First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 368 Back Already?

Minutes before a change would occur in Sheol that would alter it forever, Eris and Valerie were working on a very special project. 

All throughout the regions of Sheol, construction was taking place on  buildings that looked like indoor gardens.

There was a path of cobblestones that led to a wider clearing where ten statues five meters tall could be seen.

Abaddon and all of his wives could be seen immortalized in these works of art; designed by Valerie and prepared by the best dwarven dragons of all of Sheol.

Though Valerie could certainly have created these statues out of thin air as she had done before, there wasn't really a need.

The craftsmen team she led had been itching for a new project, as the desire to create burns just as brightly in them as it did in her.

As such, she did not want to deprive them of the privilege to work on such a meaningful and important task as this.

There were 50 teams constructing 50 different temples across Sheol, and Valerie and Eris were going around each of them to give the final touches.

The two brought small vials of the blood of their sisters and husband before spilling a drop on their respective statues.

Once it was done, the blood seeped into the stone and the statues appeared to be no different than normal.

However, Seras and Audrina's statues had a very noticeable aura about them.

If you stood in front of their statues long enough, you would swear that they were about to start moving on their own.

Once the rest of the family ascended to godhood, these statues would bear similar auras, and their family would be able to gain much larger benefits through the power of prayer.

Eris waived her hand and gave the nearby flowers a much needed revitalization.

Their greenery became more vibrant, their scent more enchanting, and their beauty one of a kind.

With everything done, the two of them stood silently side by side as they stared up at the statue of their husband.

"…You're worried."

"And you are not?" Eris fired back.

Valerie laughed dryly in response. "More than I would like to admit."

Her hand went to the marking on her pubic region and she started to make a pitiful expression.

"He says that my marking means hope, but… when he is risking his life like this I feel so despondent that I can hardly bear it."

"We have sent Seras and Audrina with him. All that we can do now is trust in the fact that they will protect him no matter what." Eris said kindly.

"…Do you believe that he will be pissed at us for sending them against his wishes?" Valerie asked worriedly.

Eris thought about it for a long time before she shook her head.

"I think he might be slightly upset… but in our relationship nothing matters more than making sure that each of us comes home everyday.

Even if he is upset with us, I would much rather that than never have the privilege of having him hold me again.

And it's because I know that he would do the same for us that I think… he will understand why we made this decision."

"Let us hope that you are right…"

The two sought each other's hands as they stood in silence, staring at the statue of the man they loved with eyes full of longing.

As they envisioned the moment when they might see him again, a familiar warm feeling spread through their bodies and caused their tattoos to glow.

"Y-You're kidding…"

"He's done it already…?"

Both girls let the familiar feeling of their husband's shared power run rampant into their bodies; closing their eyes to enjoy the full effect.

The girls waited and waited for the inevitable moment where the power would stop flowing into them, but it didn't come.

Their figures became surrounded by a golden light that was nearly blinding, and they began to feel slightly uncomfortable and dizzy.

Dropping onto the ground; both girls clutched their stomach as they tried to understand this new and terrible feeling of pain.


"I-I know, it hurts!"

Since the girls currently were alone in this temple, there was no one to help them as they underwent this uncomfortable ordeal.

Eris was the only one who had the mental fortitude to inspect her soul's condition and understand what was going on.

As soon as she did, she found the problem rather easily.

The four shards of divinity within her and Valerie were trying to fuse completely.

She wasn't completely certain, but she figured that another one of her family members had to have been making the ascension now.

And with their husband having just gotten to the fourth stage of evolution, she knew that he had to be the only one.

She and Valerie lie writhing on the floor for what felt like an eternity.

However, their conditions only seemed to worsen as golden cracks formed along their figures.

They wanted to panic, but were afraid that doing so would hasten the already dire situation.

Suddenly, Valerie grabbed onto Eris' hand and gave it a loving but firm squeeze.

"W-We can do this..! We can't leave our family behind, can we?"


"That's right! So whatever we have to do to survive and get home tonight we have to do it!!"

Both girls closed their eyes and started concentrating on keeping their souls stabilized.

They fell into such a deep trance that they completely missed the moment where the air in Sheol suddenly vibrated; and three familiar faces appeared right beside them.

Abaddon kneeled down and pulled both of the girls into his arms gently.

Once he felt their distress upon arriving; he immediately came to their aid.

Imagine his surprise when he found them already beginning to save themselves.

The cracks within their bodies were slowly healing, and their breathing was becoming a bit more regulated.

'Come on loves, don't frighten me so. I know that you can do this.'

Abaddon waited and waited for the girls to come to, not releasing them from his arms for any reason at all.

And eventually, his patience and their effort both paid off.

The two girls became fully enveloped in twin columns of golden light; and floated up into the air.

Perhaps because Valerie was the most determined, she was the first to fully make the ascension.

As her clothes burned away under the intense heat of the golden light; she underwent a new metamorphosis.

Her frame that was formerly a bit on the bulkier side became more slender, while maintaining her excellent muscle definition.

Her short and stubby red horns grew longer and thicker.

Her skin became softer and slightly paler, and her breasts and ass became perkier.

But most captivating were the large wings that started to sprout from her back.

More specifically, butterfly wings.

They were a beautiful color, with hues of light blues and purples and teals that brought together a captivating picture.

Though Valerie was often insecure about her looks and considered herself to be the least beautiful of all of Abaddon's wives; anyone who heard her say such a thing now would have to slap her for spewing blasphemy.

'Valerie Tathamet, Demonic Goddess of…'







'And disasters…'

Eris' changes were less impactful, but to see her made her no less captivating.

Her skin lightened and became a distinctive ashen brown color, as her hair became longer and developed a silken texture.

The antlers on the top of her head became golden in color; and took on a distinctive proud and regal look.

'Eris Tathamet, Demon Goddess of…'







'And love…'

The girls finally started to float back down into Abaddon's arms, both of them more beautiful than he had ever seen them.

He didn't even know what their divinities were, but for right now he was just more than happy that they had gotten through this entire process safely.

The eyes of both girls fluttered open at the same time, and the first thing that the girls saw was the familiar yet unfamiliar face of their husband looming over them.

To see him looking so similar to how he did when they first met him was almost like a dream and a pleasant walk down memory lane.

"Congratulations on your ascensions, my wives."


"You're back already..?"

Abaddon put on a hurt act and softened his eyes just a bit.

"Is that any way to greet your husband after he returns home from battle…? One would begin to think that you liked it when I was gone."

""Don't joke!!""

Abaddon had the tables turned on him in an instant, as both girls leapt on top of him and forced his body onto the ground.

As soon as he touched the cobblestones underneath him, a full field of black and green flowers came to life where they lay; the result of his and Eris' nature divinities.

It seemed like things were about to become rather intimate very fast, but the girls suddenly noticed that the rest of their sisters had appeared within the temple at some point; no doubt lured here by the returning presence of their husband.

Abaddon stared at the image of his wives upside down and gave them a humorous smile.

"We're back, loves. Did you miss us?"

Lailah: "H-How are you back already? It's barely been an hour!"

Abaddon/ Seras/ Audrina: """Huh?"""

Bekka: "It's only been like 53 minutes. Did you really kill the god that fast?!"

Abaddon and his traveling companions looked at each other strangely.

For those in Sheol they had only been gone for 53 minutes, but they were definitely in the underworld for over nine hours.

"I wonder… if time will start working differently here in the future." Abaddon muttered.

"Hm? What do you mean, honey?" asked Lisa.

Briefly, Abaddon gave the girls a short but concise summary of everything that occurred while he was in the underworld against hell.

For the most part, there were three parts to his story that stood out the most.

1. Audrina was pregnant with their fifth child. Yay!

2. Abaddon had successfully ascended to godhood, but lost all of his power in the process. Boo!

The third was the most confusing thing and the one they weren't sure how to process.

Lailah: "There's a third level of Sheol now…?"

Tatiana: "You stole an entire underworld from the gods…?"

"That's about right. Are you girls proud of your husband?" He asked with a playful smile.

"I am~" Valerie said lovingly. "Will you let me show you just how proud though?"

Her hand's glided down his body into his pants without facing the tiniest bit of obstruction.

A small imperceptible spark seemed to pass between the two of them and both immediately came to an understanding.

"You have a sex divinity too it seems." He said with a smile.

"I do, and I'm aching to find out what it does."

"What a coincidence, so was I."

Just as Valerie's hand found it's way around his member, Abaddon's hand found it's way between her legs and found her garden that was already drenched.

Their excitement rising, the air became filled with pheromones that made the rest of the girls become hazy eyed.

"Suddenly… my clothes feel really stuffy."

"I-I know that we just did it this morning but I feel like it's been weeks!"

Abaddon and Valerie smiled at the behavior of the other girls and beckoned them closer like ultimate embodiments of carnal pleasure.

"Come closer, my loves. I want you to feel just how much I've missed you."

"Don't make us beg, okay?"

As if Abaddon wasn't bad enough, Valerie's seductive voice and gestures made the itching between their legs even worse.

Just as the girls were about to start ripping their own clothes off to lose themselves in lust, they were reminded of certain… responsibilities.

An echo came from outside, and the individuals that they knew very well were approaching fast.

""""Father, mothers! You're back!""""

At that moment, all of the adults had a very frightening realization.

'Shit, the kids!'

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