Chapter 387 Father & Son

Like his father, Abaddon also became engulfed in a common of dark red light enveloped his body and pierced the clouds above.

The only problem was that his seemed to be much larger and pulled in clouds from all over Sheol.

Dark red lightning crackled through the sky like firecrackers in July, and drew the attention of every dragon and spirit within the realm.

'You're kind of overshadowing my dramatic transformation, son…' Asmodeus thought wryly.

But still, he didn't dislike this.

Any worthwhile parent wants their children to go farther in their lives than they ever could have.

And Asmodeus was no exception, but he would never stop chasing after his son, just so that he didn't become some old man who was left behind.

After all, who doesn't want to look cool for their children?

"Come along, my boy! Don't keep me waiting! Show me what a true god of dragons looks like!"

Finally, a creature fell through the clouds.

It was an eastern style dragon; the epitome of all divine beasts and creatures.

But this one was rather different from a normal one.

For starters, it's size was tremendous.

Even looking up at it clearly within the sky, it seemed to go on for forever and a day.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it could have taken a bite out of a town and eaten it like an hors d'oeuvres.

The scales lining it's body were like black diamonds with a prismatic shine to them.

Upon looking at them, one would immediately know that these scales were the most precious things in existence.

No amount of cash, gold, or precious stones could ever hope to compare.

Upon seeing his son, Asmodeus smirked even within his monstrous form.

"Honestly… do you have anything more impressive to show… Oh come on!"

The former demon lord knew that he was forgetting something about his son, but he couldn't place his finger on it.

That was until a few seconds later, when more dragons dropped through the clouds overhead.

Six more dragons to be specific.

They were all black, with the only difference between them being their underbellies.

One was a crimson red like the personification of burning wrath.

The second was dark green like a festering envy.

The third one's purple scales were rich, endless, and hypnotizing; and oozed with indomitable seduction even in such a monstrous form.

The fourth was a dark blue, and the mere sight of it filled one with an incomprehensible level of hunger.

The fifth was a soft and pure white color, eliciting a deep desire for endless relaxation and rest.

But the last was the most enchanting and captivating one yet.

It was a golden color that seemed to be made from all of the desires of man.

It's very existence defined regality.

This was a god.

This was a force of nature.

This was pride and power in physical form, and even Asmodeus had no choice but to bow his head in front of it.

As did every other dragon who poked their heads out of their windows to see exactly what was the cause for all of this commotion.

"Have you lost your conviction in your admiration?"

The dragons spoke all at once at exactly the same time like they had rehearsed this beforehand.

It was only then that Asmodeus remembered a particular proclivity of his son's body.

Abaddon does not make 'clones'.

The separated parts of him are just as much apart of his being as the tail on his body.

What's more than that is that they are controlled in exactly the same manner as his 'actual' body.

Think of Abaddon's brain as one giant supercomputer that is completely capable of controlling the split parts of him at the same time, while feeling the different stimuli all at once, and behaving exactly as normal.

Even his wives cannot tell the difference between the 'original' when he splits himself.

However, something about this split was different this time around.

While previously Abaddon's power seemed to take a large hit whenever he split himself, Asmodeus was having a hard time noticing anything like that at the moment.

Either the difference was too small for him to notice or… there was no difference at all.

'This is something else… just how much more unfair can one son get?'

Asmodeus raised his head through sheer force of will and stared at all seven of his sons unflinchingly.

Silently, Abaddon was already impressed.

Though he was not actively trying to suppress his father, not just any dragon or monster could ignore his majesty and raise their head in front of him when he was like this.

And yet Asmodeus seemed to be functioning just fine after some initial difficulties.

"My son certainly looks cool and all… but when have you ever known me to lose my conviction in any instance?"

"When mother asks you for money to go shopping."

"That's different and you know it!"

The laughter of the seven colossal dragons echoed throughout the three realms of Sheol.

Abaddon circled around his father and looked down at the city below them out of the corner of his eye.

"This isn't really the place for something of our magnitude… a more fitting stage is required it seems."

The air seemed to distort, and Abaddon was transported alongside his father to the barren underworld of Sheol, and the land trembled with their mere arrival.

"Haven't been down here yet. It's quaint." Asmodeus joked.

"We've talked for too long."

Abaddon spaced himselves out and encircled his father like a beast preparing to goin for the kill.

However Asmodeus was far from scared and instead smiled as he flexed his nine powerful wings.

"There is no other way I'd rather have this! You are at your best and I am at mine! Let your father show you something grand!"

"This isn't my best…"

"Did you have to ruin the moment..? Darius is right, you are a prick."

Asmodeus began gathering three different kinds of energies within his demonic, angelic, and draconic wings.

"Never was a fan of eenie meanie miny moe… so I'll blow all of you away at once!"

Bolts of black lightning , arcs of silver fire and slashes like literal distortions of space flew outward from the winged dragon in any and all directions.

A symphony of explosions rang out as the attacks struck against Abaddon's sclales in some form or fashion.

Each blow was powerful and contained more than enough force to be comparable to a nuclear bomb.

However, Abaddon was not only unharmed, but he was unimpressed as well.

Asmodeus didn't even need to hear his son voice his dissatisfied, because he also understood that his attack had failed to deliver.

Opening his mouth wide, he gathered a large bundle of searing plasma in his throat before he fired it across all seven of Abaddon's draconic faces without a break.

As he continued to pump out his attack at a higher output than ever before, the black dragon that he had recognized as inescapable greed held out one of his hands and absorbed every bit of the volatile energy; disarming Asmodeus.

Frustrated, the winged dragon gnashed his teeth as he wrested with his own ineptitude.

'More… I need to do more..!'

Asmodeus willed his body to put on the grandest spectacle imaginable, and his form became fitting of that.

A pair of thick, powerful arms sprang out from the sides of his torso in addition to two clawed legs that barely crested above the ground.

The former demon lord held out his hand and created a great axe made from solidified darkness and pure magic.

Soaring up into the sky, Asmodeus held his weapon overhead and let out a proud roar that shook the entire underworld.

Abaddon's smile was so wide it could be seen on every one of his bodies.

This level of magical output and fine darkness control was comparable to an attack from Audrina.

This was something he wanted to see!

But this power would mean nothing if there was no substance behind it!

So he had to test it if only a bit!

"Flame is the ultimate test of all things! Let's hope you and your might are not so easily burned away!"

The golden dragon opened his mouth wide, and a torrent of black and red flames flew out in an ever growing funnel that threatened to consume.

Gritting his teeth, Asmodeus bore the full brunt of the attack and let himself be engulfed fully in the flames.

By far, his son's flames were the hottest thing that he had ever experienced.

Hotter than all of the fires of his home put together.

Hotter than the flame that his father in law was so annoyingly proud of.

Hotter than Yara in lingerie or a naked apron!

His scales were beginning to melt and congeal together like molten lava, and the feathers on his wings had already burned to cinders in the first second that he was exposed.

But still, Asmodeus couldn't stop.

If he let himself be scared of a little fire, he would never be able to collect his revenge!

And there was nothing, absolutely nothing that he was not willing to do to collect his revenge.

Asmodeus continued to inch closer in spite of the unbearable heat, and when he was finally within striking distance he swung his axe with all seventeen years of anger he had bottled up.


At first, there was no sound, and then there was a tremendous explosion like nothing that was ever heard before.


An explosion of magic power, ash, and dust rippled outward and covered miles of the underworld in obscurity.

Suddenly, there was a loud thud, followed by a trickling sound like that of flowing water.

When the smoke cleared, Abaddon could be seen with one of his horns missing; and a river of golden blood trickling from his head.

"That will do, father... that will do nicely."

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