Chapter 294 The Hot-headed Youth

"What an eloquent speaker you are," said Xu Zhiqing with a faint smile. "So in your opinion, who would be considered an intelligent, insightful person? You're not referring to yourself, are you?"

Lin Wanrong chuckled and said, "Speaking of myself wouldn't be a bad idea."

Xu Zhiqing shook her head helplessly. This man was truly shameless to the core.

Lin Wanrong didn't care about her thoughts. He smiled slightly, pointing to Xiao Yuruo and said, "If not me, then let's talk about our Eldest Miss here. Just by being who she is, she's intelligent, insightful, and extraordinary."

"Me?" Xiao Yuruo blushed, she glanced at him shyly, and said softly, "Don't talk nonsense, we have guests!"

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "I'm not talking nonsense. Miss Xu asked what it means to be intelligent and insightful, didn't she? I just used the young lady as an example. Education and insight are not as she imagines. In my opinion, there are countless intelligent and insightful people. Not only our Eldest Miss, but also those who till the fields, those who sell tofu on the streets, the blacksmiths in their shops, any ordinary and kind citizen of Great Hua, they are all intelligent, insightful, and extraordinary."

Upon hearing this, not only Xiao Yuruo but also Su Qinglian showed interest. How could this man keep saying things others don't understand, Xu Zhiqing wondered.

Xu Wei knew Xu Zhiqing was deliberately challenging Lin San. However, he found the debate between the two young people quite interesting. When Lin San mentioned the ordinary citizens, his interest was even more piqued. He hurriedly said, "Little brother Lin, do share your insights quickly."

Looking at the frowning Xu Zhiqing, Lin Wanrong shook his head, laughed through his nose, and said dismissively, "I don't mind sharing, but I'm afraid people like Miss Xu may not understand."

Xu Zhiqing, being candid, nodded and said, "I'm eager to hear your insights."

Lin Wanrong laughed loudly, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance, "Miss Xu, it's normal if you don't understand. Look around the world, how many people can understand what I'm saying?"

"My fellow ordinary citizens of Great Hua, whether they're farmers, blacksmiths, or vegetable sellers, even though they have modest income and lead austere lives, they earn their living with their own hands, more honorable than anyone. These people may be illiterate, can't recite poetry, and don't understand national affairs, yet they dutifully pay their taxes, never missing a cent. They do all they can for our nation. The taxes they pay provide the foundation of our country's prosperity. They are the silent pillars supporting the nation, nourishing countless intelligent and insightful people, like those Miss Xu speaks of, with their hard-earned sweat."

"They might not understand national affairs, never utter grand statements, or cry out 'I want to serve in the court' or 'I want to fight at the front line'. But without them, Great Hua would be an empty shell, and all the so-called court officials and military generals would be worth nothing. I ask you, Miss Xu, do you dare say they lack education and insight?" Seeing Xu Zhiqing bite her lip without responding, Lin Wanrong snorted angrily, "What scholars and wise men you speak of, they're all bloody nonsense! Only the countless ordinary citizens possess great knowledge and wisdom. Their understated brilliance, their wisdom in appearing simple, who in the world could truly understand that?"

Xu Zhiqing's face turned pale, and she remained silent. A fire ignited within Lin Wanrong, and with a derisive laugh, he said, "All the taxes collected, they're dug out of the earth and sweat of the people. Whatever the officials want, the common folk give. But look at what these so-called 'scholarly' and 'insightful' people have done? They recite poems, drink fine wine, and hold maps, boasting about our vast lands and resources, claiming we are the foremost in the world. Foremost in the world? Bullshit!"

His face reddened in anger, he slammed his cup down on the table, declaring fiercely, "They use the people's money for their pleasures, even their visits to brothels are publicly funded. They exploit the people at home and grovel to foreigners. When the enemy attacks, is that when your knowledge and insight shine? How wonderful! But I have a question, why does the enemy dare to attack? Where did all the billions of taxes collected each year go? Were they fed to the dogs or thrown in the water? A few hundred thousand northern nomads can destroy our Great Wall and reach our heartland? What has been achieved in national construction and defense? When the northern nomads attack, you start to shout, but where the hell were you before? Has your great knowledge and insight been eaten by dogs?"

He spouted profanities, his spittle flying. Despite his vulgar language, his words resonated profoundly and deeply.

Xu Zhiqing, turning green in the face, stayed silent. As a proud woman blessed with extraordinary talents, when had anyone ever dared to speak so crudely in front of her? Or admonished her so? Lin San's coarse language was offensive and lacking any decorum. Her eyes welled up with tears. If she wasn't so strong-willed, she would have already run out crying.

Xiao Yuruo, seeing his fury, felt a mix of amusement and sadness. She quickly tugged at his sleeve, pleading, "Stop, you've upset Sister Xu to tears."

‘Let her cry. I'm not afraid of her,’ he thought, ‘I'm going to win her affection and then leave her anyway. It just saves me a step.’ He didn't bother to look at Xu Zhiqing, instead, he grabbed Xiao Yuruo's hand and smiled gently at her, "Do you understand what I've been saying?"

She glanced at him, "What's there not to understand? It's not the first time I've listened to your nonsense. Each time it scares the life out of me. Whatever trouble you stir up, I'll just deal with it."

He felt touched, and gripped her hand tightly, laughing, "Let me recite a poem for you. It's a bit adult-themed."

"In this mess you've created, you still want to recite a poem? What adult-themed nonsense, it sounds terrible," Xiao Yuruo sighed, glancing at him with a blush on her face.

Lin Wanrong chuckled, looking at her and said softly, "Together in life and death, I promise to you. Holding your hand, growing old with you. A wonderful poem, such a fucking wonderful poem!"

She realized his intentions. Her heart trembled, and she gripped his hand, causing him to wince in pain. Covering her mouth, she turned her head, her shoulders shaking with quiet sobs. "What wonderful poem, you just love to torment others, tricking them into shedding tears, making a fool of them. You're a horrible person, I hate you—"

"Hate me all you want, hate me for a lifetime if you wish," Lin Wanrong chuckled.

"You wish!" Eldest Miss responded softly through her tears, "A lifetime isn't nearly enough. Not even ten lifetimes would let me forgive you."

Their hands gripped tighter, instantly sharing a mutual understanding, an abundance of affection, with joy filling their hearts. Meanwhile, the shock kept resurfacing among the three of the Xu family.

"Well said!" The first to voice approval was the famous performer from Hangzhou, Su Qinglian. Having experienced numerous ups and downs in the secular world, she had seen countless rises and falls, partings and reunions, and felt the sentiments deeply.

She stood up slowly, clapped, and said with a smile, "Young Master Lin, your words today were invigorating. These are golden sayings that haven't been heard in the Great Hua for centuries, making one deeply reflective. Those so-called highly-intelligent scholars, they are merely hindsight strategists, loud in their clamor, but how many really take action? Nothing more than deceivers and name thieves."

Xu Wei sighed and shook his head slightly, "Little brother Lin, I have lived for over fifty or sixty years, been an official for thirty or forty years. When it comes to vision, I am far behind your depth and breadth."

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "Please forgive me, Mr. Xu. I am just a hot-headed youth, spouting empty talk. Don't laugh at me."

Xu Wei laughed out loud, "Hot-headed youth! That's a good term. I wish I could have been like you in my youth. If Great Hua had a few more of such passionate youths, how could we let the northern nomads bully us to this extent?"

Seeing Xu Zhiqing's pale face, sitting silently, Lin Wanrong marveled inwardly. Any ordinary woman would have stormed out after hearing his words. While this girl's complexion was far from good, she remained seated, showing an extraordinary fortitude.

"Mr. Xu may feel that my words resonated with him, but I'm afraid Miss Xu may not feel the same. I may have terribly offended her," Lin Wanrong said with a bitter smile.

Xu Wei laughed heartily, "That's quite alright. Little brother Lin, do you remember the conversation we had in Hangzhou? I said that I only admire two people in this world. One is you, and the other is my daughter. This is no exaggeration. Since her childhood, Zhiqing has been smart and clever. She could recite poetry fluently at the age of three, and express her thoughts articulately by six. More interestingly, not only does she have a passion for literature, she's also interested in extraordinary skills and geography. She spent five years observing and drawing the star maps, and her predictions of the movements of the sun, moon, and stars were mostly accurate."

‘Wow, an astronomer? Incredible!’ Xu Wei, seeing the astonishment on Lin San's face, couldn't help but boast, "My daughter has a wide range of interests. She knows that swallows fly low before rain, fish rise to the surface of water, and what shape of dam can best resist water flow. Her flood control plan was used by Luo Min in Jiangsu. She also has a knack for mathematics. Moreover, she is very skilled in military tactics. Five years ago, she started following General Li to the front lines against the northern nomads, accumulating countless battle experiences. Even Li Tai concedes defeat to her knowledge of military formations."

‘Sweat, so this girl is an astronomer, physicist, hydraulic engineer, mathematician, and a military strategist? What a damn prodigy,’ he couldn't help but glance at Xu Zhiqing, who was sitting pale-faced, with a stubborn curve hanging at the corner of her mouth. It was a testament to her resilience and defiance.

‘Ah, I oversimplified someone again,’ he shook his head in resignation, only to hear Xu Wei sigh, "Before you came along, it wouldn't be too much to call my Zhi'er the best in the world. Unfortunately, this old fool has ruined her life."

Xu Wei's eyes were filled with tears, and he shook his head in pain. Lin Wanrong was shocked and asked, "Mr. Xu, why do you say that?"

Xu Wei sighed deeply, "My Zhi'er is clever and well-intelligent. Young man, think about it, which man in this world could match her?"

Indeed, with Xu Zhiqing's knowledge, she was simply a national treasure, and furthermore, she was an extraordinarily beautiful woman. It must be exceedingly hard for any man to be considered worthy of her.

Xu Wei shook his head repeatedly, expressing regret, "Ever since Zhi'er turned ten, there has been an unending stream of young men coming to propose marriage. Unfortunately, Zhi'er has high ambitions, and the men worthy of her in this world are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. She could hardly find any of them suitable. However, in my drunken stupor, I made a terrible mistake and ruined my dear Zhi'er's life."

Lin Wanrong furrowed his brows. According to what Old Xu was saying, was Xu Zhiqing's betrothal to Li Tai's son not her own will? Were there complications? Damn, how intriguing. But a man, though rough, occasionally indulging in a bit of gossip, was not such a terrible thing.

He laughed heartily, feigning confusion, "Ruined Miss Xu's life? What do you mean? I noticed Miss Xu's hair done up in a married woman's style. It seems like she is already married."

Xu Wei gave him a glare, thinking ‘You little rogue, pretending to be confused when you clearly know what's going on. Everyone in the capital knows about my daughter's affairs, how could you not know?’ He sighed, "Everyone in the capital knows that my daughter is betrothed to Li Tai's second son. That's true. Although Zhi'er has never blamed me, it's also true that I've ruined her life. At my eldest son's wedding, Zhi'er was just twelve. That year coincided with a truce on the border, and Li Tai came to congratulate us. Having not seen him for many years, and being overjoyed at my son's marriage, I unfortunately had a few drinks too many and mentioned the matter of marriage between our children. Coincidentally, he had a young son, three years older than Zhi'er, already capable of fighting in battles. Under the encouragement of the others and in my drunken stupor, I carelessly promised Zhi'er to his second son."

Lin Wanrong was drenched in sweat. A girl like Xu Zhiqing would certainly be one with strong opinions. Xu Wei making decisions for her was a mistake upon mistake. He had not expected that even the most famous scholar in the world could have such a moment of folly.

Lin Wanrong patted his shoulder sympathetically, "Old Xu, I deeply sympathize with you."

Xu Wei spoke with immense regret, "My Zhi'er is naturally clever. Even at only twelve, what is there in this world that she does not know? How could she willingly give herself to a stranger so easily? But she is a filial child, she never mentions it in front of me, preserving my dignity. Later on, when Li Tai's second son died in battle, Zhi'er, who had never even met her betrothed, became a widow. I, Xu Wei, who was smart all my life, have ruined my daughter's life. Tell me, am I not the most foolish person in this world?"

Foolish, indeed utterly foolish! Lin Wanrong shook his head secretly, only to hear Xu Wei say, "Zhi'er is clever and intelligent. Speaking of which, there is no man in this world who can compare to her. Of course—except for you!"

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