Chapter 211 The Deceivers and The Righteous

"Bring him down? How do we bring him down? Surely you're not suggesting that we should follow Cheng De's footsteps and ally with those high-seas pirates?" A spark of surprise flashed in Luo Min's eyes as he chuckled.

"If toppling Cheng De requires allying with these high-seas pirates, then I see no problem in doing so," Lin Wanrong laughed, glancing at Luo Min. "Governor Luo, Cheng De has committed numerous atrocities, why haven't you managed to bring him down yet? Logically speaking, even if there are people behind Cheng De, there is an Emperor standing behind you. Regardless of how powerful his backer may be, it could never surpass the Emperor. On the day of the old madam's birthday, the Emperor personally gifted a plaque and arranged numerous palace guards to protect your safety. From what I see, the Emperor greatly values you. So why does he remain indifferent despite the corrupt official whom he values so highly is being constantly reported?"

A gleam flashed in Luo Min's eyes, he said, "Young Master Lin indeed has extraordinary insights. To be honest, Mr. Xu also mentioned the reason behind this to me, although it was quite vague. He even specifically mentioned your name, indicating that Mr. Wenchang had known that you could alleviate my worries. Please, do continue."

‘Damn, I wondered why Luo Min, this old fox, hastily summoned me. So it turned out Xu Wei had given him some tips. Xu Wei must have things he can't say outright, and that's why he asked me to convey the message. This old man is quite cunning.’

Lin Wanrong said, "In that case, have you ever carefully considered the reason behind this, Governor Luo?"

Luo Min sighed, "As officials, how could we not fathom the Emperor's will? Cheng De's corruption and disregard for law are indisputable. Yet, the Emperor pretends not to see it. It's not just me, but many of my peers find it strange too. A few years ago, when the Emperor's power was not yet solidified and the time was not ripe, it made sense not to move against Cheng De. But now, the Emperor is no longer fearful of Cheng De's master. It is the time to cripple him, yet the Emperor doesn't take any action. What's more, Cheng De colludes with the White Lotus cult, threatening the foundation of our Great Hua. If he is not dealt with, it is truly indefensible."

Lin Wanrong paced a few steps, suddenly turned and said, "Governor Luo, I don't think it's because the Emperor is not anxious. This country is his, he cares about it more than anyone else. How could he possibly tolerate the threat posed by Cheng De? We are plagued by domestic traitors and foreign enemies. From what I see, it's not that the Emperor is not anxious, he is more anxious than you are."

Luo Min's eyebrows knitted in surprise, "More anxious than me?" He hurriedly paced two steps, deeply pondering for a moment. His face suddenly brightened, turning around, he said, "I understand now. Young Master Lin, just as you said, the Emperor is not neglecting this matter, instead, he wants to deal with Cheng De more than anyone else. But to take down Cheng De is not the work of a day, my method of reporting is slow to take effect. Dragging on like this is harmful to the court. That's why the Emperor has been dragging —" Excitement flashed in Luo Min's eyes, "— He wants me to strike a decisive blow."

"So he neither takes action against Cheng De nor stops praising you. His aim is to encourage you to continue your efforts," Lin Wanrong chuckled, "If I'm not wrong, the more ruthless your methods, the more the Emperor will like it. He would probably laugh in his dreams if you could solve Cheng De in one go."

"The more ruthless, the more he likes it? The Emperor wants me to kill—" Luo Min suddenly clapped his forehead. "I understand now, no wonder Mr. Xu was reluctant to speak plainly to me."

Luo Min gave a formal bow to Lin Wanrong. "Young Master Lin, your words have truly awakened me from my dream. I'm deeply in awe. If you were to join the court, you'd surely rise rapidly. Your ascension to becoming a king or a high-ranking official is just around the corner."

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "I have no interest in being an official. As long as I have money to spend my whole life and live peacefully, I'll be content."

Luo Min nodded, "Young Master Lin, your ambition is lofty. I fall short indeed. But, could you please teach me how to deal with Cheng De?"

Lin Wanrong smiled, "What did Mr. Xu Wei bring with him when he came to Jinling this time?"

"Imperial edicts, gold medallions, and military tokens," Luo Min replied.

"Mr. Xu has some things he's not at liberty to say. Actually, these items should be enough to deal with Cheng De," Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Mr. Xu has been moving the troops from Zhejiang and Shandong. He holds heavy troops in his hands and has the golden medallion. As long as Governor Luo can provide the evidence of the crimes, Mr. Xu will directly take Cheng De. Even if Cheng De controls the Jiangsu Infantry and Cavalry camp, what about it? If he dares to resist, there's no need for excuses, just wipe him out."

"What if he doesn't resist?" Luo Min asked hurriedly.

"Not resist?" Lin Wanrong gave a sinister smile, "Governor Luo, can't you think of a way to provoke him into resisting? Tell me, what's the one thing the Emperor abhors most?"

"Of course, it's rebellion," Luo Min said.

"That's correct," Lin Wanrong clapped his hands, "Cheng De, as the Commander-in-Chief of Jiangsu, must have a large residence, right? I see that you have numerous extraordinary people under your command, Governor Luo. Perhaps if you look around his backyard, you might find some interesting items like golden knives or jade seals. Military men, in control of (the symbol of) military power, would always draw suspicion. If such a thing were to happen, would Cheng De let you take him, or would he fight back desperately?"

Luo Min took a sharp intake of breath. This Young Master Lin, who hasn't even joined the bureaucracy, was playing a deeper game than him.

"Cheng De doesn't have many soldiers, and his military strength is weak. If we accuse him of rebellion, I'm afraid no one in the court will believe it," Luo Min frowned, "Moreover, how do we explain it to the Ministry of Justice and the court if we really kill him?"

Lin Wanrong said, "Governor Luo, whether they believe it or not is one thing, but what needs to be done must be done. You now understand why Mr. Xu can't speak plainly to you, don't you? I think he must also have a message for you—"

"What message?" Luo Min asked urgently.

Lin Wanrong said, "I think when he deals with Cheng De, he definitely wants him dead, not alive—" He glanced at Luo Min, changed the tone of his voice, and chuckled, "Governor Luo, I'm just saying this casually. Just listen and let it go, don't take it to heart."

Luo Min's eyes narrowed as he smiled, "I naturally understand that. But, if Cheng De were to be dealt with on the spot, how am I supposed to explain it to the Ministry of Justice?"

Lin Wanrong sighed, "Once a person dies, everything ends. Whether he really rebelled or whether anyone believes it becomes insignificant. Besides, didn't you 'find' certain things in his house? You also have evidence of his corruption and lawbreaking."

Luo Min shook his head, "Young Master Lin, you underestimate his master's determination. If Cheng De dies, his master will not let things rest."

Suddenly, Lin Wanrong asked, "Governor Luo, what's your opinion on the Emperor's favor towards you?"

The question seemed to come from nowhere, and Luo Min was momentarily taken aback. Yet, being a seasoned official, he quickly grasped the implications of the question. Sweat trickled down his forehead, and his face turned pale. He remained silent for a while before finally nodding, "Young Master, I understand."

Lin Wanrong took a breath, "Governor Luo, it may not be as pessimistic as you imagine. You hold evidence of Cheng De's corruption and lawbreaking. There's also 'evidence' of his rebellion. Even if you step slightly out of line, it's not a big deal. The crime is not a capital one; at most, you'll lose your official title. However, consider this, who would be the happiest if you accomplish this deed, disregarding the benefits to the people? Of course, it's the person backing you. Even if you were temporarily dismissed due to circumstances, your position in his eyes would be anything but ordinary."

He sighed softly, "Of course, these are all my speculations, which could be very naive. Having been in the court for a long time, you naturally understand the ins and outs better than me. Take my words as a reference, and don't take them to heart."

Although these were Lin Wanrong's conjectures, such stories had been acted out countless times in novels and on TV. It was not too difficult for him to guess the gist. Luo Min, an old hand at bureaucratic affairs, naturally understood this very well. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

"Thank you, Young Master Lin, for your guidance." Luo Min sighed, a determined look in his eyes, "I know what I must do."

Seeing Luo Min's enthusiasm, Lin Wanrong felt a bit guilty. His previous words were somewhat self-serving. However, Cheng De's collusion with the White Lotus cult was undoubtedly true, and by dealing with him, they were indeed doing a good deed for the people of Jiangsu.

"Governor Luo, perhaps you should consult Mr. Xu again." Lin Wanrong said earnestly.

Luo Min laughed heartily, "I've already consulted Mr. Wenchang. Although he didn't say it outright, I could guess part of his meaning from his words. The Emperor has shown me tremendous grace, bestowed lavish gifts upon me, and protected my family. Even at the cost of my life, I must fulfill his task. Moreover, removing Cheng De is for the welfare of the people. Although I, Luo Min, am somewhat cunning, I believe I have some sense of loyalty and righteousness, and it is right to do things for the benefit of the people."

Seeing the clarity and righteousness in his eyes, Lin Wanrong thought to himself that he had indeed underestimated Luo Min in the past. The old man did have some backbone. He chuckled, "Governor Luo, though you are somewhat crafty in your official dealings, you are still a good official."

Luo Min laughed heartily, "Young Master Lin, I love hearing you say that. How can an official not be crafty? The better the official, the more cunning they must be. As for you, Young Master Lin, with such great learning and meticulous thinking, if you were to enter the world of officialdom, you would certainly be a sight to behold."

Lin Wanrong laughed, "Why would I become an official, to turn into a crafty man? I'm already crafty enough. But, like Governor Luo, although I am crafty, I am also a good man."

The two men looked at each other, feeling a sense of camaraderie, and suddenly burst into laughter.

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