Chapter 180 Dispute (Part 2)

Fourth Uncle argued persuasively, "Niece Yuruo, Tao Yu, the Tao family's patriarch, is the Chief Weaving Officer in Suzhou, in charge of all textile affairs in Jiangsu Province. Our Xiao family has operated textile shops for years, and our relationship with the Weaving Officer of Suzhou is of great significance, allowing us to coexist peacefully all these years. Our business still relies heavily on Tao Family's favor; how could we possibly go against them? Now, because of this incident, not only have we offended Young Master Tao, but we have also displeased Tao Yu himself. If the Chief Weaving Officer makes a decision against us, the survival of our textile shops will be in jeopardy. This could be disastrous for the Xiao family."

Survival? If it weren't for Lin San, they would have been swallowed by the Tao family long ago. Where was the room to talk about survival? Xiao Yuruo scoffed and bit her lip, asking, "So, according to Fourth Uncle, what is the best way to handle this?"

Fourth Uncle replied, "Miss, I have lived longer and seen more than you. In my humble opinion, it might be best to return the textile shop to the Tao family. This would show the sincerity of our Xiao family and our desire for reconciliation."

So shallow, ridiculously shallow. According to this old man, it seems he'd like nothing more than for Miss Xiao to enter into a marital alliance with the Tao family, all in the name of "reconciliation." Lin Wanrong despised this so-called distant relative of the Xiao family, Fourth Uncle. A typical appeasement policy, yet delivered so grandiosely.

The Eldest Miss suppressed her anger and said, "Fourth Uncle, since the Tao family started operating the textile shop, we've had more than one or two conflicts with them. You speak of reconciliation with the Tao family, but I must ask, when have they ever sought reconciliation with us? The last time, they forced us into a joint operation. This trip to Hangzhou, taking advantage of their status as the leader of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce, they colluded with the Hangzhou Chamber of Commerce to target our Xiao family. If it were not for Lin San's assistance, I fear I would have already—"

The Eldest Miss gritted her teeth and said no more. Lin Wanrong knew what she meant. These relatives of the Xiao family just sat around, only waiting for their silver to roll in. How could they understand the hardships a weak woman had to go through while struggling abroad? If it were not for his cunning, the Xiao family would have been ruined by Tao Dongcheng this time.

As Fourth Uncle was about to speak again, Lin Wanrong suddenly stood up and laughed, "May I know your esteemed surname?"

Fourth Uncle arrogantly replied, "I am the fourth in the Xiao family's genealogy, you may call me Fourth Master."

"Ah, so you're surnamed Xiao. After listening to you speak for so long, I thought your surname was Tao," Lin Wanrong chuckled.

Fourth Master Xiao's face changed color, and he angrily retorted, "How dare you, this is no place for your insolence."

Seeing Lin San taking the lead, the Eldest Miss looked at him gratefully. She said bluntly to Fourth Uncle, "Fourth Uncle, your words are inappropriate. Allowing Lin San to participate in the meeting was a decision made by my mother and me. As the managers have already accepted him, his status is now equal to yours. What's wrong with him speaking here?"

The manager rolled his eyes in frustration, unable to counter. He recognized Lin Wanrong and glared at him angrily but remained silent.

Arguing was something Lin Wanrong had never been afraid of. He gave a cold laugh and said, "Fourth Master Xiao was just proclaiming his intent for reconciliation with the Tao family, looking out for their interests. I had assumed that Fourth Master was a part of the Tao family, but it turns out you are one of us, from the Xiao family. As a member of the Xiao family, eating and drinking of the Xiao family, instead of thinking about how to serve the Xiao family, you spend your days defending others, willing to harm the interests of the Xiao family to please others. This is truly astonishing."

Fourth Master Xiao said in an angry tone, "I'm considering the long-term interests of the Xiao family, unwilling to watch the ancestral legacy be ruined in your hands."

‘Damn it, you're just a distant relative of the Xiao family, someone we had to look up in the family tree, barely related at all, yet you dare speak about considering the ancestral legacy of the Xiao family. It seems more likely that you covet the Xiao family's wealth.’ Lin Wanrong had a discerning eye. This Fourth Master Xiao had several times spoken up in favor of the Tao family, nearly causing trouble for Yushuang and himself last time. Everyone else remained quiet, but he spoke up again. Was he truly just an outspoken individual? Bullshit. With a glance at his triangular eyes, it was clear he was no good, either accepting benefits from the Tao family or eyeing the wealth of the Xiao family.

"Considering the interests of the Xiao family? Fourth Master, the Madam is the daughter-in-law of the old patriarch, and the young ladies are the direct granddaughters of the old patriarch. When you claim to act in the interest of the Xiao family, are you implying they deliberately make things difficult for the Xiao family? Returning the shops as a gesture of reconciliation? These are easy words to say, but they would bring great shame upon Old Master Xiao. The Tao family's ambitions are clear, always making life difficult for the Xiao family. Their forced alliance last time, and even more so this trip to Hangzhou. Their alliance with Zhejiang merchants, their bullying of the Xiao family, were witnessed by the entire Jinling Chamber of Commerce. Everyone was outraged on behalf of the Xiao family. Did you, Fourth Master, not hear of this? Everyone knows that the Tao family wants to exterminate the Xiao family, yet someone here continually speaks up for the Tao family. Their strange actions and inscrutable intentions suggest they might be hoping to gain some advantage." Lin Wanrong stared at Fourth Master, making his point emphatically.

In recent days, the matter of the Sunshine and Rain Restaurant in Hangzhou had circulated throughout the Jinling business world. The Xiao family, by their sole power, had resisted the combined pressure of the leaders of the Jinling and Hangzhou Chambers of Commerce. This was widely known. Although the merchants did not openly discuss it, they secretly admired the Xiao family's resistance and welcomed them once again as the leader of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce. Those present were all business people who had certainly heard a great deal about these matters. Lin San's words made perfect sense, while Fourth Master Xiao's continued defense of the Tao family aroused suspicion.

"You're talking nonsense. When have I ever received any benefits?" Distant relative Fourth Master Xiao suddenly jumped up, a flash of darkness in his eyes, shouting, "Yuruo is a fatherless young girl with a helpless widow as a mother, easily exploited. You, a mere servant, have entered the inner chamber. If it's not you bewitching them, then what is it?"

"How dare you." Before the Eldest Miss could respond, Madam Xiao, who had not spoken for a long time, slammed the table and stood up.

Madame Xiao's face was icy, her eyes swept across the room, and everyone fell silent as if a chill had crept over them. The Fourth Master Xiao darted a quick glance at her before quickly bowing his head, daring not to utter a word.

Madame Xiao coldly stated, "We of the Xiao family, a widow, and an orphan, focus on our business without courting trouble. However, if anyone presumes we are afraid, they are sadly mistaken. Though I am but a woman, I have been to the imperial court in the past, held meetings with the six ministries, and even met the emperor. Who have I ever feared? Although the Xiao family may consist of women, we are not at everyone's disposal. Today, in this assembly hall, before the ancestors of the Xiao family, if anyone dares to belittle the Xiao family, I will certainly not let them off lightly."

At the Madam's words, the remaining elder and junior members of the Xiao family no longer dared to make a sound. Although the Eldest Miss Xiao had some spirit, her youth meant her prestige could not match that of her mother. Madame Xiao's expression was as still as water, her gaze sweeping over everyone present. No one dared to meet her eye, a testament to her formidable reputation.

Lin Wanrong thought to himself, Madame Xiao indeed had an air of authority. From her words, she claimed to have been to the imperial court in the capital in her younger days, though he wondered whether this was true. Given her age, she would have been less than twenty years old when she was in the capital. How could she have been presented at court? This Miss Guo was not as simple as she seemed.

Seeing that no one else dared to speak, Lin Wanrong could not help but laugh inside. In a society where men are superior to women, this group of grown men had been silenced by a few words from mother and daughter, making them too scared to even lift their heads. It was quite the dull scene.

Of the dozens present, only Lin Wanrong appeared at ease. He had met all sorts of people, from high-ranking imperial officials to regional leaders. He was not intimidated by anyone.

While Madame Xiao was observing others, Lin Wanrong was observing her. Despite being in her late thirties, she had a radiant complexion, rosy cheeks, and a slim figure. She was enchanting, appearing like a woman not yet thirty. Under the influence of her anger, her phoenix eyes and slightly trembling bosom gave her an elegant and exquisite demeanor, which was extremely refined.

Madame Xiao's gaze was sharp as she scanned the room. When her eyes landed on Lin Wanrong, however, they softened considerably. A hint of a smile appeared on her face as she gave him a slight nod of approval.

She snorted, saying, "Today, in the hall of discussion, in front of the ancestors of the Xiao family, someone dared to speak out of turn, insult my daughter and me, and insult the Xiao family. I will not forgive him."

At Madame Xiao's words, everyone's gaze fell on the Fourth Uncle Xiao. When Second Miss Xiao had brazenly burst into the assembly hall, Madame Xiao had been ready to have her own daughter beaten with a rod. Let alone a distant relative.

"Fourth Brother," she began, addressing Fourth Uncle, "Your father and our elder master were of the same clan. According to our family tree, I invited you to participate in Xiao family affairs and appointed you as a steward in the hope that you would put your heart and soul into the family's affairs out of respect for our shared clan. However, you've shown no ambition, you have been reckless in your conduct, and you even took silver from others behind our backs. You replaced our high-quality silk with substandard fabric, tarnishing the reputation of the Xiao family. Out of respect for your father, I have spared you several times in the hope that you would mend your ways. But your actions are truly disappointing. Today, you even insulted me, my daughter, and the ancestors of the Xiao family. It would be unjust if I did not punish you. Today, I relieve you of your duties as a steward and order you to be flogged a hundred times. Do you have anything to say?" Madame Xiao sternly asked the Fourth Uncle.

The Fourth Uncle of the Xiao family had a pale face as he shouted, "How dare you? I am a kinsman of the Xiao family, nobody can treat me like this. You ignore my words, to your own detriment. Today, Lord Tao has arrived in Jinling, cooperating with him is the right path. Otherwise, the only way is death —"

"Take him away, punish him with a hundred severe lashes and expel him from the family," Madam Xiao retorted angrily.

Several brawny servants rushed in, dragged Fourth Uncle out, and before long, bloodcurdling screams echoed throughout.

So he really was a traitor. Lin Wanrong shook his head helplessly. This man had long been notorious for his vile deeds, Madam Xiao had shown remarkable patience to tolerate him. If it were up to him, he would've sent the man packing a long time ago.

Madam Xiao's face hardened as she addressed everyone in the hall, "The Xiao family is already cornered, where else can we retreat? All of you in charge should think of a solution to assist Yuruo in taking over the Tao family's textile shop. Disregard everything else."

She glanced at Lin Wanrong, a gratified smile creeping onto her face. Her red lips parted slightly as she whispered, "Lin San, come with me."

Once the two of them had entered an adjoining room, Madam Xiao smiled at him and said, "Lin San, what do you think of Yushuang?"

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