Chapter 153 Wise Words Unravel a Marriage Knot

"Eldest Miss?" Lin Wanrong was startled. "What happened to the Eldest Miss? Didn't she go to pay a visit to the madams and ladies in Hangzhou City? How could she have disappeared?"

Madam Zhang anxiously said, "She returned at noon and had lunch but then left again alone, without saying where she was going. She didn't even bring a servant with her. The Eldest Miss has always been extremely disciplined and never comes home late. I don't know what happened today, it's already this late and she hasn't come back yet."

The Eldest Miss was the one Madam Zhang had nursed since infancy, and she was very filial towards her, even going so far as to send her back to Hangzhou for retirement. The bond between them was deep. With the Eldest Miss suddenly gone without a trace, Madam Zhang was so anxious she could cry.

Lin Wanrong quickly said, "Madam Zhang, don't panic. The Eldest Miss is smart and quick-witted, she wouldn't get into any trouble."

He thought for a moment, from Madam Zhang's meaning, the Eldest Miss went out on her own, so there shouldn't be any danger.

Lin Wanrong then looked at Xiao Cui and asked, "Xiao Cui, weren't you following the Eldest Miss?"

Xiao Cui blushed and said, "The Eldest Miss told me yesterday she didn't need me to serve her today, so I went out to have fun."

Looking at Xiao Feng's flushed face, Lin Wanrong suddenly remembered, these two must have had a date. Seeing Xiao Feng's playboy appearance, he thought, this kid wouldn't have taken advantage of Xiao Cui, would he?

Lin Wanrong chuckled. At such a crucial moment, he still had such thoughts, he truly was incorrigible.

He shook his head and said, "Madam Zhang, the Eldest Miss has visited Hangzhou many times in the past. Think, where does she like to go the most? Or who does she like to meet?"

Madam Zhang pondered and then said, "When the Eldest Miss came to Hangzhou in the past, she was always rushing around, never taking the time to go sightseeing or meet anyone specific. But yesterday, it seemed her mood was good and she wanted to go sightseeing for the first time. It was quite a rare occasion."

A workaholic indeed, Lin Wanrong sighed inwardly. If he hadn't advised her on the way, he feared she would've visited Hangzhou a hundred times without ever taking a leisurely stroll. With the annual meeting of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce scheduled for tomorrow, why did she have to disappear now?

In the absence of the Eldest Miss, Lin Wanrong had the highest rank. He was now at the core. Everyone looked at him expectantly.

From Madam Zhang's words, Lin Wanrong deduced that the Eldest Miss left of her own volition and was likely not in any danger. But she had always been so careful and meticulous, it was unlike her to just disappear. What happened today?

Hangzhou City, not too big nor too small, it would indeed be difficult to find someone. Lin Wanrong made a quick decision, "Xiao Feng, you go to the north of the city. Si De, you go to the south. Xiao Cui and Madam Zhang will stay here. I'll go to Su Causeway. In two hours, whether you find her or not, come back to this inn."

The three men scattered to search, Lin Wanrong headed straight for Su Causeway. According to Madam Zhang, the only time the Eldest Miss had gone sightseeing in Hangzhou was yesterday, at this Su Causeway. If she had willingly gone out, it was certainly along this route.

By the time Lin Wanrong stepped outside, it was already dusk. The lively bustle that had once filled Su Causeway was long gone, replaced by sparsity and silence. The chill winds blowing across the lake gave him a bone-deep shiver, a stark contrast to his cheerful mood the previous morning.

A melodious and resonant peal of bells echoed from the distant shore. Given the time, it was most likely the famous Evening Bell from Nanping Hill, one of West Lake's ten scenic spots.

Nanping Hill was known for its numerous rocky caves and grottos. Around dusk, the many temples, led by Jingci Temple, would ring the evening bell. The sound would resonate in the caves, rising into the sky over West Lake, and reverberating off the igneous rock of the Gegling on the opposite shore. This created the renowned echoes of the Nanping Evening Bell.

But Lin Wanrong was in no state to appreciate the beauty of the bell tolls. His heart was on fire with anxiety and his gaze darted around as he paced quickly.

Despite the length of Su Causeway, it was easy to see if anyone had passed by. As Lin Wanrong walked, he saw no sign of the Eldest Miss.

Cursing silently, he thought about the irony of the situation. The Eldest Miss was supposed to be leading them, yet at this crucial juncture, she was the one who had vanished.

He crossed the six bridges of Su Causeway, his heart growing colder with each step. Not even a shadow was in sight, let alone a living person.

"Eldest Miss! Eldest Miss!" Since it was late, Lin Wanrong wasn't afraid of being overheard. He called out, using his loudest voice, "Eldest Miss, Xiao Yuruo, Xiao Yuruo!"

As he reached the Lingyin Temple and still found no trace of her, he succumbed to despair.

The evening had fully set in, and only a few worshippers remained in the temple. Clinging to a sliver of hope, Lin Wanrong approached a monk sweeping the floor, "Excuse me, young monk, are there any female visitors in your temple?"

"Ah, Amitabha." The monk hastily recited a Buddha's name. "Kind sir, do not speak such frivolous words. This temple is a sacred and pure place. We do not allow such defilement here."

Infuriated by the monk's words, Lin Wanrong was about to turn away when the monk added, "In the Hall of the Medicine King, there is a devout woman offering incense. Could she be the one you are looking for?"

There was still someone here? Lin Wanrong's spirits lifted instantly. He asked for the direction to the Hall of the Medicine King and rushed there. As he reached the temple's threshold, he saw a woman devoutly kneeling in front of the Five Hundred Arhats, offering incense with such piety it was hard to look directly at her.

"Oh God, oh Buddha, thank you," Lin Wanrong thought as he dropped onto the threshold, gazing at the Eldest Miss, at a loss for words.

Hearing a noise behind her, Xiao Yuruo turned to see a figure in the dim light. Startled, she let out a scream.

Partly angry and partly amused, Lin Wanrong retorted, "Stop screaming. Go on, continue your prayer."

Hearing his voice, the Eldest Miss replied joyously, "Lin San, how did you get here?"

Exhaling, Lin Wanrong said, "Eldest Miss, I think it's I who should be asking that. How did you end up here? Do you have any idea how hard we've been searching for you after you disappeared without notice?"

Looking at the evening sky, the Eldest Miss exclaimed, "Oh dear, how is it so late already?"

A wave of dizziness washed over Lin Wanrong. Did she have to pray so fervently that she lost track of time?

The Eldest Miss had never made such a mistake before, and when she saw Lin San arriving, she knew that the entire staff must have been searching for her. She couldn't help but blush, saying, "I didn't realize it was so late. I'm sorry for worrying you."

Seeing that Lin Wanrong remained silent, she understood that it was indeed her fault. She whispered, "Lin San, don't be angry, I won't do this again."

Lin Wanrong said, "Eldest Miss, it doesn't matter if you're a little late, but you should at least let us know beforehand. If you wanted to pay respects, we could've accompanied you."

The Eldest Miss lowered her head and said, "At noon, I couldn't find you. I had no choice but to come here on my own. I didn't expect it to take this long."

Seeing that the Eldest Miss seemed genuinely apologetic, Lin Wanrong didn't say anything further. He walked to her side and said, "Eldest Miss, what brought you such fervor to pray to the Buddha again today?"

Her face flushed red, and she admitted, "It was the old monk from yesterday who told me to come."

"Old monk? Which old monk?" Lin Wanrong asked.

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, she confessed, "The one who interpreted my fortune stick yesterday."

"What did he ask you to do?" Lin Wanrong asked, puzzled.

"The old monk said my fortune stick was a riddle that no one could solve. Whether it was good or bad, it was up to me to decide. He told me to pray to all the Buddhas in Lingyin Temple for a good outcome," the Eldest Miss softly shared, her face glowing like a blooming peach flower.

‘Damn it, superstitious beliefs can be so harmful,’ Lin Wanrong cried out inwardly. "What kind of old monk is this? More like an old swindler." The Eldest Miss was indeed quite gullible. "He's just tricking you into donating more incense money. How could you believe him?"

Normally, the shrewd and competent Eldest Xiao Miss was clear-headed, but in this matter, she was a bit foolish. It seemed that any woman involved in matters of marriage could become a little irrational.

Lin Wanrong sighed, "The fortune stick you picked yesterday... was it about your marriage?"

Her face turned even redder. She initially didn't want to answer, but seeing his serious expression, she quietly acknowledged it with a nod, appearing even more bashful.

Not knowing what to say, Lin Wanrong just asked, "Are you going to continue praying?"

The Eldest Miss answered firmly, "Of course. I've only just finished paying respects in the Daxiong Hall and the Heavenly King Hall. I just entered the Hall of the Medicine King. I have to pray to each Buddha here."

Lin Wanrong was once again hit with a wave of dizziness. There were five hundred Arhats in this temple, how was this possible?

But the Eldest Miss was devout, she knelt on the cushion and started praying to each one. Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth and said, "Fine, fine. I'll help you pray to a few of them. It might save some time."

Having said this, he knelt on the cushion next to her and began to pray with her.

The Eldest Miss jerked up, her heart pounding. She blurted out, flustered and shy, "What are you doing? Who asked you to pray with me, you... you miscreant!"

Lin Wanrong looked at the two adjacent cushions and had a sudden realization. Ah, so this was how it was. Damn it, he had inadvertently taken advantage. He chuckled awkwardly and said, "It's alright, it's alright. Three bows for each prayer, we haven't even completed one yet."

The Eldest Miss couldn't bear his words any longer, she quickly covered her cheeks with both hands, calling out in embarrassment, "You're going to be the death of me, get out, just get out."

Lin Wanrong, with no other choice, exited the temple, shaking his head. This woman was too sensitive. What's the big deal in praying together? It's not like it was going to cost her a piece of flesh.

After an indeterminable amount of time, the Eldest Miss finally emerged, her cheeks still slightly flushed. She held tightly to the marriage fortune stick she had gotten the day before. It was as if by praying to all the Buddhas in the temple, her marriage would finally be settled.

"Lin San, let's go," the Eldest Miss lightly brushed a lock of hair from her forehead and said.

By the end of this ordeal, the moon was already hanging over the willow trees. The Eldest Miss walked along the Su Causeway, her expression distant, lost in her thoughts.

Seeing her spirit still not very high, Lin Wanrong said, "Eldest Miss, you've prayed to every single Buddha, big and small. That fortune stick will surely yield a good result now. You should be happy."

The Eldest Miss responded with a soft "hm", saying, "That's what the old monk said, but I still can't find peace in my heart."

A single marriage fortune stick had managed to transform the usually astute and competent miss into this state. It truly was a wonder. Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Eldest Miss, if you trust me, let me interpret it for you."

The Eldest Miss gave him a glance and snorted, "What could you possibly know?"

However, Lin Wanrong, without asking for permission, took the fortune stick from the Eldest Miss's hand. Xiao Yuruo gave him a fierce look and called him a "scoundrel" but did not snatch it back. Apparently, she also wanted to hear his interpretation.

Lin Wanrong pretended to carefully read the fortune stick and exclaimed, "This fortune stick of yours is extremely good."

The Eldest Miss asked curiously, "In what way is it good?"

Lin Wanrong laughed, "Happiness and joy, groping in the dark. Mirage of the moon on the water, a castle in the sky. This implies that your husband-to-be has already appeared, only that it's temporarily unclear. Filling the sea with pebbles, tossing pearls to sparrows, seeing but not noticing, resulting in a delay. This means you should not be too ambitious and cherish the person in front of you. Meeting without a meeting, encountering without an encounter, the moon sinks into the sea, the person is in a dream. This last line is the most important. You and this man, it's not about encountering, it's not about meeting. If you don't pay careful attention, you won't realize the fate you already have. This fortune stick, though obscure, boils down to four sentences: The mirror of marriage is not empty, it will meet at the moon under the Yao Tower. Do not say Feng Tang is old, he is still the general who pulls the strong bow."

Upon hearing this, the Eldest Miss was both shy and pleased, she said, "You just spout whatever comes to your mind, how can I believe you? But where did you copy these last four sentences?" Though she spoke in this way, the joy on her face was impossible to hide.

Seeing her expression, Lin Wanrong knew he had interpreted the fortune stick correctly. He laughed heartily, "The riddle of this stick is how you think, it can be interpreted as such, just one sentence, success depends on the person, only effort yields results."

The Eldest Miss's mood lightened considerably, she couldn't help but cover her lips and laugh softly. Looking at him, she said quietly, "You have such a slick tongue, I think in the future you should stay in this Lingyin Temple and become a fortune stick interpreter. You speak so fluently and know all the tricks to fool people."

Seeing the Eldest Miss return to her usual self, Lin Wanrong breathed a long sigh of relief. Being a psychological doctor is truly exhausting.

Both of them were in a pleasant mood. A full moon hung in the sky, casting a faint silvery glow on the lake surface. It resembled a glittering Milky Way. The lake was calm, with no ripple in sight, and the reflection of the full moon in the water seemed like a bright silver plate, inviting endless contemplation.

Gazing at the beautiful lake, the Eldest Miss softly recited, "Autumn boat, a person steps on, wrinkles the absolute waves, fairy mountains and pavilions in the mirror are dusty. Is this the 'Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake'? It is indeed extremely beautiful."

Among the Ten Scenes of West Lake, Lin Wanrong had only heard of 'Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake' but had never seen it. He shook his head and replied, "I don't know either."

The Eldest Miss looked at him and smiled charmingly, "The 'Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake' is just a metaphor, there is no fixed place. Wherever the moonlit night is beautiful, that place can be called 'Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake'."

So that was how it was. Lin Wanrong nodded and said, "That's good as well, beauty exists wherever the heart is."

The Eldest Miss chuckled softly, "You, where did you learn such warped reasoning, using such words to bamboozle people."

Her laugh, with her rosy lips, fair skin, almond eyes and autumnal charm, was especially enticing under the silvery moonlight.

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