Chapter 268 Disappearance

Early in the morning, General Lin, buoyed by the spring breeze, woke up extremely early. His eyes were full of vigor, and his little brother, who had been busy all night, was still robust. Seeing his two wives curled up together under the brocade quilt, their exquisite figures fully exposed, he chuckled twice. He reached under the quilt and touched the women's chests, causing them to let out a soft moan. Only then did he step out of the cabin.

This pleasure boat was named "Happiness" by Lin Wanrong. It was Xian'er's dowry, and from now on, it would bear the Lin surname. He didn't feel the slightest bit like he was living off a woman.

A few days ago, he had instructed Qiaoqiao to choose a large mansion in Jinling City. It was the former residence of a retired elder, with small bridges over flowing water and courtyards with pavilions, quite tasteful. Lin Wanrong took his two wives to see it, and he was very satisfied with it in his heart, so he decided to buy it. After all, he was rich now, and he had to indulge in corruption when he should. Money should be spent, and after it's spent, more should be earned. This was Lin Wanrong's consistent belief. Although the New Year was just a few days away, and he would have to go to the capital after the New Year, Jinling was his first base and the place where he made his fortune. He had left too many memories here. If he didn't buy a big house, he would feel like he was letting himself down, and his wives too.

After deciding on this house, he heard from Luo Yuan's gossip that Luo Ning, the talented woman, had also secretly gone to see the house, with a smile on her face, seemingly very satisfied. Lin Wanrong was sweating profusely when he heard this. This little girl hadn't even married him yet, and she was already so concerned about their future living conditions. Wasn't she a bit too anxious?

However, he still preferred to stay on the boat. It was quiet here, with no one to disturb him. There were only three of them on the boat, and they could do whatever they wanted. When he thought about making love with his wives, the whole boat would shake. What a delightful thing that was, the glory of a man. Besides, it was quite comfortable to sunbathe naked. Unfortunately, although the two wives had agreed to sleep in the same bed with him, they would never do such a shocking thing.

"Life is so beautiful!" Lin Wanrong shouted at the lake. A thin layer of mist rose from the lake, carrying a bit of chill, obscuring the view in the distance. But he was bare-chested, feeling the chill of winter, and his heart was extremely comfortable.

Such peaceful days wouldn't last for many more days. He would soon be entering the capital. What would be waiting for him there? He didn't want to think about it, so he started exercising. He wasn't like Sister An who knew how to use sword techniques, so his exercise methods were inevitably a bit basic. Stretching his legs and bending his waist, he did the seventh set of radio calisthenics.

"Lin San, Lin San--" Just as he finished a set of exercises, he heard a faint call coming from the lake.

Did he hear wrong? Who would be calling him so early? He shook his head, his spirits high, and after finishing the radio calisthenics, he did eye exercises.

"Lin San, Lin San--" The voice became more and more urgent, mixed with a familiar woman's call. This time he was sure, he thought to himself, ‘someone really is looking for me.’

The voice was getting closer, and Lin Wanrong looked intently, only to see a small boat rowing over the water. Madam Xiao, along with a few maids and servants, was hurrying over.

"Madam, are you calling me?" Lin Wanrong shouted loudly.

Upon hearing his voice, Madam Xiao quickly looked over. Seeing a man standing on the pleasure boat, who else could it be but Lin San? Her face instantly lit up with joy and surprise, and she said to the boatman, "Row faster, faster!"

As the small boat approached the painted boat, Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "Madam, why have you come here to find me?"

Madam Xiao wiped the sweat from her forehead and said anxiously, "It was really hard to find you, Lin San. Is Yushuang with you?"

‘The Second Miss? I indeed wanted to steal her away, but before I could act, you've already come looking.’ He shook his head and said, "No, I haven't seen the Second Miss these past few days. Madam, what happened to her?"

Madam Xiao sighed and said, "Yesterday, a few gossipy maids were talking about you in private. They said that Yuruo had a disagreement with you, and you were driven away by Yuruo. This was overheard by Yushuang. You know, she still doesn't know that you're back. We've been keeping this from her. Suddenly hearing this, she couldn't bear it. She looked for Yuruo, had a quarrel, and this morning, she left the mansion. We don't know where she went."

"Damn it!" Lin Wanrong snorted. Although the Second Miss was gentle towards him, she was also a woman with a temper. She was not someone who could be bullied. It was no surprise that she made a fuss this time when the Eldest Miss deceived her.

"Madam, didn't anyone see the Second Miss leave the mansion?" Lin Wanrong asked anxiously, jumping onto Madam Xiao's small boat.

"Can you please put your clothes on first!" Madam Xiao said, her face turning red. Seeing him bare-chested, exposing his sturdy muscles, Madam Xiao was a faithful woman. That day, when he unabashedly talked about pursuing happiness, she was ready to leave him. Today, he was again in such a disheveled state. He really was a lawless man. Madam Xiao gave a bitter smile. This Lin San, one could never reason with him. There was nothing he wouldn't dare to do.

Was it such a big deal to be shirtless? Lin Wanrong nodded helplessly.

Qin Xian'er and Qiaoqiao had already come out of the cabin when they heard someone shouting. Seeing their husband in a hurry to leave, Qin Xian'er jumped onto the small boat, draped a thick shirt over him, and gently tied it for him. She smiled sweetly and said, "Husband, you go. Come back soon."

This girl, ever since the three of them had a wild night, seemed to have mellowed a bit. Lin Wanrong was overjoyed in his heart. He hadn't expected that event to have such an effect. He would have to do it more often in the future. He whispered in Xian'er's ear, "Little darling, I'll be back soon. You and Qiaoqiao, wash up and wait for your husband to come back."

Qin Xian'er blushed and jumped onto the big boat with a shy smile. Madam Xiao saw their sweet affection and thought of her own daughter's situation. She sighed lightly and said, "When Yushuang left today, the gatekeeper thought she was going out to do something, so he didn't stop her. I thought she must have come to find you, but you're always on the move, and she doesn't know all these things. Where could she go to find you? This girl, she's so young and has never experienced any hardship. If she runs into a bad person, what will we do?"

As Madam Xiao spoke, she was already in tears. In the recent encounters with Madam Xiao, her tears had increased, and her formulaic smile had decreased significantly. Lin Wanrong comforted her, "Madam, don't panic. The Second Miss is smart and quick-witted. She's only been gone for a few hours, and there won't be any major problems. Once she learns that I'm in Jinling, she will definitely stay in the city to look for me. She won't leave Jinling."

Madam Xiao was worried and confused. After hearing his analysis, she felt that it made a lot of sense. It was rare for him to maintain such a clear mind in such an urgent situation. She had a higher opinion of him and said, "Lin San, your analysis is very accurate. I and Yuruo have split up. I came to find you, and Yuruo has taken some people to search everywhere."

As they spoke, the small boat had already reached the shore. Lin Wanrong was the first to jump up. Madam Xiao pulled her skirt and walked to the bow of the boat. Lin Wanrong extended his hand, grabbed her arm, and helped her onto the shore.

Madam Xiao's face turned red, and she was secretly annoyed. But seeing his clear eyes without a trace of lewdness, she held her tongue. Lin Wanrong calmly said, "Madam, have you sent people to all the places the Second Miss likes to go?"

Madam Xiao gave him a white look. Did he really need to tell her that? She nodded and said, "I've sent people to all the places she likes to go, but we've found nothing."

Lin Wanrong said, "In that case, let's split up and search here. No matter how big Jinling City is, even if I have to dig three feet into the ground, I will find Yushuang." He was so anxious at this moment that he didn't even call her the Second Miss. Madam Xiao heard this and felt that he was being sincere.

After parting ways with Madam Xiao, he carefully recalled the process of getting to know the Second Miss. Their love was confirmed in the Xiao mansion, and their lovey-dovey moments also mostly took place in the Xiao mansion. If there was a familiar place in the city for the two of them, it would only be the Qixia Temple. That day, when he and the Eldest Miss were captured by the White Lotus Sect, the Second Miss fasted and prayed for them all day, and that place had special significance.

Regardless of whether Madam Xiao had sent people to look for her, he went straight to Qixia Temple. It was still early, and there were not many worshippers in Qixia Temple. Only a few monks were sweeping the rustling fallen leaves, making it very quiet.

He asked a few monks if a beautiful female donor had come, and they all shook their heads. Only a young monk said that a beautiful female donor had gone in the direction of the Daxiong Treasure Hall.

Damn it, he was so young, and he already recognized a beautiful female donor. When he grew up, he would definitely be a flirtatious monk. Lin Wanrong was both grateful and contemptuous, and he hurried to the Daxiong Treasure Hall.

The Daxiong Treasure Hall had one main hall and two side halls. He went straight to the main hall, but it was empty. The Buddha statues were solemn. He paid his respects and searched from the front hall to the back hall. Not to mention female donors, he didn't even see a single mouse.

Just as he was getting frustrated, he heard a faint sound of footsteps coming from outside the front hall. The sound was delicate and urgent, as if a woman was approaching.

The woman entered the hall, carefully searched around, found nothing, and couldn't help but sigh. She knelt down on the cushion in front of the Buddha statue and said, "Merciful Guanyin Bodhisattva, I beg you to ensure my sister's safety. I am willing to exchange my life for her safety. As long as she can return safely, I will never think of that hateful man again, sob..."

"Eldest Miss..." Lin Wanrong, who was hiding in the back hall, was startled and whispered.

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