Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 365: Just an Initial Perspective

Upon hearing the resounding "no's" from those around me, I reconsider my decision to track down the Vermillion Stripes and take them down alone.

I make sure with my scan, on whether this is the best approach.

Unsurprisingly, I find that, yes; they were already planning on ambushing me during this trip.

And if the opportunity is ripe, to kidnap one of my members. Using the attack on me as both a cover and a way to take out what they see as the reason they have lost everything in this city.

Compared with all the hidden things I’ve been having to find with scan, from handling mass amounts of information in the library’s jade slip to deciphering the secret machinations of higher realm cultivators, this level of planning from a group whose members are largely under Foundation Establishment is practically child’s play.

While they may have some hidden members that are much stronger, they won’t be in this city at this time. Especially since this isn’t the only city they have a presence in.

Even so, they’d still be at the lowest Foundation Establishment.

The Vermillion Stripes don’t dominate their areas by having high-quality men. They are all about huge amounts of very low-quality henchmen. In this case, I might have to fight around 1000 low, poor quality Qi Condensation cultivators.

Obviously, this would normally be a challenge even for someone at Wu Qing’s level, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. Though, I’m sure my napalm attack has already spread through information channels by this point.

Now, by attacking them first, I could remove the potential for something going wrong in their ambush, while eliminating everything they have in store. Furthermore, if I don't handle this, it may tempt them to venture into Gong's territory to locate me. Which would mean the discovery of the cultivator demi-humans.

Her security is virtually airtight, but I don’t even want to risk it.

But there is a point to be made about not going for them.  

If I let them come to me, without the others around, it will make them drop their guard. And going to them may make me run into the various groups that may be lurking around the city. While the possibility is low, there are things that could use the opportunity to sneak attack and incapacitate me.

My scan is stronger. I can tell that there are some powerful forces hiding within this city. Just beneath view. Considering my abilities and how both demonic and righteous sources could exploit them, it would certainly be enough to draw them out.

I can’t let my guard down.

To my surprise, it’s Ai who suggests the same thing that I was thinking.

“Why not just set a trap for them? They’re clearly targeting you, but I’ve seen some of the looks they’ve given us. We can stay a bit of a distance away with Gong and Jin Chin, ready to support, but away from the fight if you need to do something dangerous.”

He Wen throws in his two cents, as well.

“I’m still learning how to fight myself, but I’m here if you need me, Master James!”

Well… I did teach him how to make different types of bombs. So that’s not an empty offer. Though, I’d still like to avoid them revealing their own abilities.

Lin is the next to speak, but she brings up the elephant in the room.

“What about Matriarch… Big Sis Crane? Won't Matriarch… Big Sis Crane be annoyed that we won't be going to see her first, especially since she has been waiting for so long?”

She has a point there.

My mind soars through various possibilities and ways to make this all work together in a way that won’t screw us over in the end. Which is when the biggest key to everything gains my attention.

The little spider on my head waves its little arms and sends Gong’s thoughts over.

What if I invite Big Sis over to watch your battle with the Vermillion Stripes. She always complains about how boring things are around the city and that you ‘barely’ make the criteria of ‘something’.

“This could also be an excellent way to patch over how long it’s been since you should have been here.”

 At her last words, I flinch a bit.

While my scan has been telling me this whole time, that it would be okay to make Matriarch Crane wait all these weeks, that doesn’t mean there aren’t social ramifications to doing so. She is still a higher realm cultivator, who demands respect.

It is only through her benevolence and favoritism towards Gong and me that I have been able to stretch things this far, even if it was necessary.

But there is an extra benefit to come to see this, if things go extremely wrong…

Big Sis Crane will step in to save me or one of my groups. And of course, around here somewhere is Sister Nuan.

Giving me the answer I needed.

“Yeah! That seems like a good idea, but, if possible, let’s meet outside the base, then.”

Another burst of happiness comes through the connection, before I feel an affirmation. Leading me to quietly convey what we agreed upon to everyone else. Excitement ensues.

It’s not a typical thing for a Nascent Soul cultivator to take a positive interest in the battles of lower realm cultivators. And since they already know how strong I am and that Sister Nuan will be nearby, they know this should be a show for Matriarch (Big Sis) Crane.

Most importantly, this means that I can meet with Gong safely and without too much concern.

It seems that our anticipation won’t be short-lived, as I can sense her rushing from the base through her numerous underground tunnels. Her original speed was already incredibly fast, but with her now being a cultivator, she’s even faster than some peak Foundation Establishment experts who specialize in speed. And she’s already at the peak of Qi Condensation, all because of her and all the demi-human’s hard work preparing their bodies to start cultivation.

However, that’s still quite the distance to cover, so it’ll take her a few minutes.

To keep suspicions low, I keep us moving while positioning us close to the nearest tunnel exits.

It’s not long before even above ground we can hear the sound of rumbling approaching. The surrounding people continue to walk, as if this is a normal occurrence.

… just how many spiders does she have running around all the time to make people so casual about this?!

As suddenly as it started, it stops. Which is when I finally direct us to the nearest hole, to meet up. To make sure things stay safe in the carriages, only Ai, Lin, and I head into it. Leaving everyone else to protect our stuff and each other, while maintaining somewhat of the illusion that we are still there.

Which is when I finally see her again, in person.


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