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Chapter 131 The Old Fox

"Qiaoqiao, slow down, what happened to Qingshan?" Lin Wanrong was startled. So late in the night, and Qiaoqiao was waiting here. Could it be that something had truly happened to Qingshan? That shouldn't be the case, wasn't Little Luo watching over him? Even if Qingshan was rash, Little Luo was a clever one and there should not have been any mishaps.

"Big brother, last night, I saw Qingshan and Beidou storing a lot of knives, spears, and sticks in their room. But by evening today, they were all gone, and the two of them were nowhere to be seen. Qingshan must have gone out to fight. Even though he used to fight in the past, he always relied on his fists. But this time with knives and spears, it's certainly no small matter. Big brother, you must save Qingshan. If he's hurt, my father won't survive," Qiaoqiao said, her voice choked with urgency.

The fact that Dong Qingshan was building a gang, even Qiaoqiao was kept in the dark. This girl was pure-hearted and knew nothing about her little brother's complete transformation into a gang leader, under the guidance of his big brother. She knew Qingshan was preparing weapons to fight someone, but she was unaware of Qingshan's current strength.

Upon learning that Qingshan hadn't been kidnapped, Lin Wanrong felt a great deal of relief. He patted the young girl's shoulder, saying, "Qiaoqiao, don't worry. Qingshan will be fine. Trust your big brother."

Qiaoqiao clung to his sleeve, weeping softly, "Big brother, I didn't see Qingshan this afternoon and I panicked. I didn't know what to do, so I came to the Xiao family to find you. But they said you and the Eldest Miss were out. I, I, I'm so worried, big brother..."

Qiaoqiao had been waiting here for an hour, filled with worry and fear. Seeing her dependable big brother now, how could she not break down in tears?

Lin Wanrong held her tightly, comforting her, "Qiaoqiao, don't be scared. Big brother is here. Don't worry, Qingshan is my brother-in-law, I won't let anything happen to him."

Blushing, Qiaoqiao clung to him tightly. She had found emotional support, but her shoulders still trembled slightly. She wouldn't truly relax until she saw Qingshan return safely. Lin Wanrong knew what she was thinking. He turned her around, asking, "Qiaoqiao, what about Luo Yuan? Isn't he supposed to be with Qingshan?"

Wiping her tears, Qiaoqiao replied, "Yesterday he was in the room with Qingshan, talking for a long time. It seemed like they were planning something. Then he left, and I haven't seen him today."

Qingshan had prepared weapons yesterday, indicating that he had planned ahead. He was not acting without a plan, especially with Little Luo as his advisor. They wouldn't be at a disadvantage. Qiaoqiao didn't understand Qingshan's current strength and thought he was the same as before, a rogue fighter. It was her concern that drove her to hurriedly seek Lin Wanrong's help.

In a few moments, Lin Wanrong had guessed the situation quite accurately. If his assumptions were correct, Little Luo and Qingshan had chosen the right time to strike Wu Zhenghu.

These two young men were truly gutsy. Even though they hadn't reported to Lin Wanrong, he was quite pleased. He had made his stance clear last time; the affairs of Hung Hing were to be managed by these two youths, with him not intervening. This hands-off approach was intended to strengthen Little Luo and Qingshan's abilities. Their readiness to take action today suggested that they were indeed confident. If they won this battle, it would certainly be a tremendous boon for Little Luo and Qingshan.

With this understanding in mind, Lin Wanrong gave a slight smile, saying, "Qiaoqiao, don't worry. Qingshan will be fine, I promise. Did you hear where they were going?"

Seeing the smile on Lin Wanrong's face, Qiaoqiao knew that he was genuinely confident. She felt a lot more reassured and obediently replied, "I overheard him talking with Beidou, they seem to be going to Guaima Alley in the southern part of the city."

Lin Wanrong was familiar with that place; its terrain was undulating, an ideal place for ambush. Hearing this, he felt even more confident.

Qiaoqiao, who had just recovered from a serious illness and had been waiting here for over an hour, was already exhausted. Now, reassured, she leaned against Lin Wanrong like a puppet without strings.

Seeing her exhaustion, Lin Wanrong felt a pang of pity. He addressed a servant at the gate, "This young lady came to see me, why didn't you invite her in?"

At this point, he was the Xiao family's favorite, and everyone in the mansion sought his favor. The servant wouldn't dare to refuse and apologized, "Young Master Lin, we persuaded this young lady many times, but she refused to go to the guest room for tea."

Qiaoqiao quickly interjected, "Big brother, don't blame them, it was my choice to wait here. The Xiao mansion is grand and prosperous, and you work inside, I don't want to cause you trouble."

Lin Wanrong snorted, "Qiaoqiao, from now on, you come to the Xiao mansion whenever you want. Don't hold back, if anyone dares to slight you, tell me, I'll sort them out. Consider the Xiao mansion as your own home."

His words were bold and audacious. Qiaoqiao, not understanding, responded blankly, "Big brother, this is the Xiao family's home, how can I consider it my own?"

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, indeed, he had spoken too freely. His face reddened slightly as he held Qiaoqiao tighter, "Silly girl, I just don't want you to be treated poorly. My status in the Xiao family has changed, no one can bully my Qiaoqiao."

Even after his reassurances, Qiaoqiao was still worried about Qingshan. Lin Wanrong thought, I should go and check on what those two are up to, it might alleviate Qiaoqiao's worries.

Just as he was about to escort Qiaoqiao home, he heard the Eldest Miss Xiao, who had been silent all this time, speak, "Lin San, where are you going?"

Damn, he had been talking so long that he had forgotten about the Eldest Miss Xiao. Qiaoqiao pulled on his sleeve, glanced at Xiao Yuruo and said softly, "Big brother, is this Eldest Miss Xiao? She's indeed very beautiful."

Seeing Qiaoqiao's slight jealousy, Lin Wanrong chuckled, "No matter how beautiful she is, she can't compare to my good, clever Qiaoqiao." Upon hearing this, Qiaoqiao blushed and smiled, her grievance vanishing.

Lin Wanrong sighed; the easiest woman to appease was indeed Qiaoqiao. Not marrying her as his wife would be against all reason.

Xiao Yuruo noticed that Lin San was only concerned with talking to that woman and didn't even answer her question. She couldn't help but huff, "Lin San, I am speaking to you, didn't you hear?"

Lin Wanrong looked up and smiled, "Eldest Miss, my friend is in some trouble. I need to check on him."

Xiao Yuruo's eyebrows furrowed, "Tonight, I had planned to discuss with you about the promotion of the perfumes and soaps--"

What the hell, when did you ever discuss this with me? And why choose today of all days? He laughed and said, "Eldest Miss, I am not available today. Let's have a thorough discussion another day."

Seeing him talk to Eldest Miss Xiao this way, Qiaoqiao quickly tugged at his sleeve, "Big brother, you shouldn't neglect your duties."

Lin Wanrong stopped her, "Qiaoqiao, only your concerns are important to me, everything else is nonsense." Although coarse, his words went straight to Qiaoqiao's heart. She hummed in acknowledgment and blushed, too shy to speak.

Xiao Yuruo watched the two of them chatting warmly and couldn't help but furrow her brows, "May I ask who this young lady is--"

Seeing Eldest Miss Xiao asking about her, Qiaoqiao quickly replied, "Eldest Miss Xiao, I'm from the old Dong family in town. I made clothes for your mansion a few years ago."

Eldest Miss Xiao said, "Oh, from the old Dong family. I've heard my mother mention you. I seem to remember, your name was something like Xiangxiang or Qiaoqiao. I'm not sure if I've got it wrong."

Qiaoqiao blushed, "Eldest Miss Xiao has a good memory, my name is Qiaoqiao."

Lin Wanrong felt a bit annoyed; ‘What Xiangxiang, such a vulgar name. My darling was named Qiaoqiao, a hundred times better sounding than Xiao Yuruo.’ However, the fact that Eldest Miss Xiao, who had never met Qiaoqiao before, could remember her name to such an extent, demonstrated an impressive memory.

Eldest Miss Xiao had a strange smile on her face. She glanced at Qiaoqiao, seemingly pleased, and then turned to Lin Wanrong, "Lin San, since you're busy, you should get going. I'll have a good chat with Qiaoqiao today."

‘Chat? You don't know my Qiaoqiao, what would you have to talk about?’ Why had Eldest Miss Xiao suddenly become so generous? Lin Wanrong was puzzled. Xiao Yuruo turned to Qiaoqiao and asked, "I wonder if Qiaoqiao is willing to join me?"

Earlier, Qiaoqiao was distracted due to Qingshan's matter, but now she was somewhat collected. She smiled shyly and replied, "Eldest Miss Xiao is joking, as long as you don't find me dull, I'd be happy to talk with you."

Seeing Eldest Miss Xiao's mysterious smile, Lin Wanrong had a bad feeling. He took Qiaoqiao's hand and said, "Darling, let me take you home. I worry that talking to this girl might have a bad influence on you."

Qiaoqiao shyly replied, "Big brother, since you work for the Xiao family, it wouldn't be bad for me to chat with Eldest Miss Xiao. It could make it easier for me to visit you in the future."

Lin Wanrong's heart bloomed with joy upon hearing Qiaoqiao's words. So that was her plan, she truly was a cunning little one. He held Qiaoqiao's hand and laughed, "In that case, you can stay here and chat with her. However, this Eldest Miss has a peculiar character, and I can't seem to figure her out. If she badmouths me, don't believe her. The opposite of what she says is the truth. If she says I'm bad, think of me as good. If she accuses me of being fickle, take that as me being devoted."

Dong Qiaoqiao stifled a laugh, "Big brother, I understand your character far better than Eldest Miss Xiao, you can rest assured."

While the words sounded comforting, there seemed to be an underlying message. Goodness, these young women were all so cunning! Lin Wanrong shook his head in resignation, mounted his horse, and saw that Eldest Miss Xiao had already taken hold of Qiaoqiao's hand, a smile blooming on her face like a fresh May flower.

He didn't bother with what the two women were chatting about; he was indeed eager to see how Qingshan and Little Luo were faring in their fight. So, he rode southward toward the city gate. The night had fallen and he was away from the bustling streets, so the road was deserted. He galloped all the way, and before reaching the turning lane, he heard the sounds of clashing weapons.

Damn, they were really going at it. Lin Wanrong was immensely excited. He dismounted, climbed up a slope and gazed down from afar.

At the foot of the hill, torches were held high with hundreds of people in a chaotic melee. One side in motley attire was already at a clear disadvantage, with many fallen to the ground. The other side was much larger in number, all dressed in black and with red cloth bands wrapped around their left arms. Lin Wanrong immediately spotted Dong Qingshan. The lad, strong as a bull, was dressed in black and held a heavy wooden stick in his hand. With a fierce swing, he struck down a smaller opponent.

Lin Wanrong took a deep breath, it was an ambush indeed. The rigorous training of the Hung Hing gang had finally come into play. Their two hundred or so men were clearly a notch above the adversaries and held a numerical advantage, swiftly breaking the enemy's formation.

What surprised him most was that he saw Little Luo in the attacking squad. The most capable fighters, Qingshan, Li Beidou, and another man, were protecting him. Little Luo held a wooden stick in his hand, his face flushed with excitement as he attacked anyone he saw.

Initially, Lin Wanrong had thought that a bookish person like Little Luo would be afraid of the sight of blood. But once on the battlefield, he seemed to enjoy the fight more than anyone else. Never underestimate human nature, Lin Wanrong thought to himself.

The other man protecting Little Luo, standing close to Luo Yuan, struck cleanly and efficiently, with no superfluous movements. Lin Wanrong watched in secret astonishment. When had the Hung Hing gang recruited such a skilled fighter?

Lin Wanrong had arrived somewhat late. The fight had already ended, with the Hung Hing gang emerging as the clear victors. Dong Qingshan, Luo Yuan, and Li Beidou, were ecstatic, hugging each other and shouting. However, the skilled fighter who had been protecting Little Luo took advantage of the chaos to slip away quietly.

Something's fishy, thought Lin Wanrong, and he discreetly followed the man. After a few twists and turns, the man entered a dark alley, glancing over his shoulder before disappearing into it.

Lin Wanrong, having no regard for the taboo of 'not chasing into alleys or entering forests,' quietly followed him in. He looked up and saw a small sedan parked in the alley, flanked on either side by several burly men in green.

The man who had helped Luo Yuan bowed before the sedan and reported, "My lord, the task has been completed."

A voice from the sedan asked, "Did Little Yuan and the others discover you?"

The man replied, "The young master has never seen me, so naturally he wouldn't recognize me. However, in my opinion, the young master seems very interested in this matter of fighting."

The person in the sedan chuckled, "This kid, despite studying literature, seems to have a penchant for fighting."

He leaned out from the sedan, revealing a chubby old man with a protruding belly. His face glowed with a red hue, and his smile squeezed his eyes into narrow slits, resembling a Maitreya Buddha. At first glance, he gave off the impression of a stereotypical corrupt official.

Damn, has this old man had plastic surgery? Otherwise, how could someone with his appearance have a daughter as beautiful as Luo Ning? It was as if a vile bamboo had given rise to a fine shoot. Lin Wanrong chuckled to himself, ‘You old fox, I've got you now.’

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