First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 345 The First Demon Goddess

It took a great deal of time for the gods in attendance to come to terms with the fact that not only Gaia, but Nyx's memories had been altered by the creator.

The sheer impossibility of such a task aside, no one could understand why he would even do such a thing. 

And there was another thing that no one could seem to grasp.

How could the black dragon have survived a battle with the creator?

He was literally all powerful and all encompassing, he should have been able to delete Abaddon out of existence with ease.

And yet his soul was not only fine, but had been reborn into a new, weaker body.

It was almost as if he was being shown some sort of favoritism and being given a new chance.

But why?!

Michael ran his hands through his dirty blonde hair and let out a frustrated sigh.

'Was Lucifer truly not just raving back then..?' His mind drifted towards his brother who was still stewing within his unholy prison.

Simultaneously, he wondered just how he might have been reacting to Abaddon's threat against the gods.

It made him question whether or not he had been radicalized by his brother, or if their relationship had finally soured and that had acted as a catalyst for Abaddon's wrath.

It pained him to think this, but he was unsure of what would ultimately be the most likely scenario.

Meanwhile, Hades was looking at his brother out of the corner of his eyes.

This was truly a sight that he was elated to see, and he could die a few seconds from now and it would all be worth it.

The king of Olympians who was famous for throwing his weight and dick around casually, was trembling like a dry leaf hanging from a branch.

Other than their father, Typhon is the only other adversary that Zeus has ever had who imbues him with the most terrible fear.

Their battle was catastrophic, and he had only managed to seal that mindless creature away due to sheer luck.

And now that creature's true parent would come and he would no doubt be incredibly irate when he learned of what became of his 'son'.

Something had to change before it was too late.

"We must do something, do not despair! As of right now, he no doubt lacks the power required to kill us all! Now is the time for us to take action!"

Beside him, his other brother Poseidon finally stood up and came to his aid.

"Indeed, we must not fall into despair and utilize all we have for the annihilation of this enemy before it becomes too powerful! He is not yet at his full power, nor is he yet a god!"

The work Poseidon had done to rally the fighting spirits of the gods, was quickly about to be undone.

In the sky above the colosseum, a small shower of golden dust rained down along with a ray of warming sunlight.

This was a phenomenon all of them knew too well.

The mother goddess was about to declare the ascendancy of a new being into godhood.

"On this day, there is a new anointed one who has come into being…"

As always, the voice of the mother goddess in your ears was like being bathed in a hot spring fit for only the most high.

It was so enticing and comforting, most of them temporarily forgot about the coming threat in favor of this bliss.

Temporarily of course.

Because her next words were anything but calming.

"As the first of her kind, I welcome the Vampiric Demonic Dragon Goddess Audrina Tathamet into the lands above, and assign her the following divinities…"

Collectively, the jaws of every god, goddess, angel and loa fell onto the floor as their eyes nearly left their skulls.

A new dragon goddess? Cool.

A vampire demonic goddess? Impossible.

They are creatures of the places below, and are utterly incompatible with divinity.

Like oil and water except if you try to mix the two they wouldn't just separate, they would explode.

Even in Dola where demons were named 'demigods' that was not truly the case.

That was more so a title, a way to describe their realm of power and abilities.

But this… was not that.

This was a true fusion, and one that was like nothing that had ever come before.

And that wasn't the most concerning thing.

This woman had the last name Tathamet.

Letting all of them know she would not be a friendly newcomer. 

"Audrina Tathamet, Vampiric Demonic Dragon Goddess of Darkness ..."





"And hiding…"

After she finally finished, the gods felt the need to unclog their ancient ears.

"Six... divinities?"

"She has to be fucking with us.."

However, Asherah still had more to reveal that would ruin the delusions of all of the childish gods present. 

"In addition, I would like to welcome a second goddess into the heavens upon this day..."

Cerunnos: "What?!"

Tsukuyomi: "Another one?!"

Sekhmet: "She has got to be joking…"

Hades: "Hell, why not? This day's already gone to shit anyway.."

"Seras Tathamet, Vampiric Demonic Dragon Goddess of Blood…"





"And joy…"

This time, the golden glow in the sky above did disappear after dropping this last bit of world shattering information.

Not one, but two goddesses had just made the ascension into godhood on this day, and they were both on the side of the coming enemy.

And with six entire divinities under their belts, they were no doubt powerful.

Very, very, powerful.

Zeus looked over at Odin to see if he was feeling the same thing as him, and he nearly let out a child's cry when he saw that they had both come to the same conclusion.

In one day, not one but two beings had come into existence within seconds of each other, and both of them were equal in strength to they who were supposed rulers.

- Sheol, 5 Minutes prior to the announcement

In the haven of the dragon god and his people, he and his entire family were standing around in the recently built stadium, watching Audrina from a safe distance as she sat on the ground.

Before she would begin, she turned around to blow her sisters and husband a flirtatious kiss.

Once she saw her family smile and accept her gifts, she closed her eyes and started to focus.

She concentrated on the six accumulated fragments of divinity that were sitting comfortably within her soul.

Concentrating on the misshapen pieces, she started trying to push them together in an effort to form a complete sphere.

Almost immediately, a reaction began to take place. 

Her body began to heat up, causing a bead of sweat to form on her brow and a dull glow to encompass her figure.

She thought she had become more used to pain due to her father's hellish training and allowing her husband to take her back door regularly, but this was something different.

It felt like every cell in her body was being set ablaze in a myriad of holy fire.

It was then that she remembered the 30% success rate of this undertaking and she began to feel afraid.

What if the failed here?

If this process went wrong, she would be leaving all that she held dear behind.

Her people.

Her children.

Her sisters.

And most importantly her husband.

The thought of having to leave their side for any reason filled her with the most heart wrenching panic.

Something that each of the other wives could feel without her saying anything.

Silently, they too closed their eyes and sent her constant waves of relief and support.

But as they did so, they noticed that their bodies were also starting to heat up.

Interestingly enough, a glow could also be seen on all of their figures.

None of them were quite as bright as the one surrounding Audrina, save for Seras who was looking down at her hands in confusion.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Abaddon was similarly lost, as he wasn't quite sure what was happening anymore.

"Daddy? Are mommies okay?" Mira asked worriedly.

Abaddon wanted to just open his mouth and spit out a reassuring yes, but as of right now he didn't think himself capable.

He was more worried about the girls than anyone, and all he could do was take her hand reassuringly as they watched together. 

In the next second, Audrina's body started to float upwards from the ground of it's own volition.

The glow around her started to become brighter and brighter until she was comparable to a blinding star.

At that moment, the glow surrounding all of the other wives was dispersed, save for Seras who was also beginning to float.

"W-What's happening?" Thea asked worriedly.

"Mother is making the ascension after some initial difficulties but… it also seems that she is taking our other mother with her." Gabrielle muttered.

Even Abaddon was not expecting this turn of events and his eyes showed similar traces of surprise.

Audrina and the girls were tied together at the soul just like they were with Abaddon, and it seemed as though that was playing a role in this endeavor. 

At stage 5, Seras was the closest in power to Audrina, and maybe just that was enough to force an ascension alongside her.

Their husband wondered why he was not receiving anything from this as well when he finally remembered something from his days of having the system. 

Every time that he received a fragment of divinity, it was corrupted and changed into something called a fragment of dark origin. 

It was clear that his body could do nothing with simple divinity, and the energy required for him to become a god was likely much more special and potent. 

But it made him wonder... what exactly was dark origin? 

And if he failed to obtain more of it in the future, what did that mean for his evolution path?

Around the same time that Abaddon was having this realization, the two girls began to hear a feminine voice play within their minds. 

'I can always leave it to this one family to defy my expectations and do things that they should not...

I am glad we took it upon ourselves to help him all those years ago, lest I could never have found this much entertainment. '

Neither of the girls could find it in themselves to respond, as they were much too distracted by their bodies that were literally being born anew. 



Twin columns of nearly blinding white light shot into the sky, as their family felt the level of power emanating from them take a massive boost. 

And they were not the only ones to sense a drastic change. 

The people that were the closest by started to come out of their homes and take to the skies. 

Their flight carried them to the location of Audrina and Seras' ascension, where their eyes would subsequently widen as they got their first glimpse into the divines. 

As with Abaddon, they all lowered their heads respectfully without even understanding why or what had called for them to do this. 

When the two women dropped back down onto the ground and the glow surrounding them disappeared, the people of Sheol were able to see firsthand the first demonic goddesses to come into existence. 

And they were as beautiful as they were frightening. 

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