First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 339 I'm Tired Of Moving!

Abaddon and Bekka found a woman that neither of them recognized in the bath with them. 

Or... more like on top of it.

She was standing on the surface of the hot water, with her hands clasped in front of her and her signature veil over her face. 

Even though the both of them were naked, they felt no need to cover each other. 

Something about the way Asherah was staring at them made it feel like she had no lustful inclinations. 

It was as if she were staring at amalgamations of dust instead of two of the nine sexiest beings to ever exist in the universe. 

Though when considering her occupation and age, was that really such a surprise? 

In addition, neither of them could feel any negative intentions coming from her. 

Strangely enough, they felt more than comfortable in her presence. 

So much so that Bekka did not see it as strange to respond to her previous statement. 

Turning back to Abaddon, she cupped his face in her hands and lovingly ran her fingers across his chiseled jawline. 

"Love doesn't seem to quite encapsulate what I feel for him anymore. He is the air within my lungs, the father of my children, and the one whom my body aches for daily. For now until the end of eternity, he is mine and I am his. 

Just the word 'love'... it feels trivial when compared to all of that, no?" 

"...Indeed, it does seem that way." The couple couldn't see it, but there was a small smile underneath Asherah's veil that would have enchanted any living mortal. 

Abaddon noticed how cavalier of an attitude Bekka had despite meeting this world's supreme deity, but he simply attributed it to the life that they lived now taking away her sense of wonder. 

By now, the only people left who could impress her in any way were sleeping in their bedroom or the children they had together. 

However, he lost his train of thought as she bought her full lips onto his, and he briefly forgot about their visitor. 

As Bekka and Abaddon kissed softly, he separated from her after making a small promise to show her proof of his love again later. 

"This is an unexpected visit... Are you here to dissuade me from my destruction of the gods, mother goddess?" 

Asherah shook her head underneath the veil as she politely sat on her knees in front of them. 

"I am not. You are already an adult, Tathamet. That means that you are free to make your own decisions just as Yesh and I intended.

But I will ask if you are certain that there exist no other recourse out of this situation?" 

Abaddon ignored the strange feeling he felt when the mother goddess referred to him by his old name as he stared at her unflinchingly.

"There is not. I will see to it that they all are plundered from the heavens they are so emboldened by." 

"And their divinities that stabilize aspects of creation? What would you do with those? Absorb all of them into yourself?" 

"If I must. However my ideal vision is one where I can pass those powers to my wives, children, sisters, friends, and closest aids." 

Asherah had long lost her ability to see Abaddon's fate, so to hear him make this decision was admittedly a surprise to her. 

"Oh? Then will the problem you see not repeat itself if new paragons are chosen?" 

"To insinuate that those around me are as childish and egotistical as those ingrates who are only obsessed with their status is rather insulting.

From my daughters and son to my self proclaimed aunt, they are all good and compassionate people with a strong sense of duty. There are none more righteous than they."

"I see... my mistake then, I will anxiously await to see the world that you envision." Asherah said respectfully. 

Bekka gave her husband a small nudge along with a mischievous smile. 

'You can fool her, but not me, my husband. You just want to push your work onto others so that you can be lazy and spend all your days at home.' 

'...You have no way to prove that.' 

'Fufufu~ I guess not.' 

Asherah could tell that the two of them were having some kind of mental conversation, but even she was not privy to it. 

While surprising, she was not upset by it. 

Like everything they had done so far, she found it rather cute and endearing. 

But now, it was time for her to break the news to them. 

"Tathamet- no, Abaddon. I've come today to bring you unfortunate news." 

An air of tension shot through the room, and Bekka and Abaddon stared at the mother goddess with wary looks. 

"You and your true dragons are too much for this world to handle, and as such I can not allow you to stay here any longer." 

The news delivered was nowhere near as bad as they were expecting, but it still wasn't welcome. 

"Oh, come on! I'm tired of moving already I just want to have my own place again!" Bekka complained. 

Abaddon rubbed her chiseled back to ease her disappointment as he stared absentmindedly at the mother goddess. 

Truthfully, he was always expecting something to be done about himself and the new race of dragons he created out of thin air, just not this. 

"So then where will you send us? To the heavens? Or even back to earth?" 

For the first time, the mother goddes brought her hand to her lips as she released a beautiful laugh the likes of which few things could compare. 

"If you are too much for my Dola, why would I send you and your people to earth now? You would destroy it within two hours." 

Abaddon shrugged as he started to carry Bekka out of the bath. "Alright then, where?" 

When Asherah told the two of them where they would be living next, the couple immediately turned around to make sure they hadn't misheard her words. 

Although the way they confirmed this was... less than respectable. 

""You shittin me?""

Within their dark bedroom, Abaddon placed Bekka on the edge of the bed and started to pull on her bra and panties. 

'This is amusing. My great and powerful wife, lying incapable of dressing herself.' Abaddon thought jokingly. 

Bekka blushed silently as she turned away out of embarrassment.

'You are the one who is to blame. How can you be so rough with your delicate wife that she can't even stand on her own?'

'Delicate?! Have you already forgotten the day we fell in love? You cracked four of my ribs!' 

'And you still devoted yourself to me, so what does that say about you? It seems the world's feared black dragon is a masochist too.' 


Abaddon tried to refute it, but the pieces fit a tiny bit. 

He was never more excited than when his wives were aggressive in bed and practically forced themselves on him. 

And when they would bite him to mark their territory, he would silently lament his superior healing capabilities. 

He had no idea how he'd never noticed it before. 

'By the gods...' 


Bekka giggled silently in an effort not to wake up her sisters who were sleeping beside her. 

Once Abaddon pulled on her pants and crop top, he pulled on his own clothes and looked back at her expectantly. 

'Alright my love, let's go.'

'....' Bekka said nothing as she held up her arms in the air, indicating for Abaddon to pick her up. 

Smiling wryly, he lifted her up in a princess carry and watched as her tail started wagging hard enough to put a dent in a car. 

'You are so spoiled.' He thought. 

'Whose fault is that?' She fired back. 

Shrugging, the two of them suddenly heard movement from the bed and they found a familiar face trying to sit up. 

Since Eris was a dark elf with a high nature affinity, she was not in as rough shape as the rest of the girls. 

The clean and raw energy that Abaddon shared with her when they had sex not only strengthen her, but it revitalized her body to a much more drastic degree than the rest of the wives. 

In short, she got all of the benefits and then some in addition to a shorter cooldown time. 

Although her body was still certainly feeling the lingering effects. 

'Are the two of you going somewhere?' Eris asked sleepily. 

'We are...There are certain preparations that we have to make before tomorrow, my wife.' Abaddon thought. 

'....' Eris cutely lifted up her arms in the same gesture as Bekka had just done, indicating that she also wanted to be picked up and dressed. 

'...You are both so spoiled.' Abaddon thought.

'It is your take responsibility.' Eris demanded sleepily. 

Abaddon merely chuckled and did not make any further complaints as he temporarily placed Bekka down so that he could go and start helping Eris. 


A starry black portal suddenly opened up in the center of the elven capital. 

Once Cypress felt the familiar energy vibrating through the air, he immediately leapt out of his treetop home and fell to one knee with his back towards the great tree. 

"Cypress, what are you doing?!" His wife cried. 

However, the elf didn't even bother to acknowledge her as he silently waited with his head down. 

A figure stepped through the dark portal that both the elven rulers knew very well. 

Jezebel felt her own heartbeat begin to thump wildly in her chest as her eyes landed on his godly face and body. 

She had always told Cypress that she had no interest in muscles before but... now she had to admit she was more than a tiny bit curious. 

And somehow, she was also jealous of the two women in his arms who had their legs possessively locked around his waist. 

'That should be me... What am I thinking?!' 

'Yes, what are you thinking?' A new voice said. 

Looking down, Jezebel became alarmed when she saw the beast kin and the dark elf woman staring at her with murderous eyes. 

She almost turned around and ran back into her home, when a long vine rose up from the ground and grabbed her by the neck. 

Struggling to gasp for air, she tried to get the attention of her husband by making as much noise as possible but it proved to be to no avail. 

"Are you going to kill her, my love?" Abaddon asked plainly. 

"Would you be upset if I did?" Eris asked suspiciously. 

"Don't be silly. When have I ever tried to dissuade any of you from laying claim to me however you see fit?"

Eris felt her heart sing from Abaddon's sincere words that seemed to be laced with some kind of drug that made her even more obsessed. 

She quickly forgot all about the elf who's life she held in her hands and dropped her, deciding to kiss Abaddon possessively instead. 

Not wanting to be left out, Bekka grabbed him forcefully for a kiss of her own, and the three of them seemingly forgot about the man kneeling in front of them. 

'...How long are they going to do this?' Cypress wondered. 

Luckily, he did not have to wait much longer as the three of them finally had enough and returned to some semblance of normalcy. 

"My lord, is there something that I can help you with?" He finally asked. 

Abaddon's purple eyes scanned Cypress coldly before he inevitably looked past him. 

"You may not... Stand aside."

"Yes, lord."

Once Cypress disappeared, Abaddon let out an audible sigh before he created a bench made entirely from flowers and placed both of his wives on it. 

"You can do this, my love." 

"I've no doubt you will succeed in this as you do in everything else." 

Abaddon smiled wryly as he thanked the girls for their sincere support. 

Once he was ready, his body started to change into an enormous dragon with a serpentine lower body and a powerful chest with a barely opened eye in the center. 

The bonelike masks on all five of his heads were utterly horrifying, and Jezebel went from rubbing her sore neck to wetting herself and passing out. 

Once Abaddon was over 150 meters in height, he wrapped his massive body around the ancient tree. 

Holding up his massive claws, he started to secrete his own dark blood from his fingertips. 

With a loud thunk, he stabbed them into the bark at the same time as he bit into the tree with all five of his heads. 

Once his teeth and claws were deep enough, he started pumping his venom and blood through the entire structure, with one focus in mind. 


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