First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 380 Parental Responsibility

Abaddon and his wives considered themselves to be good and ideal parents. 

Because most of them had negative experiences with their own parents, they knew as soon as they had children what they did and did not want to be. 

As such, they were the most attentive parents that any child could have had, and they showed their children the utmost care and thoughtfulness that they could possibly put into them. 

They were good parents. 

Responsible parents. 

The most loving and attentive god and goddesses that anyone could have been born to. 

So naturally, when they heard their son who was only a few minutes old ask if he could participate in a full scale war, their was only oe possible way that they could answer. 

Valerie / Eris / Lisa / Lailah / Lillian / Tatiana : "Of course not, you're too young, son."

Abaddon : "Well... you certainly have a right to it."

Bekka: "I'm so proud! Of course you can!"

Seras: "I-I'll need to go over your fundamentals first, and if I deem you passable then you have my permission!"

Audrina: "My baby will be the cutest little warrior ever!"



The two groups looked at each other like they couldn't believe what the others had said out of their mouths.

"How can you all say that he will be allowed to participate?! He hasn't even had his first feeding yet, and you all already want to send him off to war?" Lisa folded her arms across her impressive chest and the wives who agreed with her followed suit.

"He is already a demigod, dear sister. Why should he have to sit on the sidelines due to his age when he is already powerful beyond most of our forces?" Bekka reasoned.

"Because he is still young and impressionable. It is fine if he joins later when he is a big bigger, but for now his first introduction into life should not be to bring destruction and conquest. It could become all he knows and is motivated by." Lailah reasoned.

"He is not a normal child, my wife. He was already centuries old before being reborn, so who is to say that he cannot handle the balance of war if he chooses to take up a blade?" Abaddon asked.

"He was a recluse before, who spent an uncountable number of years trapped in an underworld and subject to the whims of that goddess bitch." argued Valerie.

"I love Belloc already and I would never wish to change him, but I want him to know different things after sitting in the darkness for so long… and perhaps if he does, the battles he will fight in the future will have more meaning than alleviating boredom or establishing supremacy."


The group heard the small sound of a lock falling closed and they temporarily paused their ongoing debate.

Looking up, they realized that they were now alone within their bedroom once again.

All of their guests, parents, and children had excused themselves from the room silently and without even bothering to say goodbye, leaving the wives and husband to continue to have their very personal debate.

They had even taken baby Belloc, who was the centerpiece of this whole conversation.

Abaddon sighed before he fell back onto the bed and stared up into the ceiling.

He let all of his wives' words seep into his brain and tried his best to see things from their perspectives.

Due to the course that his life had taken, he knew full well the importance of being a competent warrior who did not shy away from battle, but he was also a man who knew how to think forward a bit.

His family would not be engulfed in turmoil forever.

Abaddon had always prided himself on the fact that he was a husband and father first, but a conqueror second.

When there were no more battles to be fought and he and his family were living peacefully, he would not have lost anything.

However, if Belloc became too accustomed to fighting and it started to cement itself into his personality too early, it would be easy to predict a sort of emptiness developing within him.

And while they weren't opposed to him fighting freely and proudly, they wanted their children to know that there was more to life than that. 

Closing his eyes, Abaddon knew immediately what he had to do. 

"He...can sit this one out. There will always be more battles to fight in the near future, but we should ensure that he feels loved by this family first."

Abaddon closed his eyes as he waited to hear the girls responses, but they never came. 

What did come though was a familiar weight on top of his body. 

The dragon cracked one eye open and found Lisa and Lailah sitting on top of him, smiling beautifully. 

"Thank you for listening to us, husband."

"It means a lot."

Abaddon smiled helplessly and pulled the girls to his lips one after the other. 

"Your thanks are unnecessary. Are our responsibilities not to council one another? There is no reason for you to-"



"....Lisa... What are you doing, my love?"

"It's just been a while since I've been on top of you so I took off your belt and unzipped your pants out of instinct. Are you mad?"

"...That depends. Are you going to stop there?"

"Of course not~!"

Lisa moved the straps off her dress and helped Lailah do the same. 

As the beautiful breasts of his first and third wives were fully revealed, Abaddon felt his own pants becoming significantly tighter in the crotch area.

"W-Wait!" Eris pointed out. "The bedsheets need to be changed and Audrina may still need rest so-"

"No, I am already healed and back to normal. A bath wild be nice though." Audrina said.

"Hot water or cold?" Tatiana asked. 


Valerie: "Can we fuck in the bath then?"

Seras: "You're already undressing so it doesn't seem you're going to take no for an answer."

Valerie simply shrugged her shoulders as she slipped off her sun dress and let her exquisite physique be seen freely. 

She opened the double doors to the bathroom and looked over her shoulder seductively.

Staring directly at Abaddon, she began to release a dull pink mist from her open pores.

"I know we don't have a lot of time so... let's enjoy each other the best we can for now, okay?"

Abaddon smiled predatorily as his tattoos started to glow with a soft pink light and a matching mist also began to drift off his physique. 

With Valerie and Abaddon's pheromones filling the air, the rest of the wives began to feel a burning need and arousal the likes of which they had never experienced before. 

Which was certainly saying something.

"All of you... you have just no clue exactly what you are in for."


Currently, the Tathamet siblings were getting acquainted with their newest sibling and spending some much needed bonding time. 

Once they picked out a spare room for Belloc, they placed all of his presents on the floor and allowed the newborn to go through them at his leisure while they made idle small talk. 

Belloc: "Was asking to participate in the battle truly such a controversial question?"

Thea: "No, of course not, little bro! Our parents are just the type that want us to have normal happy lives more than anything. They're probably just worried about you not getting a chance to be a kid."

Belloc: "I am not a child. I am the death dragon. The one who is fated to eat all of the earth's dead souls when Ragnarok begins and-"

Apophis: "That doesn't matter to anyone in our family though."

Gabbrielle: "Brother is right. My former status as a primordial god has meant fuck all to everyone who lives in this house."

Mira: "And you wouldn't have it any other way!"

Belloc put on a thoughtful expression as he stared at the pile of clothes, toys, and strange devices in front of him. 

"Curious... why has everyone giving me two different sizes of clothing?"

"Well, Gabbrielle alters between a childlike appearance and an older one and everyone seemed to think you might be the same, so they gave you options." Thea explained. 

Belloc looked down at his small baby hands and grimaced. 

"This form is... cumbersome."

He picked out three articles of clothing before using his little legs to waddle towards the bathroom. 

After he shut the door, the four siblings could hear the sound of bones cracking and flesh stretching to a more suitable degree. 

A few moments later, Belloc stepped out of the bathroom and his siblings let out impressed whistles. 

Just like Apophis, Belloc had inherited quite a large amount of their father's charm. 

He had an extremely handsome face paired with the trademark sharp features of the Tathamet men, paired with a somewhat sleepy and unassuming demeanor that was indicative of his personality. 

At around 6'3 in height, he was an inch shorter than his elder brother. 

His outfit consisted of a pair of black pants and a half shirt with a hoodie hanging lazily off his arms. 

Compared to Apophis and Abaddon, his body was much more slender in build yet it was no less defined and alluring to women and men alike.  

"You look great!"

"You're very handsome, but don't let our parents see you in that form for at least a week or you'll make our mothers cry." Gabbrielle said.

"Are you joking?" Belloc asked genuinely. 


The young dragon shrugged as he reached up and touched his steely grey hair. 

With the advancement of his age, his hair had grown into an even larger afro than before. 

"This feels like a bit much. I should cut-"

"No need! Come sit down right here!" Thea said excitedly. 

Belloc watched his eldest sister sit on top of his bed and gestured for him to sit on the floor between her legs.

Thea was growing to be Belloc's favorite sibling due to her sweet and infectious personality, so he did not think to question it when she called for him. 

Sitting on the ground, he listened to her take a few items out of her storage ring before she started to run her hands through his hair. 

"What is sister doing?"

"Braiding your hair! I'll make you even more charming, little bro."

"Mhm. If you say so."

As Thea began to braid her brother's hair carefully, the group spent more time laughing, chatting, and getting to know one another. 

It was truly a nice afternoon the likes of which the five of them would always remember. 

Though Belloc did not always understand all of the jokes that his siblings made, he smiled all the same and showed signs of developing a personality that was different from what one would expect of a demigod of death. 

When the sun finally began to set, the youngest had a new hairstyle in the form of short grey braids that stopped at his neck. 

"There, all done!" Thea said proudly. 

She created a mirror made from ice and held it out in front of her brother so that he could see himself. 

"Thank you, sister. I am most appreciative."

"Oh? Can your big sister have a hug then?" She said smugly. 

"O-Oh, I want a hug too!" Mira said. 

Belloc ended up sandwiched between the two girls and smiled wryly as he let them do as they liked. 

This moment would have been a lot sweeter, had Mira not suddenly looked at her brother with mischievous eyes. 

"Little brother, would you do your big sister a favor?"

"If I am able."

Hearing that, Mira felt like she had just won a lottery ticket early. 

"You see, I've never gotten the chance to fight a demigod before and I would really, really like to know what it's like. Can you come outside with me pleaseeee?"

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