Chapter 239 The Stubborn Xian’er

The seated woman possessed the beauty of a masterpiece painting, her face adorned with a gentle smile, filled with affection. Wasn't she the charming Qin Xian'er?

"Young Master, have you awakened?" Qin Xian'er looked at him, gracing him with a smile.

Could he not wake up when this young lady called him a few times? Lin Wanrong sat up, laughing as he said, "Xian'er, how did you come here?"

Having said that, his body was already drenched in cold sweat. It was not the first time someone had invaded his room in the middle of the night. First, it was Xiao Qingxuan, then it was Old Wei, and now it was Qin Xian'er. He hadn't expected that even Old Wei was a top expert, just like Qin Xian'er and the others. If they wanted to take his life, it would be as easy as slicing a watermelon. Luckily, one of these three was his wife and Old Wei wasn't bad to him, which was why he had managed to live peacefully until now.

Thinking about this, he suddenly remembered Gao Qiu. Wasn't this guy supposed to be an imperial guard? How did he not notice someone breaking in? Was this the mark of a skilled fighter? He was fortunate it was Xian'er; if it had been anyone else, he would have been killed long ago.

"I have been staying in Chuzhou for the past few days." Qin Xian'er smiled and said, "When I saw you tonight, I was delighted. I found out where you were staying and came to see you."

Qin Xian'er said these words lightly, but the more Lin Wanrong heard, the more alarmed he became. To discover his dwelling and come to see him, was it easier than a casual visit? Damn, it seemed he had unknowingly died hundreds of times.

His heart tightened, and he grabbed Xian'er's hand, "How did you get in? There are soldiers guarding here."

Qin Xian'er blushed and giggled, "The security here is tight. I changed my clothes and disguised myself to get in." It was then that Lin Wanrong noticed she was wearing light armor; she had disguised herself as a soldier.

Qin Xian'er smiled again, "Actually, with my martial skills, entering your camp is not too difficult. But there's a guard in your tent whose skills are good. I didn't want to cause you any trouble, so I disguised myself."

The guard she mentioned must be Gao Qiu. Lin Wanrong felt a bit relieved. Hearing her say that she didn't want to cause trouble for him, he was moved and held her hand jokingly, "This armor is too heavy for you. Let me take it off."

Qin Xian'er's face flushed a deep red, "Young Master, you're naughty." But even as she spoke, she had gently removed her armor, revealing her petite and voluptuous body.

Being bored on a long night, and suddenly being visited by a great beauty, how could Lin Wanrong resist? He whispered in her ear, "Xian'er, sitting can be tiresome. Let's lay down and talk."

Qin Xian'er emitted a soft sound, lowered her head to expose her long and white neck, blushed a few brilliant shades of red, "Young Master, you're always teasing me." They had already shared a bed in Longhong village in Hangzhou, whispered sweet nothings, and done everything except the last act. Therefore, a rekindling of their dream was not too bold.

Lin Wanrong pulled her down to lie with him, and Qin Xian'er's body snuggled tightly against him. The two of them squeezed together on the campaign bed, but it had its own charm.

Lin Wanrong gave her a soft kiss on the ear, "Oh, Xian'er, the bed is a bit small. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Would you like to sleep on me? Or perhaps, I should sleep on you?"

Qin Xian'er lightly pounded her small fists against his chest, blushing as she said, "Young Master, don't misbehave. It's not that I am unwilling to give myself to you, but I fear you may not want me."

Lin Wanrong suddenly remembered the 'Love Bug' curse she was afflicted with; she was a beauty he could gaze upon but not consume. Ah, he didn't know when he would find a solution. If he couldn't consume, was he not allowed to touch? Lin Wanrong's hands slowly moved beneath her clothes, cupping her delicate breasts. After a moment's fondling, he sighed, "I apologize, Xian'er, I must confess. Every time I'm with you, seeing your beautiful face, your splendid figure, I have these unspeakable thoughts... I want to hold you, to touch you, to take advantage of you..." As he gently squeezed her tender buds, a wave of soft pleasure flowed through him, and he moaned indecently, "Can you forgive me?"

Seeing his shameless actions and hearing his unscrupulous words, Qin Xian'er found herself without the slightest bit of annoyance despite his hands wandering all over her body. On the contrary, she felt elated, lightly biting her lip and blushing as she said, "Since the day I met you, I knew what kind of person you were, but I like you as you are, Young Master."

Lin Wanrong smirked, caressing her smooth and slender stomach, he asked softly, "Among the White Lotus Sect, who else, apart from you, could infiltrate our camp so easily?"

Her cheeks flush, Qin Xian'er pressed her ample bosom against his arm, panting, "Apart from me, only Master could... Oh, Young Master, please..."

Hearing this, Lin Wanrong felt reassured, his hands exploring her smooth and exquisite long legs, reaching for the inside of her panties. Qin Xian'er let out a soft yelp, her jade-like legs clamping onto his hands. She looked at him, her face as red as a sheet of paper, and sighed lightly, "Coming to find you, Young Master, I've been thinking about you every day, each passing day felt like a year. Despite your impertinence today, I have no regrets."

A rosy hue rose to her smooth, white neck. She parted her legs slightly, closed her eyes, surrendering herself to him for exploration.

Yet, Lin Wanrong simply held her in his arms, giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead, "Silly girl, do you think I'm a man without restraint?" ‘Damn, if it weren't for your 'Love Bug' curse, I would have restraint... Not!’

Her face lit up in joy, Qin Xian'er opened her eyes wide and gave him a quick peck on the lips, laughing, "Thank you, Young Master, for your kindness. You're wonderful."

Lin Wanrong coughed awkwardly twice to cover his embarrassment, "Xian'er, how come you're here in Chuzhou?"

Qin Xian'er sighed, "We've been trying to rescue Senior Brother Lu recently, so I stayed in Hangzhou and didn't come back."

"You're trying to save Lu Zhongping?" Lin Wanrong nearly burst into laughter. This girl probably didn't know that Lu Zhongping, out of fear, had already confessed everything.

Qin Xian'er nodded, "Indeed, Master told us to save Senior Brother Lu at all costs. However, he was imprisoned by Xu Wei in a high-security prison. We've been waiting for a long time but haven't found a solution. Recently, we heard that the military in Shandong was making strange movements, and an army was passing by Chuzhou, so we detoured here hoping to investigate. But we were a step late. Only tonight did we get news that tens of thousands of troops from Zhejiang and Shandong have surrounded Jinan. I fear they intend to wipe out our White Lotus sect."

She received this news far too late. It seemed that Xu Wei's secrecy was quite effective. It will be hard for the White Lotus cult to escape this time.

Seeing him deep in thought, Qin Xian'er leaned her face against his chest, "Young Master, weren't you at the Xiao family's residence? How did you end up here in the military camp?"

Lin Wanrong was a bit troubled. Xian'er was a member of the White Lotus cult, the very group he was ordered to exterminate. He represented the imperial army, the embodiment of justice. Didn't this create a dichotomy between good and evil? Would he have to stand in opposition to Xian'er? This was a troubling predicament; Xian'er, with her beauty, couldn't be evil. He sighed, "It's a long story. Why don't you tell me first how you found me?"

Qin Xian'er glanced at him with a smile, "Have you forgotten my origins?"

Lin Wanrong's mind lit up, "The Lixiang Pavilion?"

Xian'er nodded, "The brothels of several provinces like Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui are mostly our informants. I got the news about the siege in Jinan tonight and was about to depart, but then I saw you entering Lixiang Pavilion."

Lin Wanrong broke out in a cold sweat. He would need to be cautious if he ever married Xian'er; otherwise, he might be discovered if he ever visited a brothel.

"Xian'er, I went to Lixiang Pavilion for official business. You know, I am always serious." Lin Wanrong chuckled.

Qin Xian'er covered her mouth and laughed, "I know very well what kind of person Young Master is. How could you possibly have interest in those courtesans when you have women of incomparable beauty by your side?"

"Well, that might not be true. Remember when I visited Miaoyu Pavilion? Didn't the most beautiful courtesan there take a fancy to me?" Lin Wanrong took her hand and looked at her with a smile.

Upon hearing his reference to their past, Qin Xian'er was both shy and delighted. She softly said, "It wasn't that I took a liking to you. You somehow deceived me, and I've been unable to free myself from you ever since."

Of all the women Lin Wanrong had been intimate with, Qin Xian'er was the one he thought of least. Seeing her so attached to him, he felt both touched and a little guilty. He looked at her small face and seriously said, "Xian'er, you shouldn't go back to Jinan this time."

"Why?" Xian'er glanced at him, her voice low.

Lin Wanrong sighed, "You see, I am now in a military camp, commanding hundreds of soldiers."

Qin Xian'er nodded. Lin Wanrong continued, "And these are just the third-rate reinforcements. Ahead, there are elite infantry and cavalry, as well as the Divine Machine Unit. Tens of thousands of troops have already surrounded Jinan. The court has made up its mind to eradicate your White Lotus Sect this time. If you go back now, it will be a path to self-destruction."

Tears sparkled in Qin Xian'er's eyes as she said, "Young Master, are you worried about me?"

"Of course I am, Xian'er. This is war, not a game. I cannot bear to see you get hurt. Otherwise, I will live with heartache for the rest of my life."

Upon hearing this, Qin Xian'er fell into his arms, sobbing, "Young Master, thank you. With your words, even death would leave me content."

"Dear, don't cry. Listen to me, don't go back," Lin Wanrong tried to console her.

However, Xian'er shook her head in his embrace. "I can't. My master is still there. She raised me for many years, her kindness heavier than a mountain. I cannot abandon her. Young Master, you need not worry about me. You know, my martial arts skills are good; no one can hurt me."

Frantically, Lin Wanrong patted her on the shoulder, "Silly girl, even with your good martial arts skills, they will be useless against our dozen or so giant cannons bombarding the area. Our cannons are very powerful, even more powerful than the cannon I carry."

Tears poured down Xian'er's face like rain, but a sweet smile graced her features. Through her sobbing laughter, she said, "With your words, Young Master, Xian'er can die without regrets. But I cannot leave my benefactor. Without her, there would be no Xian'er today."

"What about me then?" Seeing Xian'er's stubbornness, Lin Wanrong resorted to charm. "You know, this time I am with the official army, and you are with the White Lotus Sect. Once we begin fighting, we become enemies. If we meet on the battlefield, what then? Although I enjoy being physical with you in bed, how could I raise my hand against you in battle? Xian'er, you're asking for my life. Better you kill me with your sword right now—one strike, two if the first doesn't do it, three if two don't—"

Xian'er, terrified, quickly covered his mouth, exclaiming, "Young Master, don't talk nonsense. Even if it costs me my life, I could never harm you. If we meet on the battlefield, I would rather die under the bombardment than draw my sword against you." She held Lin Wanrong tight, softly but firmly declaring, "Young Master, you are my lifeline. Without you, I wouldn't want to live."

‘This stubborn girl,’ Lin Wanrong sighed in resignation. Though she was outwardly gentle and obedient, Qin Xian'er had a strong will of her own, something he had experienced firsthand. No matter how much he persuaded her, it was all in vain. She had already made up her mind.

"Xian'er, you really do want to take my life," Lin Wanrong gently said, stroking her silky hair.

Tears had soaked his chest as she held him tighter, "Young Master, could you hold me tighter?"

Lin Wanrong held the delicate woman in his arms, caressing her smooth back. Thinking of her lonely fate and her profound love for him, he felt an intense surge of emotion. Holding her soft, boneless body, he found no lust arising within him.

‘My realm had elevated once again.’ As he gazed at Xian'er, who had fallen asleep in his arms, her lovely mouth curved into a slight smile. Dewy tears clung to her long eyelashes, and her delicate eyebrows furrowed faintly. It seemed as if some unresolved matter weighed on her even in her dreams, causing one's heart to ache at the sight. He couldn't help but sigh deeply, holding her body closer. An inexplicable sense of unease welled up within him.

"Xian'er, you mustn't get hurt! I will not allow anything to harm you!" He softly kissed her forehead and said with determination. The two of them then fell asleep, nestled together on the narrow military cot.

In the lonely silence of the midnight, he felt a sudden chill, as if something was missing. Hurrying to open his eyes, he saw the gentle moonlight streaming in, illuminating the bed. But where was Xian'er? Her faint fragrance lingered on the pillow, a few strands of her long hair evidence that the previous moment wasn't merely a dream.

A small piece of paper slipped from the head of the bed, on it a line written in delicate script, "I would rather die than see you hurt!"

Lin Wanrong held the piece of paper, silent for a long time. Xian'er had left! The silly girl!

A sudden wave of frustration hit him. Noticing that the hour was past the fourth watch of the night, he gritted his teeth and barked, "Gao Qiu, gather everyone. Everyone, assemble now."

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