Chapter 149 Born to Deceive

Lin Wanrong looked around, making sure he was alone, then smiled at the man and said, "Elder Brother, were you calling me?"

Upon hearing the honorific, the man in the yellow robe broke into a smile and replied, "Indeed, I am talking to you."

Surprised, Lin Wanrong thought, 'I don't even know you, so why are you seeking me out?' The man reassured him with a smile, "Don't worry, I bear you no ill will. Do you know Wei Xian?"

"Wei Xian? No, I don't know him," replied Lin Wanrong.

"Are you sure? It seems to me that you address him as Uncle Wei," the man continued.

"Uncle Wei?" Lin Wanrong exclaimed in astonishment, "How do you know him?"

So, Uncle Wei's real name was Wei Xian. Lin Wanrong only then realized the similarity between this name and another notorious Wei Zhongxian, they differed by only one character. What a close call!

[TL: Wei Zhongxian, born Wei Si, was a Chinese court eunuch who lived in the late Ming dynasty. As a eunuch he used the name Li Jinzhong. He is considered by most historians as the most notorious eunuch in Chinese history]

The man laughed, "He and I go way back. How could I not know him? I know not only him, but also you. You are Lin Wanrong, currently serving in the Xiao family. The alias Lin San was given to you by Wei Xian, am I right?"

With those words, Lin Wanrong couldn't harbour any doubt. Indeed, the alias Lin San had been given to him by Old Wei. Only Old Wei and Lin Wanrong knew the details behind it.

"Well? Are you convinced now? Shall we come closer and talk?" the man chuckled, his eyes sparkling with an authoritative aura, commanding respect even in his mild demeanor.

"Sir, do you really know Uncle Wei?" Lin Wanrong stepped forward, sizing up the man. At first glance, he seemed middle-aged, but upon closer inspection, it wasn't necessarily so. Despite being well-groomed, his face was somewhat sickly pale, indicating poor health. His temples were streaked with grey, suggesting that he was probably in his fifties or sixties.

Noticing Lin Wanrong approaching, the nearby strongmen grew tense. However, the old man in the yellow robe gave a slight shake of his head, and they settled down.

The yellow-robed elder squinted at him and asked in a calm yet resonant voice, "So you are Lin Wanrong?" His voice, though soft, had a strange rhythm, like a heavy drum echoing in Lin Wanrong's ears, making him feel oppressed. Damn, this old man is rather peculiar.

"I am Lin Wanrong. May I ask why you were looking for me, sir?" This was truly strange. Though the elder spoke with a smile, Lin Wanrong could always sense waves of pressure. It was as if the yellow-robed elder carried an aura of authority that compelled obedience.

Since his arrival in this world, this was the first time Lin Wanrong felt restrained. It was as though no amount of skill could be exercised in front of this man.

Lin Wanrong glanced at the elder, who was gazing back with an inscrutable smile, making him feel like a mouse cornered by a cat.

‘A staring contest? I can do that.’ A surge of stubbornness welled up within Lin Wanrong, and he met the elder's gaze wordlessly, albeit a bit reserved at first. Gradually, however, he grew used to it. After all, this man was just another human with two eyes and a nose, just like him. There was nothing to fear.

Once he freed his mind, the pressure on him drastically reduced, and the elder's gaze lost its sharpness.

"Sir, you didn't seek me out just to look at me, did you? Perhaps you're inviting me to a meal? If there's something you need, please speak frankly. I'm not one for formalities," Lin Wanrong said with a laugh, feeling increasingly at ease in the presence of this austere elder. There were few in this world who could dominate him in terms of aura.

The elder laughed heartily, his intense aura softening considerably, and said, "Wei Xian wasn't wrong; you really do have an incredibly thick face."

‘Damn,’ thought Lin Wanrong, ‘this old man didn't beat around the bush.’ This was a direct insult to his face. He chuckled and responded, "In this world, the least important thing is one's face. Same face, different lives. Some laugh outwardly and cry inwardly; others laugh inwardly and cry outwardly. The face is the least reliable thing in the world, so what use is it?"

The elder roared with laughter, his voice echoing through the entire bamboo forest, startling several birds nestled within. His aura was truly extraordinary. Lin Wanrong glanced at him, puzzled by his uproarious laughter. Was he trying to intimidate people?

After a few laughs, the elder began coughing violently. An attendant hurriedly offered him some medicinal pills. After swallowing the pills, his breathing stabilized, a bit more color returned to his face, and he looked at Lin Wanrong with a smile. "I didn't expect such profound insight from someone so young. You're absolutely right, a face is the least useful thing in this world. A person can have a beautiful face, but who knows what's inside their mind? What use is such a face?"

After pausing for a moment, he smiled and said, "I've heard from Wei Xian about your way of thinking, and seeing it firsthand today, it certainly holds some merit. Would you mind having a chat with this old man?"

Lin Wanrong laughed and replied, "Sir, I'm already here, why would I mind? To be honest, Uncle Wei is my life savior, and you are his friend. So you're my friend as well. Why would I mind chatting with a friend?"

The elder in the yellow robe glanced at him and commented, "What a smooth talker." A sharp gleam flickered in his eyes as he asked, "You said Wei Xian is your life savior, but if there comes a day when you must kill him, would you do it?"

The elder's eyes seemed to pierce through him, but Lin Wanrong remained unfazed and laughed, "Is there such a possibility? Even if there is, I wouldn't do it. What differentiates humans from beasts is our thoughts and feelings. If I were to betray Uncle Wei, how would I differ from a beast?"

"A woman's mercy!" The elder closed his eyes and sighed, "Those who aspire to great things must not be constrained by trifles. You... you are still too young."

Sweat, a man in his twenties, still being called young. Lin Wanrong didn't know what the elder had gone through, but he didn't argue, and instead laughed, "Sir, did you seek me out just to discuss these matters?"

The elder's expression changed, and he smiled, "Not entirely. What's your lineage?"

"I'm also uncertain how to answer that question," Lin Wanrong helplessly shook his head. "I guess you could say I'm from Jingchu."

"I heard that you're the one behind the business operations of the Xiao family, is that true?" The elder asked.

Lin Wanrong nodded, "You could say so."

The elder nodded, "You indeed have a knack for business. If everyone in the world were like you, focusing on commerce, would there still be calamities?"

Lin Wanrong laughed, "If you wish for a world without calamities, it's quite simple—ensure that people's livelihoods are secure."

"Oh," the elder looked at him with interest, "Do elaborate."

"Livelihood, or 'minsheng,' essentially means the people's wellbeing. For the common folk, wellbeing means nothing more complicated than having food to eat and clothes to wear. The people of Great Hua are kind-hearted. If their basic needs are met, why would they cause trouble?" Lin Wanrong explained.

"Satisfying basic needs is crucial, of course. The problem lies in the hearts of those who harbor ill intent," the elder said, looking at him. "Take the rebellion of the White Lotus Sect, for instance. It was the result of people with ill intent exploiting the situation."

Lin Wanrong laughed, "Sir, I must respectfully disagree with you there. The rebellion of the White Lotus Sect originated from an uprising by starving citizens. Only later was it exploited by unscrupulous individuals, resulting in their current wicked behavior. If the people had food and clothing, why would they entertain thoughts of rebellion?"

A cold glint flickered in the elder's eyes, "The chaos of the White Lotus undermines the foundation of Great Hua. In your opinion, how should we eradicate it?"

Damn, why is this old man discussing these matters with me? Lin Wanrong laughed, "Sir, isn't this matter beyond my remit?"

The elder in the yellow robe smiled, "I'm just casually chatting with you. Share your thoughts."

Lin Wanrong had no fondness for the White Lotus, and since the elder was Uncle Wei's friend, he said, "Isolate and divide them, target their leaders, attack from both inside and out, and govern with strict laws."

The elder pondered for a moment, nodding his head, and then asked, "What are your thoughts on the significant threat of the northern invaders?"

"Northern invaders?" Lin Wanrong was taken aback. Why was the elder asking about this? The more he heard, the more peculiar it sounded, with a tone strangely reminiscent of Qingxuan. He chuckled and replied, "What else can be done? If others have invaded, apart from fighting back, what other options do we have?"

"If everyone thought like you, there would be no worries," the elder grunted. "Those barbarians have only temporarily taken a few of our cities, and they haven't yet penetrated the heartland of Great Hua. Yet, within the court, opinions are divided and arguments are rampant between those advocating war and those calling for peace."

Lin Wanrong shook his head. ‘Damn, what's wrong with our people? Always eager to cause internal strife. When the enemy is at our gates, we should be preparing for battle, not discussing peace.’

"The treasury is empty, our soldiers lack combat power, we lack capable generals, and our nation lacks a strong army. Many court officials suggest we should first sue for peace and then plan our next steps," the elder looked at him, "What do you think?"

"Sue for peace, my ass. To hell with them," Lin Wanrong cursed in rage.

The elder smiled faintly, "So you're in favor of war?"

Lin Wanrong snorted, "If we can win, we fight. If we can't win, we fight even more. If we don't win in one year, we may lose cities, but we can fight again next year, and continue to fight until we win. If we dare not even fight, then we lose the people's hearts. Lose the city or lose the country, Sir, which one would you choose?"

"Lose the city or lose the country?" The elder sighed, then chuckled, "What a choice—lose the city or lose the country. I didn't expect such wisdom from a commoner like you. The court officials can't see as clearly as you do."

Lin Wanrong shook his head, "It's not that they don't understand, it's that they understand too well. If the country is lost, they can simply surrender and still hold high positions. Only the emperor sitting in the Golden Throne is the most anxious. While others can surrender, he cannot. Who do you think truly understands? It's all about the people's hearts—"

"Ha ha ha ha—" The elder in the splendid robe laughed heartily, "Well said, it's all about the people's hearts. Since ancient times, it's always been the human heart that causes trouble. Lin Wanrong, you're young but you have a thorough understanding of human nature. Excellent, truly excellent."

His enthusiasm growing, the elder continued, "If you choose to fight, considering the barbarians' strong physiques and fierce combat power, and our soldiers of Great Hua being at a disadvantage, how would you fight?"

‘Damn, why is he asking me this? I've never fought in a war.’ Lin Wanrong gave a wry smile, "Sir, I've never been to court, nor to the battlefield. I'm not well-versed in matters of war."

The elder waved his hand, "That's even better. You can say anything. If you had been to court, perhaps you would be unable to speak freely. Just tell me, if someone like you, unfamiliar with state affairs and warfare, were thrown into the mix, what would you do? Perhaps you can see clearer than those of us in the middle."

Noticing the elder's dignified demeanor and eloquent speech, Lin Wanrong thought to himself, this friend of Uncle Wei's must hold an influential position, speaking with such authority and with no hesitation on state affairs and warfare. He must wield significant power in the capital.

Being a shrewd businessman, he said with a smile, "Sir. These matters are beyond the reach of a commoner like me. Perhaps it's better if I don't speak."

The elder chuckled, "I know you're a businessman. I asked you to speak today, but I won't let you waste your words for nothing. Consider me in your debt. Come find me in the capital one day, and I'll grant you a wish."

‘As expected, this elder is indeed a figure of importance. I wonder what position he holds and how Uncle Wei came to know such a prominent figure.’

The elder in the yellow robe took a token from his waist and said, "Consider this a token. If you come to the capital one day, show this at the yamen, and someone will take you to see me."

He handed the token to Lin Wanrong. When Lin Wanrong looked at it, it was the size of half a palm and made of pure gold, heavy in his hand. Both sides were engraved with a golden dragon and nothing else.

"Sir, are you from the palace?" Lin Wanrong asked with astonishment. He had never seen this kind of object before. It somewhat resembled an imperial edict token, although such tokens should have at least one side engraved with a character, typically "Imperial," symbolizing the emperor's authority. The higher-level ones had the character "I," implying the emperor's personal presence—a rarity indeed. However, he had never seen one with dragons engraved on both sides. From the weight of the gold token, he estimated that it could be worth quite a sum.

Seeing Lin Wanrong playing with the gold token, the elder laughed, "When you come to the capital one day, you'll find out who I am. Today, just speak freely. If you, an outsider, had to deal with state affairs and warfare, what would you do?"

A few silver pieces worth of talk for a gold token—what a profitable deal. Lin Wanrong laughed, "Since you, Sir asked, I'll speak frankly. It's true that there are foreign enemies in the north, but they are not as strong as we imagine. They surely have enemies too, and the enemy of our enemy is our friend. Why wouldn't we, Great Hua, ally with them and fight the strong enemy together? 'Make distant friends and attack nearby enemies,' that's the idea."

"Moreover, these nomadic tribes, despite their strong military power, are prone to infighting. Disputes between fathers and sons, brothers are intense. Why wouldn't we take advantage of this? There are many strategists in Great Hua, plenty with persuasive skills. If someone were to infiltrate the enemy, stirring up unrest with a silver tongue and promises of lofty benefits, internal divisions could be created. It's not an impossibility." Lin Wanrong finished in one breath, even impressing himself with his own ability to bluff convincingly.

"Someone persuasive and eloquent?" The elder murmured, glancing subtly at Lin Wanrong.

Lin Wanrong felt a twinge of anxiety. ‘Oh dear, I was referring to me. I inadvertently involved myself. If I were to go to the enemy's territory for persuasion, it would be a deadly mission. I can't afford such a losing business.’

The elder was silent for a while, then spoke, "For an outsider like you, the method seems simple and practical, with some truth to it. What about warfare? What are your thoughts?"

Lin Wanrong had been bluffing his way through, and seeing the elder seemed satisfied, he thought to himself: All this comes from summarizing history and watching countless TV dramas. Offering a few broad and empty strategies should be easy enough, right? These words were like floating clouds in the sky—seemingly profound but intangible and vague.

When it came to warfare, Lin Wanrong bluffed, "I've never been on a battlefield, but it's universal to play to one's strengths and avoid weaknesses. For example, if the enemy excels in cavalry, trap them in city or alley warfare. If they excel in infantry, confine them to cavalry battles. The nomadic tribes are experts in cavalry but poor at sieges. Moreover, logistical support would undoubtedly be difficult to maintain when deep within foreign territory. On our Great Hua's own soil, a single call to arms could inspire 'an inch of land, an inch of blood; a hundred thousand youths, a hundred thousand soldiers.' With Great Hua's citizens scattered across the land, potential soldiers are everywhere. How could we lack soldiers or say we cannot win?"

Lin Wanrong found himself too engrossed by the end of his speech and quickly composed his emotions.

The elder looked at him and said, "If your words were spoken in the court, you might become a target of criticism. 'An inch of land, an inch of blood; a hundred thousand youths, a hundred thousand soldiers.' If everyone in my court, civil and military officials alike, throughout the country, shared your mindset, what concern would there be for the nomadic tribes not being defeated and our lands not being reclaimed?"

He sighed and smiled, "However, in matters of war, enthusiasm alone is not enough. Your words might seem sensible on paper, but they may not necessarily be practical on the battlefield."

Lin Wanrong laughed, "Sir, while my words might be simplistic, somewhat armchair strategizing, they could be considered a general guideline. Just to outline the principle, identify and utilize talent wisely should suffice. As for how specifically to execute, it should be left to our Great Hua's military officers and generals. The court provides them with salaries so they can defend our homeland. If not, what use would they be?"

The elder nodded, smiling, "I didn't expect you to have such insight. Wei Xian didn't misjudge you."

An attendant walked over, whispered a few words to the elder, who nodded in response. Turning to Lin Wanrong, he said, "I have some matters to attend to and must leave now. If you ever come to the capital, find me as I've instructed. Remember, remember."

Watching the elder board the sedan and hurry off under the escort of the attendant, Lin Wanrong was still puzzled. ‘How did I end up discussing national affairs and military strategies with this old man out of nowhere? I almost convinced myself with the bluffing.’

He looked at the gold token in his hand, its substantial weight reassuring. He tucked it into his bosom—perhaps the only gain from this lengthy discourse.

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