First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 348 Blessed By Dragons

Gabbrielle was not normally one for crude language, but her mothers' absurd revelation had done just that. 

Typically, the most amount of supreme divinities that a god can have is only two.

Even at the height of her power, she only held the supreme divinities of infinity and balance.  

The fact that they had been given three instead had to be some kind of mistake, right?!

But as she looked at her mothers' straight forward faces, she knew better than to believe they had made a simple error.

Audrina: "Oh? Judging by your face it seems we're quite special."

Seras: "Are you going to praise your mommies, dearie?"

Gabbrielle quickly wiped away the surprise from her face and made an expression befitting the most serious member of the family.

"N-Nevermind that, since I don't want the two of you to get big heads! J-Just because you have more divinities than anyone else doesn't mean that you are above all! A primordial god could still kill you!" She exclaimed.

Even though both god kings and primordials fall underneath the same umbrella of supreme divinity, there is still a large gap in power between the two.

Primordials are essentially like the pillars that hold up the universe, while god kings are essentially the banners or ribbons adorned across them that make them look pretty.

Primordials are embodiments of universal laws or phenomena and as such, they are above all.

But because of that, they so rarely get involved in the matters of any who are not on their level or directly related to them.

Gabbrielle had only told her mothers otherwise in the hopes that they would start to take matters more seriously.

And it appeared to have been somewhat successful.

Both Audrina and Seras looked a bit more focused than before and showed signs of burning determination.

Gabbrielle nodded a bit in satisfaction before she got back onto current tasks.

"Now as I was saying, blessings are the most meaningful gifts that a god can give a mortal. The stronger divinity that they are blessed with, the greater benefits that they can gain.

Normally, you would not be able to assign more than one being with one of your blessings for each divinity, but due to your special relationship with our people that does not apply."

"What do you mean?" Asked Audrina.

"Your brandings that symbolize you as the consorts of the one from whom dragons were created means that every single dragon, whether they directly ingested father's blood or not, is your descendant. And you may bless as many or as few of them as you like without worry."

Gabrielle looked up into the swirling black and purple sky as she recalled the days she spent dwelling alone outside of time and space.

"If you two were more powerful, you could extend your grasps across multiple alternate realities and dimensions, and you could bless all of our kin and bring them into the fold.

It would truly be a grand sight to see… and this entire war against the gods from up above would end within mere minutes."

Gabrielle suddenly felt two slender hands on her own and she realized that her mothers were giving her determined and motivated faces.

Seras: "It will be done eventually, my dear. Just be patient with us, okay?"

Audrina: "Our family's dream of living quietly without the interference of higher beings will become reality soon enough."

A rare babyish smile spread across Gabrielle's face as she did something that she normally wouldn't.

Sitting up, she pulled both of her mothers in for a warm neck hug.

"I did not mean to sound like I was being impatient with you. I am already more than proud of you for coming so far and I know that all of the heavens will tremble before your might and beauty."

Gabbrielle did not receive any words of thanks back, instead she received a long firm embrace and more cheek kisses than she ever could have imagined, all in a single second.

She would never tell anyone just how much she liked to be shown affection like this but now that her mother was a joy goddess, she didn't need to.

Seras could feel it all smoldering beneath the surface without her uttering a single word.

Gabrielle finally separated from her mothers and focused on the reason for their current lesson.

"Now listen to me you two. Please close your eyes and do exactly as I say."


In a new home designed by Valerie, a family of three were sitting around admiring their new home.

A mother, father, and their young son were currently in the form of three bright green dragons.

Currently, they were in the kitchen marveling over all of the strange contraptions in their home.

The one they were currently stuck on was a silver spigot that came out of granite countertops and stood over a metallic basin.

Reaching up, the father hesitantly pushed one of the levers with one of his claws and watched as cold and refreshing water started to pour from the spout.


"By the Tathamets…"

"This is quite ingenious on the part of the fourth goddess…"

"What does this one do…? Oh! It's hot now!"


It seemed like the family of three was going to spend the rest of the night being amazed by the marvelous new features of their home.

The young son was about to open a large silver box inside of the kitchen when a feminine voice like the finest of silk began to play within his mind.

"My Uruloki. I and my sister come to you today to give you a gift of the grandest design..."

Excitedly, the little boy turned around to look at his parents excitedly.

"Uwah!! It's the fifth goddess! She gave me my first big boy dream!"


The father of the young boy gave his young son a swipe upside the head with his long tail that would have been enough to kill a normal human.

"D-Don't be disrespectful, Taven! The goddesses are not ones who we are allowed to lust after!"

"W-What about the father god?" The boy asked with wide eyes.


Meanwhile, Audrina and Seras continued their speech.

"Our husband and your creator has given you a great many gifts upon remaking your bodies and souls.

Because you are born directly from his blood your magic power is nearly limitless, you have no need to fear those cruel weapons made from your brethren, and with every battle you will grow by feasting upon your slain enemies.

In addition, those of you whom were not dragons before will find that your racial abilities have not only been retained, but enhanced. But we fear it is not enough."

"Though your bodies are already physically capable of killing gods…" Seras began. "That does not mean that you are yet in possession of the prowess necessary to pull off such a task.

Which is why my sister and I hope that you will accept our blessings in the hopes of further evening the odds."

Unsurprisingly, the billions of dragons who could hear Seras' message all voiced their acceptance either with a thought or a loud roar.

"Hear me, my descendants." said Audrina.

"I bless you with transformation, so that your form adjusts to fit your needs in any given situation."

"I bless you with darkness, so that the shadows that might surround you will not fill you with despair, only power."

"I bless you with hiding, so that your great and terrible prescences need not ever rile our prey before it is time for the hunt."

Next came Seras, and the blessings that she gave out almost seemed equally if not more powerful than Audrina's.

"My people, I bless you with war so that every weapon that falls into your hands will become an extension of your own body, and your strength and instincts will reign supreme."

"I bless you with blood so that yours is another extension of yourself and might be freely controlled as if it were no more than a limb."

"I bless you with joy, so that your hearts and minds might always be free from outside intimidation and fear. Let your days be filled with happiness, even in the midst of a raging storm."

At the end, both of the goddesses voices could be heard in unison.

""We hope that these blessings that we have given you will aid you well in the tumultuous future that is to come.

Believe in us, believe in our family, and know that whatever you may face you are not alone!!""

With the sixth blessing doled out and a rousing speech having been given, changes began to take place in the bodies of every dragon within Sheol.

Meanwhile, Seras and Audrina finally opened their eyes and let out twin gasps of surprise.

Blessing over three billion dragons at once was more than a small endeavor, but it was immediately beginning to bear fruit.

Seras and Audrina held up their hands and saw that their bodies were encased in a golden glow that was almost blinding.

In addition to that, they could hear the inner voices of all of their descendants and believers so much better than before.

They knew their hopes, dreams, and everything that they wanted from their new lives.

And they were firm believers that the royal family was going to help them get all of it.

"Now do you see?" Gabbrielle said with a beautiful smile. "This is the power of true prayer. It is incomparable, no?"

"It is… they believe in us so fervently..!" Audrina usually wasn't one for emotions, but even she had to wipe away a tear that had begun to roll without her notice.

Seras pulled her in for a tender embrace and helped her clean herself up just a bit.

"It is so grand, is it not? They told us that godhood would bring us power but… this is undoubtedly its greatest gift. Being connected like this to all of our people is a joy like none other."

"Fufufu~ says the goddess of joy."

"That is how you can be certain that it is the truth." Seras said smugly.

Gradually the two of them compressed their godly auras into their bodies and returned to normal once again.

Gabbrielle nodded and gestured for her mothers to sit back down beside her.

"I am glad you are both happy, now I believe that I can teach you two about-"

"Sorry, but we're done for the day, my daughter." Audrina said.

"Yes, we… what?!"

Audrina shrugged as she interlocked her fingers with Seras' and smiled.

"Today has made me feel very emotional and when I feel like that there is no better time to be in the embrace of your father while I lie in bed with the rest of your mothers. I miss him, and I miss them."

"Are you telling me that you want to stop our lessons because you want to engage in procreation?!!" Gabbrielle yelled.

"That's right~"

"Your father always comes out on top whenever we lie together, so I want to use my new godhood for it's grandest purpose; making him see stars as he moans my name in defeat!" Seras yelled with a raised fist.

Unfortunately for her, she was going to learn that defeating Abaddon in that kind of match would require more than godhood.

Though they may both posses bodies that are inexhaustible, her husband was the embodiment of all desire who exists to drown those touched by him in inescapable pleasure.

Her new physique would buy her a few more seconds of sanity at best before she gave herself to him entirely.

Gabbrielle couldn't even say anything, and merely stared at her mothers with an open mouth and disbelieving expression.

While she was frozen her mothers gifted her two kisses on both sides of her cheeks before waiving her goodbye.

"We'll pick this up in a few days, okay sweetie?"

"We love you!"


In a ray of golden light, Audrina and Seras disappeared, leaving behind an exhausted and flush faced daughter.

"I love you both too… perverted mothers."

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