Chapter 260 The Four Rounds of Poetry Contest (Part 2)

"Sister Ning, what's wrong with you?" Qiaoqiao was startled and quickly held her, gently kneading her ‘Renzhong’ acupoint.

[TL: The point between the nose and middle upper lip.]

Luo Ning took a deep breath, slowly opened her eyes, and said weakly, "Qiaoqiao, big brother—did big brother lose?"

Before Qiaoqiao could shake her head, they already heard heckling from outside, "If you can't compose a poem, then step down quickly, don't impede others' competition."

Zhao Kangning and Wu Xue'an saw that Lin San showed signs of weakness in the first round, and their faces immediately displayed a trace of disdain. Only Hou Yuebai was puzzled; the Lin San he knew wasn't someone who admitted defeat easily. Or rather, he had never lost before.

Lin Wanrong glanced at the hecklers, smiled, and said, "I cannot compose a poem with the word 'plum', but that doesn't mean I can't write about plums."

He drained the wine in his cup, paced a few steps, and, with a slightly drunken tone, recited, "Thousands of ridges and mountains carry my white hair, heaven blesses me with rouge lightly applied to my cheeks. Asking from afar where spring lies in orchid and bamboo, from the jade bone and icy skin comes a hidden fragrance."

"Bravo—" This time it was Luo Yuan, Qingshan, Guo Wuchang who led the cheers. The hall was filled with connoisseurs, and immediate applause erupted.

The educational commissioner nodded in approval and said, "From distant to close, good use of metaphor. The whole sentence has neither snow nor plum, but it praises the plum in the snow. There is indeed some cleverness. This poem about plum should be considered the best."

The faces of Zhao Kangning and Wu Xue'an were unpleasant. They hadn't expected Lin San to take the lead in the first round. They dared not underestimate him again. Remembering his reputation for couplets, Zhao Kangning berated himself for his stupidity. How could a person good at couplets not be skilled in poetry? Only Hou Yuebai, who was accustomed to Lin San's exceptional abilities, was not greatly surprised.

Hiding behind the curtain, Luo Ning lightly patted her chest and complained, "Big brother scares people to death, I will ignore him—"

Qiaoqiao giggled and whispered, "Ignore him? I wonder who will be the quickest to see him afterward?"

Blushing, Luo Ning retorted, "He is your husband, of course you speak for him. On the wedding night, I didn't see you laughing at others."

The two women giggled together. Qiaoqiao said, "Sister Ning, big brother despises this type of poem. It was not easy for him to write this today, and especially to take first place in the first round, but it was all for you. Now you can rest assured, no need to faint again."

"Annoying." Luo Ning's cheeks turned pink as she whispered, "Qiaoqiao, don't misunderstand. Big brother and I didn’t, didn’t, didn’t—" She became too embarrassed to continue. Denying it further would convince no one, not even a fool.

Qiaoqiao laughed, "Sister Ning, if you have these feelings, you should have told me earlier. It would have saved a lot of trouble and spared you some hardship. Don't you know big brother? If you show him a bit of kindness, he will repay you a hundredfold."

Luo Ning gave a small nod, too embarrassed to speak. Qiaoqiao sighed lightly, her heart filled with a touch of sadness.

The first round of the 'top ten to six' competition was completed. Lin Wanrong took first place. Zhao Kangning, Wu Xue'an, and Hou Yuebai, along with the other two talents, all made it into the top six.

Everyone was taken aback as the most underestimated young man had unexpectedly become a dark horse, naturally, this caused a wave of surprise, and people began to inquire about his identity. When they learned that this man was Lin San, the servant from Xiao mansion who had bested the king of couplets at the Luo family banquet, they were astounded. This servant truly had talent, managing to break into the top six of the Jinling poetry competition as a mere servant, how could that not amaze people?

The second round was a competition to narrow the field from six to four. The two talents seated next to Lin Wanrong had just scraped through the first round. After witnessing the performances of others, they became disheartened, acknowledging that their knowledge was indeed inferior to the four ahead.

Seeing their despondency, Lin Wanrong understood their feelings and chuckled, "Gentlemen, don't be disheartened. Poetry, after all, is meant to be playful. If you take it too seriously, you will lose the joy of it."

Upon seeing his unconcerned demeanor despite his seeming intoxication, and his friendly attitude toward others, the two men genuinely admired him. They raised their glasses in respect, drank the wine before them in one go, and found their spirits uplifted.

The educational commissioner announced loudly, "Only four talents can advance in this second round. I invite Commander-in-Chief Cheng De of Jiangsu to set the topic!"

Cheng De, a man with a dark complexion, stood up and announced loudly, "I, Cheng De, am a simple military man and not proficient in poetry. I find it challenging to propose a topic today. Seeing the fine wine and food on this boat, why don't we take 'wine' as the topic?"

The assembled talents understood that this topic given by Commander-in-Chief Cheng was broad, leaving ample room for creativity. Whether a poem would be good or not would depend on the intended mood.

For this round, young master Zhao Kangning was the first to stand up and say, "My name is Zhao Kangning, here is my poem about wine: 'Inebriated but not sleepy, petals stain my green robe. Waking up to see the creek's moon, birds have flown, and people are scarce.'" Zhao Kangning's wine poem had some flavor, describing the beauty of drinking by a flowered creek at night. It was quite decent.

Hou Yuebai also stood up and said, "I also have a poem about drinking wine: 'Desiring to pick pear blossoms to make new wine, the smoke and waves of Qinhuai never cease in the rain. Applying makeup in front of the mirror as the wind rises, half of the face is hidden, and it signifies parting sorrow.'" This poem was a love lament, with an unconventional conception, even stronger than Zhao Kangning's by a few notches.

Wu Xue'an smiled slightly and recited loudly, "The flying rain hits the chessboard near dusk, the light clothing and delicate dance become common dust. Let's drink while the jade flute is playing, sit in seclusion under the moonlight that shines on the soul."

The educational commissioner and Luo Min nodded in agreement, judging by momentum and conception, among the first three people, Wu Xue'an was the best.

Everyone's gaze then naturally fell on Lin Wanrong, this servant held many surprises, and nobody knew what he would come up with. Lin Wanrong stood up and smiled, "Could someone please pass me some paper—"

A young servant was already eager to hand him paper and a writing brush. However, Lin Wanrong casually put the writing brush and inkstone aside, pulled out a pencil, and swiftly wrote a few words: "During the Qingming festival as the rain pours down heavily, travelers on the road feel their spirits breaking, asking where there might be a tavern, a shepherd boy silently points towards Apricot Flower Village."

[TL: In the original text, there are no commas or punctuations, so the translation here was made to smoothly flow to form a sentence.]

When the servant hung up the scroll, everyone curiously looked at it, some even quietly reading it out loud.

Luo Ning pulled back the curtain, sneaking a peek at the scroll. She frowned, contemplating for a long time, then suddenly clapped her hands joyfully and exclaimed, "I get it! My big brother has won again."

Qiaoqiao asked with a puzzled look, "Big brother won? I didn't see how."

Luo Ning whispered a few words into her ear, and after a closer look, Qiaoqiao saw it too. She was overjoyed and said, "Big brother loves to play these odd tricks, always keeping us guessing."

Lin Wanrong looked around, his gaze falling on Wu Xue'an. He said with a smile, "Young Master Wu, you're a scholar from the capital, could you do me a favor and recite this poem for me?"

Wu Xue'an scornfully replied, "That's hardly a challenge.

Rain during Qingming, it falls,

On the road, in profusion, it calls.

Soul-breaking is the human's hall!

Where, pray tell, is a tavern tall?

Where can a shepherd boy be found?

Towards Apricot Flower Village, he's bound!

[TL: In the original text, there is punctuation in each line.]

Your poem, though it has some flavor, still doesn't surpass mine."

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "Those who can't appreciate poetry naturally find this poem ordinary."

He pulled out a pencil and marked punctuations in the middle of the poem, then turned to Young Master Guo with a smile, "Young Master Guo, could you please read it now?"

Seeing Lin San marking punctuations and then calling out his name, Guo Wuchang immediately stood up, full of pride, and read out,

During Qingming festival, rain pours down,

On the road, travelers' spirits drown.

Where might there be a tavern found,

A shepherd boy points, no sound, to Apricot Flower's ground.

[TL: Same as previous, in the original text, there is punctuation in each line.]

Everyone in the hall was stunned for a moment, then erupted in applause. The poem turned out to be a suspended verse. The different punctuations made two completely different poems. The more amazing thing was that both versions were extremely rhythmic, far from ordinary. This way, Wu Xue'an was outdone.

Having suffered such an embarrassment, Wu Xue'an's face turned red as a pig liver. After a while, he said, "Resorting to such tricks is not what a scholar should do."

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "I wish to compete in a hundred poems, sleeping in a pub in Jinling City. The Emperor calls me but I don't board the ship, for I call myself a wine fairy! What's the difficulty in reciting a hundred poems about drinking wine? It's just that I disdain to win over you with such means." Only Lin Wanrong himself understood this statement, while others did not.

Everyone heard him casually reciting good sentences, who could deny his talent? Young Master Guo and others were already clapping so hard the tables echoed with noise. Lin San was truly a blessing to the Xiao family. In this round of the competition, Lin Wanrong was undoubtedly the winner.

Luo Ning's little face turned bright red in excitement, her eyebrows forming a flower-like smile. Qiaoqiao mimicked her tone, "Big brother and I really have no, no, no relationship—"

"You naughty girl, making fun of me like this," Luo Ning gently patted Qiaoqiao, her eyes full of charm.

Qiaoqiao sighed softly, "Sister Ning, don't get it wrong. Big brother is my husband. If you want to enter my house, you must first pass this little sister's test."

Luo Ning's face turned as red as her neck, she whispered, "Who wants to enter your— dear sister, I forgot about the good things you and Big brother did in my boudoir. Please spare me, alright?"

The third round, the four to two, was the crucial stage. Judging by the previous two rounds, Lin Wanrong had outshone everyone and had already evolved from the dark horse to the hot favorite. Aside from Lin Wanrong, the remaining competitors were the three scholars.

The official said, "The third round of the poetry competition begins. This round, please Governor Luo Min propose the topic."

Governor Luo Min slowly rose, patting his large belly as he spoke, "Today's poetry competition has showcased the brilliance of so many heroes and talents, truly a splendid display. As the Governor of Jiangsu and head of the province, I am deeply gratified to see such a multitude of talent emerge from this competition. Coincidentally, my daughter Luo Ning has just turned twenty and has a fondness for poetry. I also wish to use the occasion of this poetry competition to find her a good family, fulfilling my long-held wish."

Upon hearing Luo Min mention the legendary matchmaking event for Miss Luo, everyone immediately became excited. This was the main highlight of the poetry competition, a tale of a scholar and a beauty was about to be born. Although most scholars could only watch the spectacle, to witness such an event was a fortune in itself.

Luo Min continued, "There are two criteria for my daughter's future husband. First, he must be extraordinarily talented, and second, my daughter must approve of him. She will personally set and assess a test, only then will he be considered eligible. As for my daughter's virtues and looks, I need not say more, the citizens of Jinling City can testify."

"Hey, Governor Luo, can you please set the test quickly? I'm getting hungry," Lin Wanrong interrupted Luo Min's lengthy speech with a laugh, eliciting laughter from the crowd.

"Big brother is always so naughty..." Luo Ning, watching Lin Wanrong from behind the curtain, said, her cheeks reddening.

Luo Min said, "Very well, I will not waste everyone's precious time, here is the test. This is a chain poem and palindrome poem called 'Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.' Each line should sing of a season. I will recite the first line.”

Orioles cry, riverside willows play in spring's sunny day, moonlit night is bright.

Upon hearing this line, all the scholars' expressions changed. Not only was it a palindrome poem about spring, but it also contained a seven-character verse. If you read it separately and add a palindrome, it became,

Orioles cry, riverside willows play in spring's sunny day;

willows play in spring's sunny day, moonlit night is bright;

bright moonlit night, sunny spring plays with willows;

sunny spring plays with willows, on the riverside, the oriole cries.

Lin Wanrong also secretly stuck out his tongue, ‘This old Luo, writing a line of poetry, with so many tricks inside, damn, clearly he didn't want anyone to answer. But I won't let you have your way.’

Following Luo Min's line, the next line should be about summer. But this poem was indeed difficult. Wu Xue'an and Zhao Kangning looked at each other, not daring to answer. This Luo Min, truly deserving of a top scholar's talent.

Governor Luo glanced around and chuckled, "Gentlemen, can anyone continue?" Seeing no one answering, he asked again, his smile deepening.

Backstage, Qiaoqiao anxiously said, "Why did Governor Luo set such a difficult question? Doesn't he want to find a husband for Sister Ning?"

Luo Ning also stomped her foot and said, "What is Father doing? It's clear that I don't want to get married. He forcibly brought me here. Now that Big brother has made it to the final four, he is making it difficult for him with such questions. It's infuriating!"

Qiaoqiao stuck out her adorable little tongue and laughed inwardly, 'Governor Luo is not just making it difficult for Big brother. Why don't you say that?'

Luo Ning sighed softly, "Qiaoqiao, the matter is not as simple as you think. After my grandmother's birthday celebration, Young Prince Ning, surprisingly, sent someone to propose marriage—"

"Propose marriage?" Qiaoqiao exclaimed. "Did you accept, sister?"

Luo Ning gave her a bitter smile. "Silly girl, if I had agreed, would we be holding this matchmaking event?"

Qiaoqiao nodded. "I see. So, you're using this poetry contest to reject the young prince."

Luo Ning softly replied, "That's part of it. There are more complexities in the background, those are for my father to deal with, not something we women should concern ourselves with. After my father announced the matchmaking event, I was kept in the dark. In my opinion, I would never be willing to be part of such an uninteresting affair. But father had his considerations, and in the end, he promised me that the selected groom would be the one I chose."

"I understand. That's why you insisted that big brother must attend this poetry contest. Whether he's talented or not, whether you like him or not, it's all up to you." Qiaoqiao said, realization dawning on her.

Blushing, Luo Ning nodded but dared not say more.

"Is there any gentleman who can complete this verse?" Luo Min asked again with a smile.

The crowd exchanged glances. They had been looking forward to a fierce competition in the second round of the four, but they didn't expect that the governor's question would stump all the talents. Not only Young Prince Ning and Wu Xue'an were left speechless, but even the dark horse Lin San fell silent. If it went on like this, wouldn't it be impossible for anyone to advance?

"Big brother, hurry up—" Luo Yuan and Qingshan were secretly anxious, urging continuously.

Seeing Luo Min's self-satisfied expression, Lin Wanrong couldn't help but smile. Seeing the hall so silent, he stood up and said with a smile, "Governor Luo, I would like to recite a poem."

The crowd was in an uproar when they saw someone stand up, especially because it was Lin San, who had been advancing through all the rounds. But when they heard he was going to recite a poem, some felt disappointed. This was a game of chain verse, why was he reciting a poem? If he couldn't continue Governor Luo's poem, the contest would be unnecessary.

Wu Xue'an, who had been embarrassed in the last round, held a grudge against Lin San. Hearing his words, he couldn't help but sneer, "This is a chain verse, what's the use of your poem?"

Lin Wanrong laughed loudly, "Whether it's useful or not, you'll know after you hear it."

Luo Min glanced at Lin Wanrong and laughed, "Mr. Lin, what good poem has inspired you? Please recite it for us to hear."

Lin Wanrong nodded and recited aloud,

“Fragrant lotus stirs the emerald waters in the cool breeze,

Waters stir in the cool breeze as the sun and moon endure;

Enduring sun and cool moon stir the breeze across the waters,

Cool breeze stirs the water, carrying the fragrance of the emerald lotus.”

The crowd hadn't yet understood, but Wu Xue'an's face had turned pale. Zhao Kangning and Hou Yuebai immediately understood, their faces filled with disbelief.

Luo Ning silently repeated the verse twice, then suddenly exclaimed, "Big brother Lin has won."

"Shush—" Qiaoqiao raised her slender index finger, signaling her sister Ning to listen in secret and not let anyone know. She was already used to her big brother's extraordinary abilities, so she didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she giggled and said, "Sister Ning, you can rest assured now. I told you, big brother never disappoints."

Luo Min clapped his hands and laughed, "Good, good, young master Lin indeed possesses extraordinary learning. You're the only one who passed this round."

Apart from a few individuals, most of the attendees didn't understand the knack of it. A young man from the audience stood up and asked, "Governor Luo, why did Lin San win this round? I don't quite understand."

Luo Min smiled and said, "Well, let me explain it to you all. The first line I posed was about spring, so the second line should be about summer. The lines recited by Young Master Lin are the reverse of the original poem. His verse about summer is—

Fragrant lotus stirs the cool breeze over the emerald water as the sun and moon endure."

Upon further reflection, the crowd understood. Suddenly, applause broke out like a tidal wave and continued for quite some time. The difficulty of the challenge posed by Luo Min was clear, and this servant Lin San's abilities were indeed impressive.

Lin Wanrong stood up, made a polite salute to the crowd, and laughed, "A fluke, a fluke."

The poem about the four seasons was supposed to be in four lines, and now there were only verses for spring and summer, with none for autumn and winter. It was indeed a pity that the other three couldn't continue. Lin Wanrong saw Luo Min's gaze wandering, frequently drifting towards him. Could this old man be hoping for him to complete verses for autumn and winter? ‘Please, don't toy with me,’ he thought anxiously. Out loud, he hastily asked, "Governor Luo, who won this round?"

Given that he was the only one who answered the chain verse poem, the outcome was obvious. What was initially a four-to-two playoff turned into a one-to-win scenario, hence prematurely ending the contest. Naturally, there were those who were discontented with Lin San claiming the laurels.

Just as Luo Min was about to reply, Cheng De rose and said, "Hold on, Governor Luo, gentlemen, we agreed on four rounds of competition. How can it end after just three rounds? In my humble opinion, for the sake of fairness, we should have another round. It would also provide us with a chance to feast our eyes on the talent of these young scholars, don't you agree?"

Everyone present didn't want such an exciting poetry competition to end prematurely. They readily agreed, causing Luo Ning backstage to stomp her foot in frustration, "These people, how can they go back on their words?"

Luo Min looked at Lin Wanrong as if seeking his opinion. Lin Wanrong thought resentfully, ‘This old man, does he not care about his daughter's happiness? Why is he hypocritically asking me?’

Zhao Kangning sent a signal to Wu Xue’an, the scholar from the capital. Wu Xue’an then stood up and said, "Thank you, Commander Cheng and Governor Luo, for giving us scholars another opportunity. On behalf of Young Prince Ning and Brother Hou, I would like to challenge Mr. Lin."

Just as Hou Yuebai was about to speak, Zhao Kangning shot him a stern glance. Fearing Young Prince Ning's power, Young Master Hou dared not speak and was naturally represented.

Lin Wanrong chuckled and said, "Young Master Wu, this poetry competition is fair in itself. In this final round, you all yielded, allowing me to win. Young Master Wu, you have already lost your chance, how can you challenge me?"

With their defeat witnessed by the crowd, Wu Xue’an was left speechless by Lin Wanrong's words. The onlookers became restless, shouting, "Another round, another round—"

Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "However, since everyone is so enthusiastic and Brother Wu is so sincere, it would be against my nature to refuse. But rules are rules, they cannot be broken. How about this? I propose a compromise. Brother Wu, pour me a cup of tea, hand it to me personally, call me Teacher Lin, and then we can have another round."

This proposal was to force Wu Xue’an to concede and honor Lin Wanrong as his teacher. Even if Wu Xue’an managed to turn the tables in the final round, he would still not truly win, having already paid respect to Lin Wanrong. Scholars held themselves in high esteem, and right now, in front of an audience, it was a battle of poetry. How could Wu Xue’an lower his head? He snorted but said nothing.

The audience below wasn't pleased. Luo Yuan started chanting, "Pour the tea, pour the tea—"

The atmosphere below the stage was heated. Luo Min stroked his beard, smiling, while Cheng De kept his face dark and silent. Zhao Kangning was constantly giving Wu Xue’an eye signals. Finally, Wu Xue’an, feeling helpless, gritted his teeth, stood up, poured the tea, and handed it to Lin Wanrong, saying, "Teacher Lin, please have tea."

Lin Wanrong sat carelessly in his chair, didn't stand up, took the tea cup, and nodded like an old scholar, saying, "A promising youth indeed."

The master of the ceremony loudly announced, "This is the final round. The two scholars can choose their own topics."

Wu Xue’an gritted his teeth in frustration, waved his hand, and said, "No need for that. I will write one poem with the time to finish a cup of tea as the limit. Mr. Lin, please respond with a poem of your own. If you answer correctly, I will admit defeat."

Everyone knew the most critical moment had come. It seemed that this scholar from the capital was completely infuriated, and the drama was about to unfold. Everyone held their breath, waiting for him to set the topic.

Wu Xue’an took a few steps in the hall, thinking of the humiliation he had experienced that day, and his heart was filled with indignation. He recited loudly,

"Even with wood, it's a game of chess; without wood, it's still part of it.

Remove the wood from the chess, add a lack, it becomes deceit.

Dragons swim and prawns play in the murky waters,

A tiger in the open field is bullied by dogs."

This was a true portrayal of his mood today. He was a famous scholar in the capital, invited to participate in this poetry competition in Jinling. He thought he would be greatly glorified, but first he misread a poem, and then he publicly acknowledged Lin San as his teacher. For a proud and arrogant scholar like him, with a reputation outside, it was unbearable.

As soon as Wu Xue’an's voice fell, someone in the hall began to applaud. His poem was implicitly insulting but also showed great wit. He was indeed a scholar from the capital, truly knowledgeable. Lin Wanrong glanced at the hall, seeing those who applauded were surreptitiously eyeing Zhao Kangning. Clearly, they were the Young Prince's spies. ‘Damn, you want to play this game with me? When I was playing this game, you were still playing in the mud and urine,’ Lin Wanrong sneered.

Boosted by the audience's encouragement, Wu Xue’an felt the "humiliation" he had previously suffered had lessened. He mustered up the courage and loudly said, "Mr. Lin, the time to finish a cup of tea is almost up. Can you come up with a response?"

Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "This is merely a poetry contest, purely for entertainment. Brother Wu, you need not take it too seriously. I will not respond to this poem."

Overjoyed, Wu Xue’an asked, "How so? Could it be that you, Brother Lin, are admitting defeat? This is indeed a rare sight!"

"Admit defeat?" Lin Wanrong snorted coldly. "Brother Wu, I must tell you, the word 'defeat' does not exist in my dictionary. I'm afraid that if I were to respond to your poem, it would cause you too much embarrassment."

Zhao Kangning stood up and said, "Lin San, stop spouting nonsense and recite your poem. If you can't respond, just step aside."

Lin Wanrong's eyes widened in anger, and he shouted, "Lin San is a name you can call? Young prince, have you forgotten the promise you made?"

Zhao Kangning's face turned red with anger, and he gritted his teeth, "Then please, Teacher Lin, recite your poem."

Many in the hall knew the story behind their exchange, but the majority were confused. However, seeing that even the young prince did not dare to retort after being reprimanded by Lin San, they were utterly surprised.

Lin Wanrong laughed. "Since Brother Wu and the Young Prince insist, I will give it a try. Brother Wu's poem was indeed interesting, with dragons and tigers, shrimps, and dogs, truly mighty. It seems as if scholars from the capital like you are dragons and tigers, and us scholars from the south are mere shrimps and dogs in your eyes. This severely underestimates us, the scholars of the south."

Wu Xue’an's poem was meant to mock only Lin Wanrong, but Lin Wanrong had cleverly expanded it to insult all the Southern scholars. Many in the hall were Southern scholars. Now, Lin San had become their representative, and Wu Xue’an's insult had backfired terribly.

Wu Xue’an hadn't considered any of this when he recited his poem. He hadn't expected Lin San to be so cunning as to rally the Southern scholars to his side. Wu Xue’an wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and dared not speak again.

Lin Wanrong chuckled. "Since Young Master Wu looks down on us Southern scholars so much, I will not be polite. Today we are here on the Qinhuai River, so I will use flowing water as the theme:

With water, it's a brook; without water, what is it?

Remove water from the brook, add a bird, and it becomes a chicken.

A satisfied cat is mightier than a tiger,

A plucked phoenix - not as good as a chicken."

"Bravo, bravo—" Thunderous applause filled the hall, echoing across the Qinhuai River. It was a genuine expression of admiration. In this final round, Lin Wanrong showed great composure and not only stood up to Wu Xue’an, the scholar from the capital, but also gave him a taste of his own medicine, which was brilliantly done.

Wu Xue’an turned pale, and Zhao Kangning's face was ashen. They were both speechless.

Lin Wanrong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. ‘Damn, composing these damn poems was more exhausting than fighting a battle. For this girl Luo Ning, this scholar had truly put in a lot of effort.’

Luo Min clapped his hands and laughed. "Excellent, excellent! The poetry contest has successfully concluded in four rounds. Young Master Lin's talent is extraordinary, and it is well-deserved that he stands at the top."

Lin Wanrong was calm inside. Besides winning, which was unexpected, everything else was within his expectations, with nothing to be surprised about.

Guo Wuchang was cheering for Lin San, but a servant from the Xiao family rushed over, whispered something in the young master's ear, and Guo Wuchang dropped his tea cup in shock.

"Governor Luo, may we ask for Miss Luo's opinion of our Young Master Lin?" someone in the hall shouted, causing a wave of laughter. The hall was filled with uproarious noise. This was the highlight of the poetry competition. How could it be overlooked?

"Well—" Luo Min stroked his beard and smiled. "The matter of choosing a suitor ultimately lies with my daughter. Servant, please invite the young lady—"

Before Luo Min had even finished speaking, a young maid walked out from behind the curtain, holding a hibiscus tent and an embroidered handkerchief adorned with mandarin ducks. She approached Lin Wanrong, bowed gracefully, and said with a smile, "Young Master Lin, these two items are gifts from my young miss. She also asks if you could compose a poem using them."

What did this mean? Lin Wanrong looked at the hibiscus tent and the mandarin duck handkerchief as if seeing the blushing face of Luo Ning peeking at him from behind the curtain. He grinned roguishly, his heart pounding with excitement. This girl was interesting. Even a fool could see her affection. Clearly, she was expressing her feelings for him, yet she still wanted him to express his feelings for her. Ah, women, their skins were much thinner than his.

At this moment, Lin Wanrong was feeling inspired, and composing a few lines was not an issue. He swiftly grabbed a brush and began to write. But before he could finish, he saw Young Master Guo Wuchang, his face filled with urgency, rushing towards him. Guo Wuchang whispered something in his ear.

"What?" Lin Wanrong dropped the brush in surprise and headed towards the cabin door as swiftly as a bird in flight.

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