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Chapter 100 Perfume

Lin Wanrong said earnestly, "This is called a sanitary belt, used by women during their monthly periods." At the end of the 1980s, when sanitary pads had not yet become widespread, sanitary belts were the most commonly used feminine products in China.

As soon as he finished speaking, both Madam Xiao and her daughter blushed simultaneously. How could this Lin Wanrong dare to utter such words? Even women were embarrassed to bring up such filthy items, yet he spoke about them as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Seeing their flushed faces, Lin Wanrong felt a certain helplessness. This was basic menstrual hygiene knowledge. He, a man, had to explain these things to them. It wasn't that he wanted to, but that he was trying to help them.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the mother and daughter, knowing they would take some time to come to terms with it, Lin Wanrong shook his head, cleared his mind and said, "Madam, Miss, I am discussing business with you, much like a doctor treating a patient. Many matters need not be taboo."

Madam Xiao's face was as if on fire. Despite being a mature woman, hearing about menstruation still made her feel uncomfortable. She glared at Lin Wanrong but dared not say a word. Xiao Yuruo was even more mortified, her head almost touching the ground.

Seeing the beautiful mother and daughter too embarrassed to lift their heads, Lin Wanrong couldn't help but cough lightly, "Madam, Miss, if you don't want to hear about it, then I'll stop."

Xiao Yuruo blushed for a moment before finally lifting her head and saying, "You may continue."

‘Now that's more like it.’ Lin Wanrong smiled at Xiao Yuruo, nodded and said, "I don't need to explain this too explicitly. As long as Miss follows this model. As for what materials would be best and most comfortable, I think Miss would know better than I do."

Xiao Yuruo hummed in response, her face flushed but still glaring at Lin Wanrong, saying, "You're a truly incorrigible man."

Lin Wanrong sighed, "Miss, we are discussing business here, where does all this hesitation come from? I am just making suggestions based on the Xiao family's specific situation. There's no intention of disrespect. Consider that it takes some courage for a man like me to talk about these women's issues."

‘Damn it.’ Was it amusing to be looked down upon? He was genuinely trying to help them. He was a distinguished sales manager, yet here he was, designing and selling women's underwear and sanitary pads, and being guarded against by this mother-daughter duo as if he was a pervert. His grievances were beyond words.

After finishing his speech, Lin Wanrong felt a sudden wave of exhaustion. Truth be told, when he recommended these products to the women of the Xiao family, he did so purely from a business perspective, without a hint of lewd intentions. He was fully considering the matter from the Xiao family's point of view. Unfortunately, he overestimated the tolerance of women in this era, and that included strong women like Madam Xiao and her daughter.

In the face of the mother and daughter's wary gazes, he, though made of iron, was incomparably weary. Why was he enduring this? He let out a bitter laugh, heavily sank into a chair, and fell silent, giving the madam and her daughter ample time to ponder.

The impact house servant Lin Wanrong had on Madam Xiao and her daughter today was indeed enormous, not only visually but also psychologically.

Xiao Yuruo glanced at Lin Wanrong, thinking to herself how this wicked man had learned about these embarrassing items. He must have been up to no good in the past. He was truly incorrigible.

Of course, it couldn't be denied that the proposals Lin Wanrong made were quite tempting. Leaving aside the cheongsam and underwear, the final item, the sanitary belt, was a very practical item. It was suitable for the Xiao family business and could bring significant profits if done well.

She pondered for a while before saying, "Lin Wanrong, we can't rush into this matter. My mother and I need to discuss it further."

Lin Wanrong understood that asking them to accept these new items all at once was indeed a bit harsh, so he nodded and said, "Alright, Madam and Miss, you should consider this first. However, there is another even more profitable business venture. I wonder if Miss would be interested?"

"What business?" Xiao Yuruo was somewhat afraid of this house servant now. Who knew what kind of crazy ideas he could come up with?

"Miss, do you remember the fragrance you smelled in my room yesterday?"

"Of course, I remember. Lin Wanrong, you haven't told me where that fragrance came from."

Lin Wanrong took out a small glass bottle from his bosom. The bottle contained an unknown liquid that was faintly red. He uncorked the bottle, and a delicate fragrance began to permeate the air.

Xiao Yuruo and Lady Xiao took a deep breath. Unlike the overpowering, pungent smell of makeup, it had a cooling aroma. It was extremely delicate and pleasant, intoxicating.

Xiao Yuruo looked at the small bottle in surprise, "Lin Wanrong, what is this?"

Lin Wanrong smiled faintly, "Miss, this is a special kind of makeup water I made myself. It has a pleasant name: perfume. What you see now is rose perfume. There are also jasmine perfume, orchid perfume, and so on. The business I wish to discuss with you is about this perfume."

"Perfume?" Excitement flashed across the faces of Xiao Yuruo and Lady Xiao simultaneously. What was this perfume? If it truly had the magical power of the bottle in Lin Wanrong's hand, then the Xiao family's business was bound to flourish.

"Yes, perfume. I am the only one in the world who possesses the formula for this perfume. I believe Madam and Miss have already experienced its charm," Lin Wanrong said proudly.

"Then, Lin Wanrong, state your terms," Xiao Yuruo said, gritting her teeth.

Lin Wanrong didn't answer her question directly. Instead, he said, "Miss, as I mentioned earlier, once the cheongsam and underwear ideas are produced on a large scale, the profit is not to be underestimated. It just needs promotion. The same goes for this perfume. It requires a large amount of floral braids as raw materials. I hope that Madam and Miss can support me in setting up a perfume workshop. In return, I will grant the Xiao family the exclusive right to distribute this perfume. Thus, the integration of cheongsam, underwear, and perfume will give the Xiao family's business a powerful boost. I believe it would be hard for the Xiao family's business not to flourish."

Lin Wanrong had given this much thought. Though he had the technical knowledge, he lacked financial backing and a sales network, whereas the Xiao family had an extensive sales network, which would be very helpful for promoting the perfume. The combination of the two would be the right way forward.

Xiao Yuruo pondered for a while. The cheongsam and underwear business had already begun to entice people. With the addition of this perfume, the Xiao family indeed had a new opportunity.

She glanced at her mother. Madam Xiao nodded slightly, and Miss Xiao decisively said, "Alright, Lin Wanrong, I'll agree to your terms. The Xiao family will fund the perfume workshop and provide the raw materials. However, the exclusive rights must be solely operated by our Xiao family. We'll split the profits seventy-thirty, seventy for me, thirty for you."

'Damn, this young lady is even more cunning than me,' Lin Wanrong waved his hand and said, "Miss Xiao is indeed a shrewd businesswoman. Isn't your profit-sharing scheme a bit low? In my opinion, how about a sixty-forty split?"

"Sixty-forty? Lin Wanrong, your demands are excessive. Considering you've done a great favor for my Xiao family today, fine, I'll give in. Forty for you, sixty for me!" Miss Xiao said through gritted teeth, thinking to herself, 'This man is a complete swindler.'

"Not quite," Lin Wanrong, who had felt uneasy about the underwear deal, insisted on a larger share of the perfume profits: "Miss, you've misunderstood. I meant, sixty for me, forty for you."

"What? You—" Miss Xiao pointed at him in anger. She hadn't expected that this house servant would make such an outrageous demand, wanting more than half of the shares. She had never encountered such an audacious person in the business world.

"Is Miss unwilling to agree? Then we have no deal. I think there will be many people interested in this perfume." Lin Wanrong smiled faintly. He wasn't worried; the perfume was a lucrative opportunity. Xiao Yuruo was a shrewd woman; she wouldn't let this opportunity slip away. ‘I have the formula; what could you do to me?’

"Lin Wanrong, don't push your luck," Eldest Miss Xiao huffed. 'A mere servant, I have already shown you great respect by dealing with you, where do you get off making demands?'

"Miss, you've been in business for years. In business, profit is the priority. I strive for the greatest profit for myself, and you strive for the greatest profit for the Xiao family. There's nothing wrong with that, where is the excess?" Lin Wanrong retorted.

"In that case, Lin Wanrong, I'll make one more concession. Fifty-fifty profit sharing, half for each of us. That's my final offer. Otherwise, I'd rather not venture into the perfume business," she declared.

A glint flashed in Eldest Miss Xiao's eyes. She knew that although Lin Wanrong had the formula, it would take time for him to find a suitable partner, and he must certainly want to collaborate with the Xiao family. However, the idea of this servant getting half of the net profit merely by providing a perfume formula left her feeling dissatisfied, and she found herself despising him even more.

The perfume was a guaranteed success, one of a kind. Given Lin Wanrong's cunning business nature, even getting sixty percent of the profits would seem somewhat insufficient. Seeing Eldest Miss Xiao making some concessions, he thought to himself, 'Oh well, it's like doing a favor for that little girl Xiao Yushuang. Besides, the sales network belongs to the Xiao family, I shouldn't offend them too much.' So he agreed, "In that case, let's settle on this."

Xiao Yuruo glared at the smug servant. Remembering how he had brazenly climbed into her carriage earlier that day, she was infuriated. If not for his significant contribution to the Xiao family today, she would have had him thrown out long ago.

"We will take care of modifying the cheongsam and underwear, and you, Lin Wanrong, will handle the perfume," Xiao Yuruo said, grinding her teeth. Such an arrogant servant was indeed rare.

"No problem!" Lin Wanrong chuckled, "As for the rest of the manpower, I'll choose them from the Xiao household. I hope Miss will oblige." At this point, all Xiao Yuruo could do was nod in agreement.

Watching the audacious servant leave, Xiao Yuruo snorted in annoyance. After a long silence, Lady Xiao suddenly asked, "Yuruo, what's wrong with you today? You seem to be at odds with Lin Wanrong at every turn."

Lady Xiao was not overly bothered by Lin Wanrong's audacity. Talented people often behaved this way. Lin Wanrong was intelligent, well-connected, and full of talent. The fact that he was willing to serve as a servant in the Xiao family was already a favor. The idea of underwear and sanitary pads, although somewhat ahead of its time, was a great opportunity. As for the profit-sharing in the perfume business, it was a fair deal. Neither Lin Wanrong nor Yuruo had done anything wrong.

Such talent as Lin Wanrong's should be nurtured. Yushuang had also done a great service for the Xiao family. Thinking of Xiao Yushuang's affection for Lin Wanrong, Lady Xiao sighed internally. If Lin Wanrong were not a servant, he would indeed be a good match for Yushuang.

Xiao Yuruo didn't want her mother to know about the bad things Lin Wanrong had done to her. He was thoroughly wicked. However, a comment from Madam Xiao struck Xiao Yuruo, making her startle and wonder why she always lost her composure around him. It was indeed strange.

"Mother, what do you think of Lin Wanrong's ideas?" Xiao Yuruo, avoiding her mother's question, changed the subject.

"You’re the head of the household now, you are the one to make decisions," Madam Xiao smiled.

"The cheongsam and underwear may be bold ideas, but as he said, we are all women, and this business is worth exploring. After all, we are a mother and daughter alone in the Xiao family. We're not short of one more point of ridicule. If promoted properly, the profits are not to be underestimated. This Lin Wanrong does have some audacity in this matter." Without Lin Wanrong's misdeeds in front of her, Miss Xiao was truly astute.

"And not to mention the perfume. Given Lin Wanrong's cunning nature, if he had resources of his own, he certainly wouldn't cooperate with us. This conniving merchant!" Miss Xiao added, making Madam Xiao chuckle. Yuruo always seemed a little off-balance in front of Lin Wanrong, and who knew what commotion would ensue in the future.

"Indeed, Lin Wanrong is talented, Yuruo. You must not neglect him in the future," Lady Xiao advised.

"I understand, mother." For some reason, the annoying face of the servant floated before Eldest Miss Xiao's eyes again. She quickly shook her head, "This Lin Wanrong, he keeps claiming that these things are commonly used in his hometown. I wonder where his hometown actually is?"

"I once asked him, but he seemed unwilling to talk about it. As long as he is talented, it's enough. We don't need to worry about where he came from," Madam Xiao replied.

"He loves being mysterious," Eldest Miss Xiao snorted.

"By the way, mother, how should we modify the cheongsam and underwear?" Seeing two pieces of paper on the table nearby, Xiao Yuruo was reminded of the task at hand.

She picked up the papers, studying them carefully. The sketches were simple and rustic, outlined with a few strokes. The style, the ink, everything was unfamiliar to her.

Looking at the simple lines, a thought struck her. They looked familiar, as if she had seen them somewhere before. She slowly sank into contemplation.

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