Chapter 317 Peerless Twin Beauties

Seeing the cold glimmer of the blade hurtling towards his chest, Lin Wanrong's heart lurched. This was not a mere act, it was reality. Swiftly sidestepping the strike, he winced as a sharp pain shot through the wound on his back. The assassin's blade didn't pause, transforming the thrust into an upward jab that aimed at his lower abdomen, the move even faster than before.

‘Damn it, thinking me as feeble as a sick cat when I hold back,’ Lin Wanrong roared in rage and pain. Ignoring the sting on his back, he focused on the assailant's face and launched a powerful punch. Despite his delayed response, his attack outpaced the assassin's blade. The sudden burst of speed caught the killer off guard. He quickly swiped his long blade, barely managing to shield his vital spots in time.

"Go to hell!" Lin Wanrong barked, retracting his fist and swiftly lashed out with a powerful kick to the assailant's abdomen. With a thud, the man was sent flying out the door. Meanwhile, the other two assassins inside the room wasted no time, their blades whirling as they bypassed Lin Wanrong to attack the Eldest Miss behind him.

Having gained the upper hand, Lin Wanrong felt a surge of confidence. He was not afraid of the two assassins. He quickly picked up a long bench nearby and hurled it at the attackers. The sound of the blade slicing through the bench echoed, splintering it into pieces. Lin Wanrong didn't hesitate, throwing the remnant forcefully at one of the assailants' chests. His fury augmented his strength, the impact forced the man to retreat several steps, gasping for breath.

"Run!" Lin Wanrong shouted, grabbing the Eldest Miss and Huan'er and made a dash for the door. Just as they stepped into the courtyard, they heard a delightful laugh, "Trying to escape? Not so easy!!" As the voice faded, a sharp whistle cut through the air, bringing a strong gust of wind, heading straight for Lin Wanrong.

Upon hearing the sound, Lin Wanrong let out a sigh of relief, which quickly morphed into annoyance. ‘Damn it, this sneaky vixen An Biru, we were supposed to be acting, but when has any of this felt like an act? Of all the days, she chose to strike when I'm injured. I could have been killed by those brats just now.’

If there was one person in this world who remained a mystery to him, it was Sister An. Her tactics, her strategies were on par with his, all hidden beneath an alluring facade that was hard to defend against. The projectile she sent flying was an exquisitely polished white lotus flower, spinning continuously, fierce as a tiger. Catching it, Lin Wanrong felt a great force traveling through the metal lotus, like a hammer slamming into his chest. He stumbled backward a few steps to regain balance. Before he could catch his breath, he saw a shadow leap into the air, a long sword trembling in its hand, rushing towards his chest like a shooting star.

Although the figure was veiled in a light gauze, her voluptuous curves and seductive sway were captivating. She traced a beautiful and enchanting trajectory in the air, which was utterly captivating. "Damn it, you've finally shown yourself," he muttered to himself. After all this fighting and several close calls, there was no sign of any divine rescue. He wondered if An Biru, this sly vixen, had any idea about the whereabouts of her senior sister. He hoped she was not just playing with him.

The shadow moved with her sword, swift and unrivaled like a bolt of lightning. As she drew near, Lin Wanrong could see the icy killing intent in her eyes. He dared not gamble with his life, dodging quickly. A flash of cold light sparked in An Biru's eyes as she flicked her sleeve, a small dart shot out, blinking towards Lin Wanrong's chest. The darthead was a sinister black, evidently dipped in deadly poison.

‘Damn it, you're really after my life!’ Lin Wanrong was soaked in cold sweat, scrambling desperately to the side. The dart came with terrifying speed, it seemed destined to hit him when a light whistled in from the side, a silver sword flew out, hitting the poisoned dart. Sparks flew as the two collided, the dart was deflected just barely brushing past Lin Wanrong's shoulder and, with a thud, lodged into the wooden pillar behind him.

‘Damn, someone actually came to rescue me,’ Lin Wanrong marveled inwardly, uncertain whether to feel joy or dread. An Biru let out a surprised cry, "Who dares interfere?"

A woman's voice sighed softly, "Junior Sister An, we meet again." The voice came from the opposite rooftop. Everyone turned to see a slender woman standing on the beam, her face veiled, dressed in white. A breeze stirred her long hair, creating an image of quiet elegance, noble purity, as if a fairy being had descended.

Though her face was obscured, Lin Wanrong knew with a single glance, this was the fairy sister who had been injured by his hand that night. She had clearly been poisoned then, yet today she stood before him, alive and well. It seemed An Biru had been right, such a fairy-like person could not be so easily defeated. Given that she and An Biru, as well as Xian'er, shared a common origin, dispelling that poison would have been a simple task for her.

"So it's Fairy Ning who has graced us with her presence. I apologize for not welcoming you sooner. After all these years, you are even more beautiful than before, truly a cause for celebration."

An Biru stood in the middle of the courtyard, her tight black dress accentuating her voluptuous figure, her face veiled in a thin scarf, exuding a seductive allure. The two women, one lofty as a Fairy, the other enticing as a vixen, both strikingly beautiful yet of contrasting temperaments, were surprisingly from the same sect, a sight that astonished all.

The Eldest Miss leaned against Lin Wanrong, whispering, "Lin San, why does this person seem familiar?"

She was referring to An Biru standing opposite them. Lin Wanrong chuckled, ‘How could she not be familiar, you've been jealous of her a few times.’ But of course, he would not be foolish enough to point it out, instead he responded with a smile, "Is that so? I didn't notice. In my eyes, besides the Eldest Miss, Qingxuan, and my wives, all other women look average to me, I can't distinguish between their beauty and ugliness."

"You're such a tease!" the Eldest Miss scolded playfully, snuggling closer to him. Remembering how he had bravely shielded her earlier, her heart swelled with happiness and gratitude. She gently opened her mouth, whispering in his ear, "Scoundrel, don't be so reckless in the future. If something happened to you, I wouldn't want to live in this world alone."

The pair's sweet and passionate exchange contrasted starkly with the sigh that escaped from the ethereal figure perched on the rooftop. "Why do you persist in this, sister?" she queried, her voice gentle yet firm. "The events of years past were nothing but a misunderstanding. Why pour your resentment onto an innocent bystander? After not seeing each other for more than a decade, we should be embracing and celebrating our reunion, reminiscing our bond."

An Biru's laugh was a melodious and mocking trill. "Reminisce? That's rich. It has indeed been a while, senior sister, and I have missed you dearly." Even as her words fell, her delicate hand moved swiftly, releasing two gleaming silver needles that darted toward Lin Wanrong.

An Biru's move was fast, yet the ethereal figure seemed to anticipate her perfectly. Before anyone could react, she had swept in front of Lin Wanrong, her long sleeves whisking the rapidly approaching needles into their folds.

Her face paled for a moment before regaining its calm composure. Looking at An Biru, she smiled and said, "Junior sister, it seems your skill with the Ice Spirit Needles has greatly improved during our years apart. Our Master did not misjudge you when she passed this technique onto you."

‘So that's what they're called, Ice Spirit Needles,’ Lin Wanrong mused to himself, instinctively touching his bottom. He sneaked a glance at the sultry figure of Sister An, a vivid image of her administering the needle treatment to him by the Weishan Lake surfaced, prompting a wave of nostalgia.

An Biru chuckled, but her words were laced with a certain bitterness and desolation, "Senior sister, I'm grateful that you remember our Master. If you hadn't mentioned it, I might've forgotten that it was she who personally taught me how to use these Ice Spirit Needles. A disciple should remember the debt to her Master. However, the words she said in front of us both, I could never forget even if I died. 'The Miao girl is naturally inferior. Even with talent, she harbors a calamitous potential.' I recite these words a hundred times each day, senior sister, have you forgotten? Oh, I forgot, you are a treasured flower born in this world, and our Master was always fond of you. How could you understand the feelings of this lowly Miao girl?"

Lin Wanrong comprehended her feelings. In those times, the concept of racial equality was far from realized. The Miao girls were viewed as members of a barbaric tribe yet to be civilized and therefore held in low regard. This An Biru, with her exceptional beauty and intelligence, should have been seen as a divine creature, yet her Miao heritage was an indelible mark of stigma. Their Master must have been a purist who disdained her upon discovering her Miao identity, hence An Biru's bitterness. For someone as proud and sensitive as An Biru, it would have been surprising if she had not rebelled against her Master.

That being said, what was wrong with Miao girls? They were simple yet passionate, free-spirited, and daring, a refreshing alternative to the delicate, sheltered ladies of high society. An Biru was a living testament to this, her character leaving an indelible impression on Lin Wanrong.

The fairy-like woman fell into a period of silence, emitting a soft sigh, and slowly spoke, "Our Master has long passed away, and we owe her nurturing and guidance. How can we now debate her right and wrong? In my humble opinion, our Master did not aim those words at you; she was thinking of the bigger picture. In my heart, regardless of ethnicity, we are all citizens of our great empire. There is no such thing as superiority or inferiority, but people in this world can be malicious, not all of them are tolerant and kind. 'Jade Virtue Fairy Hall', our sect, has been a martial arts leader for generations, assisting the Emperor in building the nation and maintaining peace. It commands the respect of the world. At the time, our country was in a grave crisis. If someone had exploited your heritage to cause chaos, the situation would have worsened. To appease the people and ensure peace and tranquility in our Empire, our Master had no choice but to reveal your identity publicly. It was an act of desperation."

Sweat trickled down his forehead as Lin Wanrong pondered. The public humiliation of An Biru by her own Master was excessive. Given An Biru's pride, it would be strange if she didn't react vehemently. Besides, what right did this old woman have to disclose someone's secret under the guise of serving the country and the people? Was it all for the so-called leadership and salvation of the people? Rubbish. He was furious, and his sympathy for An Biru grew stronger.

An Biru laughed heartily, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Well said, well said! Leading the martial world, maintaining the nation's peace, such lofty ideals! For these, you have lived a life of abstinence and solitary devotion, destined to die alone, without ever tasting the sweetness of love. How noble that is. But there's one thing I don't understand. The martial world belongs to those who practice martial arts, and the world belongs to everyone. Who needs the 'Jade Virtue Fairy Hall' to lead them? Who asked you to bring peace and prosperity to the nation? Sister, this question has puzzled me for years, and I still don't understand it. Could you explain it to me?"

‘Well said!’ Lin Wanrong praised internally. ‘What's wrong with being a Miao woman? That's precisely what I like.’ The world is diverse; without the determination to be inclusive, how can one talk about leadership? An Biru was indeed a clever woman who had hit the nail on the head. The world belongs to everyone, not to any fairy, nor to the 'Jade Virtue Fairy Hall.' Whether to wage war or to seek peace, it's none of their damn business. They cannot control it. And yet, they still talk about sacrificing others for the sake of so-called justice and world peace. What a load of nonsense!

"You claim it's for the greater good, disregarding me, a helpless woman, sacrificing my entire life for the sake of world peace and the stability of the state?" An Biru said passionately. When she mentioned the painful part, tears trickled down her cheeks. Catching sight of Lin Wanrong's encouraging smile, completely different from his usual playful demeanor, she felt as if he was the only one in this world who truly understood her. A warm feeling filled her heart. She returned his smile gently and held her head high with newfound resolve.

The fairy-like maiden shook her head, saying, "Sister, your words certainly have merit, but this nation has existed since ancient times; it did not begin today. Countless instances have proven that the populace needs someone to lead them; without it, they are like scattered sand, vulnerable to the aggression of foreign tribes. Today, our great nation is invaded by foreigners, overrun by barbarians. Without someone to lead, how can we talk about peaceful living and national prosperity? This issue of the nation and the people is an eternal topic. To serve the nation, sacrifices must be made, if not by you then by me. You certainly have suffered many injustices, but has my heart been at ease? Our Master handed down her legacy to me, wanting me to cherish the centuries-old reputation of 'Jade Virtue Fairy Hall.' I am terrified and constantly on guard, how dare I make a wrong move?"

Fairy Ning was indeed an individual with profound thoughts; her words revolved around the relationship between the nation and the people. The topic of the collective versus the individual was indeed an age-old dilemma. Even in Lin Wanrong's previous life, everyone held their own views, and nobody could convince anyone else.

"Words are of no use!" An Biru exclaimed with a huff, "We pursue different paths, and hence we do not share common goals. Sister, the matters of today have nothing to do with you. Please step aside, and don't force me to take action against you."

The fairy-like maiden glanced back at Lin Wanrong. Her eyes were tranquil, her face as serene as an ancient well; it was impossible to discern her expression. Lin Wanrong grinned and waved at her, saying, "Hey, sister, you look familiar. Have we met somewhere before?"

The Eldest Miss seemed to respect the fairy-like maiden greatly and gently poked Lin Wanrong, whispering, "You, don't disrespect the fairy sister." He was taken aback, "Me? Disrespect her? It's more like I'm worried that she'll disrespect me."

The fairy-like maiden neither nodded nor shook her head. She gave him a brief glance, then turned her back to him and stood as if rooted to the spot, steadfastly shielding him. Everything indeed seemed to be within An Biru's calculations. This fairy sister was extraordinarily upright, even excessively so. To prevent her junior sister from causing harm, she could put aside past grudges; truly a noble stance.

An Biru's eyes were resolute, her voice filled with joy as she said, "Very well, very good. Senior Sister, you are as upright as ever. We haven't seen each other for many years. Today, let me see what new and intriguing martial arts the world-renowned Fairy Ning has learned."

The fairy sister shook her head, saying, "Junior Sister, you have conspired with Prince Cheng, disregarding human lives. Now that I am aware, I cannot ignore it. Although this man is despicable, he cannot die by your hand."

"You're interfering..." Mid-sentence, An Biru leaped like a swallow, her slender fingers curled into hooks. Her long nails glowed silver in the light. The speed of her attack was many times faster than her previous attempt on Lin Wanrong. She darted towards the fairy-like maiden's face.

Fairy Ning's face remained composed. With a slight flick of her long sleeves, a soft glow appeared between her hands. Resembling a holy lotus, she moved even faster, and in the blink of an eye, blocked An Biru's hand.

An Biru hummed lightly, converting her claw-like hand into a palm, pushing forcefully towards her chest without conceding any ground. The two women battled, both employing speed against speed. In a mere moment, they clashed palms thrice. After the third impact, both retreated hastily, their ears slightly red, and chests heaving slightly, indicating a clear stalemate.

However, An Biru was not so easy to deal with. As she retreated, she conjured a small sword from thin air. Concentrating all her power in her palm, she flicked her wrist and the small sword shot out like a comet, aimed directly at the fairy sister's chest.

The two were close, and Lin Wanrong had personally witnessed Sister An's martial prowess. Seeing her use a hidden weapon and strike with full force, the fairy sister seemed to have no place to dodge, and a hint of regret sprung up in his heart. If they were to destroy the fairy sister like this, it would indeed be a waste of heavenly talent.


However, things didn't go as Lin Wanrong thought. Fairy Ning and An Biru had fought each other for many years and were intimately familiar with each other's styles. Seeing the flying sword tremble in An Biru's hand, Fairy Ning didn't panic. Instead, a piece of brocade cloth appeared in her hand. With a gentle flick of her wrist, the cloth spun slightly - a beautiful sight that covered the flying sword. This series of moves took place in a flash, clean and elegant, so magical and dazzling that it made one's eyes spin.

Lin Wanrong clapped his hands and laughed, "Beautiful, beautiful! Sister, I didn't know you could juggle scarves too!"

It was as if the fairy sister had eyes on the back of her head. A long sword suddenly slid out from her drooping sleeve. The cold light flashed, blinding Lin Wanrong, and all his lascivious thoughts vanished.

Retreating from the palm strike, An Biru was unyielding. She conjured a precious autumn water sword from her sleeve, as cold as the moonlight. Lin Wanrong was dumbfounded. How many treasures did this vixen hide on her body, and why hadn't he found them every time he had frisked her? If next time he flirted with her and she silently pulled out a weapon, giving him a surprise, all his wives would become widows.

"Pear Blossom Path!" An Biru let out a sharp cry, charging forward, her precious sword trembling lightly. She managed to conjure seven sword flowers in succession, attacking Fairy Ning from different directions. The sword flowers, bright as blooming white pear blossoms, were dazzling. The faint cold light was as sharp as a blade, deterring anyone from advancing. Lin Wanrong, standing behind the fairy sister, could not help feeling chilled to the bone. This Sister An was indeed an expert. Her casual interactions with him had concealed much of her martial prowess.

The fairy sister frowned slightly. The long sword in her hand danced in front of her at a speed that was too fast to catch, aiming at one of the pear blossoms. Ignoring the other flashes of cold light, she thrust straight at it. With a crisp "clang", the two swords collided, and the seven pear blossoms scattered.

An Biru's sword fell empty, but she did not hesitate. The precious sword in her hand pointed forward and began to tremble slightly. It was like a constantly writhing poisonous snake, winding its way toward Fairy Ning.

The fairy sister had a serious look in her eyes and dared not act hastily. When the sword light was about to reach her chest, she suddenly switched from sword to finger and a swift wind shot towards An Biru's wrist.

An Biru didn’t dare to underestimate this defensive strategy of attacking as a defense. She quickly jumped back, giggling, her chest heaving dramatically. "Sister, you indeed have great skills. Years have passed, but your psychic finger technique has become even more divine. It's a pity that you, a virgin all your life, haven't found someone who could connect with you spiritually. What a waste of such a beautiful psychic name."

‘Psychic finger technique? Damn, that's an invaluable secret technique! I must try it when I have the time!’ Looking at Sister An and the Fairy Sister, these two stunning beauties, one in black and one in white, Lin Wanrong extended his finger and gave a fierce poke, his face filled with a lascivious grin.

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