Considering the assurances and warnings from Sister Nuan, I continue to have us move further down the path toward Monchon City. A now, surprisingly, peaceful trip.

Initially, everyone was tense, but as the second day went on, things calmed down enough for my reassurances that we were fine to be acknowledged.

Even so, I kept our trip speed somewhat variable, as my scan indicated it would help to avoid potential issues along the way. But that only made me realize another issue.

There are bandits all around Monchon City, surrounding the lands and with some patrolling the roads nearby. A big reason that I had us switch up our speeds to avoid issues.

But while I can avoid issues with them… others likely can not. Meaning that terrible things will and are happening to quite a few people.

There’s no way we have the time to hunt them all down.

Will this have to be something that I just ignore for now, to take care of later?

I take some time to consider my choices, only to realize a worrying, but easy option.

Jin Chin.

In all technicality, as a Core Formation, in the course of an hour, she can wipe out the bandits around here. Granted, there are a few Qi Condensation experts scattered around in these groups… but not only do they have trash methods, but terrible cultivation bases.

There aren’t any surprises in these groups.

What is concerning would be these three things:

  1. That the rest of us would be left alone here, while Jin Chin destroys the bandits.
  2. There are captives in many of these groups, who would need to be take care of.
  3. The question of her taking prisoners or letting certain people go.

In terms of the first issue… there really isn’t much risk.

Even with Jin Chin being gone, anyone who would attack us would get absolutely destroyed by Yalei, with her being High Foundation Establishment. Adding to that, the rest of us are pretty strong in our own rights. So, we only would need to worry about stronger groups that would target us, now that Jin Chin had left.

But after the situation with Sister Nuan, that isn’t likely.

In terms of the captives, transporting and healing them could be an issue. But I think I have an answer for that, stored in my space ring.

With a wave, I take out a concoction from a series I had made earlier in my journeys on Privilon.

The little Phoenix potion.

A potion that replaces tissue and speeds up healing, allowing it to create additional parts while the body restores itself in a better way.

The original version only worked for non-cultivating demi-humans because of the special way Qi interacts with their bodies, using the Qi to generate healing-based effects. For regular humans, it just speeds up healing, unless specially formulated.

However, that’s exactly what I did.

Considering all the qi I infused into the potion as I made it, it should have the same effects for cultivators up to peak qi condensation. Above that, though, it’ll just speed up their natural healing a bit with some additional recovery.

Certainly not a bad thing and better than nothing, but it isn’t the complete solution that it is for others.

After the first one comes out, I pull out a small bag from it with several other vials, all containing the concoction.

Since Jin Chin is going to be on the Trauma Team for the group, I’ve already put her through basic medical training, as well. Luckily, I already discussed the use of these concoctions with her before.

And the need to keep the use of it limited. Even if it is only for non-cultivators and qi condensation… it can be the difference between life and death for many. She’ll know what to do.

Not everyone in these bandit groups are evil people. Just people forced into a bad situation and choices by those around them.

This is the one that’s the actual problem.

I take a look over at her, almost subconsciously.

Even now, with her blazing red eyes and black hair, unforgiving looks and near permanent scowl, tells me all I need to know.

She’s going to kill everyone.

There might be one or two people that she might let go, but I’m pretty sure she’ll have no mercy. After all, that was how she operated back at her town. Only the people in cages will be treated and let go. Other than that, she doesn’t have the greatest track history for mercy. Not unless she’s already gotten to know them.

Though, in many ways, that’s better than most cultivators at her level. Many wouldn’t even care about those in cages.

Maybe… I shouldn’t worry about it too much.

After all, she’ll have to be the one to make the call. And she’ll be the one, however small of a chance it is, that would be in danger if something goes wrong.

Okay. I know what I want to do.

“Hey, Jin Chin? Would you be able to do a big favor for me?”

Those same unforgiving eyes turn toward me. But I notice them soften just a touch, as they land on mine. Her voice even softer, as she speaks.

“Yes, Master James?”

“Could you clear out the bandits surrounding the city ahead of us? I want to avoid any issues, while also making the area safer for others. It will also be good training for trauma team activities.”

Those slightly softened eyes turn hard again, near instantly.

“The ones within 500 kilometers of us, sure. Anything past that, I won’t do.”

There’s a hushed pause in our group. Fearlessly, she continues speaking.

“I came out here to protect you and to reassure the others victims that you are at least somewhat like the one we knew. While the latter is definitely still the case, the former I will prioritize. That will be difficult to do beyond that distance.”

…I always forget the human side.

Just because I know great solutions, doesn’t mean the people I want to do them will want to. And I could convince her on this, but at what cost to our relationship?

“…You’re right. Thanks, Jin Chin.”

A collective breath is released by everyone here.

She gives a small smile to me. One that shines even brighter because it happens so rarely.

“Okay. I’ll go take care of that now. Yalei, keep him safe for us, alright?”

Yalei turns toward her and gives a terse nod, as if it is obvious. She stills moves the smallest bit closer to me, though.

Jin Chin disappears from sight. Moving a speed faster than even my eyes can normally track, without my combat scan assisting. Considering the work ahead of her, she should be gone for almost a day.

All the while, we head closer and closer to the city, which we should reach within only half a day.  

An uneventful time for us, while exciting for her.

I only hope that my growing suspicions regarding the source of the bandits are not proven true.

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