First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 352 The Family’s Acceptance

The rest of Abaddon and Tatiana's time together was spent without actually saying much.

She relished in the opportunity to get thoroughly acquainted with the lips that she had been lusting after for so long, and as a result they didn't really even bother to speak to one another.

Eventually, the rest of Abaddon's wives decided they had been waiting long enough for things to get smoothed out and they entered the room as well.

Tatiana was expecting a fair bit of hazing or maybe even a show of established dominance for the new girl.

But much to her surprise, there was none of that.

They were all very kind and sweet to her, and they let her know that even if the way this relationship was brought about was accidental, no one held a grudge against her.

And since Abaddon was completely uninvolved in this incident, no one accused him of cheating and breaking his vow.

Therefore, things were very much the same as before, only now Tatiana was a part of the group that had his utmost loyalty.

The ten of them spent time chatting and kissing the new girl until the sun came up.

When it was time for breakfast, Tatiana lost almost all of her nerve when she realized that she would have to announce her relationship with Abaddon and explain what had happened.

Briefly, she wondered if she should keep it a secret for a little while longer before deciding against it.

She didn't want to keep things from her friends and family because she knew that she would only make herself more anxious the longer she waited.

And so, she prepared breakfast with the goal of psyching herself up for the eventful morning that was to come.

However, she was surprised when Abaddon came into the kitchen shortly behind her, intending to help her cook.

Truth be told, the dragon did not know much about cooking, but he wanted to spend more time with the woman who was to be his official wife and learn as much as he could about her.

She admittedly still felt a bit shy to be around him after everything that they'd done last night, making cooking a bit more difficult.

Especially when he stood behind her to help her mix the dough.

It filled her mind with visions of entirely different buns in the oven.

In the end, they finished preparing everything together and decided that it would be their new routine.

With everything in place, they set the table together and waited for everyone else to come down, with Tatiana taking the coveted position of Abaddon's lap.

With her body pressed against his, it was easy for Abaddon to feel how fast her heart was pounding.

Before he could offer her any words of consolation, their family started to stream into the dining room.

The other wives came first, with lower bodies that were still sore from the past several days of intimacy.

Next came Abaddon's sisters and aunt.

All three of whom froze directly in their tracks and threw a barrage of remarks at the living god holding the young woman.

The comments ranged from 'manwhore' to 'cheating bastard' to 'slut dragon' and even the simple yet powerful 'disappointment'.

Abaddon would have been a lot more hurt by those words if he didn't know that he had done nothing wrong.

Although the memory of his sweet sister Kanami who always seemed to idolize him suddenly staring at him coldly would linger in his mind for life.

Next, the children came down, accompanied by the wives of the eldest two.

When they saw their father sitting with the short haired dragon on his lap, their jaws collectively fell open.

All except for the still young at heart Mira who honestly could not have cared less.

More mommies means more affection and more affection means a higher chance of recieving cookies as tokens of love.

But everyone else was undeniably shocked to their core.

Jasmine / Claire : 'Mother is going to lose her shit.'

Thea / Apophis : 'What kind of development is this, she was just crying on the floor last night!'

Nita / Rita : 'Holy shit, she actually did it!'

With everyone present, Abaddon finally got the chance to explain just how he and Tatiana ended up in this sort of relationship.

After they heard everything, everyone ignored Abaddon and instead showered Tatiana with congratulatory words.

It was already fully well known that she was hopelessly in love with him, and everyone thought her feelings were doomed to be unrequited.

But by the luck of a true miracle, the two of them were on a path to becoming a true couple who would stand together until the end of time.

It was no surprise that everyone was happier for her than they were for him.

Tatiana had even begun acting like a wife even though things were not official yet.

Despite the fact Abaddon was a grown man who was capable of eating on his own, she shyly asked if she could feed him like she'd seen his other wives do.

The dragon had begun to wonder what about his image made him seem like he needed coddling.

Had he not killed enough men? (It had nothing to do with that)

Were any of his forms not imposing and demanding of respect and fear? (They were, but also lust.)

He had no idea why they always insisted on doting on him so. (At present he was still unaware of the content smile he always wore on his face and the fierce wagging of his weaponized tail.)

After breakfast, Abaddon bid Tatiana farewell and left her with a promise to collect her later.

He left her in the care of his wives so that they could have their super secret introductory meeting.

Currently, he was waiting by the front door with his arms folded across his burly chest.

Unsurprisingly, he was the first to get ready as his outfit consisted of only a pair of dark black pants and a shirt that stopped midway on his abdomen, with a bold white line coming down the center of his chest.

His hair was tied in it's usual long ponytail, and his fingers were adorned with eight golden rings of all different design.

'I suppose I will be needing a ninth soon… it feels strange no matter how often I think about it.' He thought with a smile.


Spurred from his thoughts, Abaddon found his youngest daughter flying closer to him with her arms already stretched out.

He caught the young girl with a happy smile and nuzzled his cheek against hers.

"You look adorable. I should like to think that I have never known anything more precious than you."

"Father, why must I always remind you that I do not require your flattery?" Gabbrielle asked shyly.

"Whether you require it or not means nothing, as I am already more than happy to give it to you."

Like her father, Gabbrielle also did not understand why her family insisted on showering her with sugary words.

Her tells were not as obvious as his, but in a family full of people who could read emotions, it did not really matter.

Soon, the father daughter pair was met by their partners for the day; Malenia and Kanami.

The bubbly redhead wore a simple pair of bright red pants and a jacket with a white sports bra, showing off her muscled abdomen.

Malenia on the other hand wore a much more modest outfit; a simple white sundress that exposed her slender tanned arms and a small amount of cleavage.

"Aunties look nice." Gabbrielle said.

"How kind of you, Gabbrielle."

"Awww, thank you sweet pea!"

Excitedly, Kanami snatched the young girl from her father's grasp and trapped her in an affectionate bear hug she could never escape from.

Abaddon smiled and pushed open the double doors to their home. "Come along, you three. Let's not keep the children waiting."

Abaddon and the girls flew down from their enormous castle and headed to a pre-determined location.

In a large clearing a few miles from their home, they found a few thousand true dragon hybrids waiting for them.

But these were not adult dragons, these were children.

All of them were between the ages of five and fourteen, and it would be these who would be starting school in a week.

But there was another thing that separated these children from the rest.

"They're here, they're here!!"

"I'm so excited!"

"I can't believe this is happening!!"

Abaddon and the girls landed on the fresh green grass and all of the children bowed clumsily just as they'd been instructed by their parents.

A few put their heads a bit too far down and fell over, and others lowered their heads until their horns were embedded in the dirt.

Abaddon and his sisters chuckled at their cuteness and gestured for them to raise their heads.

"Hello children. I'm glad you all could make it today." Abaddon said sincerely.

He held out his hand and gestured for one of his sisters to step forward.

"I usually make a lot of speeches but if I'm honest I've grown quite bored of it. Therefore, today I'm going to be pushing that work onto my dear sister."

Malenia gave her brother a not so discreet elbow in the ribs as she finally started her speech.

"Right, hello there, children! Some of you may know me and others may not, but I am the second sister of your god, and I am also the head of education for all of you in Sheol.

I know that a few of you might be wondering why exactly we've asked for you to attend such an institution when you share the memories of your predecessors, and it is because we want to see you fly higher than they.

Even with the knowledge, you still need to learn to sharpen yourselves in a practical sense, and there exists no better way for you to do that than alongside each other.

Besides, this will be a wonderful chance for you all to make some friends, no?"

Her words caused the dragon children to look around at each other shyly.

There was a reason these kids were special and called here today.

It was because these were the children born without affinities of their own, and as such this would lead to them being bullied by others and seen as weaker.

But Abaddon would not allow that, especially when he had the resources to fix such a thing.

The dragon god gave his world one simple thought and an enormous hole opened up in the ground before him, leading directly to the spirit realm below.

"We've prepared a little incentive for you children before you start school next week. Would you all care to see it?" He asked with a smile.


In a lavish mansion around twenty minutes away from the castle, the dragon Tiamat was sitting on the edge of her bed with her legs crossed and a glass of wine in her hand.

Wearing nothing but a simple silk robe that barely covered her silky looking skin underneath, she looked every bit as enchanting as a delicate flower.

Her cheeks were as red as apples, and the hazy yet pained look in her eyes was indicative of just how much she'd had to drink.

Once she finished the last of the wine in her glass and saw that she had no more left to drink, she became relatively angry, and threw the bottle across the room.

"Fuck… Three of you come here."

On their knees at her feet were handsome and chiseled men of all different varieties who were willing to obey her every word.

Exactly three of them stood up, wearing nothing but boxers that showed off prominent bulges.

It seemed like they knew what to do without even being instructed, as the three of them moved to lie their hands on her of their own volition.

But before her loose robe could fully fall from her figure, there was a loud explosion that rocked the entirety of her home.


"What the hell, who did that?!"




The sound of footsteps could be heard coming from down the hallway, and her bedroom door was eventually kicked in by a familiar face.

Apophis entered the room, blood spattered across his handsome face and dark purple hair, and he held the heads of two men within his hands.

Tiamat drunkenly felt her heart start to speed up when she saw him, and she cursed at him with slurred speech.

"W-What the fuck are you doing here, little prince?! I hope you aren't harboring any ideas of-"


The heads within Apophis' grip exploded and from the pressure applied to them, and his red eyes were beginning to glow with a terrible anger.

The longer he stared at the 80 plus naked men inside of her room, the more upset he became.

He thought his sister's proposal a tiny bit crazy when she first brought it up, but not anymore.

There was not a single doubt within his mind that he would enjoy killing all of the flies buzzing around the woman he had set his sights on.

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