." Abaddon realized.

Tatiana suddenly pouted as she looked down at the swarming military grounds.

"And after all of the time that I let Seras and Bekka beat me like rags so that I could be strong and impress you... and I do not even get to show it."

"There will always be chances for things like that in the future, my love. But you should know that I already have the best impression of you possible." Abaddon reminded.

"I know that, but I also want you to see me in new lights and doing things I haven't really done before. Just so that you, and all of our family know that I can also be depended on should a time ever come when our way of life needs protecti- H-Hey, what are you two doing!?"

Like hungry lions, Abaddon and Lisa started running their hands along different parts of Tatiana's body.

Abaddon was already in the process of pulling off her skirt and Lisa was using her lighting quick reflexes to unbutton her blouse.

"We were really moved by your words."

"You only have yourself to blame for this, so just lie back and relax, okay?"

"That's right, who told you to be so cute?"

Red faced, Tatiana looked at the field of soldiers still in training out of the corner of her eyes.

"W-We shouldn't do this here! Training isn't supposed to end for a few more hours so let's wait until then and go home!"

Lisa knew that Tatiana had just made a mistake, but she didn't have any way to undo it.

Abaddon's smile grew wider and his horns seemed to become even more devilish. "Oh? Are you sure you can wait?"

'If you know what's good for your sanity, say no.' Lisa prayed.

"I... yes?"

'You poor girl....'

Smiling, Abaddon redressed his wife and pulled her into his lap. "Alright then.. We'll stay right here and watch the whole thing."

"O-Okay... Is there a reason why you're putting your hand up my skirt?"

"Not at all."

"I don't believe you!"

Tatiana very quickly learned that there was indeed a reason behind her husband's actions.

With his hands continually grazing across her skin, her arousal and sensitivity climbed to it's peak over the course of only a few hours.

She was ready to go back on her words within thirty minutes, but Abaddon held firm and did not show any signs of budging for three entire hours.

By the end Tatiana was so desperate that she slipped out of his grasp and used her authority as his wife to end training an hour early before returning to the top of the tower.

Laughing, Abaddon finally gave her and Lisa what the wanted as he enjoyed this last night of leisureliness before the wager finally took place.

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