Chapter 151 Encountering Xu Wei Again

Lin Wanrong was standing close to her, his eyes sharp. A mere glance was enough for him to perceive the content of the fortune stick she held. Unquestionably, it was a marriage fortune stick, yet upon reading the verse inscribed on it, even he, a notorious trickster, was baffled. What did the fortune stick truly imply? Why had it suddenly become so profound?

Upon catching Lin Wanrong's surreptitious glance, the Eldest Miss quickly hid the fortune stick and flushed, admonishing, "What are you looking at? I'll go ask the old monk for an interpretation."

With those words, she hurried off to find the old monk. Lin Wanrong shook his head, musing. Women were still women. Matters of matrimonial destiny had a profound impact on them. Even a strong woman like Xiao Yuruo could not avoid being affected by this tradition.

As the day slowly unfolded, the Eldest Miss returned from consulting the monk, her usual smile somewhat faded. An air of puzzlement had subtly replaced it. What had the old monk said to render her in such a state?

Lin Wanrong thought to himself that the old monk was no different from him, a trickster who could hardly offer a useful piece of advice. The only difference was that the monk charged two taels of silver for his vague guidance, while he, the talented Lin Wanrong, offered his for free.

Their outing had been quite fruitful; not only did the Eldest Miss appear happier, but they had also encountered Xu Wei, a high-ranking official. Plus, there was the mysterious elderly man in the yellow robe. Who could he be, and how did Uncle Wei know him?

Regardless of his identity, as long as he posed no harm, there was no need for concern. This was Lin Wanrong's creed. Yet, he couldn't help noticing something odd about Eldest Miss Xiao. After the fortune-telling, she seemed burdened, as if the marriage fortune stick was causing her distress. Lin Wanrong didn't know what the old monk had said, leaving him powerless to help.

Upon returning to their quarters, the Eldest Miss announced that the following day would be free for everyone, but warned them to avoid trouble before retiring to her room. Xiao Feng and Xiao Cui appeared excited, probably planning to venture out together. Lin Wanrong chuckled, finding their budding romance amusing.

Back in his room, while safely storing the "Misty Rain over West Lake", a sudden thought struck him. Wasn't he supposed to find a buyer for this painting? The old man in the yellow robe would have been a perfect candidate. How could he have forgotten something so crucial after engaging in a deep conversation about the nation? A missed opportunity indeed!

The next morning, the Eldest Miss promptly returned to her strong-willed self and set out early to visit some well-known ladies of Hangzhou. With no particular destination in mind, Lin Wanrong decided to wander around the city. Despite its modest size, Hangzhou was easy to navigate and he had explored many small alleys, although he hadn't encountered many curiosities.

However, when he arrived near a residential area close to the Su Causeway in the eastern part of the city, he noticed smoke wafting through the air and a crowd of several hundred people gathered. Amid the hustle and bustle, everyone was kneeling on the ground, chanting in unison, "The White Lotus Virgin has shown her miracles."

"The White Lotus Virgin?" Lin Wanrong was unusually sensitive to the term 'White Lotus.' Upon hearing it, he hurriedly squeezed his way through the crowd. In front of him was a vast open area. In its center stood a statue made of white jade, representing a dignified woman with kind eyes, radiating a sense of immense compassion.

It was indeed strange. This white jade statue was not like any Bodhisattva from the temples Lin Wanrong knew. He had never heard of any 'White Lotus Virgin', and what was even more surprising was that half of this 'Virgin' was buried in the ground. The area was full of offerings and incense burners, with countless believers kneeling around, chanting "White Lotus Virgin."

A robust man climbed onto a high platform, proclaiming loudly, "Believers, brothers and sisters, the benevolent White Lotus Virgin has appeared!"

At his call, the crowd echoed back, "The White Lotus Virgin has appeared!" Despite the multitude of people, Lin Wanrong noticed that many "believers" were just spectators. He saw through the charade, suppressing a chuckle. Damn, they were all shills.

"For the past few months, you all have witnessed the power and merit of the White Lotus Virgin. The statue, though buried deep within the earth, grows by an inch each day. Why is this? It is the Virgin demonstrating her power to us, her followers. She will aid those of us who suffer. Our White Lotus Sect is the special envoy under her guidance, accumulating merit for all. Once you join the White Lotus Sect, we are all brothers and sisters. Everyone will have clothes to wear and food to eat, bathed in the grace of the White Lotus Virgin, gaining immeasurable merit."

The man roared with fervor. Immediately, many commoners prostrated themselves before the Virgin's statue and joined the White Lotus Sect.

Damn, what was this about growing an inch every day? What was this nonsense? This White Lotus Sect, bearing a name so similar to the White Lotus Cult, couldn't possibly be any good.

As Lin Wanrong was pondering, someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around to see a familiar, lean face. It was Xu Wei, the man who had given him the painting by the Su Causeway yesterday.

How could the old man be here? Lin Wanrong was taken aback; it seemed fate had a strange way of reuniting people.

Xu Wei chuckled, "Young man, we meet again."

Lin Wanrong smiled, "Mr. Xu—"

But Xu Wei quickly silenced him with a hush, "This is not the place for a conversation. Please follow me."

Lin Wanrong followed Xu Wei to a nearby tavern. They seated themselves by a window, providing them a clear view of the White Lotus followers.

Xu Wei chuckled, "Young man, it seems we do have some destiny."

Lin Wanrong nodded, "Minister Xu, I didn't expect to see you here."

Xu Wei shook his head, smiling, "Young brother, I saw you were quite candid yesterday. Why are you so hesitant today?"

Lin Wanrong wondered, "What do you mean, Minister Xu?"

"I came to Hangzhou in disguise to keep a low profile," Xu Wei explained with a smile. "You don't need to address me as a government official. Simply 'Mr. Xu' or 'Mr. Wenchang' will do. Like yesterday on the Su Causeway, you can even call me 'Elder'. If you refer to me as Minister Xu', it would be too vulgar."

So that was it. This Xu Wei showed an audacious streak that was not characteristic of someone from the bureaucracy. Lin Wanrong nodded, "Since Mr. Xu puts it that way, I will respect your wishes."

Xu Wei sighed deeply, "Serving as an official in the court has many taboos. One must always be cautious in speech and conduct. Yet, out here, one can be carefree. I used to live such a free life as a scholar. Now, times have changed, and there are so many more constraints. It's quite lamentable."

Xu Wei had a certain charisma, speaking as if confiding a secret, as if he didn't see Lin Wanrong as an outsider.

Yet, Lin Wanrong was no fool. Xu Wei's words sounded pleasing and sincere on the surface, but upon reflection, he'd said nothing more than expressions of regret. Such was the art of conversation.

However, it was indeed rare for someone of Xu Wei's high rank to be so humble and affable to a lowly servant like him.

Lin Wanrong admired Xu Wei somewhat, smiling, "Mr. Xu, where do these words come from? You are esteemed for your scholarship and hold a high position. People all over the world admire and respect you. The affairs of the court and the affairs of the rivers and lakes are both part of life's experiences. To your broad-minded character, what's the difference?"

Xu Wei looked at him with delight, "Young man, your words are profound. The officialdom and the rivers and lakes are both life experiences. Good, good. You have hit the nail on the head."

Seeing Lin Wanrong, a seemingly lowly servant, talking confidently and sitting with a high-ranking official like him without any signs of embarrassment, Xu Wei was quite surprised. With his absolute confidence on the Su Causeway yesterday and his eloquent conversation today, this young man's intellect and spirit were anything but ordinary.

Lin Wanrong smiled, "Mr. Xu, I didn't expect to bump into you in this alley. This is quite unexpected."

Xu Wei laughed heartily, "I didn't expect to see you again so soon after our meeting yesterday. I must confess, I am not one to sit idle. In my youth, I enjoyed traveling and was fond of strange and curious things. After joining the court, the many official duties kept me tied down, and I gradually gave up these pursuits. This trip to Hangzhou has given me a chance to take a break. I didn't expect to run into such a situation."

Xu Wei's extensive experience, broad knowledge, and fascination with novel things were what made him the best scholar in the land.

Xu Wei then said, "We've met twice now, but I still don't know your name."

Lin Wanrong smiled, "I dare not claim respect in front of an elder. I am Lin San, a mere servant of the Xiao family from Jinling."

"The Xiao family from Jinling?" Xu Wei gasped. "Are they descendants of the elder Xiao from years ago?"

Elder Xiao? Lin Wanrong was taken aback, then remembered that the patriarch of the Xiao family had once held the position of Minister of Rites, senior to Xu Wei. Wasn't that Elder Xiao himself?

"Indeed, indeed," Lin Wanrong hastily replied, realizing it would be advantageous to be on friendly terms with Xu Wei should he encounter him at the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce meeting the next day.

Xu Wei sighed, "Elder Xiao was once the Minister of Rites in the Great Hua, a man of propriety and a model for society. It's a pity that he has passed away, and no one could inherit his network."

Hearing this, Lin Wanrong was utterly clueless and could only respond with an awkward smile.

Xu Wei let out a sigh, then asked, "Has Miss Guo been well these years? It's been more than twenty years since we parted in the capital. Time flies, indeed, like the old saying goes."

Miss Guo? Lin Wanrong was momentarily confused, then he realized that Madam Xiao's maiden surname was Guo. Guo Wuchang was her nephew from her maternal family. So, she was Miss Guo?

Thinking about these connections gave Lin Wanrong a headache. What did all this have to do with him? Surprisingly, he never knew that Madam Xiao had connections with high-ranking officials. It seemed she wasn't as simple as he had thought.

"Oh, I haven't been with the Xiao family for long, but Madam Xiao still looks the same and both her daughters are very dutiful. They seem to be doing well," Lin Wanrong cautiously replied.

Xu Wei asked, "The woman with you on the Su Causeway yesterday, was she Miss Xiao?"

Lin Wanrong nodded, and Xu Wei sighed, "She bears a striking resemblance to Miss Guo in her youth. I didn't dare to inquire rashly, and I never thought she would indeed be a descendant of an old friend."

Knowing Xu Wei's attitude towards the Xiao family, Lin Wanrong felt reassured. Even if there was a problem at the annual meeting the next day, Xu Wei would surely help.

Not wanting to continue discussing unrelated matters, Lin Wanrong asked, "Mr. Xu, did you invite me here to discuss the White Lotus Sect?"

Xu Wei snorted, "White Lotus gathering? It's nothing but the heresy of the White Lotus Cult."

Lin Wanrong thought to himself, as expected, it's those bastards from the White Lotus Cult, changing their strategies but not their nature.

Xu Wei asked, "Younger Brother, do you know about the White Lotus Cult?"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "How could I not know? I was even abducted by them once."

"Oh?" Xu Wei exclaimed, curiously, "Younger Brother Lin, you have such a remarkable experience? That is indeed quite surprising."

Lin Wanrong recounted the time he and the Eldest Miss Xiao were captured. Xu Wei, a shrewd man and the Emperor's leading strategist, stroked his beard and remarked, "Something seems odd about this. From what I know, the White Lotus Cult only kidnaps for money; if they don't see gold or silver, they never let their hostages go. The fact that you and Miss Xiao managed to escape seems a little too easy."

Naturally, Lin Wanrong wouldn't mention the rescue by Xiao Qingxuan. Instead, he explained, "It was Tao Dongcheng, the son of Tao Yu, the owner of the Suzhou Silk Manufacturer, who borrowed military troops from Commander-in-chief Cheng. That's how we were able to escape."

Xu Wei smiled enigmatically and said with a hint of deeper meaning, "I see, that explains it. The White Lotus Cult's plot for Miss Xiao might not be as simple as just kidnapping for money."

There was something cryptic about Xu Wei's words, suggesting that he understood the intricacies of the situation. He paused and continued, "The White Lotus Cult is most rampant in Jiangsu and Shandong, and I suspect officials big and small in both provinces are involved."

Lin Wanrong thought to himself, is this even something you need to point out? In Jiangsu, aside from the cunning Luo Min, other people like Cheng De and the father and son Tao Yu were likely affiliated with the White Lotus Cult.

Xu Wei continued, "Luo Min, the Governor of Jiangsu, is a good friend of mine. I understand his predicament; it's tough being the chief officer of a province and not being able to command the Provincial Commander-in-chief."

Having been immersed in officialdom for many years, Xu Wei understood the complications all too well. He turned to Lin Wanrong with a smile, "Younger Brother Lin, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, go find Luo Min. Just mention that Mr. Wenchang recommended you, and he will naturally assist you."

Lin Wanrong thought, do I even need your influence? I've already accepted Luo Min's son as my junior brother, and that old fox treats me with great respect. Nonetheless, Lin Wanrong gratefully acknowledged Xu Wei's good intentions.

Xu Wei's gaze fell on the distant worshippers of the White Lotus Virgin, sighing, "When the White Lotus rebellion first occurred, it was a hunger riot and was somewhat justifiable. Unfortunately, it was manipulated by schemers and deviated from its original course, committing all sorts of atrocities. Even ordinary people came to despise them. Eradicating the White Lotus Cult is indeed a priority."

Lin Wanrong curiously asked, "Mr. Xu, given the White Lotus Cult's notorious reputation, why do they still have so many worshippers?"

Xu Wei explained, "That's their power of deception. The worshippers you see here, paying homage to the so-called White Lotus Virgin, do not know that this religious meeting is actually the White Lotus Cult. Along with their bewitching tactics, they have a strong allure for the common people, hence what you're seeing."

Lin Wanrong glanced at the distance and saw some devoted worshippers, who began prostrating from the entrance of a far-off alleyway. Their reverence for the White Lotus Virgin was bone-deep. He shook his head and remarked, "The scariest thing in the world is to bewitch people's hearts. Mr. Xu, what do you mean by 'bewitching tactics'?"

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