Chapter 329 What is Scheming, What is Ruthless

Upon witnessing Xu Wei's surprised expression, Lin Wanrong was puzzled. It was just the Palace of Heavenly Purity, what was there to make such a fuss about? It would indeed be strange if the Emperor called for him while in the royal lavatory.

Such thoughts could only prove Lin San's ignorance. The Palace of Heavenly Purity was the Emperor's bedroom, the heart of the Grand Imperial Court, and indeed, the heart of the entire grand nation. Ordinarily, when the Emperor summoned a minister, it was either in the Office of the Imperial Secretaries or in the Hall of Literary Brilliance. To be summoned in the Palace of Heavenly Purity was an incredible honor.

Upon hearing Eunuch Gao's words, Xu Wei understood why he dared not accept Lin San's silver bills. Now that the Emperor had summoned Lin San to the Palace of Heavenly Purity, it was clear that great wealth and status awaited Lin San. Eunuch Gao would not want to offend him now.

Xu Wei bowed with a smile, "Little Brother Lin, this is an enormous favor. I congratulate you and wish you joy."

"Joy? Why joy? Master Xu, I don't understand the workings of this palace at all. Could you enlighten me?" Lin Wanrong asked, his brows furrowed in worry. Both Xu Wei and Eunuch Gao burst into laughter. Lin San was indeed genuine in his feelings, no wonder the Emperor favored him so.

Xu Wei explained the palace's inner workings to Lin Wanrong. Lin San couldn't help but grimace. Being invited to the Palace of Heavenly Purity was like being a guest in the Emperor's bedroom. This was quite surreal.

"I... Can I refuse to go?" Lin San's words nearly knocked both Xu Wei and Eunuch Gao off their feet. An audience at the Palace of Heavenly Purity was something many dreamed of. How could Lin San be so clueless? Furthermore, could one refuse an imperial summon?

Upon seeing their expressions, Lin Wanrong realized he had made a joke of himself. Thankfully, it wasn't the first time he had done so. Xu Wei was used to it. Eunuch Gao dared not comment.

Eunuch Gao led Lin Wanrong through the palace, across Horizontal Street and the Hall of Preserving Harmony, amidst a bustling crowd of eunuchs and palace maids carrying lanterns. Seeing Lin San looking around curiously like a bumpkin in the city, Eunuch Gao chuckled, "This is your first time in the inner court, isn't it, Master Lin? Horizontal Street is the passage connecting the inner court and the outer court. Cross Horizontal Street, and you reach the Palace of Heavenly Purity where the Emperor resides."

The Palace of Heavenly Purity was located north of Horizontal Street, with a base of white stone. The exterior of the palace had a broad façade, and a double-eaved hipped roof. To the left and right were two smaller halls, the Hall of Manifesting Benevolence and the Hall of Great Virtue.

Upon reaching the entrance, they found an unusual calm. The eunuchs and palace maids who came and went were extra careful, walking on tiptoe.

"We're here, Master Lin," Eunuch Gao whispered, leading Lin Wanrong in. The Palace of Heavenly Purity was vast. After a few steps, they reached a curtain. Eunuch Gao halted and announced in a shrill voice, "Your Majesty, Master Lin has arrived."

There was a soft cough from within, followed by a clear voice, "Let him in."

"Yes!" Eunuch Gao pulled back the curtain, addressing Lin Wanrong, "Master Lin, His Majesty has called for you."

"Thank you, Eunuch." Lin Wanrong chuckled, gave a fist salute, lowered his head, passed through the curtain, and walked in.

In the palace, high-built candleholders hosted a blazing fire that illuminated the grand hall as though it were broad daylight. The floor was covered with fine Persian carpets, and the carved banisters, tables, and chairs were positioned perfectly. Sandalwood smoke wafted throughout the room, lending an extraordinary sense of tranquility.

As he walked and observed his surroundings, Lin Wanrong had barely taken a few steps when a voice reached his ears, "Lin Wanrong--"

He looked up to see a broad sandalwood desk set not far ahead. Behind it, a huge throne fashioned into the shape of a dragon. The chair was purely gold forged, exuding an unparalleled grandeur. The armrests on both sides were inlaid with beautiful gemstones that sparkled under the light. Seated on the dragon throne was a man in his fifties or sixties, clad in a dragon robe, his face glowing red, and smiling at him.

"The Emperor?" Lin Wanrong was startled, and he hurried forward, raising his fist in salute, "So you really are the Emperor, sir? Nice to meet you, Your Majesty!"

Lin Wanrong had no understanding of the etiquette of the court. When a subject met the Emperor, they were to kneel and kowtow quickly, and they were not allowed to lift their heads without a summons. His casual addressing was completely inappropriate, yet, Lin Wanrong, knowing nothing of these rules, did not kowtow when he saw the Emperor, a simple salute was all.

Now, the Emperor didn't even need to tell him to stand. The Emperor chuckled; what he sought was precisely Lin Wanrong's non-conformist flair. If he had knelt and performed the formal kowtow, he probably wouldn't have been looked upon favorably. "Lin Wanrong, we meet again," the Emperor laughed, "If I'm not mistaken, this is the third time."

"Yes, indeed." Lin Wanrong responded, "Last time, outside Lingyin Temple, we had quite a delightful chat. This morning at the Hall of Literary Brilliance, there were too many people, and we hardly had a chance to talk. Tonight, you've summoned me, so we can have a good conversation." If Xu Wei were here and heard this, he would have fainted from shock. Who dares to speak to the Emperor in such a manner? Lin Wanrong truly had courage as vast as the earth and sky.

"Sir, it's been a few months since we last met. You look more haggard and older than before. Please take care of your health. Early to bed, early to rise, exercise daily, and you'll live a long life." Upon seeing the Emperor's pale cheeks, Lin Wanrong earnestly spoke. He could very well be Qingxuan's father, his father-in-law. As a son-in-law, naturally, he should be concerned about his father-in-law.

His words were extremely audacious, and commenting on the Emperor's complexion was not his place, but the Emperor laughed heartily, "Lin Wanrong, you are the first to dare to say I look old. Well done, very well done."

Lin Wanrong sighed deeply and said, "Your Majesty, everyone can lie, and lying can harm people. It's true that you are admired by many, but the cycle of birth, aging, sickness, and death is a natural law. If you can't even hear the truth, then it's really sad. I'm here to see you, not because I see you as the Emperor, but as an elder. I hope to have a good chat with you and relieve some sorrow. It's that simple."

He spoke these words lightly, but his palms were full of sweat. Talking to this ruler, he had to find the right way to his approach. Since ancient times, rulers have been lonely. They have no friends, and even their children have deep barriers with them. They may appear brilliant on the outside, but the sorrow within is only known to themselves.

The hall fell into silence. The Emperor said nothing, merely watching him, a faint glimmer in his eyes. Lin Wanrong's heart pounded in his chest. The unpredictability of imperial power, he was only now truly experiencing what that phrase meant.

"Sit," the Emperor sighed after a long pause. "You're right. Since I ascended the throne, there have been very few with whom I could hold a conversation. Xu Wei, Li Tai, both were instrumental in helping me ascend to the throne. Now, they shrink before me. You, however, display some courage, reminding me of myself in my youth."

Had Xu Wei and others heard the Emperor's final words, they'd likely have been horrified. Yet, whenever Lin Wanrong faced such situations, he lacked a certain awareness, an obliviousness that made him more endearing. In fact, this was what the Emperor admired most about him. Only when one was unaware, their true nature could be seen.

Lin Wanrong heaved a sigh of relief. If the Emperor spoke, he was safe. He smiled and replied, "Your Majesty jests. As a commoner, I am cunning and arrogant, I can't stand injustice. How can I compare to your foresight?"

"You do have some self-awareness. Cunning and arrogant, in your mouth, they turn into compliments. You do have a thick face," the Emperor chuckled.

"As long as it doesn't harm others, what's wrong with using every trick in the book?" Lin Wanrong replied righteously.

"You're mistaken," the Emperor said, looking deeply into his eyes. "In the art of power, there's no good or evil. Even if it harms the world, one must use every trick. Those who accomplish great things do not sweat the small stuff. In the world, there's no act too terrible, no person who can't be killed. This is the art of being an Emperor."

The art of being an Emperor? Why was he suddenly talking about that? The Emperor slowly rose and took a few steps, then looked at him, "You have courage, intelligence, the means, and a killer instinct. You understand human nature well. But the one thing you lack is the willingness to be cruel and merciless, a fatal flaw in those who seek to lead."

Lin Wanrong was in a cold sweat, was his approach not cruel or merciless enough?

The Emperor smiled faintly, "I heard that while in Jinling, you gave aphrodisiacs to the eldest son of Suzhou Weaver and then scared his sister, claiming you had taken that young lady's virtue, is that true?"

The Emperor even knew about this? Lin Wanrong was in cold sweat, he quickly nodded, "Yes, I was just trying to scare them."

"And I heard that you got the number one restaurant in Jinling, called 'Food for Immortals,' through semi-trickery and semi-force from the previous owner?"


"And I heard that you started a society in Jinling, called 'Hung Hing.' Besides your two younger brothers-in-law, there's also a formidable fighter called Li Beidou?"


"And I heard that you gave Dong Qiaoqiao a massive diamond?"


"And I heard that you had a quarrel with Miss Xiao the night before last?"


A chill ran down Lin Wanrong's spine, his hairs standing on end. The Emperor knew everything about him, every detail, no matter how insignificant. He was even aware of how many times Lin San visited the latrine each day.

The Emperor squinted at him, smiling faintly, "Do you understand now what I mean by cruel and merciless?"

Lin Wanrong nodded, gritting his teeth, "Thank you for your lesson, I understand now."

The Emperor said, "For the past half a year, I've been keeping tabs on your movements. Of course, there are things I've missed. For example, how did you escape when you and Miss Xiao were trapped in the White Lotus Cult? How did you survive the bombardment at Jining? It seems you still have many secrets!"

"There are no more secrets, no more," Lin Wanrong hurriedly waved his hands. Indeed, the Emperor's thought process was unfathomable. This old man, who seemed to be senile, knew everything. The epitome of cruelty and ruthlessness was evident in him.

"No more?" The Emperor glanced at him and chuckled, "When you attacked the White Lotus Cult, did you meet their Holy Mother?"

"Holy Mother? I don't think I know her. I usually don't take an interest in old ladies," Lin Wanrong said.

"How dare you!" The Emperor's face darkened, furious, "Guards, seize this Lin San who has dared to deceive his Emperor!"

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