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Chapter 85 Night Talk (Part 1)

As the two men set out, the sky was turning dusky. Lin Wanrong, preoccupied with the matter of perfume, found a glassware shop on the street. In this era, glass was a luxury. He only had a bronze mirror at home, simply because glass was too expensive.

After a meticulous search, Lin Wanrong finally found a small bottle suitable for storing perfume. Upon inquiring the price, he was taken aback. Such a small glass bottle cost a silver tael each, a price that seemed exorbitant.

Biting the bullet, Lin Wanrong bought ten of them in one go, stashing them in his bag. After some hard bargaining, he ended up spending nine silver taels.

Guo Wuchang looked at him curiously and said, "Lin San, how could you find such small night pots convenient? I have a larger one to spare in my room. If you want, I can give it to you."

Suppressing the urge to smack this fool, Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth and responded, "It's fine. The more I have, the better."

By the time they arrived at the Miaoyu Pavilion, the street lights were just starting to glow. This time, a maid led the two of them straight upstairs.

Guo Wuchang asked the maid in front, "Is Dongmei free today?"

The maid replied, "Young Master, Miss Dongmei has been waiting for you all day."

Upon hearing this, Guo Wuchang let out a lewd chuckle. Lin Wanrong suddenly understood why Young Master Guo hadn't been upset about not seeing Qin Xian'er that day; he had been involved with another courtesan. Qin Xian'er was indeed quite savvy, knowing exactly how to cater to the situation.

Once they reached their destination, Guo Wuchang turned back to Lin Wanrong and said, "Lin San, as usual, you wait here. In a couple of hours, we'll go back together." He thought Lin San had been waiting for him that day. He was oblivious that Lin San had already gotten involved with the most beautiful courtesan there.

Watching Young Master Guo's triumphant departure, Lin Wanrong shook his head and sighed. ‘You go and enjoy yourself while I stand guard. Being a young master is damn good.’

"Young Master Lin, what are you thinking about?" A crisp voice came from behind. When Lin Wanrong turned around, he saw the stunning Qin Xian'er in front of him.

Her face was as exquisite as a hibiscus, her lips tinted crimson. Her cheeks flushed and her eyes shy. She hadn't spoken yet, but her smile had already charmed him. Her tight purple lily satin dress accentuated her figure, making her look incredibly attractive.

Lin Wanrong's eyes quickly glanced over her plump buttocks. He swallowed hard, thinking, 'This girl is as charming from behind as she is from the front. I wonder how it feels to touch.'

"I was thinking about you, Miss Qin," Lin Wanrong said with a smile. As a veteran romancer, he was in his element, not missing a beat.

"How can I believe you?" Qin Xian'er flirtatiously glanced at him, took a few graceful steps towards him and said, "If I hadn't mustered the courage to invite you, I fear you would've forgotten who Xian'er is by now."

Qin Xian'er bit her vermilion lips gently, her eyes slightly moist. She looked at him with a deep sense of resentment, like a young wife neglected by her husband. Her expression was so intense, it showed no signs of pretense.

Lin Wanrong admired her acting skills in his heart, thinking it would be a waste if she didn't win an Oscar for such talent.

Unable to withstand her intense gaze, Lin Wanrong turned his head away, chuckling, "Miss Qin, stop trying to scare me. I'm just a crude servant, ill-equipped to handle your kind of temptation."

Qin Xian'er responded with an infinite amount of resentment, "If you truly can't withstand this kind of temptation, that would be fine. But you've never given me a proper look while putting on this act."

"Alright, alright, I know you're getting back at me for making you look foolish last time," Lin Wanrong said. "Speak up, what do you need this time?"

Qin Xian'er gave a melodious laugh, her eyes sparkling, the resentment instantly vanished. "Only you understand me, Young Master. Do you remember the words you told me that day?"

Lin Wanrong nodded, "Yes, I remember. What about it?"

Qin Xian'er said, "Since the day you left, I've been pondering over your words. To compose songs and sing them for my own enjoyment, regardless of what others do. That night, I wrote a small piece and would like to ask you for some guidance."

Qin Xian'er pulled on his sleeve, urging him inside. Lin Wanrong smiled, "Why the rush? It's not like anyone is competing with you."

Qin Xian'er gave him a seductive look, "It's not easy for you to visit. If I don't hold onto you tightly, I might regret it later."

The room was Qin Xian'er's boudoir. There was a table, two chairs, a zither, and a bed obscured by hanging tassels. A glass mirror sat on the side table, the room was simply and elegantly decorated, and a faint, pleasant fragrance filled the air.

"What's wrong? Is it too plain?" Qin Xian'er asked shyly.

"It's not plain, but minimalist. Decorating with the least amount of items to create the most suitable atmosphere, that's truly ingenious," Lin Wanrong said earnestly.

"You certainly have a way with words," Qin Xian'er glanced at him, her cheeks reddening, making her fair neck even more alluring.

Qin Xian'er sat down in front of the zither, smiled at him, and gently plucked the strings. The sound of the zither began to flow like a babbling brook.

"Song from behind the fan, makeup light in the mirror. Unable to hide my smile, where to hide my voice?

A confidant is never confused, the intention is clear. Do not see the double brows, suspect the smiling face.

Beautiful woman at dusk, singing stirs the orchid room. Shadows cast by the fan, the voice flies to the sunbeam.

Delicate brows slightly furrowed, the sweet melody from the mouth. There are horizontal rows, pity the long autumn nights."

Though the song was still a melancholic boudoir tune, Qin Xian'er's rendition contained a bit more charm than before. Perhaps it was because she was only performing for one listener this time. The melody carried a hint of sorrow, and her face displayed a touch of shyness.

As the song ended, her melodious voice seemed to linger in the room, creating a pleasing echo.

Qin Xian'er sighed lightly, "Young Master, what do you think of the song?"

Lin Wanrong thought to himself, she was a vulnerable woman living in this brothel. If it weren't for some deep-seated anguish, she certainly wouldn't have sung such a sorrowful tune. He glanced at her, a smile playing on his lips, "Miss Qin, it's normal to have troubles in one's heart. Don't worry too much, don't let these things influence you. There's always a solution to everything in this world. If it seems impossible now, it's just because we haven't found the key to resolve the problem yet."

Qin Xian'er looked at him, biting her lip gently, "Young Master, what if something would hurt others, but due to certain reasons - for instance, for the sake of someone dear - it must be done anyway? What would you do in such a situation?"

"If it's going to hurt others, can you stop it?" Lin Wanrong asked.

Qin Xian'er thought for a moment, "Even if I stop, someone else will continue."

"Then there's your answer." Lin Wanrong said with a laugh, "If the outcome can't be changed, it doesn't matter who does it. If it concerns your loved ones, even if it requires ruthless actions, it must be done."

Qin Xian'er covered her mouth and laughed, "Isn't that a bit extreme? Do you truly think this way? Many people would condemn such behavior."

Lin Wanrong looked at Qin Xian'er seriously, "Miss Qin, remember, in this world, only your loved ones matter the most. Everything else, money, honor, they're like clouds in the sky, empty and insignificant. When your eyes close for the last time, who will be by your side? They are the ones you hold dearest. For them, one could commit countless heinous acts without worrying about the blame. Life is too short. If one constantly worries about consequences, wouldn't that be exhausting?"

Lin Wanrong was speaking from his heart. If it meant returning to his parents, he would be willing to stand against the whole world without hesitation.

Qin Xian'er stared at him blankly, "Young Master Lin, you're really different from others. While most people advocate for good, you encourage the bad. Are you truly a wicked person?"

"Yes, very wicked." Lin Wanrong said with a laugh, "Capable of all kinds of evil."

"Hehe." Qin Xian'er started to giggle, "Young Master Lin, I was testing you earlier. I didn't expect you to actually be that kind of wicked person."

"Yes, you should recognize my true nature earlier." Lin Wanrong said with a chuckle, but he felt a bit uneasy inside. In this world, he hardly had any friends he could confide in. He had many new thoughts and insights he wanted to share, but no one who could understand them. In a way, he might have been the loneliest person in this world.

A soft hand gently grasped his palm, trembling slightly. He looked up, only to see Qin Xian'er's blushing face. "Young Master, would you like to chat with me? I like listening to you talk."

"Miss Qin, could you please stop trying to charm me? My resistance to temptation is really poor." Lin Wanrong said with a bitter smile.

Qin Xian'er paused, realizing that he was suspicious of her trying to entice him again. A hint of melancholy flashed in her heart. She sighed softly and let go of his hand, then quickly returned to her usual cheerful self, laughing, "Young Master Lin, I trust you. You're a good person."

This Qin Xian'er changed her demeanor so quickly that even Lin Wanrong, who prided himself on his thick skin, found it a bit hard to keep up with.

After a period of silence between them, Qin Xian'er suddenly asked, "Young Master, could you tell Xian'er your real name?"

Seeing her sincere demeanor, Lin Wanrong didn't want to hide it from her anymore. So he said, "My name is Lin Wanrong."

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