Chapter 234 A Strange Pleasant Dream

Lin Wanrong sighed deeply, his eyes fixed on the sky, ‘Qingshan, you bastard, couldn't you have delayed your arrival by a quarter of an hour? Such a rare opportunity to be enveloped by warmth from both sides, and you had to disturb it. Do you think it’s easy for me to do this?’

Dong Qiaoqiao stared at the retreating silhouette of Luo Ning, her brow furrowed. "Sister Ning is acting very strange today. Just now she seemed burdened with worries, how has her mood suddenly shifted?"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, taking her small hand in his, "What's so strange about that? Women, you know, they have those few days every month. One gets used to it."

Dong Qingshan ascended the stairs energetically. Spotting Lin Wanrong, he rushed over in excitement, "Big brother, I knew you were here. I heard from father that you didn't come home last night. I could hardly believe it, as you're not one to be so careless."

Lin Wanrong, dripping with sweat, grinned awkwardly, "Qingshan, I strongly agree with your last point. Where were you last night? I didn't see you when I arrived."

Dong Qingshan sheepishly laughed, lowering his voice, "Big Brother, did you know? They say that Wu Zhenghu hasn't woken up yet. Even if he does, he's bound to be a complete idiot. The guy is thoroughly ruined."

‘Damn, how could I not know about that? You young ones did it,’ Lin Wanrong nodded, "I heard. Sigh, I'm a kind-hearted person, I never advocate for violence. Our main goal should be peaceful development. Wu Zhenghu was indeed a tyrant, committing all sorts of evil acts, but he was someone's child after all. Seeing him in this state is truly heartbreaking. Qingshan, tomorrow take ten taels of silver to his family as a consolation. After all, he was one of us. It's only right to lend a hand."

Dong Qingshan gave a thumbs up, "Big brother, you're so benevolent. We've always adhered to your principle of peaceful development, which is widely praised throughout Jinling city."

The two burst into hearty laughter. Qingshan, looking pleased, said, "Upon hearing the news last night, we were so happy and wanted to find you, Big brother, to celebrate. But when we arrived at the Xiao family, they said you had gone out. So, Luo Yuan and I led the brothers to the Qinhuai River, rented a few flower boats, had some drinks, and then, well... we got drunk, and..."

A flush spread across Qingshan's dark face, too embarrassed to continue. Lin Wanrong, now realizing, thought, ‘This youngster, could it be he got drunk and lost his virginity?’ Qiaoqiao knitted her brow, whispering, "Qingshan, how could you run out and make a mess like that. Big brother, you should scold Qingshan."

‘Ah, this girl knows how to act coy. Just married and she's already demanding I discipline my younger brother-in-law.’ Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Qingshan's a grown man and knows what he's doing. Don't treat him like a child. Besides, I guess he just got drunk last night, he wouldn't do anything bad. Isn't that right, Qingshan?"

As he spoke, he winked at Dong Qingshan. Qingshan quickly laughed, "Exactly! I was just drunk last night. Luo Yuan and I spent the night on those flower boats, sleeping so comfortably."

‘Damn it, while I'm here keeping company with the sisters of the two of you, you're out enjoying yourselves. How do you justify my hard work bringing you up? And you didn't even think to involve me in such good times,’ Lin Wanrong grumbled.

Dong Qingshan glanced at Qiaoqiao and suddenly exclaimed, "Oh my, sister, you've changed!"

Qiaoqiao anxiously replied, "Changed? How have I changed?"

Dong Qingshan scratched his head, "Can't quite put my finger on it. You seem to have become even prettier. Big brother, did you do something to my sister? How come after just one night she's become so beautiful?" He pointed at them with sudden realization, "Oh, I get it. Have you already become my brother-in-law?"

Dong Qiaoqiao's face turned a deep shade of red, overwhelmed with embarrassment. She softly scolded, "Little boy, what nonsense are you talking about?"

This kid was too blunt, but Lin Wanrong merely laughed heartily. Holding Qiaoqiao's hand, he reassured Dong Qingshan, "Qingshan, you can rest easy. Your sister will become even more beautiful in the future."

Even though Dong Qingshan was impetuous, seeing his sister's blissful smile touched his heart. He clasped Lin Wanrong's hand tightly and said emotionally, "Big brother, thank you. Our family's fortune today is all thanks to you."

Qiaoqiao also held Lin Wanrong's arm tightly. Lin Wanrong patted her shoulder gently, whispering, "We are family now. There's no need for such talk."

Qiaoqiao looked deeply at Lin Wanrong, murmured an acknowledgment, smiled sweetly, and nestled closer to him.

"Qingshan, I'm leaving Jinling for a bit tomorrow. You and Little Luo need to handle this restaurant and Hung Hing carefully," Lin Wanrong seriously instructed. "Don't think you can rest easy now that Wu Zhenghu is out of the picture. Remember, Cheng De is still behind them. Now that the Black Dragon Society is gone, Hung Hing has become a prime target. Cheng De's attention will surely shift to you and Little Luo. You must be very cautious."

Dong Qingshan nodded, "Big brother, where are you going? Why haven't you mentioned this before?"

Lin Wanrong laughed, "I'm off to do something big. It's thrilling and fun."

At this, Qingshan perked up. "Big brother, what's the fun thing? Can you take me with you? I can bring some brothers along to protect you."

Lin Wanrong grinned at this creative idea of bringing the underworld into the fight. He chuckled, "I agreed to help someone else out. If I brought all of you along, what would that become?"

Dong Qingshan chuckled awkwardly. Lin Wanrong laughed, "You just relax and stay home with Little Luo. Guard against Cheng De, protect your sister and the restaurant. Knowing you're taking care of things back home is the biggest support you can give me."

Dong Qingshan said, "Big brother, I understand. Cheng De surely sees us as thorns in his side now. But we're not afraid of him. Cheng De and Governor Luo are arch-enemies. If he wants to touch us, he'd have to think twice."

Lin Wanrong smiled, "That's right, Cheng De wouldn't dare act openly now, but we should still be wary of any underhanded tactics. You all be careful. Cheng De won't be able to cause trouble for much longer."

Qiaoqiao snuggled into her big brother's arms, listening to their discussion. She didn't fully understand, but a sweet warmth bloomed in her heart. Perhaps this was what it meant to be a husband and wife.

Lin Wanrong, along with Qiaoqiao, went downstairs to pay respects to Old Dong. Everyone was well aware of the situation. As a new son-in-law, Lin Wanrong formally greeted his father-in-law. Old Dong heartily accepted the honor, then patted Lin Wanrong's shoulder, "Wanrong, I only have this one daughter. She is straightforward and easily fooled. You must treat her well."

Lin Wanrong laughed, "Rest assured, Father-in-law. I will certainly take good care of Qiaoqiao. Recently, we've been quite busy, which might have been tough on her. After returning from the capital next year, I will ensure a grand welcoming for Qiaoqiao to our home."

Old Dong exclaimed joyfully, "Good, good. May Qiaoqiao bear you a child soon. That will fulfill my wishes."

"Dad..." Qiaoqiao uttered shyly, her face flushing red. She hid behind her big brother.

Soon after their wedding, Lin Wanrong had to leave. He was reluctant to part with Qiaoqiao, but for their long-term peace, he had to depart temporarily.

All morning, Qiaoqiao was busy preparing things for his big brother. Lin Wanrong looked at the massive bundle Qiaoqiao had prepared, and forced a laugh, "Little darling, I'm going to war, not vacation. Carrying such a large package would not only burden me but also the horses."

Looking at the stuffed bundle, Qiaoqiao looked worried, "Then what should we do? These are all things you'll need. New clothes and shoes for daily use, towels and robes for bathing at night, two bars of soap, three water bags, two sets of bedding, some medicinal wine for bruises, sunblock—"

Lin Wanrong broke into a cold sweat. Was she packing for a journey or a house move? She was so considerate.

"Little darling," Lin Wanrong embraced Qiaoqiao from behind, gently caressing her slender waist. "I only need two sets of clothes. Leave the rest. I'm rugged and tough, not delicate."

Suddenly, Qiaoqiao turned and tightly held him, her face against his chest. Her tears rolled down, "Big brother, you must come back soon. Without you, I can't live another moment."

Alas, his poor girl. It was only a few days, and she was already like this. What would she do when it was really time for him to leave for the capital? Lin Wanrong gently patted her on her round buttocks, blew into her ear, "Little darling, be good. Big brother will come back soon. Then we can do what we should do. You know, the happy thing we did last night. My little darling will bear me a few children. Wouldn't that be wonderful—"

How could Qiaoqiao endure such teasing? With a few words from her husband, she was left flushed and feverish. She melted in his arms, lips slightly parted, allowing his hands to roam freely over her body, giving in to his desires…

When Lin Wanrong left the restaurant, he felt light as a feather. Indulging in pleasure in broad daylight was indeed exhilarating. In Qiaoqiao's chamber, there were no interruptions. The young woman had set aside her shyness and responded to him over and over again, re-experiencing the peak of bliss they had shared the previous night. Thinking about her whimpers beneath him and her willing reciprocation stirred a fiery heat in his heart. If he had stayed any longer, he doubted he could have left the following morning. Alas, being in the army was like being in a monastery; hoping for such gentleness was pure folly.

While she slept, exhausted, he quietly left the restaurant and returned to the Xiao residence in the afternoon.

Lin Wanrong immediately summoned Si De, Xiao Feng, and Fubo, painstakingly instructing them on the production of the perfume and soap during his absence. Seeing the workshop functioning normally and all operations proceeding methodically, he finally felt at ease.

"By the way, where did the Eldest Miss go? I haven't seen her all day," Lin Wanrong asked, grabbing hold of Si De.

Si De looked puzzled, "You haven't seen her all day? That's strange. I just reported the workshop's progress to her, and she was asking about you, wondering why she hadn't seen you all day."

‘This little girl is actually concerned about me? Or maybe she wanted to check if I was slacking off.’ Lin Wanrong blushed slightly. He had spent the entire day at the restaurant, the afternoon spent making love to Qiaoqiao, energetically "exercising". Pretending he hadn't seen the Eldest Miss was rather hypocritical.

"Brother San, should I inform the Eldest Miss that you've returned?" Si De cautiously asked.

"Ah, no need for that," Lin Wanrong chuckled. "Don't forget my principle of life - stay low-key, always low-key."

Having dismissed them, he was left alone and feeling tired. According to his agreement with Xu Wei, Gao Qiu would come for him early the next morning, and they would leave the city together. Lin Wanrong checked the bundle Qiaoqiao had prepared: the sketchbook, knockout drugs, the Buddha Big Stick, the musket, and the poisonous bee needle from Qin Xian'er. All were crucial protective talismans, none could be left behind.

After settling his belongings and contemplating whether to disturb the Eldest Miss, he felt two soft hands gently covering his eyes. A tender voice whispered in his ear, "Guess who I am. You only have one chance."

"Ah Hua?!!" Lin Wanrong exclaimed.

A hand pinched his waist tightly, and the young girl angrily retorted, "Who is Ah Hua? I'll give you another chance."

"Ru Yu?!!"

She seemed about to explode, her fingers digging into his waist, growling, "Who is that vixen, Ru Yu? I'll give you one last chance."

"Jia Xin?!"


"Yang Er?!"


"Fu Rong?!"


The girl fell silent, shaking all over. She let go of his eyes and, covering her face, she began to cry.

This girl was so susceptible to fright. Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Second Miss, don't cry, I was just teasing you."

Seeing him utter her name, Xiao Yushuang's heart ached. She lightly hit his back and cried out, "You faithless man, you can't even remember who I am, how can you justify your actions towards me?"

Here it came again. This girl must be hiding in her room reading romance novels all day, otherwise, why would her words send a wave of tingles through him? Lin Wanrong gathered her into his arms and laughed, "Forget you? That's impossible. Forgetting you would be like forgetting myself."

Hearing his sweet nothings, Xiao Yushuang's heart pounded, her cheeks turning bright red. She managed to stop crying, shot him an annoyed look and pouted, "Then why did you call out so many women's names, but not mine?"

"That was just a small joke!" Lin Wanrong defended himself with a shy expression. "Forgetting my little Yushuang is not possible. Your hands are delicate and white, your body soft and fragrant, your eyes pure and bright. You are the one and only, unmatched in the world, Second Miss. How could I not recognize you?"

"I'm not as good as you make me sound." Xiao Yushuang responded with a blush, "You're just flattering me."

"Second Miss, you should know," Lin Wanrong stated seriously, "I am a man of integrity, I never lie. My words are heartfelt. If you don't believe me, I can swear. A really poisonous oath..."

Second Miss's face turned rosy. She nestled in his arms, her delicate finger pressing his lips, "Don't swear. I will always trust you." Although she still looked somewhat innocent, her body had already matured, voluptuous and inviting like a tempting apple.

That day, Lin Wanrong had passionately enjoyed his time with Qiaoqiao. Now with Second Miss offering herself so readily, his lust was provoked further. He drew her tender body close, lightly rubbing her smooth back and laughed softly, "Second Miss, why did you come?"

Xiao Yushuang felt his hands sliding down from her waist, heading towards her legs, and couldn't help but let out a soft cry, she backed away, her face red with embarrassment, "You rascal!"

Lin Wanrong chuckled a couple of times. Second Miss slowly returned to his side and sat down on the stool next to him. She shyly asked, "I heard from my mother that you're going on a trip tomorrow, is it true?"

Lin Wanrong nodded, "Yes, I might be gone for a few days. Did you come to see me just for this?"

A worried look spread across Second Miss's face as she quietly nodded, "Then you should return soon. Don't delay too much on the outside, I..." She lowered her head and whispered, "I miss you a lot." She was shy, yet her gaze was earnest and passionate.

"I'll miss you too," Lin Wanrong smiled, "Little darling, come closer, let's have a good talk."

Second Miss lightly hummed in agreement and moved her stool closer to him. Lin Wanrong shook his head, "No, it's still too far. Let me find you a three-legged stool." He patted his legs, "Come sit here."

Xiao Yushuang's face flushed with a rosy hue. She glanced at him and muttered under her breath, "You scoundrel." After saying that, she obediently walked over. Blushing, she sat on his lap.

Although Second Miss was young, her body had already developed fully. Her soft little buttocks pressed against him as she sat down, causing Lin Wanrong to let out a comfortable sigh. This girl's skin was truly delicate.

"It's clearly a two-legged stool, but you insist on calling it a three-legged one," Xiao Yushuang embraced his arm, snuggling up to him with a slightly red face. She pouted and grumbled, "This will soon become a three-legged stool." Lin Wanrong chuckled mischievously. While Second Miss was still puzzled, she suddenly felt a warmth between her legs, and indeed, a third leg had emerged.

"Ah!" Xiao Yushuang exclaimed, springing up from his legs. She covered her face with her hands and said, "You scoundrel, you big scoundrel! All you know is to bully me."

"Don't blame me for this. Who made my precious Yushuang so beautiful?" Lin Wanrong employed his thick-skinned and cheesy tactics, unparalleled in the world. He pulled Second Miss back onto his legs and changed the subject, "Did you come here today specifically to see me?"

Upon hearing him mention the matter at hand, Xiao Yushuang's shyness subsided a little. She nodded and said, "Of course, I came here just for you. But from last night until today, I haven't even caught a glimpse of you. You heartless person, who knows where you've been gallivanting around. How could you remember me?"

This girl was quite resentful. Lin Wanrong used all three legs to lightly poke her, teasingly saying, "How could I be gallivanting around? I merely went to resolve some life issues, that's all."

Under Lin Wanrong's teasing, Xiao Yushuang's face burned like fire. She glanced at him with a hint of resentment and said softly, "You can say whatever you want, but no matter what, I've already decided to spend my whole life with you. You won't be able to shake me off. Hmph! If you dare to bully me, I'll let my sister deal with you. She said you're most afraid of her."

‘Huh, is that so? Eldest Miss thinks a little too highly of herself.’ Lin Wanrong gently caressed her smooth, tender face and said teasingly, "If I were to bully you right now, would you go tell your sister?"

"Annoying!" Second Miss blushed, and she pressed her firm little buttocks hard against his legs. Her small hand lightly patted his chest while she muttered, "After you're done bullying me, I'll go tell her."

‘Hehe, this girl speaks with double meaning. She must have deliberately provoked me. Damn it, times have changed. The little lamb willingly approaches the wolf's mouth, but all I can do is look and not devour. How frustrating!’

Second Miss was still too young and shouldn't indulge in matters of love prematurely. She should wait until the fruit is ripe and ready to taste, for that's when the flavor is most exquisite. However, teasing this green apple-like little girl, her partially understanding, partially unfamiliar appearance, adds a different kind of pleasure.

"You scoundrel!" Second Miss saw the lewd grin on his lips and couldn't help but blush in shyness. She reached out her small hand, unfastened a jade pendant from around her neck, and handed it to Lin Wanrong. "Here, wear this!"

"What is this?" Lin Wanrong asked curiously. The jade pendant was pure and translucent, warm to the touch, and carried a faint fragrance of the young girl.

"This is the protective charm I've been wearing since I was young. It was prayed for by my mother for the well-being of my sister and me. Tomorrow, when you set off on a long journey, carry this charm with you. May it ensure your safety and a speedy return." Second Miss looked at him tenderly as she spoke.

"I'd rather not. I'm a fortunate person with great destiny. I'm not afraid of anything," Lin Wanrong said, holding her small hand.

"No, you must take it. Whenever you see it, you'll think of me," Xiao Yushuang pouted.

‘This girl is so overbearing,’ Lin Wanrong shook his head helplessly as Xiao Yushuang hung the jade charm around his neck. After Second Miss hung the charm, she glanced and noticed that he already had a sparkling jade pendant hanging from his neck. The quality and color of the jade were extraordinary.

A mist rose in her eyes, and she pouted, feeling aggrieved. "You scoundrel! No wonder you didn't want my jade charm. So someone had already given you one. Who gave you this jade pendant? Was it that person you mentioned, Yang Er or Fu Rong?"

‘Damn it, you can't talk nonsense about this. It will lead to gossip. The innocence of my relationship with these two sisters is purer than tofu.’ Lin Wanrong chuckled and said, "It's not them, definitely not them. Speaking of the person who gave me the jade, it's your sister."

"Nonsense, my sister would never give you something like this," Second Miss huffed.

Lin Wanrong smiled and said, "I'm not talking about Eldest Miss. The person who gave me the jade will become your sister after she ‘enters the house.’" [TL: i.e. marriage]

Speaking of marriage, the Second Miss instantly blushed, burying her face in his chest, too shy to look up. She whispered, "You scoundrel, who knows how many women you've seduced. I, however, am already too deeply ensnared to extricate myself, so I'm at your mercy. This sister has given you such a precious jade, her feelings for you are indeed profound. You mustn't let her down."

"My little darling is also very good to me." Lin Wanrong kissed her on the cheek and whispered, "Don't worry, once you become part of the family, I will treat everyone equally. You know, I am very inclusive!"

Second Miss, unusually understanding this time, made Lin Wanrong extremely happy. He embraced her and said sweet words, soothing the girl until she was content. The only regret was that despite taking advantage of the situation, with the girl willingly offering herself, he couldn't ignore her age. Lin Wanrong had to suppress his lascivious thoughts.

That night, Lin Wanrong had a peculiar dream. He dreamt that he was about to marry Qingxuan, Qiaoqiao, and Second Miss. Suddenly, a woman burst in, claiming to steal the bride, and the bride she was after was none other than the groom, Lin Wanrong himself. He desperately tried to see the woman's face clearly, but it remained blurry, and he couldn't make it out.

In anger, he stood up, only to wake up from the dream, drenched in cold sweat. He still didn't know who that woman was.

He took a deep breath and glanced out the window. The eastern sky had begun to show a hint of pale light. The time had finally come for his departure.

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