Chapter 349 Guest of Honor

‘She's gone just like that? I didn't get any advantage out of it!’ Master Lin felt waves of disappointment inside. Standing for a moment, he was just about to move forward when suddenly he heard the noise of carriage wheels. A horse carriage slowly approached. The coachman jumped down and asked, "My Lord, did you call for a carriage?"

Lin Wanrong was overjoyed and nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, it's me! Uncle, where is the person who went to call you earlier?"

"You mean the young lady?" The coachman took out a silver ingot from his pocket. "She's really a good person. She gave me this large ingot and asked me to come pick you up. Aren't you with her?"

Master Lin secretly nodded. His tantrum had worked. Regardless of whether she was a fairy or goddess, he couldn't show her a friendly face. As the saying goes, "Spare the rod, spoil the child." Women must not be indulged; they must be both scolded and loved at the same time.

"Oh, she is a servant girl in my house. Maybe she has gone on an errand for my wife," Master Lin chuckled, looking around. He didn't see Ning Yuxi hiding anywhere, so he climbed into the carriage and settled in the compartment. "Uncle, you know Prince Cheng's residence, right? Let's take a stroll there!"

Seeing that the young master was kind and approachable, the coachman grew bolder. He gently lowered the curtain and said, "Prince Cheng, yes, I know him. He is a renowned virtuous prince, benevolent, and good to the surrounding people. Everyone says that if he becomes the Emperor, the people will be blessed—" He suddenly stopped, clearly realizing that he had spoken out of turn, and embarrassedly laughed, "I'm just babbling nonsense, my lord. Please don't take it seriously."

"What did you say?" Lin Wanrong asked curiously, "My ears didn't catch that, I didn't hear anything. Can you say it again?" The coachman gratefully smiled and quickly urged the carriage to move on.

Prince Cheng's mansion was situated across from the imperial palace, in a north-south alignment, covering an extremely vast area, perhaps dozens of acres. From a distance, one could see the red tiles and high walls, pavilions and towers, all looking very magnificent. The house granted to Lin Wanrong by the Emperor was already considered large, but compared to this prince's mansion, it was not even in the same league. The only thing that could probably compare was the imperial palace itself.

In front of Prince Cheng's gate hung two huge lanterns, and on the tall vermilion door were a pair of purple-gold rings, with a glittering golden plaque inscribed—Prince Cheng's Mansion!

When Lin Wanrong got out of the carriage, Prince Cheng had already been waiting at the entrance. He looked at Lin Wanrong and greeted him with a fist and a smile, "Master Lin, welcome to my humble abode. I'm sorry for not greeting you sooner. Please excuse my manners."

"Oh, where are you coming from with this, Prince!" Lin Wanrong chuckled, "I'm the one who should apologize for intruding on your noble house. Oh, Young Prince, it's been a while. You look more and more handsome and suave, almost surpassing me."

Zhao Kangning's handsome face twitched for a moment, and he forced a smile, "Master Lin is our honored guest. My father has personally come to the door to greet you. It's only right that Kangning waits here."

Lin Wanrong walked up to him, cheerfully patting his shoulder, "Young Prince, you're being too formal. We've known each other since Jinling; we're old acquaintances. Why be so distant? Old Prince, Young Prince, please—" He took charge, humbly urging Prince Cheng and his son to proceed, and the three entered the mansion.

Prince Cheng was the current Emperor's only legitimate brother, so his status was obviously distinguished. The corridor was brightly lit, decorated with lanterns and colorful festoons. Every three steps, there was a gold silk lantern, and every five steps, a colored glass lamp. Everywhere was adorned with brilliant flowers, and servants were all around, making the place bustling with activity!

Seeing Lin Wanrong looking around curiously as he walked, as if he had never seen anything like this before, Zhao Kangning sneered, and Prince Cheng gave him a faint glance without saying anything.

"Hmm, Old Prince, what's that?" Lin Wanrong pointed to a peculiar sight in the distance, curiously asking.

Prince Cheng and his son looked up and saw a huge pond not far away. A massive wooden windmill was slowly turning, drawing water from the pond, flinging it high, and then letting it fall back into the pond, creating beautiful splashes. The windmill was driven by human power, with three sturdy men continuously pushing the rod, sweeping the water into the sky.

"Oh, I saw a water wheel like this when I was stationed at the border in Yunnan years ago. I liked it very much, so when I returned to the capital, I had craftsmen build one. When there's wind, it will slowly turn, casting the water out; it's extraordinarily beautiful. I named it 'Wind Gives Birth to Water,'" Prince Cheng said with a smile.

"Wind Gives Birth to Water?" Lin Wanrong nodded and gave a thumbs-up. "Old Prince, you're indeed knowledgeable, far better than me. If I were to name it, I would probably just call it 'Old Cow Sucks Water,' or something like that."

Zhao Kangning gave a cold laugh, thinking to himself, who do you think you are? You're just a lowly servant, even unworthy of carrying my shoes in the past, and yet you dare to compare yourself to my father.

"Hey, Old Prince, what's this? Such a big snake!" Lin Wanrong pointed to a nearby sight, exclaiming. It was a tree trunk carved into a snake-like creature, coiled over a small stream. Its body was thick and long, horns on its head, whiskers by its mouth, eyes full of menace, teeth and claws bared, displaying extraordinary vigor. Shining golden scales were inlaid all over its body, making it look quite majestic.

"That's a small golden dragon that I had the craftsmen carve for decoration when I had some free time," Prince Cheng said, his eyes flashing as he smiled.

"Oh," Lin Wanrong nodded, "So you carved a small golden dragon for fun. Old Prince, you gave a great name to 'Wind Gives Birth to Water'; did you also name this little golden dragon?"

"This one, not yet," Prince Cheng laughed, "Since you're so interested, why don't you name it?"

Lin Wanrong shyly smiled, "Well, I'm not sure about that. My knowledge is limited, and my insights are shallow. If I name it, I might just scare everyone. There's water and fish in this small stream, and now a golden dragon. Why not call it 'Fish and Dragon Mixed Together'? It's quite fitting, hehe!"

Zhao Kangning couldn't bear it any longer and snorted, "What 'Fish and Dragon Mixed Together'? It's called 'Dragon Trapped in Shallow Water'. Father already named it."

"Oh—" Master Lin's eyes widened, his voice stretching in surprise, "So it's called 'Dragon Trapped in Shallow Water.' Truly scholarly! 'Wind Gives Birth to Water,' 'Dragon Trapped in Shallow Water,' ah, what do these mean? Alas, I've read too much lately. My brain's gone bad, I can't recall at the moment."

Zhao Kangning impulsively opened his mouth, realizing his mistake only when Prince Cheng sternly glared at him. The young prince dared not speak again. Standing next to him, Lin Wanrong sniffed a faint smell of tobacco that wafted over. Lin Wanrong's heart gave a shudder, and he looked deeply at Zhao Kangning. No wonder those Turkic brats were so relaxed; there had been hidden hands at play! Sending them a f*ck cannon hadn't been in vain.

Master Lin pondered for a long while before sighing, "Ah, speaking of which, the Emperor invited me to the inner palace garden a few days ago. But compared to Your Highness, that scene, that grandeur, ah—"

"How so?" Prince Cheng's eyes sparkled, softly inquiring.

"Besides the palace being a few inches bigger than here, everything else was far inferior. No golden silk lanterns, no glazed lamps, no 'Wind Gives Birth to Water,' and certainly no lively little golden dragon." Lin Wanrong shook his head and sighed, "'Dragon Trapped in Shallow Water,' 'Wind Gives Birth to Water'! Old Prince, it seems the Emperor's life is quite tense, isn't it?"

"Is it?" Prince Cheng laughed, "Master Lin, we shouldn't linger here; let's hurry inside. The others are waiting for us."

The three proceeded directly to the main hall, filled with sandalwood tables and chairs, red carpets, jade-carved railings, and opulently adorned surroundings. The hall was filled with fine wines and delicious dishes, served by dozens of beautiful maids, who were both charming and unique.

Several guests were already seated, and as Master Lin looked around, he recognized few familiar faces. In fact, although he held the title of Vice Minister of Personnel, it was an empty position, and he only knew Xu Wei and Li Tai among the entire court's officials.

"Eh, Top Scholar Su, you're here too?" Spotting a familiar face seated near the top, Lin Wanrong's face broke into a sincere and warm smile, enthusiastically greeting.

Su Mubai nodded slightly in acknowledgment. Prince Cheng smiled, "Master Lin, everyone I've invited today is a colleague from court; there's no need for formality. Come, come, come, sit here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he personally guided Lin Wanrong to the most prominent seat at the head of the table. Master Lin was startled, ‘Ah, the old fellow's being cunning; this hall is filled with ministers and high-ranking officials, and I'm just a deputy. He deliberately wants me to take the top seat; isn't this intentionally making me uncomfortable?’ Master Lin laughed and said, "Your Highness, this top seat should be reserved for the most distinguished guest. I'd better not sit; my bottom might get sore!"

Prince Cheng laughed heartily and said, "Master Lin, you are too modest. You are indeed the most honored guest in my house. At such a young age, you have been favored by the Emperor, becoming the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and even personally honored by His Majesty as 'The First Talent Under Heaven.' No one can compare to your imperial favor. In time, whether you're appointed a general, a prime minister, or even granted the title of a prince, none would find it strange. Let everyone say, if you do not take the seat of honor, who else should?"

"Yes, yes, Master Lin should take the seat of honor indeed!" The officials in the hall began to clamor, their eyes reflecting various emotions – some mocking, some contemptuous, some envious, and some jealous, emotions varied and complex. Prince Cheng glanced at Su Mubai, who was pouring wine into his cup and drinking it in one gulp without a sidelong glance.

"Ah, what I'm best at in my life is making love. Taking the seat of honor is really not my strong suit. However, since all of you esteemed gentlemen think highly of me, I will reluctantly take the seat. If the Emperor blames me in the future for not knowing my place and lacking in proper etiquette, you all must bear witness for me," Lin Wanrong said, looking troubled. The crowd roared in agreement, urging the modest Master Lin to sit at the head of the table.

Seeing Lin Wanrong take his seat, Prince Cheng and his son also sat down in their places, and exquisite dishes and fine wines were served. The atmosphere immediately became lively.

After three rounds of wine and five courses of dishes, Prince Cheng swept his tiger-like eyes across the room and laughed loudly, "This is the first time I have hosted my colleagues since the beginning of spring. Please, my lords, relax and enjoy yourselves. Come on now—"

With a clap of his hands, more than ten beautiful women gracefully entered from outside the door, each smiling and bowing in front of the guests. Several others held lutes and flutes, beginning to play music. Under the influence of the music, the ministers gradually loosened up, jesting with the beautiful women beside them. For a moment, laughter filled the air, and the atmosphere became extremely lively. Only the newly-acknowledged top scholar, Su Mubai, seemed out of place, not joking with the beauty beside him and drinking his wine alone.

Prince Cheng glanced at Su Mubai and then at Lin San, a cold smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

Minister Lin had already feasted on game in the afternoon with the Turks, and now, sitting in the seat of honor with everyone's eyes upon him, he felt uncomfortable. Although the girl beside him, who accompanied him in drinking, looked charming and delicate, he felt less interested than usual. However, seeing everyone having fun, he reached out and touched the girl's cheek, playfully asking, "Little sister, how old are you this year?"

"I'm sixteen, sir," the girl replied, blushing.

"Sixteen? I think you must be older!" Master Lin stared at her bosom and swallowed, "Sixteen, and this big already? I see others at twenty-six not growing as big as yours."

"Sir, you're so naughty!" The girl playfully pinched him a few times and cuddled into his arms, pretending to pout.

‘Damn it, a twenty-six-year-old sister trying to act youthful with me? Does Prince Cheng think I'm a naive novice, inviting me to take the seat of honor but daring to skimp on quality? Trying to pass off old as young? Does he think this is my first time out and about?’

Lord Lin chuckled and drained the cup of fine wine. He allowed the "little sister" to rub and twist against him, but he remained majestic and unmoved.

Prince Cheng, with eyes and ears open to everything, saw that Lord Lin was chatting and laughing with the woman beside him, but had no intention of laying a hand on her. He laughed and said, "What's the matter, Master Lin? Is this girl not to your taste?"

"My taste is quite unique; ordinary people can't satisfy it," Lin Wanrong chuckled, raising his glass. "Old Prince, I toast you. Your 'Dragon Trapped in Shallow Water' and 'Wind Gives Birth to Water' have given me much insight."

Prince Cheng laughed and drained his cup, saying, "Don't worry, Master Lin, there's more excitement to come." He lightly clapped his hands, and the music in the hall suddenly stopped. Even the courtesans who were joking with the crowd fell silent. The hall became extremely quiet.

"Dong—" A soft sound of a stringed instrument resonated, like a small hammer striking everyone's soul. The sound of the strings grew louder, like pearls falling on a plate, clear and pleasing to the ear.

A woman's voice softly sang:

"People say the sea is deep, but it's nothing compared to half of longing.

The sea has an end, but longing is boundless.

Carrying a zither to the high tower, the tower is empty, and the moon is full.

Playing a song of longing, the strings break all at once."

Unbeknownst to anyone, a white screen had been added to the hall, and a curvaceous, alluring figure was seen through it, adding a touch of mystery. The woman's voice behind the screen was clear and penetrating, like striking jade or ringing a bell. Accompanied by the lingering sound of the zither, she portrayed the feelings of longing in a way that was touching and poignant.

The hall was filled with scholars, and just by hearing this song, they knew that this woman was no ordinary person. Looking at her graceful figure and captivating curves, they began to whisper to each other.

Prince Cheng smiled mysteriously and said, "Gentlemen, there's no need to guess. This lady is not a celebrity from the Eight Great Alleys. Those vulgar women from there cannot be compared to this beauty."

He waved his hand, and the screen automatically retracted, revealing a charming figure. The woman was dressed in a light purple gown, her face covered with a thin silk scarf, hiding her features. Her figure was like a gentle willow in the wind, swaying gracefully. Her slender waist, full chest, and curvy hips outlined a perfect silhouette. Just by looking at her figure, one knew that she had unparalleled beauty.

The woman stood calmly and elegantly, yet her voluptuous figure was indescribably tempting and enchanting.

Even Prince Cheng was stunned for a moment, a hint of infatuation flashing in his eyes. He quickly regained his composure and smiled, saying, "Today, the spring is warm, and the flowers are blooming. It's a perfect day for a wedding. Taking advantage of tonight's beautiful scenery, I will present a great gift to everyone. This lady is a fairy-like beauty, proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, and martial arts. Ordinary people are no match for her. Tonight, whoever can win her laugh may become her honored guest!"

Honored guest? The officials in the hall, who were usually arrogant, were now all eager and self-confident. Seeing this heavenly beauty so close, if they could spend a night with her, they would surely be happier than immortals.

"Your Highness, how can one win a laugh from the fair lady?" asked a portly old man.

Prince Cheng laughed and said, "That, my friends, depends on your abilities. Whether it's telling jokes, dancing, singing, or utilizing any of the eighteen martial arts, you must do whatever it takes to make her laugh. This young lady has said that the night is fleeting, and a thousand gold pieces can't buy a single laugh. Whoever can make her laugh sincerely will become her honored guest."

The crowd immediately burst into a flurry of discussion. Making a lady laugh was not difficult if done among familiar people. But this suddenly appeared woman, whose background and personality were unknown, getting her to laugh might not be so simple.

‘Good heavens, is this even possible?’ Master Lin stared with wide eyes. Prince Cheng looked at him with a mysterious smile and whispered, "Master Lin, aren't you known for your unique taste? How about it, does this young lady suit your taste?"

"Ah!" Lin Wanrong sighed slightly, "Your Highness, I am truly a very serious person and never flirt with women. Oh, right, if I can make this young lady laugh, can I really become her honored guest? Your Highness, you're not deceiving me, are you?"

"My word is as solid as gold," Prince Cheng replied, his eyes flashing, his expression becoming somber. "If you can make her laugh, she will be yours!"

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